
I'm All The Protagonists ?! (Currently in Arifureta)

Like all those shitty fanfiction I reincarnated But what does that mean the protagonists are lucky only because of me ?! And they are the reason I'm dead ?! Follow me in my quest to take back what is rightfully mine !!! ------------------------------------------------------------------- Multiverse story: 1st World is Arifureta 2nd World will be Solo Leveling(Can change any time) 3rd will be Apotheosis or ATG(Can change any time) Maybe more.... ------------------------------------------------------------------- The tens or so firsts chapters are not the best so please read at least the firsts twenty chapters. ------------------------------------------------------------------- 1st: English is not my native language, It's french so don't expect a good English from me 2nd: I'm in my last year of high school so i will only update when i feel like it or have time 3rd: This story will be bad, generic story, overpowered MC, shitty plot, shitty romance, bad scene description, plot hole.... 4th: If you want to say something on my grammar, sentence formation... Do it but tell me why or tell what I need to change for my writing to become better and if possible make this shit readable 5th: It's my first novel/fanfiction, I write it just for fun and because I feel like it.

RaYaNaSh · 漫画同人
26 Chs

World Quest and Freeing Yue

"Master you actually have a [Quest] ongoing. Do you wish to see it?"

As I was resting after cleaning the fifth of its monster, I hear the voice of Felicia.

"Huh? Since when?"

"Since you unlocked the System Master."

"Then why did you not tell me."

"I though you already knew Master."

"Sigh…. Show it to me. And next time tell me when something like that happen." I sighed exasperated.

"Here you go Master."

[World Quest: Return to your World

1st Objective: Collect all the ancient Magic (0/7)

2nd Objective: Kill the self-proclaimed God Ehit

Time limit: 1 Year


Objective 1: Multiverse Travel

Objective 2: Body and Soul Fusion x1] ((Honestly, I put that here because I haven't had any idea of what to give so if you have good ideas tell them in comments->))

"Hey Felicia what is that [Body and Soul Fusion]."

"It let you fuse your Soul and Body with anything and anyone. For example, if you use it on Rimuru you will fuse with his body and soul, earning all his knowledge and anything his body possess like the slime race and all his skill. But I must warn you Master if the thing you want to possess is too strong compared to you the fusion may fail and you'll die and your soul might disappear."

"Oh, It's Great! It will really help to gain the cheat of the protagonists." I said exited by the possibilities of such a thing.

"Master, I recommend to not become to exited and choose wisely how to use it because it's an extremely rare reward and may not appear in the near future." After hearing Felicia, I calmed down and put it to the side because I still need to finish the mission before having the possibility to use it.

Closing the quest window, I enter ROVJI and eat all the meat I collected in the 5 last floor and train in the skills I gained. A month later I finished all the meat I had and unlocked any derivative skill I could, looking I my stat, I become a little proud of myself.

((Because don't like when I show all the stats panel this time, I just put what had changed and for those who want I put the full thing at the end of the Chapter and in the auxiliary chapters. For those who don't like that, after the MC leaves the labyrinth I will rarely show his statue in the chapter I will only update it sometimes at the end or in the auxiliary chapters))

Level: 62 --> ???

Strength: 2000 --> 4230

Vitality: 2100 --> 4420

Defense: 1970 --> 4250

Agility: 2300 --> 4590

Magic: 2900 --> 5010

Magic Defense: 2860 --> 4960


Night Vision, Farsight, Sense Presence/Magic/Heat [Precision Sensing], Hide Presence [Illusion Waltz]

I earned some skills that really help me here and my stats are already in 5k so it's really good. But something doesn't fell right.

"Felicia do you why I still gain stats and skills even if the monster is weaker than me because I remember that in the story Hajime said that he can only gain something if he eats the meat of a monster stronger or as strong as him."

"It's because the skill [Iron Stomach] has been obtained with the System so there's some differences with the original skill. The skill can be compared to a very degraded version of the skill [Predator] of Rimuru, the skill [Iron stomach] that you posses allow you to obtain the skill and a random part of their stats."

"Waaaah! It's broken!" I said shocked by the revelation, but it's good that I don't have the limitation of the original skill it'll allow me to become strong at a faster rate.

After discovering that I began to hunt more and more monster till there's was nothing left in any of the floors before the floor where Yue is sealed. Oh! Yeah, I haven't told you that I already found the chamber where she is sealed but I did not enter it for now because I wanted to prepare myself for the fight with the Scropion.

After I ate all the meat, I collected my stats all passed the cap of nine thousand. Now that my preparations are done I dirige myself toward the sealing chamber, arriving in front of it the cyclops guarding the door open their eyes and turn their head in my direction but before they could take a step, I fire a Fire spear in each of their heads making a hole, I grab their bodies and place them in my inventory. Looking at my inventory I see the blueprints of weapon I made some time ago but because I mainly use magic, I never bothered to look at them but when I imagine myself with some bazooka and futuristic weapons, I can't resist to temptation to look cool so I return the floors I cleaned and began to search for ores with the skill [Mineral Probe] that let me sense any kind of ores in a certain range. After 4 hours of searching, I have all the ores I need so I begin to use my [Transmute] skills and 5 hours later and a lot of errors I created similar weapons as the story because of the lack of some materials but an upgraded version. The two pistols Doner and Schlag can now easily pierce the scale of Tio in her dragon form I think as for Shlagen I don't think even the strongest armor of Miledi Reisen can take a hit from it without being utterly destroyed.

After I finished to play with my new toys, I open the door of the chamber and like the story we can't see anything inside so I use [Night Vision] and we can now see a beautiful naked 12 years old girl with golden blonde hair embedded in some weird materials, sensing someone the girl began to speak.

"Is…. There some…one..." "Is…. Somebody here?"

Seeing that she seen me I began to approach her. Arriving in front of her I look in her eyes and use Hypnosis and make her sleep, after verifying that she was really asleep I open my mouth and dig my Vampire teeth in her neck and suck her blood, when the blood enters in my mouth, I feel an incomparable sweetness invading my mouth, it was the best thing I tasted in my whole life. After swallowing the blood, I see a notification in the corner of my eyes and feel power invading my body that wake me up from my pleasure, looking at he girl I notice her making a pale face so I quickly remove my teeth from her neck and I look at the notification from the System.

[Because you have drunk the blood of a Vampire your [Origin Vampire Bloodline] is now unlocked at 5%]

Seeing the notification, I'm a little disappointed, although her bloodline is not the best but unlocking only 5% is absurd. Looking at my stat panel I see all my stats exceeding the then thousand and some new skills are unlocked.

New skills: Blood conversion [Body/Mana Strengthening, Mana/Stamina Conversion, Blood Oath], Automatic Regeneration + Regeneration = Super Regeneration [Pain Dampener, Regeneration Control, Automatic Regeneration], Immortality (Type 1, 2 and 3) Mana Manipulation [+3, Increased Efficiency, Ether Absorption, Body strengthening], Spell Mending, Image Composition [Increased Imagination, Multiple Spell Image Composition, Delayed Casting], High Speed Mana Recovery

"Felicia explains to me [Super Regeneration], it's the only one that I don't already know."

"This skill has been created using the skills [Regenaration] of Master and [Automatic Regeneration] of the individual 'Aletia Galdea Vesperitio' (Real name of Yue), the skill [Automatic Regeneration] use mana to Regenerate the body and [Regeneration] use the stamina of the host and because the two skills are similar your bloodline have merged them to create the skill [Super Regeneration]. This new skill allows to regenerate any part of your body be it head, heart…without the use of mana but it will be very slow if a complex part of the body like the head is destroyed, the process can be greatly speed up is mana. But if you are instantly disintegrated, you'll die, this new skill also grants you [Immortality (Type 3)].

"Oh, it's good as f*ck plus with its derivate skill [Pain Dampener] I can finally disactivate my pain sensory if needed."

After looking at my new skills I began to think of what to do with Yue, I could take her with me but I don't want Ehit to take her body when he knows she is still alive but on the other hand I don't know how to beat the boss of this floor without freeing Yue. Mmmm if had a skill like a small world where I can take anybody it would've been good but ahhhhh. I'll just take her with me for now and see what I'll do with her later. Deciding what I'll do I place my hand on the thing that is sealing her and use [Transmute], the weird material try to resist but with my actual stat it's impossible for it to resist me so a second later it breaks down, I gather all the piece and throw them in my inventory for later use. Seeing that Yue is falling I take her in my arms and buy some clothes at her size with the system. And thinking of clothes I remember that I have indestructible ones so I take them from my inventory and put them, the clothes seem to be able to change if I wish so I began to imagine a similar dress than the ones we see in cultivation Worlds and really, I'm feeling extremely comfortable in it but it's a little hard and weird to move in it so I keep it for when I go into the cultivation world and imagine more normal clothes. So, I decided to make something similar to the outfit of the protagonist of 'Berserk of Gluttony'. ((Sorry too lazy to describe them so I put them in commentsà))

After I finished to choose my clothes, the piece suddenly lit up and an enormous scorpion of at least 5 meters long and-


Before the beast even have time to fully spawn, I bring out Shlagen and fire at it, looking at the beast I can see a hole traversing her body from its mouth to it's a**.

Storing the body in my inventory I hear the Vampire princess waking up.

"Mmmm what heappened?" She said rubbing her eyes.

"I freed you, gave you clothes and killed that." I point at her clothes and the blood in the ground.

"Eh? Whaaaat?!"

"You didn't understand?"

"Yes, but why?" She said lost of what is happening.

"Well, I had to kill the boss of this floor to continue and the only way was to bring it was to free so I did but honestly I' m thinking of sealing you one more time old loli princess."

"Eh? Old wha- But why I never done anything wrong!!!" She said as she began to sob and tears falling.

"You are too precious; your body is precious. And some self-proclaimed God want it."

"What the f*ck are you saying? Why would a God want my body? And what does this have to do with me being sealed here?" She said not understanding what I was saying.

"Sigh… So, you see Ehit the self-proclaimed God of this World. Well because he was dying, he decided to ascend in what he calls godhood so he loses his body in the process. After that he tried to create a perfect body for himself but he never succeeds. And one day Vampire with incredible abilities is born Her name is-" When I was going to say her name she quickly covered my mouth with her hand.

"No please don't say it I beg you." Seeing her beginning me I decide to not tell it and give her a name.

"Ok… if you want…. then Yue is born, she could use all the elements, can't die if she still has mana and…" Before I could continue what, I was saying she interrupted me."

"Ok I understand what you're saying. But then why did he not take my body sooner and why did my subject and uncle betrayed me?" She said shocked of all the revelations.

"Well, he did not take your body because you still haven't developed at your full potential and you uncle sealed you here to protect you from him. And if you want to know why Ehit did not come to take your body while you were sealed here it was because he though you were dead and he can't see what is happening in there, because it is a labyrinth created with Ancient magic or God magic whatever you call it."

"Then all those years of solitude because of some God wanted my body? And-And Sob..Sob" Seeing that she began to cry I let her be and take out the scorpion body. I take the mineral that compose his shell and ate his meat gaining a boost in stat and a new skill [Poison Resistance].

Calming down she come in front of me.

"I'm sorry but please let me come with you. I'll do anything I just don't want to be alone anymore, please." Seeing her pleading me like that with her beautiful and cute face I can't say no so I began to create a complex magic to hid her from Ehit and although and don't think it will work if he looks at her directly but for now it will work.

Sensing magic being cast on her Yue turn in my direction with a questioning look.

"I just put some magic on you to hid you at least a little from Ehit."

"Oh okay thanks. Oh yeah you called me Yue why?" She said with a bright smile on her face and honestly if I wanted a romantic relation with someone I would've taken her but for now I don't know why if it's because of what happened in my last life but apart from lust I don't seems to have feeling of love in me, it was the same with my parents of this life even if I liked them very much it feels like something is preventing me to feel 'Love' be it in a romantic way or a son love to his parents. But honestly, I don't mind it because for now I just want to adventure in different worlds and become stronger so I put this in a corner of my mind even if it's weird.

Finishing thinking, I respond to her.

"Because it means the moon and your hair made me think of the moonlight and I feel like it suits you well." Well, the real reason was because I'm too lazy to think of something else and I like this name so I just took the same.

"hehe Thank you euh what's your name?"

"Hajime, Hajime Nagumo. Hajime is my first name."

"Hehe Thank you Hajime." She said while jumping in my arms and hugging me like a child. And I really like the warmth of someone after so long but she is naked so I push her a little and take the dress I gave to her but that she never put.

"Although I really like the feeling of the naked body of a girl on me but please put this on you don't want me to r*pe you."

"Hajime, you pervert." She say shyly while hiding her body with the dress I gave her.

Seeing that she finished to dress herself I help her getting up and turn my head toward her and cut my wrist letting the blood fall in a cup I brough in the store.

"If you're ready then drink that so we can finish this damned dungeon. And relax in a real room."

"Yes!" she nods and drink the blood I gave her.

Seeing that she finished to drink we dirge ourselves toward the stairs leading in the next floor.


Stat Panel:

Name: Nagumo Hajime

Gender: Male, ????(LOCKED)

Age: 17 (43 mentally)

Bloodline: Origin Vampire (5% Unlocked) ????(LOCKED)

Race: Hybrid(95%) Vampire(5%), ????(LOCKED)

Level: ????

Class: ????(LOCKED), Transmuter

Strength: 12 450

Vitality: 12 600

Defense: 12 200

Agility: 13 150

Magic: 15 030

Magic Defense: 14 980


All Attributes Affinity, Transmute[+11], Language Comprehension, Enhanced comprehension, Super Regeneration [Pain Dampener, Regeneration Control, Automatic Regeneration], Hemokinesis[+2, [Body/Mana Strengthening, Mana/Stamina Conversion, Blood Oath]] Immortality(Type 1,2 and 3), Vampirization, Hypnosis, Elemental Magic[Light, Dark, Fire, Water, Wind, Earth, Ice, Thunder],Iron Stomach, Mana Manipulation, Air Walk[Aerodynamics, Supersonic Step, Steel Leg, Riftwalk], Gale Claw[Triple Gale Claw, Flying Gale Claws], Lightning Field[Lightning Resistance, Increased Output], Night Vision, Farsight, Sense Presence/Magic/Heat [Precision Sensing], Hide Presence [Illusion Waltz], Mana Manipulation [+3, Increased Efficiency, Ether Absorption, Body strengthening], Spell Mending, Image Composition [Increased Imagination, Multiple Spell Image Composition, Delayed Casting], High Speed Mana Recovery, Poison Resistance

Unique skills:

Library of Heaven's path, Absolute control over???? (LOCKED)

Soul Item:

Realm of the Violet Jade Immortal]