
I'm Getting Assaulted By Yanderes!?

An Esdeath cover always brings in the readers ~~~ {Works not including the OC's are not owned by me and belong to their rightful owners}

PurgeKing · 漫画同人
4 Chs

Chapter 4

~Third POV~

Arata realising who the girl was showed a shocked expression on his face which soon became grave.

'That damn father of mine. I didn't mind when he dumped me out of nowhere without any money, but doing the same thing to my sister is crossing the line.' Arata gritted his teeth that looked very sinister on his symbiote form. He didn't waste any time and rushed to help his sister.

What happened next was the Stray Devil's head getting squashed like a Hippo eating an uncut watermelon.

Blood splashed everywhere but Arata made sure not to get any on his beloved sister.

Speaking of sister, Arata took a look at her and she was trembling from head to toe.

Arata was planning on asking if she was alright but just when he was about to speak she beated him to it, "Nii-san, I finally found you, I've been looking for you everywhere." With a crazed look on her face Arata's sister named Demura Anelli said.

(A/N: 'Did You Think You Could Run After Reincarnating, Nii-san?' is the sauce, she looks like herself before she reincarnated.)

Arata was confused, how did she know it was him? He was wearing his symbiote suit, his height, body structure, smell, and voice was completely different.

Arata commanded his mask to retract and he asked his sister, "Are you fine?"

"Yes, I'm fine Nii-san came to save me after all… I knew you would, destiny and fate will always bring us together."

"I think you put too much trust in me… and did that shitty father of ours kick you out too?"

"No, I went to find you on my own. I wanted to be with you Nii-san."

Arata sweatdropped to what she said, he didn't really have any qualms about his sister living with him but, "I don't mind but… Sigh…" Arata went near her and carried her and he ran back to his apartment, refusing to tell her about his financial situation.

He could always manipulate some mafia or yakuza group by putting a part of his symbiote form on them.

"Nii-san, What's with the fancy suit?" Anelli asked Arata.

Arata was bewildered why she was more curious about his Symbiote form, well it's probably not that surprising for her with her strength bordering peak high-class she's the most talented and strongest out of all of us siblings.

Do note that Arata wasn't multiplying his strength.

Not long after, they reached Arata's house and he transformed symbiote form into clothes.

"Nii-san, why is everything almost empty?" asks a curious little sister while tilting her head, she was being carried by Arata and it looked extremely cute.

But something has been bothering him up to now, his spider sense was going. It wasn't stopping, it put him in a state where his body would automatically attack anything that was moving besides his sister.

"Don't mind it, I just didn't feel like buying furniture." Arata said with a gentle smile, putting down his sister.

When it comes to his sister, Arata's whole demeanor just takes a sharp turn.

It makes him… gullible and… vulnerable.

"And besides there's not really any place to put anything at." Although at some times he feels like all of his sister's personality is fake… and at some times it couldn't be more true.

"Geez, you don't even have a bed, only a single futon and your fridge is empty besides a bottle of water, see Nii-san this is why you need me."

"Haha…" Arata dryly laughed… It seems he'll nees to advance his plans to feed his selfish little sister.

"What are you laughing at? This is no laughing matter, are you even eating healthy foods?"

"Don't mind the small stuff, look, it's already past midnight, how about you go to sleep?" Arata said while pointing at the clock hanging on his wall.

"Are you planning on going somewhere?" A dangerous glint appeared on her eyes but disappeared faster than Arata could see.

But although he wasn't able to see it, his Spider-sense became more crazy than before… it's like… something that can end the world is just right around the corner.

"I won't go anywhere, don't worry." He said walking to his Anellu and patting her head.

"Then let's sleep together, your futon is big enough."

"Sure Sure." Giving in to his spoiled little sister's demand they laid down the futon and 'Slept'.

After confirming that Anelli was asleep Arata slipped away and began trying to find a Yakuza or Mafia group.

Back in the apartment, Anelli woke up from her fake slumber and began searching every nook and cranny of her brother's apartment.

And she stumbled upon used underwear on a laundry basket. What she did next was… she sniffed it.

In a ruffled voice she said, "Did you think you could lie to me, Nii-san?"