
I'm a Summon!?

John is your typical shut-in. He has never once had a girlfriend, or any friends for that matter. He was getting sent off to the military to be useful in life, when his life abruptly changed. He was given the |Summon System| and sent to another world. _________________________________________ This story follows John as a powerful summon, training and fighting with his summoner.

Undead_God · 奇幻
6 Chs

A New Life

"Alright I choose Hare."

[Choose Hare]



[Hare selected]

[Host will now be teleported to a summoning altar]

I close my eyes, There is a flash of light, and when I open them, I see a boy, maybe 15 or 16 years old. Around him are two other kids, a boy and a girl who I assume are his friends.

'So I guess he is the one who summoned me.'

The boy looks at me, with a look of awe, and a bit saddened.

His friends talk to him in a strange language I can't seem to understand.

[Would host like to learn the skill Language Translator?]

'Jesus christ I forgot you were still here.'

'But yes I would.'

[Skill Language Translator Acquired]

"-summoned a bunny."

I look over and see the two kids comforting the kid who summoned me.

'I gues I am not that strong in this world.'

"You might have summoned a hare, but you still summoned something. Most people go their entire life without a Summon." The other boy says.

"And besides, it can get stronger, so don't be so down Alec." The girl says.

"Thanks guys, it means a lot." The boy, presumably Alec, says.

I hop over to them, and Alec picks me up.

"What stats do you have." he mutters.


He uses a skill to look at my stats, and seems alright with them.

"So you are fast, and kind of intelligent." He says. "What did I expect."

"Alright, time to put you into my summon space." He tells me.

Suddenly, I am greeted by a familiar surrounding. It is the void again.

"System, are there any ways to level up, besides killing monsters?"


"Can I train in the summon space."


'Cool, that works out.'

'Wait a minute.'

"System, stat board."


[Species: Hare]


[60 HP]

[175 Agi]

[50 Def]

[65 Str]

[72 Int]

[System points:0]

[Stat points:1]

"System, what are stat points."

[Stat points are points you get after each level up.

Stat points are used to manually increase stats. The amount of stat points is equivalent to the level you leveled up to. Example: Level one gives you one point. Level two gives you two points.]

"Put the point into Strength."

[Point Added]

[Current stats]


[Species: Hare]


[60 HP]

[175 Agi]

[50 Def]

[66 Str]

[72 Int]

[System points:0]

[Stat points:0]

"System, Stats off."

The board disappears, and I am alone again.

"System, can I modify my surroundings." I ask.


I focus. 'I want a flat ground of grass with a tree off to the side.'

As soon as I thought that, the ground appeared as well as the tree

'Time to get training.'