
You were already in it!

[3rd P.O.V.]

~Celestic Town Historical Research Centre~

Sleeping silently was the trio, who for roughly two months had been residing in the presence of Cynthia and Carolina.

On the other hand, the two mentioned before were having a civilized conversation, completely unbothered

Unlike what others may think, due to their ages, they both had common interests and values, allowing the conversation not to evolve into an argument of ideals.

They were twitching from time to time, and her Garchomp and surprisingly Spiritomb were sending her danger signals.

Unlike her other Pokemon, she was the quietest, not shy but silent unless her 'Master' was in any danger that she couldn't handle alone.

"So, you chose to spill out your insecurities on someone whom you only met, for what I would count as a short time."

Sighing heavily for the umpteenth time during their interaction, she took a scoop of her ice cream, licking her lips relishing the taste.

Anyone other than Carolina would have never thought this was the most overpowered trainer or one of in all of the world, they might not even take the conversation seriously.

Her head was down and her expression was darkened, she wanted to know what got over her so badly.

Even if she was new to love, she still wouldn't have been so emotionally down struck by it, but to the point of spouting her secrets out to someone was crazy.

She also found it strange how 'Star' knew most of her problems, or she assumed he did from just a couple of glances.

Adding the fact that if he accepted and they did ' That', she would be committing Pokephilia, in the back of her mind she still had the thought of the idea though.

"Since you have a couple more years, I'll stay for the time being." Standing on the bean bag.

In time she would have herself create a machine dedicated to restoring her grandmother, with the help of 'Star' as he also could move quickly.

Due to his extended use of the Ability - Precision he was able to minimize the shockwaves when he moved.

The only downsides that still prevailed were random footprints and abnormal wind pressure due to the speed he moved at.

She clasped her bucket under her arm, and walked out of the room unbothered by the screaming Carolina, as she misunderstood the whole conversation.

Before she could relent anymore her pupils disappeared, and her body swayed left to right until she fell into the arms of her 'Daughter'.

"Sorry, but I don't want to lose you before your time Ma." To her left, a small orb of gas was looming around the room.

Erasing her memories with one of Spiritombs moves, though it was only for the time being as she didn't want a distressed woman sulking in an unknown crisis.

Opening her palm a ball was inside it, expanding in size as she pressed a small button on it.

And out came the menace of all Pokemon players, Garchomp. Standing menacingly, she pointed her claw in the direction of Maki, Dobby and 'Star'.

Nodding they blitz through the hall, with Carolina fitted on Cynthia's shoulder. Appearing in front of the door, containing the guests they had for a prolonged period.

Before Cynthia could open the door, both Spiritomb and Garchomp stood in front of her as if protecting her from some sort of move.

"What's the matter between you two?" She was aware that the circumstance they were in was an unfavourable one.

Of massive proportions, none of her Pokemon, the two that stood guard over her was sending her some kind of signal whatsoever.

Meaning in hindsight they had zero clue of what they were up against or what the situation they were about to face was like.

They side glanced at each other, looking like a comedy skit due to their height difference and their facial expressions.

Nodding to each other, Garchomp's claw glowed a blue light, preparing to use the move [Brick Break].

Spiritomb, due to its body's composition of spirits, tends to levitate itself and phase through solid objects.

"Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrr!" Shouting something similar to a roar, the steel door took a heavy blow that caused it to blow off its hinges.

Levitating into the room, Spiritomb was in for the shock of her life. On the bed cuddled among the trio was a Pokemon even more feared than them.

A black, shadow-like Pokémon. It has a small head with a white fog-like ghostly plume billowing from its head covering one of its bright blue eyes, with the portion on its face resembling hair.

It also has a red spiky growth around its neck. It had skinny arms and long black tatters hanging from its shoulders.

It also had black, claw-like hands. Having the slight appearance of an hourglass figure and appears to be wearing an old, ripped cloak

Its height was that of a toddler as it snuggled under Dobby's tail as if it was a blanket pressing its face against it.

Hearing the noise that was made due to Garchomp's violent way of entering, it hid behind the tail, trying to conceal itself.

In the process though, its small stature and lack of mastery of its ability allowed it to move slower than a fully grown version of itself would.

Spiritomb was looking mildly on guard, since what was struggling to crawl under Dobby's fluffy tail, was a Legendary Pokémon.

Garchomp followed behind, deadpanning at the stunt the little critter was trying to pull.


Falling off 'Star's' shoulder, it looked back at the hulking figure of Garchomp, startled and unconsciously used its powers.

Already using it to put the trio into a nightmare, its lethality increased once again as it felt threatened due to the appearance of Cynthia's number one Pokemon.

A dark cloak covered it, as its body began to emit something similar to miasmas, as both Garchomp and Spiritomb grovelled, or in Spiritomb's case fall over face first.

Resisting the power of the small Pokemon, Garchomp stood up, pushing its claw out to the side.

Signalling the slowly entering duo of Cynthia and Carolina who just woke up, bewildered but followed her 'daughter's' orders due to the severity of the crisis.

They were both having blackouts, similar to that of fainting but instead of losing their bodily control, they lose their vision.

They also saw snippets of people they missed or in layman's terms, nightmares that could give them mental trauma.

"We aren't going to hurt you so stop releasing your powers." Using as much emotion as it could, Garchomp spoke in a motherly tone.

Learning from the best helped her once she became the ace of Cynthia's squad, that's also the reason she held so much respect for Carolina.

Since Pokemon inherently knew human language she was taught everything by Carolina, adopting a personality similar to her.

In-kind the wretched pain it once felt escalated, her head felt as if it was being split in two.

Spiritomb was already fainted at this point, due to the concentration of the move used, directly on the two.

This Pokemon was able to cause widespread nightmares as child play, so much that it can affect not only an entire city of humans but Pokemon alike.

Standing up tall with trembling claws, it contemplated if it should knock out the Pokemon.


Out of the blue, a hand chop made contact with the back of the baby Pokemon's neck, causing its defensive mechanism to go into effect.

Ability - Bad Dream, it makes the user have control of others' dreams, allowing them to fall into a deep slumber and experience nightmares.

Only one Pokemon has this ability to date, one that stands above most due to its heritage and creators.

"Darkrai!" Both Cynthia and Carolina shouted at the same time, as the ability to inflict both sleep and nightmares was evoked.

The ability had one downside, and that was its inability to affect anything outside of the physical.

Opening his eyes fully, the fainting Pokemon fell off 'Star's' shoulder, as it was trying to climb over it.

Onto his lap, the miasmas kept spreading, covering himself, Maki and Dobby making the latter whimper.

Scowling he took a Pokeball that once housed the Gyarados they caught back in Johto, tapping it on the baby Darkrai's head.

Everything that once existed didn't. The nightmarish thoughts that went through the 5 Pokemon's craniums were gone.

Standing up on the bed, he looked at Dobby whose whimpers subsided, and Maki who for some reason was sleeping sitting up.

A huge discrepancy from their usual sleeping formation, raising an eyebrow he didn't focus as much on the blinking ball in his hand.

Mouths widened and in shock were the three guests, completely gobsmacked by the fluency and ease he caught a Legendary Pokemon with.

Garchomp was even more suspicious due to his lack of reaction, the ability Darkrai had wasn't only troublesome but a mental thorn.

One that could make any battle-hardened warrior's mind break completely. As if they saw something out of their wildest dream, something they instinctively feared wholeheartedly.

But the one downside of the ability showed at this moment, due to the rage 'Star' was feeling throughout his slumber.

He woke up, in the nightmare making it seem as if it was a reality. Only for him to enter his Spiritual Form negating it.

Neither of them knew that, so they were both bewildered, for completely different reasons but that was to be dealt with later.

Realizing their mistake both Cynthia and Carolina ran into the room, returning her Spiritomb and engulfing her Garchomp in a motherly hug.

Still uptight about her job being stolen for a brief moment, she showed a smug smile to 'Star' who couldn't care less.

Only for him to be engulfed by a hug, 'You can't be fucking serious right now!'.

Was the only thought going through his mind, as Carolina engulfed him in a hug, one that held exterior motives?

"Papa!" Out of the blue, a cry was heard as Dobby joined the hug, wrapping himself around the duo suffocating the old hag.

Tears were streaming down his face, as he seemed to have suffered one of the most traumatising things in his dog's life.

Bawling out like a kid, he tightened the hug, remarkably Carolina was only suffocating and her head didn't pop like a watermelon...

Breh.....I sprain meh ankle reeeeee. Sorry for the late chapter lmao. So Ill be working on this and my One Piece Fanific thats final, also Tensura would be put on Hiatus?

Kinda as it will still get chapters when I hacve free time so piece out, have to pee and go in meh bed.

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Daoof30Forcedcreators' thoughts