
I'm not blind, I'm making things right

She nibbled at the apple slice in her fingers, glancing to the side of her bed to where Snowball was curled up, fast asleep.

He was so, so cute.

She smiled softly and squinted at him, curious how his stats may have changed.


Name: Snowball von Nevremia - Tiny Royal Cat (Kitten)

Sex: Male

Age: 4 months

Mood: Sleeping

Skill: Charming

Description: Adorable kitten of the empress, currently tiny, fuzzy, and fluffy. Currently sleeps 8-9 hours a day. Will become increasingly more affectionate. The higher his Affection (display not yet unlocked) increases, the more clingy he will be and the more he will like to cuddle and sit in laps and chests.]

She blinked. "Oh, your stat screen got bigger..."

She gently stroked his back.

The kitten wiggled his paws.

She smiled at him, and giggled a little at his tiny sleeping movements.

The door opened, admitting Lyov.