
I'm reborn as Rudeus Greyrat

This is a fanfic based on the world of Reincarnation of the Unemployed with Rudeus as an assassin. Not that it's better than the original Rudeus, but I enjoyed the world, its characters, and the story. In addition to Rudeus' basic plushies, the character will have a game system, but a more willful one than usual in this type of fanfiction. Yes, it's the type of system that has a mind of its own and often trolls the protagonist. But in the end, the system ends up on his side. This fanfic was banned, I tried to change some things maybe now it will be ok. and the story is at patreon.com/FanFictionPremium

FanFictionPremium · 漫画同人
37 Chs

Part 32

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It took only a few months for me to perfect almost all of my spells and to develop the technique of creating spirits along the way. The epitome of this art was my magical spirits. Artificially created magical beings, endowed with full intelligence, possessing a huge mana reserve, and capable of using most of the spells I had developed. In total, I have created twelve such familiars. Although, they have the same set of spells, but each Fey has its own preferences. Some are more powerful in combat and using attack magic. Others are more of a healer. I have placed them with my loved ones as guardians. One Fey became my constant and loyal companion. She was the only one of the spirits who had learnt not just to use ready-made spells, but to create her own. She had the spirit of a researcher in her and became something like my assistant in magical research. And then we went through the works of Rudeus from the future together.

But before that, I paid a visit to Shiron...

- Invasion!

- Protect the King!

- Stop him.

My anger has cooled since last time. But...

I came back here as a human form of disaster. And I knew that if I was too careful, I wouldn't be taken seriously. And so.

The Kingsguard who turned against me were subjected to a spell of disintegration.

My fingers snapped off barely discernible shocks of electricity that travelled through the bodies of the victims, and the bonds of their elemental particles were destroyed. Not the weakest mages and warriors turned to dust in a flash. And then the discharges danced their sinister dance across the floor of the royal hall, shattering the ancient stone. I have reduced King Shiron's castle to rubble. And the man who had been frightened to the point of extreme terror, and who had been saved only by my will in this nightmare, was now kneeling before me, dropping his crown.

- W-what... who are you? What do you want?

- My name is Rudeus Greyrat. Remember this warning. My beloved and my daughter were victims of a catastrophe and ended up in your kingdom. But your people did not help them, instead they threw them in a dungeon. And only because you did not think to kill them did I limit myself to this mild act of intimidation. You can thank your son Pax for that. This is your final warning. If any of your family ever threatens my loved ones again, I will destroy your entire kingdom. Do you understand me? I am a mage of the rank of a god. I can turn the entire land of your kingdom into boiling lava, destroy every city, turn this place into a lifeless desert for thousands of years! Remember this, you are only a king.

- I understand... I apologise, great one! I will not make the same mistake again!

And so, the situation with Shiron was resolved.

Some time later, I suddenly learnt that the king had executed his offspring. Well, not that I cared at that point, the episode was behind me. And I had new concerns and worries.

Cyrus returned to Fittoa and set about rebuilding his region. But he missed the defences of his home and soon enough, court intrigue played against him. Truth be told, things were not so simple here. The minister who was a member of the First Prince's faction, as well as Cyrus himself, acted against Cyrus in the first place. But even though they were allies to some extent, the minister would gain a great deal of political influence by eliminating his rival. The intrigue itself was joined by the aristocrats of the princess' faction. Everything was coming to a point where they could pin all responsibility for the disaster on the grandfather and simply execute him.


I'm sort of in league with the princess and can influence politics through her. Even though I've been in the reserve before.

However, after negotiating with the princess and grandfather, things came to an unexpected result.

- I admit my guilt. I'm guilty of being careless of a possible threat. And, I can no longer hold the title of head of House Boreas. - Cyrus has made a statement. - All that remains is for me to place the title and the fate of my house in the hands of an heir. Someone I have accepted into the family. Rudeus Greyrat!


As the husband of Eris, and as a Greyrat, I have become head of House Boreas.

Cyrus had fallen by the wayside, having lost most of his political influence to the bench. But, he still had some weight in society, it was just that that weight now played to the side of the Ariel faction.

And, in fact, the princess soon remembered our pact, she needed my loyalty. Attempts on her life became more frequent in the capital. The first prince's faction became particularly active and the princess asked for my protection. She even travelled to Fittoa for this purpose....

Yes, in fact, I myself had previously moved to my homeland. In doing so, using my magic and spirits, I also helped rebuild the region. In the process, I didn't even rebuild, but built a new fortress in Roa territory.

- Impressive. - Anemoi smiled faintly as she looked at the majestic black tower.

The only thing the tower lacked was a huge flaming eye, but I considered that too much of a plagiarism.

In any case, the princess moved to Fittoa, under my protection. Technically, to personally oversee the region's recovery. And, yes, there have indeed been several assassination attempts since. Except.

I'd just figured out a light refraction spell, basically an invisibility spell. With it, one of my Fey had no trouble sneaking into the minister's estate and punishing him. In fact, it was this man who was the organiser of most of the assassination attempts. And, as it turned out, he was the one who organised Eris's kidnapping as a child. The Minister had a small fetish for little girls of noble descent, whom he sometimes kidnaps and uses as sex slaves, and when they grow up, he gets rid of them.

But actually, apart from the Minister's death, the Fey had brought quite a few very valuable documents. Letters, receipts, securities. All of which could be used against the First Prince's faction. And all Ariel had to do was figure out exactly how to use it to her advantage.

In the meantime.

I dealt with Zenith's curse, which turned out not to be a curse at all, but a blessing.

She was given the ability to telepathise, like the Migurod. But her human body wasn't really suited to this ability, so her mind was always in a state of sleep. But in the future, it would be through one of my daughters that I would find a solution to this problem. Rory, my and Roxy's daughter, who inherited the gift of telepathy from her ancestors, was able to communicate with Zenith from childhood. And, because of that, I had found the key to healing Mother. Now all that was left was to recreate the right system of spells.

And, after a while, the magic changed Zenith's body slightly, helping her adjust to the new power. Until finally...

- Rudy... - She whispered somewhat distantly.

- Mum.

Her heart felt like it was being squeezed in a vise. But it wasn't bitterness, I was just too excited. And happy.

- Rudy..." The girl's voice was coming back to life.

- Mum!

I couldn't stand it any longer, so I just hugged her, pressing my nose into her soft golden hair. And I felt Zenith sob. She hugged me back and just burst into tears.

It was a happy moment in my life.

And then Zenith was a bit taken aback when I introduced her to my first wife and brides, deciding not to hide that little detail anymore. By that point, by the way, I did get Gilen! Hell yes! As the head of House Boreas, I was now her new master. Although, neither Cyrus nor Phillip had anything but a business relationship with her. But I was pretty insistent on getting that pussy into bed. I also made her wear a maid's outfit, even though I had to raise her pay for it. But, what a thrill to admire a hot pussy in a maid's uniform, who also serves you in bed!

Afterwards, I fulfilled my promise to Roxy. I mean, I went on an adventure with her.

More specifically... first, I married her officially. We even celebrated in our family circle. And I have to say, she was absolutely beautiful in her wedding dress. I just couldn't let the moment pass without enjoying her in it. And afterwards, our honeymoon was an adventure. Although there is no such tradition here, but it can be considered that it was a honeymoon, most of which we spent in dungeons. Then, Eris also joined our adventure and wanted to have an adventure as well.

And, then she suddenly realised that she lacked a lot of skills.

The girl decided to start training with redoubled vigour. After a while, Gilen offered to take Eris to the Land of Swords, where she could fulfil her potential. So we parted ways for a few years, during which time the girl did nothing but train. In the meantime, she blossomed and when my first wife returned, she was no longer a girl, but a young beauty with a gorgeous figure. And she also learnt to write and became much worse at reading, having lost those skills. But most importantly, she spent almost all of puberty sublimating her carnal desire into physical training.

And when we met again.

- Rudy... do you like me? - She asked in a slightly hoarse voice.

- What... yes... god, Eris, you've become so beautiful....

- You have a daughter... from Lilia... I want a baby too... now.....

Eris just clutched at my clothes with her hands. Her eyes were blazing with a kind of wildness. She went completely feral and, after that, the swordswoman just pounced on me! Heck, even Gilen wasn't like that... Eris was just an animal!

But, after a few weeks, when I got used to it and stopped trying to escape from the feral maniac.....

I managed to subdue her in bed.

And that was the taming that the system credited with putting Eris on the team!

And then Rory was born. I mean, me and Roxy's daughter. Then there was Hildy, Eris' daughter. And I think the swordswoman was a little disappointed, she wanted a boy. And after that, by the way, Sylphie grew up. My gentle elf and loyal dark servant. She became my second assistant in magical research. And after another year she gave birth to a lovely baby girl, whom we named Lily. An adorable little girl with elf ears and blonde hair, just like I had before I teleported to the demonic continent.

Yeah, it was a pretty happy time in my life.

That family idyll was disturbed a bit by intrigue when the Notos family decided to oppose my house. It seems Luke has become the apostle of Hitogami. And he tried to kidnap Eris, which ended very badly for the guy, the young knight completely lost his head.

This could have worsened our relationship with Ariel, because Luke had been her close friend since childhood.....

But, unexpectedly, it led to me having to comfort the princess... and she became a bit of a lover of mine. This immediately reminded me of Orsted's words. And, at the same time, I summoned Kishirika again. Though I had almost forgotten about her. As it turned out, in the intervening time, the Demon Empress had been in trouble again and was in a cage, starved for almost a year.

Yes... Kishirika could do quite well for a year without food. In fact, her body had a slightly different metabolism and special magical properties. And that's why she was a lol, by the way, even though she had been reborn three hundred years ago. After understanding the properties of her body, I came to the conclusion that in order to become a teenage girl from a loli, she would need about four thousand more years. But the demonic battle king remained only her fiancé for thousands of years not because of that. As it turned out, it wasn't that they were lovers at all, more like childhood friends. And betrothed to them by an old lord, now deceased. In any case, Badigadi wasn't particularly opposed to giving Kishirika to me, it was only necessary to defeat him in battle. Not to prove his strength and right to his mate, but simply because he loves battles and would have arranged a duel anyway.

Well the empress...

I have to admit, I didn't fall in love with her directly, but she was simply charming. And I didn't want to let her go when I could have her all to myself.

And by the way, she fulfilled her long-standing promise and gave me a magical eye. Specifically, a farsighted eye that allowed me to see almost any distance. With it, I could control my spells over simply vast areas. I could literally create lightning on the other side of the world and strike a target!

And Kishirika herself... was surprisingly happy with my proposal and immediately, without any conditions or questions, agreed to become my wife. Only a few weeks later, she remembered her former fiancé and gave up. I promised to help her grow up faster with magic.

Then King Asura died and a new branch of court intrigue began.

But, then I became more active and actually openly and vocally supported Ariel and put her on the throne. This was due to only two factors. Firstly, by this point, I had already become known as the strongest warlock in the entire world. The one who defeated the god of battles and then Orsted himself. Actually, it was the dragon-god's idea to increase my influence in the world with a showdown in which I defeat him. After all, it was through me that he could act in the first place. And it was even more profitable for him than it was for me.

And the second reason is that Ariel and I announced our engagement.

And it's not that the nobles were so eager to support the god of magic in the fight for the throne, but they didn't want to go against the strongest wizard in the world. However, a few influential nobles still had to suddenly die of illnesses. And then they found themselves healed and moved into the princess' faction. Or rather, they had already joined my faction.

I was not yet twenty when I became the king of Asura.

And, at the same time, Ostred brought me a strange girl who turned out to be a true fallen girl! She was the epicentre of the magical disaster. Nanahoshi, a schoolgirl from Japan, had been summoned to this world, but the Six-Faced World itself was desperately resisting it, which resulted in the disaster of teleportation. Now the girl was looking for a way home without a drop of magic and was learning the magic of summoning.

Nda, without a drop of mana in her body, she had become a first-class magic researcher, which was surprising. On top of that, she turned out to be excellently educated in many questions I hadn't even wondered about. How to use the knowledge of our homeworld to develop progress in it. I was too caught up in magic.

And, as the years passed.

The kingdom gradually developed. I developed the science of magic as well. I created an entire school to create special magical golems, which became the Asura's new main military force. And a solid foundation for future confrontations. Many things have evolved in my kingdom. And much of what Orsted prophesised has come true.

But, did he keep silent about it... or was it never meant to be... at all....

- Mmm. Roxy.

My lovely wife paid me another night visit. Sylphie had grown up, though as an elf, she would still look like a young maiden for hundreds of years to come. Eris had become a gorgeous beauty. Ariel was a fine young wife. Only Kishirika was quite a lolay, even with magic her body grew slowly. And she was still growing to Roxy's level. So I recognised my loli wizard right away. And then there was her beautiful blue hair. Even though it was dark, I recognised her by touch. Although, this time Roxy was quite timid, I directly remembered our first nights and the feeling of tenderness and love just overwhelmed me.

And then...

- I love you... daddy... - She whispered in Rory's voice.


The upcoming battle with the forces of darkness and the god of men... it was all nonsense.

It was at that moment that I realised that I had been seduced by Rory... and I had fucked my daughter....

I mistook her for my mother.

Although, afterwards I did fumble... umm, that Rory was still somewhat smaller than Roxy.

And then my other daughters wanted the same thing...

And especially Aisha.

- Daddy, that's not fair! I love my daddy more than anyone!

I just couldn't resist her. And the line of no return was already crossed.

Achievement "Craster's Way"

You have molested your young beautiful sweet daughters!

Reward: Genetic enhancement, at least for a few dozen more generations you don't have to fear incest.


The system was still the same as before. Although, we did meet again in that white space. This nice girl decided to introduce herself. And gave me a special assignment to go out with her. And I took it upon myself to spank her for all the teasing she did! But still, our relationship remained the same. Except now she comes to me in my dreams sometimes.

And by the way.

In the end, I didn't even have to do anything to defeat Hitogami. My children did it. And it was almost a hundred years after I made an alliance with Orstead. Although, by that time I had already perfected many healing practices that allowed me to roll back my age to youth indefinitely. So I was not at all destined to die surrounded by my young, long-lived wives.

Well, in no small measure, it was a happy ending.

Now that Hitogami was defeated, I wondered why I needed thousands of concubines. And what would I do with them? Well, there are some special favourites among them, but most of them I took just to tick the box, for the sake of increasing strength. Although, I had to sleep with each of them for credit, which I don't regret at all, of course.

Well, at least you can give them a chance to just break up and build their normal families.

The only thing I didn't expect was that most of the concubines just categorically don't want to lose this status....

But anyway, that's another story, that I can tell you about if you subscribe:
