
One after the other

"Where'd she go?" I asked. 

The smell of lunch was nice but, my mind was kind of overthinking a lot of things. 

"She went back to a reunion with her grade school friends. I was really shocked when she said she wanted to go."

"Grade school?" I raised a brow. 

We had to change schools and even countries quite often since Elsa often ended up creating trouble. 

But grade school? Did she even have friends in grade school? "And wasn't her grade school in-"

"Canada, yes."

So, she flew alone? That girl?


I sighed. Elsa was always like this eccentric kid, doing whatever she pleased. She didn't have a passport or visa but when you're from a famous family such as ours, those weren't really all that necessary. She got scolded way too often for that too. Mom did spoil her, and I did too, but she was way too childish.