
I'm his baby maker

Misty Eria Smith, was born in a poor family together with her mother whose very ill because of cancer,Her mother was diagnosed with cancer the last time they go to hospital. After that Eria think of what way she could earn money for her mother to be operated as soon as possible. Eria, is a graduating student even though they're poor, her mother raised her very well that makes her good-looking and eye catching to everyones eyes and also a very talented and kind daughter and also as a friend. Ever since she learned that her mother is ill, she decided to find job. Job that might bring her to that man. Elijah Grey, a business tycoon whose cold and distant to everyone, A one of a billionaire and also a sex addict only to Misty Eria since he met her once.He never take off his eyes of her thinking that Eria is his "ALL HIS" .

Leigh_Xian · 都市
3 Chs

Chapter 1: First Meeting

Doctor, is my mother okay? Eria asked the doctor, based on the doctors action she knew, she had to hear what will doctor says about her mother's condition. They are In the because of her mother who collapsed while I working tiringly all day. The doctor faintly smile at her before she speaks to Eria "Your mother is suffering from Cancer, she have to be operated as soon as possible." Eria, can't move after hearing what the doctor just told her, before leaving. She sit at the chair beside the wall and think what she's going to do and where she's going to find money to pay for her mother's operation? she stay stilled there and cry for half an hour before she go inside and check on her mother whose peacefully asleep in her hospital gown. Eria's tears slowly rolled down to her cheeks and she wiped it before saying "mother, I'll do everyrhing to find money for your operation, I couldn't let you just leave me alone, you're the only person I have, mother" she faintly smile and stroke her mother's hair as if she was just talking to her daughter whose likely asleep.

Eria go outside to think what could be the possible way she'll do to make enough money for her mother's operation.Not minding others in her surrounding she never look at the streetlight that is green, signaling that the car is ready to go, suddenly Eria never realize where she was heading, A lot of cars are beeping to her but she didn't hear it, as if her mind is out of nowhere to be found. When suddenly she stopped at the center of the road just to she was going to be crash by the car. Eria's feet can move in her position, ever her eyes didn't even dare to blink at that moment she asks at the back of her mind "Is this the end?"

She stopped breathing for a while and thinking that maybe its the end for her.


Elijah's POV:

I was driving so fast for an urgent meeting when I saw a lady suddenly appear jn front of my car which is where I'm heading off. "sh*t" I hissed and hold to the break and stopped his car. He stay there for a while before going out and check the girl he was about to crash. Elijah approach her "miss, are you okay?" he asked but the girl didn't give him an answer instead he heard her sobb like a five year old girl. He leveled his body just like the level of the girl he was talking and removed her hands in her face "hey, you okay?" Eria, looked at him and looked around and she speak " I'm not dead, right?" Elijah seems captivated by her just by looking in her face but he maintains his vold aura, that brought fear to Eria. "What ate you thinking?" are you going to kill yourself? he asked her with stern voice , Eria looked at him woth fear because if his domineering aura and his cold aura. "I-I don't know that I'm heading this way" Eria answered fearfully. Elijah get something in his pocket and said "if you're injured, call me at this number and I'll be willing to pay the bill. Before Eria could talk Elijah banished in her sight. She look at the card he just gave her and put it in his pocket of her skirt and she go home.