
I'm Not a Saint but Not a Villainess Either

Being poisoned and then reborn in my favourite otome game as no one other than the damned villainess who gave such a hard time the male lead and the heroine. To not live in the shadow of the villainess made a deal with the king of the Esuzuria Kingdom, the father of one of the capture targets, the prince. ... After an accidental meeting, everything began to take another course. Everything changed. The heroine changed. Lia: I am trying to be a nice person to you, but my mouth just won't cooperate. The heroine: What??!! The male lead: You think that you can pet my head and then not take responsibility. Lia: What? That was when we were kids. Grow up! The male lead: Oh, I have grown quite a bit over the years. Do you want to make sure and see how much I have grown?*smirk Lia: ...*Flush *Cover is not mine. Credit goes to their rightful owner.

Babybear · 奇幻言情
18 Chs

I'm going to marry big brother Niel

"Lady Allia, do you know I have a son?"

At that moment you could hear gasps from the people around and the whispers began once again. Although it looked like nothing but a harmless question, the nobles knew better.

At that moment Lia's perfect smile was beginning to break and her brows to furrow. All of the sudden before Lia appeared her father, the duke, and her mother. Her brother, Niel, held her hand and gave her a reassuring smile before turning to look at the king with a cold look in his eyes.

The king who had witnessed everything, couldn't help but be shocked in a good way. He was amused. His life long friend was really a slave for his daughter.

"What's wrong Oliver, Jannette? Did you want to say something?" the king asked obviously having fun with the situation that was created. At the side, the queen couldn't help but shake her head at her husband's childish behavior. 'He really has been too cooped up in the palace' she thought as she looked at the couple before her with a sorry look on her face. There really was no stopping her husband when he was having fun.

"Forgive us, Your majesty. We have committed a grave sin!" The duke said with a chilling and fierce look on his face. That really wasn't the look of someone who was asking for forgiveness and wanted to be forgiven.

"Oh yeah, please do tell," The king said with a smile on his face. As expected he really has a lot of fun whenever his friend is there.

"Your majesty, as our daughter is still a child, we believe we have spoiled her so much that she wouldn't show proper respect to people around her age." Her mother the duchess continued, earning a surprised look from everyone in the room. It was obvious they didn't believe her after they had seen her talk like that to Their majesties. If that child wasn't mature they didn't know who was.

The king:"…"

The queen:"…"

The people:"…"


And there was Lia who had an expression that screamed 'What kind of a lame excuse was that? Couldn't you come up with a better one?' Her brother on the other was looking at his parents with sparkling eyes and nodding at their words. Earning another look from Lia that said "What are you so proud of? Is that excuse really so great, but it's just me who can't comprehend it, or are you just stupid?'

'Well, at least they are trying.' Lia thought and pressed her lips together and shaking her head in disbelief.

The king who was watching her carefully began laughing Lively. Sounding genuine.

"You really don't sound very convincing, seeing as how your own daughter thinks that they are not very good reasons," The king said trying to compose himself and stop laughing.

The duke and duchess turned around to see Lia, when they heard the king mention her, only to be faced with a blank expression from Lia. She looked like she had nothing to say. She was most certainly speechless.

"Well, Lady Allia, what do you say?" The king asked stopping the duke from arguing back and stopping him from continuing to talk to her.

When Lia heard the king ask her a question she decided to use the king's words against him and said innocently:" Your majesty said that he wanted a daughter like me, does that mean that your son will be my brother." Earning a surprised look from everyone in the room. 'Well, what did you expect. I am just a child after all.' She thought with a blinding smile on her face.

The king who was surprised by her answer then asked his attendant to bring his son there and then said to Lia with a smile on his face "Well I don't know about a brother, but…" when he suddenly was interrupted by the duke "Your majesty, the prince is here" He said with a chilling smile on his face. Ah, he really wanted to wipe that smug of the king's face.

"Greetings to his royal highness. May God's blessings be with you!" The duchess continued.

When Lia heard that the prince was there she was possessed by a weird sensation and her hands began to shake. Ah, she really hated herself right now. To think that she would feel like this the moment she would meet him. Then she turned and saw a child with light brown hair and big green eyes that shone innocently as he looked at the duchess flustered when she greeted him. He really looked like the king, but the younger and innocent version. ' I forgot, he is still a child right now. It's fine as long as I get out of here without an engagement.' Lia thought calmly and then smiled sweetly as she greeted him while Bowing down with her brother. "Greetings to his royal highness. May God's blessings be with you!" They said simultaneously, then raising their heads with smiles on their faces, each one signifying something totally different from the other.

"Hello!" The prince said awkwardly as he looked at the kids before him, blushing furiously when he looked at Lia and hiding behind the queen's dress when he made eye contact with Niel.

As they saw the kids' exchange, the king was the first to speak. "So, lady Allia, I was wondering what you think about my relationship with the queen." The king asked with a huge grin on his face. 'Now that's one way to go at it. Round and about with a 4-year-old' Lia thought.

"Well, mother always praised your majesties about being a model couple, that makes people jealous of." Lia went with a safe answer.

"Is that so? Janette said that huh?" The king asked amused. And then continued "Do you know how we met?"

"No, your majesty. I'm afraid mother didn't say anything about it." Lia said giving a respectful answer. 'How am supposed to know that. The game was about your son and his heroine, not about you dear king. Not that I would mind if it was about you. You do have quite the looks.' Lia thought while pouting that made the people think that she was sad that she didn't know about the story of the king and queen.

"We were introduced by our parents to each other." The king said still smiling. It didn't need a lot of thinking to understand what the king was trying to say. Everyone understood and Lia was no exception, but there was no way that she was going to let the king do whatever he wanted to, even if she had to destroy the image that she had worked hard to create and say something embarrassing. Ah, her 'mature young girl' image was going to ruins after this.

"Eh, really?" Lia said. Her eyes wide opened expressing her surprise. "I was introduced to brother Niel by mother and father. Does that mean that I'm going to marry big brother Niel?" She asked innocently while blinking her eyes cutely and tilting her head to the side.

Well, that was one thing that the king did not expect her to say. In fact, no one did. The duke and the duchess were looking at her daughter lovingly and were giving the king a smirk.

"No that's not quite what I meant, Lady Allia." The king said

"What do you mean your majesty, that's what you said. I really admire Your majesties so I really want to be like you. I am going to marry big brother Niel." Lia said and then hooked her arm with her brother's tightly and burying her head in his chest. Earning a surprised look from everyone. As surprised as they were, Lia's parents couldn't hide their smile and gave a look to the king that said' You hear that, didn't you? Give up already.'

The king who understood them quite well said never losing his smile "Well, I guess there is always next time."