
I'm Eren Yeager

Eren Ackerman, a mix of Asian and Ackerman bloodlines, was the son of Eren Kruger and Karen Ackerman—the younger sister of Kenny and Kuchel Ackerman. His lineage carried both strength and tragedy, bound by fate and the weight of their family’s legacy. When a devastating pandemic swept through, Eren lost his mother to illness. His father, burdened by the Curse of Ymir, passed on the powers of the Founding and Attack Titans to his son before succumbing to his fate. Left an orphan in a world that barely allowed him to breathe, the boy was adopted by Carla Yeager, a woman who longed for a child but couldn’t conceive. Soon, he became known to the world as Eren Yeager, the son of Grisha and Carla Yeager—his true origins hidden in the shadows of history. As for romance I'll start it with something really heart touching so play a sad song or shit alright here goes nothing From the moment he met her, Eren had his eyes on Mikasa Ackerman, his supposed cousin through Carla, his adoptive mother. Carla was the sister of Mikasa’s mother, Karol, who had been married to Jacob. But as fate often has its own plans, Eren’s path took a darker turn. He chose to become a warrior of hope for the Eldians, abandoning everything and everyone he cared about in pursuit of a brighter future. Now, the question remains: will Eren be able to save his people from the ghosts of Marley, or is he doomed to repeat the cycle of suffering? The answer lies in the journey ahead. So, what are you waiting for? Add this story to your library and dive into the world of betrayal, hope, and destiny! Trust me, this is just the beginning—it’s about to get really good. Click that button! Click it damn it! And if you already have… well, just ignore my shouting. If you haven’t watched the anime yet, I’d recommend holding off on reading this novel—it’s full of spoilers. You’ve been warned! :P P.S. This is my first novel, so I apologize in advance if there are any grammatical errors. I’m learning as I go! Feel free to join my Discord community: https://discord.gg/TxVNSZgX Or just search for Eren_Yeager_15. I’ll be discussing details about the next books and other exciting updates. Also, I’ve set up a Patreon page! It took me two whole days to get it up and running, so your support would mean the world to me. The page is also under the name: Eren_Yeager_15 or you can just type this link in Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Eren_Yeager_15. Trust me, I’d be really glad to have you there. And don’t worry—I won’t leave this novel unfinished it shall end happy or sad who knows hahahahaha. I hope you find this story entertaining and worth your time! Note: Eren and Levi are going to make an incredibly strong duo in this story. For all the Eren x Mikasa shippers out there, there will be romance too! :3

Eren_Yeager_15 · 漫画同人
59 Chs

Grafting Memories

The warm glow of the evening sun cast a cozy ambiance over the living room, where Jacob and Karol had just bestowed their heartfelt blessings upon Eren. As they settled into comfortable seats, the conversation naturally turned to the morning's events with Kruger.

Carla shared the reason behind their unexpected visit, her apologetic tone evident as she interrupted the couple's supper preparations. Karol's response was a gracious welcome: "This is your home, Carla; come anytime. I get lonely when Jacob's away, so it's lovely to have you here."Carla beamed with pride at her younger sister, her face lighting up with a wide smile.

Jacob, ever the calm and considerate one, suggested, "Hey, Doc, let's eat together. You must be famished after today's events. It's been a lot for both of you to handle." Grisha tried to decline the offer, but Karol's gentle insistence won out, and they reluctantly agreed to join in. Carla had wanted to feed Eren first, but the little one was sleeping peacefully, and she didn't want to disturb him.

The couples savored their delicious meal, indulging in Karol's freshly baked bread, which had filled the room with its mouthwatering aroma, alongside beef and fish caught by Kruger's skilled hands. The warm atmosphere was palpable as they shared stories and laughter. "It's been ages since we've had a chance to sit together and enjoy your incredible cooking, Karol," Carla said, her eyes shining with appreciation.

Karol's cheeks flushed with a modest blush. "Oh, come on, sister, you're the culinary mastermind, not me!" The sisters' laughter filled the air, while Jacob and Grisha engaged in a heated discussion about the empire's politics, lamenting how the corrupt nobles had drained the empire's resources for their own gain.

After relishing the supper and clearing the table, Grisha, already running late for his work, bid a hasty farewell, apologizing for his early departure. Carla, on the other hand, decided to extend her stay at their home, knowing that Grisha's journey to Wall Sina, the noble's enclave, would take around five days, with most of that time spent traveling.

As for Jacob, he also had urgent business to attend to in Wall Maria. Apparently, one of the cart's wheels had broken down while transporting precious rugs from the Stohess District (located on the eastern edge of Wall Sina), and he needed to oversee the repairs and safely ensure the transportation of the valuable cargo, as the rugs were not only precious but also extremely costly.

Karol and Carla retired to the cozy bedroom, where the soft glow of candles cast a warm ambiance. The room was adorned with comfortable furnishings, delicate lace curtains, and a beautiful tapestry depicting a serene landscape. The air was filled with the sweet scent of fresh flowers, and the soft creaking of the wooden rocking chair seemed to lull the room into a peaceful slumber.

Carla tenderly lifted Eren, cradling him in her arms, and cooed, "Good evening, cutey." Her sister's infectious laughter filled the room as Karol chuckled, her eyes shining with mirth. "Oh, I almost forgot to feed Mikasa too!" Karol exclaimed, rising from the bed to tend to her own child, nestled in a nearby cradle, swaddled in a soft white bundle.

Karol settled onto the bed, carefully placing Mikasa in Carla's waiting arms. Carla started to playwith her niece, who giggled and squirmed with delight. Mikasa's eyes, a deep grey-black, sparkled with happiness, a miniature version of Karol's own eyes. "Karol, she's going to be just like you," Carla said, chuckling and tickling Mikasa's tummy, making her laugh even harder.

As the sisters chatted and laughed, Karol began to feed both children, expertly juggling the two babies with a practiced ease. The room was filled with the warm sounds of happy chatter, gentle laughter, and the soft coos of the contented babies.

The days flew by in a whirlwind for Carla and Karol, and before they could blink, Grisha was already standing at the doorstep. Given the distance between their homes and Eren's need to be fed 2-3 times a day, Grisha had arranged for a wet nurse, Georgina Arlet, who lived nearby and had recently given birth to a baby boy, Armin.

Although it had been a challenge to find her, Georgina and her husband, Eric, were more than willing to help, grateful to repay the debt they owed Grisha for saving their lives. With this arrangement, both families could breathe a sigh of relief, knowing that Eren would receive the care he needed without burdening Karol with frequent visits.

Though Grisha had come to collect Carla and Eren, his mind focused on their well-being. But as he entered the cozy home, Karol's insistence on a cup of tea before departure softened his resolve. He acquiesced, and as they sat together, the conversation turned to the wet nurse, Georgina, who would care for Eren.

Karol's eyes clouded with a tinge of sadness, her emotional attachment to the little one evident. Jacob, sensing the moment, offered words of reassurance. "Well, that's great news, Doc. Feel free to drop by anytime; we'll be more than happy to care for little Eren here."The warmth and love in the room enveloped them, a sense of peace and contentment settling over the group as they savored the joy of each other's company.

Suddenly, a shrill voice pierced the air outside. The couples' confusion was palpable as they hastily set their half-finished tea cups aside and stepped out into the chaos. "Kill him!" a man bellowed. "Cut off his hands!" a woman chimed in, her voice equally venomous.

Before them, a group of people were mercilessly beating a small, bloodied child, who lay limp and helpless on the ground. The child's crime: stealing a loaf of bread from a nearby store. Grisha and Jacob sprinted towards the mob, determined to intervene.

"What in the world are you doing?" Grisha thundered, his voice laced with both anger and disappointment. "Can't you see he's just a child?"

The crowd's response was callous. "Why should we care? He's a thief!" someone sneered. Another barked, "He got what he deserved!"

Jacob's face reddened with rage. "It's just a piece of bread, for God's sake! Can't you see he's starving? Let him eat it!"

An elderly man with long hair emerged from the crowd, his eyes blazing with hatred. "Mister Jacob, it's not this child's fault. It's his kind that's faulty. Those damned Ackermans... their entire lineage is corrupt!"

Grisha's eyes widened as Jacob's fists clenched, ready to strike. For the first time, Grisha saw Jacob on the brink of violence. Just as Jacob was about to lunge at the old man, Grisha intervened. "I'll pay for the bread he stole, please, don't harm him further!"

Carla swiftly carried the battered child inside, where Grisha tended to his wounds with his medical equipment. Luckily Grisha had the equipment which he used to treat the noble in the interior. Carla gently placed the wounded child on the bed as Grisha started to disinfect his wounds.

Miraculously, the child's injuries were not life-threatening, and he survived the brutal ordeal. Grisha carefully handed the treated child back to his distraught parents, who were living in abject poverty. Their eyes reflected the desperation of having nothing to eat and no place to call home. Moved by their plight, Grisha generously offered them a substantial sum of money, enough to sustain them for a while. He hoped this small act of kindness would provide a glimmer of hope in their darkest hour.

Under the soft moonlight, Grisha returned to Jacob's house, where he found Karol sitting beside Jacob, attempting to console him. Jacob's anger still lingered, but his eyes brimmed with tears, threatening to overflow. Despite the late hour, Grisha decided to stay the night, hoping to calm Jacob's tempestuous emotions and lift his spirits. He had never seen Jacob so enraged and was determined to help his friend find peace.

Grisha slowly approached Jacob and placed a gentle hand on his shoulder. "Hey, Jacob. I'm here for you. Let it out, my friend."

Jacob's tears finally flowed, and he sobbed uncontrollably. Grisha listened attentively, offering words of comfort and support. As Jacob's cries subsided, he looked up at Grisha with reddened eyes.

"Hey, Doc... is it that bad to be born an Ackerman?" Jacob asked, his voice laced with a mix of sadness and curiosity.

Grisha's expression turned thoughtful. "Ah, Jacob, being an Ackerman doesn't define your worth. It's the world's prejudice that's the problem, not your heritage. You're a kind and compassionate person, and that's what truly matters."Jacob nodded slowly, seeming to absorb Grisha's words. "You're right, Doc. Thanks, I needed that."

Just then, Karol broke the silence, saying, "Alright, I'll cook something for us. Hey, sis, help me in the kitchen." She gestured to Carla, her eyes hinting at a desire to give Jacob and Grisha some space. The tension in the room dissipated as the sisters headed to the kitchen, leaving Jacob and Grisha to their thoughts.

As the sisters disappeared into the kitchen,Jacob let out a deep breath, his eyes still red from crying. Grisha placed a hand on his back, offering a comforting presence.

"Thanks, Grisha. I don't know what I'd do without you," Jacob said, his voice sincere.

Grisha smiled warmly. "You'll never have to find out, Jacob. We're in this together, always."

The kitchen door swung open, and Karol announced, "Food's ready! Come and get it while it's hot!" The aroma of savory food wafted into the room, enticing their appetites.

Jacob forced a smile, and Grisha encouraged him with a nod. Together, they joined the sisters in the kitchen, ready to face the rest of the evening with renewed strength and camaraderie.

As they sat down to eat, Jacob remarked, "Wow, that was fast!" Karol chuckled and explained that they had some pre-prepared ingredients and dishes that they could quickly heat up, and that they've had plenty of practice cooking for each other over the years.

Grisha nodded, impressed. "Well, whatever your secret is, it smells amazing! Thank you both for this wonderful meal."

As they finished dinner, Carla asked, "Jacob, I've been curious - why did you get so worked up about the Ackermans?" The room fell silent, with Grisha letting out a disappointed sigh and Karol making a comical "oops" face.

Carla's eyes widened as she realized her faux pas. "Uh, sister, you really don't know, do you?" Karol said, her tone dripping with amusement.

Carla's imagination ran wild. "Know what, sister?!" she asked, her voice laced with anticipation.

Just as Carla was about to pass out from suspense, Jacob burst out laughing, breaking the tension. "It's because I'm an Ackerman myself!" he revealed, chuckling.

Carla's jaw dropped. "WHATTTTTT?!" she shrieked, her eyes bugging out of her head. "Karol, did you know?!"

Grisha intervened, his voice laced with humor. "Well, Carla, it seems you've had a moment of... creative intelligence." He turned to Jacob, still grinning. "Sorry about my wife's occasional... unique perspectives."

Carla's face turned bright red, and she looked like she was about to faint. "But... how was I supposed to know?! We've only been friends for two years, and I never thought to ask!"

Jacob responded, still chuckling. "Don't worry, Carla. I'm used to it. And Grisha, your wife may be a little... unpredictable, but she's got a heart of gold."

Carla still scared to ask a question still out of curiosity asked shaking," Then why did the mob show their hatred only towards the kid and not towards you ..."

Jacob's expression turned somber, and he gazed down at his hands, his voice filled with a mix of sadness and gratitude.

"That's because, Carla, I've been fortunate enough to have found a wonderful family like Grisha and Karol, who accepted me for who I am. They've helped me to keep my heritage a secret, protecting me from the world's prejudice."

He paused, collecting his thoughts.

"The child, unfortunately, wasn't as fortunate. His parents likely didn't have the same support system, and the mob's ignorance and fear took over."

Grisha placed a hand on Jacob's shoulder, offering comfort.Curious Carla asked, "But then why didn't you help Kruger and Karen, Grisha?"

Grisha's expression turned solemn. "I did everything in my power to help them, Carla. But Karen's reputation as Kenny the Ripper's sister made it impossible for her to stay in Shiganshina. The people here... they wouldn't have allowed it."

Karol's curiosity got the better of her. "Hey Doc, I've always wondered... how did we manage to live here without being detected? I thought all children born after 759 were registered with their full name and clan affiliation?"

Grisha's eyes twinkled with cleverness. "Ah, Karol, it was quite simple really. All it took was some... creative documentation." He leaned in, a hint of mischief in his voice. "And my good friend, Commander of the Scout Regiment Keith Shadis, was kind enough to assist me with the necessary... alterations."

Karol's eyes widened in surprise. "You mean he helped in falsifying our records?"

Grisha nodded, a sly smile spreading across his face. "Let's just say, his friends in the interior ... reimagined our histories. And with some money, we were able to start anew, free from the burdens of our past."

"Ya thanks to doc here we are able to live peacefully." Jacob nodded his voice filled with gratitude.

Carla who just recovered from the recent shock and embarrassment asked, "Hey, Jacob, tell us more about your childhood. What was it like growing up as an Ackerman?"

Jacob's eyes flickered, and Grisha placed a reassuring hand on his arm. "Only if you're comfortable sharing, Jacob," he added.

Jacob took a deep breath, a mix of emotions crossing his face. "It was... complicated," he began, his voice low and introspective.

Hey everyone initially I thought of releasing 2 chapters but then I decided to release one long chapter I hope you enjoy it since the next chapter will take 3 to 4 days to release.

Eren_Yeager_15creators' thoughts