
Chapter 6: Kissed or Missed

Warren's POV

I can't believe I'm riding Rich car.

We're on our way to the university right now.

Urgh!! My head is aching.

I wanted to stay away from her but it looks like, she enjoys bumping herself to me a lot.

Regardless, if its her body itself or by her car.

And now this?

I don't know who to blame it to anymore.

My brain will explode because of what's been happening right now.

All I want is just a peaceful life and environment in that university.

Is that really way too impossible to achieve?

Am I contributing in making it more impossible to happen?

Yes..I know....I overdid it. I teased her so much. I exceeded my boundaries.

And I am now asking myself.....

Am I worried about her?

I guess I do.

Rich is now lying in my lap.


So frankly, I don't have much choice. She passed out before my lip landed to hers.

So it did MISSED again.

Should I be thankful to her in way?

If she didn't passed out...I probably had kis....

It will be worse, compared to the situation that I'm already in right now.

That's why I was obliged to take her to our school's infirmary by her car. I can't leave her like that.

Its all my fault..

I, myself don't understand why, when I'm looking at her eyes....

I'm getting weak.

I can't think straight..

I'm getting a strong feeling and urge to protect her, to take good care of her and lastly kiss her.

I couldn't helped but be fooled whenever she's around.

But if you'll asked me the reason behind all of this foolishness?

That.. I don't know yet...

I shook my head.

Whatever it is.... I have to throw it away.

I don't want to figure it out.

I don't have plans of identifying or discovering it..

This is the first time.....

.....in my whole life.

And I'm not happy with it....


I can't entertain this feeling.

Sooner or later this will become my weakness and I can't let that happened.

I can't have one.

I bowed my head down and looked at her.

She's still unconscious.

I tacked the misplaced hair at the back of her ears.

She twitched for a bit.

You can't be my weakness..

Stupid ass.

She's like sleeping peacefully.

I hate you..

I have to....

I noticed her eye bags and its a bit swollen.

She might've been crying all night because of what I did.

Poor girl....

My heart felt a sudden ache.

And again I can't understand why.


This is all new to me and it's been 2 days. What the hell am I feeling right now?

She's been introducing me to a lot of feelings since the first time we saw each other.

From hatred....

To unexplained feelings...

She moved again and her face turned to my direction.

I thought she was awake. But she hasn't move again since then.

"We're almost there sir." I heard her driver said.

I just nodded.

We're almost there.

I turned my head to her again.

I brushed my fingers to her shiny soft cheeks.

I can't help it.

Then to her nose.. next is her...

Darn! Asshole!

I scolded myself.

I have to stop...

So I lifted her head and positioned my lap away from her.

I can't continue this. Its disturbing every tiny nerves in my body.

I was about to rest her head on the car seat instead, but I got stunned when her arms all of sudden embraced me and won't let go.

Is she awake already?

Pretending game again?


I was about to check on her but the car stopped and her driver opened the door after a couple of seconds.

He gave me signal to carry her all the way to the clinic.

I want to protest, but I saw her driver's worried face.


So I guess, I still have my soft part deep inside. He's already old and looks weak though. He might not have a clear vision too so I can't let him carry her all the way in.

I sighed.

Again, this leaves me with no choice.

So I did it.

Even her weight is also deceiving. She's thin but quite heavy for a lady.

I lifted her head and I rested it on my chest, her back on my arms and her two legs on the other.

I somehow felt she's sniffing my scent but it might be just imagination.

She's still unconscious as I can see.

I carried her all the way to the clinic and students, of course were all shocked and surprised with the scene I'm making myself.

I heard whispers, curse, swear, regrets and a lot more. Which I don't want to think of anymore to be honest.

Center of attention

I always avoid to become one but always get myself into.


Who wouldn't be surprise?

Yesterday was all about arguments and hatred.

And now....

I'm like her knight and shining armour carrying her in my arms like a princess.

What the hell??!!

I want to vomit. Seriously?!

I'm not a fan of fairy tale stories. That sucks!

Well, whatever!

I don't need to explain myself to anyone anyway.

They can think whatever they want.

But now I'm heading my way to this three familiar faces.

Gazing at me with shock on their faces.


Want to carry her instead.

They were her friends as far as I can remember.

But instead of asking her condition like a normal friend would do, they just stood there and stared at us.


Seriously, you call them friends?

Useless friends that is.

I sighed.

I'm almost there.

Hang on Warren.. Hang on....

I just continued walking...

When I reached the clinic I immediately dropped her off the bed and of course I felt numbness all over my arms.

Its been a long ride.

I explained the nurse what happened and immediately went outside.

I'll be late on our first game if I will not hurry.


I'll check on her again later. After the game.

I have to be held accountable for what happened to her.

But once she's better, I'll have to stay away from her again.

It's the fucking second day only.

And yet, it feels like hell already.

I honestly wanted to back out and start all over again in another school.

But I can't..

I can't quit.... Now that my dreams are already attainable.

After all this mess are cleaned I'll make sure this will never happen..

I'll throw whatever I'm feeling...

And forget everything.....


Althea's POV

"Did you see that Althea?" Donna asked with a glee on voice.

"What???" I answered back. Annoyance is obvious on my tone.

"Accept defeat already girl. With Rich everything is possible." Andrea added.

"Oh yeah?! he was just carrying her. For pete sake! That's not our basis with falling deeply in love." I humored.

"But I admit that's a good start for a no brainer like her. I didn't expect that." I added.

"Whatever! Just apologize to Rich so you can cancel that bet." Donna said while sitting on the bench.

Andrea and I did the same thing.

"Oh come on! That's no good. I haven't done anything yet to stop her. I just allowed to make the first move." I cited.

"Just watch closely and see how I turn this game onto my advantage." I gave them a sly smile.

"Your hopeless! Just don't blame us when everything backfired on you." Andrea warned.

"Relax girls, relax! I can handle everything myself." They both rolled their eyes and ignored what I said. I, on the other hand focused on the basketball practice game.

I don't want to missed it..


First, my twin brother June is one of the players.

Second, my crush Hanzel Robertson is a player too. He's my brother's bestfriend since we were kids.

Their team have been the reigning champion for 2 consecutive years now. And they were so confident that they will get the championship title again even for next upcoming years.

That's how strong and competitive their team was.

My twin brother June is their team's captain ball. He hates losing and his ego is bigger than him.

They said, twins likes and dislikes are the same. They are almost identical.

For some twins probably. But not us.

We look alike of course, but aside from that, we're completely opposite.

In fact, we fought a lot..

Because of who?

Can you guess?

Its because of that filthy witch Rich Hemsworth. His fucking crush.

Gross isn't it?

He was all happy for her when she took away the crown from me.

Can you imagine my own brother is against me?

She stole everything, even my twin brother away from me.

But soon I'd be able to show my brother how cheeky, ugly and whore that Rich is.

In my own time and way.

Donna and Andrea has their own crushes too but their playing against my brother and Hanzel's team.

"Look over there!" A guy from my brother's basketball team pointed at us.

All three of us waved our hands and they waved back at us.

My brother dashed over to us just to say "hi." Looking at our back, as if someone was hiding in there.

Your guess is right.

He's looking for Rich of course and I wanted to kick his face right there and then.


"Just the three of you?" He asked in a disappointed tone.

"Look.. I'm here because I want to support you bastard! So stop looking for someone that isn't here! Be contented with your sister?! I'm furious.

I was about to smack his head, when Hanzel came out all of a sudden.

"Hi guys. Thanks for watching our game. This will energize us more." He said looking at me. Only.

O... M... G!.. I blushed.

"So you came here to support me huh? What a liar?" June teased and I blushed again.

"Oh shut up lover boy! Why don't you just go there and give me some fantastic hoops instead." I crossed my arms in front of my chest.

"You bet! But its not for you. It's for Rich! You got it??" He said while running back to court. Tapping his butt several times.

What a bratt!?

We all laughed at him.

"Speaking of Rich, where is she?" Hanzel asked curiously.

Donna was about to answer but I immediately cut her off and glared at her. Enough to shut her up.

Don't you dare let them know that I didn't tell her on purpose!

"She's flirting with some random guys somewhere again. You know! Right girls?" I asked the 2 of them with a glare.

They just nodded but looked away.

"Oh?" Hanzel nodded while holding his chin.

"Hanzel! Come over here! The game was about to start." Called by my brother.

He waved at us then went to the court.

After 30 minutes....

The game finally started....

But we were stunned, when we saw a familiar figure playing against my brother's team.

That's...that's Warren Wilson right??

I pointed at him and looked at the two ladies sitting right next to me.

And they both nodded to confirm.

What the..?


What the hell is he doing here?

This guy is all over the place. We just saw him carrying Rich.

But no., I can't think of him right now.. I have a brother and future boyfriend to cheer for....

And all three of us cheered with glee for them in unison.

We even elbowed each other whenever each team scored against each opponent.

And Warren... He's doing really awesome...

Most of the points came from him alone...


He's like superman who can jump and shoot the ball whatever position he wants to.

And my brother is starting to get pissed because of him.

June can't get much points because Warren is guarding him.

Not that I doubt my brother's skills but Warren is really doing a great job.

While watching them playing and snatching the ball from each other. I just realized something...

Yeah! Why not?!

Perfect! Indeed.

Nice plan Althea. This will be fun!

I contemplated my plan inside my head and returned my focus back to the game.

I watched and supported them the whole time but unfortunately...

It ended in a bad way.

Our team held as the loser and June was so frustrated. This is the first time he was defeated.

Which I can use to my advantage.

For the mean time, I have to sympathized with him.

Donna and Althea are too busy flirting with their crushes.

Celebrating for their win, they were all giving Warren a tap on his shoulder for doing a nice job.

"Fuck! I really hate this. Damn!" He scorned.

"Relax bro. We'll defeat them the next time are team encounters." Hanzel was trying to calm my brother.

"No!!!! I got humiliated by that bastard number 11.. He dared to made me look stupid huh?" June said while gripping his fist.

"I heard he's also Rich's new apple of the eye." I interjected.

"Are you fucking kidding me Althea?" My brother shouted.

Now he's mad. Really mad.

"Nope. That's the truth. They're dating. That might be the reason why he was so eager to humiliate you. To show Rich that your a no good gang leader." I teased him even more.

I want to give myself three slow claps right now.

My brother is so furious right now.

I'm truly enjoying this game.

"Is that so? So for him I'm a no good punk. Is he tired of living already? For sure he is. Taking everything that matters to me? Who do you think you are fucker?" He was about to lunged at Warren but Hanzel stop him.

"Not now buddy. Teachers are here. They're our committee board remember. You can't be so reckless. We have all our time to get even. But atleast not now." Hanzel is looking at June's eye intently without blinking.

"Fine. If its not because of you, I'm gonna beat this joker until he dies." He said while Hanzel was holding his arms away from the scene.

"Come on! Lets go Althea." Hanzel called me while walking away from the court.

"Yeah! I'm coming. Andrea and Donna let's go!" I irritably called them.

This is not the end yet Rich.

I'm just starting...