
Endless tunnel

Tim and Skendus eventually walked into a place that seemed a lot like a cave, except it didn't seem like the type of cave that he was looking for, as nothing about it was paranormal. They walked into a wide opening, where life was really abundant, there were a bunch of things to eat here! Tim was really hungry, so he didn’t waste a single second, he chased after a couple of insects immediately!

It wasn't easy for one to be an explorative spider, as it demanded a lot of energy. He had over-exerted himself, quite frequently, so he was more than happy to run into these insects now, as they could help bring a bit of his energy back! He moved quickly!

“Huhuhahaha!” He celebrated, after he bested a couple of ladybugs.

Back on earth, it was frowned upon to kill ladybugs, but the settings over here were different. He wasn't on earth anymore, and he was a spider too, so he couldn’t really be picky; He had to eat them in order to survive!