Our main character is reincarnated into a Breath of the Wild/ Tears of the Kingdom mashup—lots of progressive strengthening of MC, possibly a sprinkle of r18 / romance. I can guarantee the story will get better as my writing skills improve. I am also going back and updating older chapters. I encourage all readers to give the first ten chapters a try!
"Your WHAT?"
I stop paying attention to Riju as Floofy launches himself at me, bringing me to the ground in a massive hug. He has grown a lot since I was away and is now up to my shoulders in height.
Licks barrage me as I rub the big boys' ears, and out of the corner of my eye, I spot Riju backing away.
While still hugging Floofys lustrous coat, I ask her, "What's wrong?"
"I don't like dogs."
Floofy turns to her with a low growl humming in his chest.
"Well, I don't think he like you either."
"You know, this guy is the reason we got saved. I can tell he followed my scent here and alerted the military, so you better be thankful. But, you two will get friendly with each other because you will be riding him from now on."
Floofy and Riju both turn to me, looking like they want to disagree, but I am firm and lift Riju onto Floofys soft back. With her injury, we will be very slow if it wasn't for Floofy.
Riju looks very uncomfortable atop my large dog and asks, "Ugh, where did you find this thing? I've never seen anything like it."
Floofy gives her a little buck while I explain, "Found him in the woods. We've been family ever since."
Having my dog by my side feels so much better. Like a blanket of security was draped over me, and for the first time in months, a smile blooms on my face as our new trio starts walking.
We plan to take the backroads of the desert around the now retreating Gerudo army, just to be safe, until we get to Kara Kara Brazar.
Throughout our hike, the conversation turns, and Riju says, "Hey, can I ask you some questions."
"Hm. Fine, we can trade. I answer a question; you answer a question."
Riju seems OK with this idea and says, "Sure, I'll go first. What's that crazy whip you used in the fight with the blade master?"
"It's The Throngler. I made it. I like it. What can you tell me about Princess Zelda and Link?"
"That's a terrible answer, but whatever."
"Well, Zelda is next in line for the throne, but she feels she isn't ready for that responsibility and instead focuses on her research. Link stays with her as a bodyguard but occasionally aids in military operations and sometimes gets up to some shenanigans. Currently, the central Hylian government is mainly run by the military, royal court, and the four nations council."
"My turn; those golden firesticks were so cool. What are they? How'd you make them? Can I have one?"
"That's three questions. They are called guns, which are like tiny little bows that shoot small arrows. You could have one, but before that, how would you feel about leading a new branch of my company?"
"Now, THAT sounds like a good use of my exceptional leadership abilities and all-around awesomeness!"
"Hey, eternal servants are humble."
With a playful grin, Riju replies, "Oh, shove a Lizalthos tail up your ass."
"Woah, chill, you know what? You're going in time out."
To discipline my disrespectful servant, I stasis Riju, freezing her on Floofys back.
When I can't hold her anymore, I release the stasis, and Riju explodes in anger,
"Riju, you really gotta work on this loyal servant thing."
"Go bite a fire fruit," the princess growls, crossing her arms. "Hey, was that stasis?"
"Yep, but it's super secret, so keep it on the down low."
"How much don't I know about you, Arjon? All the shiekah slates stopped functioning after Calamity Gannon was defeated. How are you using stasis?"
I don't reply to her question and quickly change the subject. The rest of the day consists of Riju and me chatting while staying out of sight of the retreating Gerudo army.
Riju POV
Every time I think that I have got Arjon figured out, he surprises me. In my tutoring for the position of Chief, I learned to read people. To rule, one has to be a bit manipulative.
But when I look into Arjons eyes, they are so deep, I feel like I couldn't understand them if I studied them for hours.
I can't get him out of my head. During the last few months with him, I feel like I've learned more than in all the years of my life. He's easy to talk to, but sometimes, I just want to hug and comfort him in a big fluffy bed.
But I can't do that. He is too dangerous.
His fight with the blade master was totally out of my league. His sheer power and strength were on par with some of the top Gerudo generals, who are all at least fifty years old.
When I saw his glowing tattoos and eyes while he was perched on that spire, looking down on me... I felt powerless.
And when I saw that hair and attacked him, well, he could have killed me in an instant.
But he didn't, and instead selfishly made me become his servant.
So annoying.
I don't think it will be bad, being his companion.
He is very handsome.
I really gotta take a shit.
End of POV