
The Talk...

[3rd P.O.V]

~Lake of Rage~

They made their way back to the Lake, but Ross had a big brain moment and realized they might not survive out of water for long.

Due to them not having the adequate organs to breathe out of water for a certain amount of time.

So they sneaked into a Pokecenter, snuggled with a Chansey discreetly then bolted to a Poke Mart, stole some more and made their way to the Lake.

They had a couple of Great Balls as well but they weren't planning on using it, instead, they used Pokeballs in this instance to catch themselves a Gyarados.

Reaching the lake's shore, they took out the Pokeballs, on guard as they didn't want to miss this opportunity.

There were a couple of requirements needed though, their main one was dealing with their weight.

Even if they weigh 500 pounds regularly, the combined weight of Maki, Ross and Dobby is almost 650 pounds.

"Look for one at least, level 45 and above," Ross shouted while punching a Gyarados

If they didn't find one that could secure their weight they could just catch multiple, though they would rather be on the same one.

Another thought that went through Ross's mind was if he had used a Pokeball to capture Dobby and Maki.

Allowing him to move around more freely, making the journey to other locations less of a hassle.

Even if they wanted to experience the journey, he wanted to make it to Sinnoh first, it's a priority.


All of a sudden a massive Gyarados, roughly twice the size of the level 46 they once fought when they first came to the lake.

It let out a feral roar, causing the surrounding Gyarados to back off, it looked at the trio with hatred and venom.

Opening its mouth, a ball of energy formed, aiming it at the group, also known as [Hyper Beam].

(Deadass, one of the strongest Pokémon moves once known how to use it in proper situations.)

Off the bat, Ross knew what that move was, in the games it wasn't as strong but here, it's an unbelievably powerful move.


A sound similar to that of someone unsheathing a blade was made, a line was made across the Sea dweller's chest.

"Nice job Dobby!" Seeing his kid instantly defeating a Gyarados made the old fart happy.

Taking the bag that held their equipment he took out a Pokeball throwing it at the sinking Pokémon.

Due to using [Ice Punch], it was sinking onto an ice platform created underwater if any of them fell.

Shaking a little, one red light shone, another and then a final one as Ross was fanboying about the Pokeball.

"Yosha!" The childlike voice resounded as the Gyarados was caught, both Maki and Ross took a hold of Dobby.

Hr gave a threatening glare towards her, practically telling her to 'Fuck off!' in the language of facial expression.

Maki just sighed, knowing his doting personality for Dobby, she walked towards the Pokeball.

Picking up the Pokeball which compared to her hand looked like a berry, picking it up she saw the small button clicking it as it enlarged, surprising her.

She looked at it weirdly, not knowing what to do with it. She looked back at the two, only to come face to face with Ross.

"Throw it up in the air, then call-outs its name for extra chunni effect," She did as told and a red animation of light formed.

Out of the light, a huge Gyarados appeared, double that of a typical one size. It looked at the group in horror and fear.

Knowing that look, Ross just sighed and kept patting Dobby for a job well done.

"We only need you to drop us off somewhere, after that you can go wherever you want."

Understanding its role it nodded, "You can fly right?" It nodded to show it understood, "Let's see if you can fly with all of us on."

They jumped on its back as it began to float up, Ross took the Pokeball and slipped it back into the bag.

"Woah, this is a new Experience!" Shouting at the top of her lungs, Maki looked onwards towards the Lake.

Dobby was swinging her tail as her ancestors did for centuries, causing the air to swirl around.

Seeing this, Ross gripped the hyperactive Furret, slinging him over his shoulder like a handbag.

He yelped but Ross just smiled as his hair fluttered in the wind, for some odd reason his loincloth was unmoving.....sus...

They flew over the lake, practically stalking the residents of the nearby house, living in peace and harmony.

Landing on the lake they jumped off the Gyarados, then returned to its Pokeball.

Stomping his feet down, the ice that once froze part of the lake began to melt as his leg caught fire.

Packing away their stuff, deciding to head back to Blackthorn City, as the sun was also set as well.

Sneaking into a hotel this time, finding a room without an occupant as well, they put everything in order to leave the next day.

"Now we're gonna head back to Kanto as it's closer to Sinnoh." Nodding they got ready to head to bed.

"Before that." Ross sighed, he didn't want to resort to this kind of method, but to make his life somewhat easier he had to.

"You two will be in these Pokeballs." Pointing at the two balls in his hand, they looked at him somewhat shocked.

"You both have made this journey enjoyable, but this time it's not only a journey. Now it could entail a true fight to the death."

"Then we want to fight with you!" They both shouted with complete determination to help,

Ross' face showed a scowl that was noticed by the two, pointing at them he closed his eyes for a second.

"That right there is the reason, you both are immature to the point it irks my nerves." His finger trembled.

He knew they were both young Pokemon, their matureness only comes out in the most serious of cases.

This time however he didn't need that, he needed to be at his best or else he would be fighting with his life on the line.

Something he didn't want to happen right now, even if the woman loved ice cream, and enjoyed archaeology.

She might seem tame but she is and if not the greatest and hardest trainer to fight in the entire world.

Even if both of them were stronger than their stats and level show them to be they won't be able to fight someone of her level just yet.

Maybe a year or two, otherwise they would get obliterated, and he didn't want to reveal his trap card yet.

Added the fact all her Pokémon had a counter for them made it even more nerve-wracking, though he wasn't nervous at all.

There were only two Pokémon she had that could keep up with his speed, and that was keeping up not surpassing.

He does that every time he fights, his speed, strength, and everything else increases at dramatic rates, due to him not even reaching one percent of his full power.

He could escape, if he had to fight he would rather not have these two with him, they were huge liabilities if caught and used as hostages.

"You both just screamed, in a hotel with other people around." His eyes were as cold as Antarctica.

They both flinched realizing their mistake, seeing them both nervously looking towards him he sighed.

"I'm a former businessman, an office worker, and a househusband." Hearing the last word mentioned, Dobby's already sad face went distraught.

"You both need training, not just to increase power, but you need experience as well. In the life department at least."

Dobby fully understood, since he came to this world, all the words he heard Ross speak in his previous life were translated better.

He still couldn't speak the human language fluently but it was good enough for proper communication such as 'yes' and 'no'.

Maki was looking like a kid caught stealing candy, he told her multiple times about her conduct.

She screamed like a little girl even though she was a fully evolved Machamp, a race of Pokémon known to specifically fight with pure strength and brawn.

He told her multiple times that he would kill her, though she thought it was a joke.

But he actually tried to, when he did she got her second traumatic experience.

The first one is not being able to defeat the sole reason she came out of the Viridian Forest for.

Though she understood why she crushed his 'Jewels' while he was sleeping. He wasn't in his spiritual form so he took the full brunt of it.

His enhanced senses just made it feel like hell, resulting in his rage ability activating rampaging around the Lake as its name suggested.

Rubbing their heads, he talked in a somewhat parent-like manner, "You both need to learn about the world, it might seem all fun and games but it's worse than you think."

"I've lived longer than I look, even my thinking was different compared to other kids. When I was a little I created something similar to a vehicle of sorts."

"Do you think I did it by myself?" He asked Maki, she looked at him meekly nodding though he let out another unimpressed sigh.

"I didn't, I had partners, friends I trusted." His already cold face went into one of literal ice, as his arm that was patting their heads froze.

They became startled, only for it to disappear one second later. "Now they're six feet deep with their daughters pregnant."

He continued patting their heads though they were definitely scared, they trusted him enough not to hurt them, or kill them at least.

Dobby didn't know about his 'Papa's' life before he did office work for fun, he only knew about the guy that was ageing slower than he should.

"This conversation will continue another time until I get to bed." Without hesitation, they did as told.

His cold expression went away like an autumn breeze, allowing two to ease up their once tensed bodies.

"I think this is like the third time I'm saying this. Our adventure will only start when we meet 'Her'. You'll find out who she is when we reach Sinnoh."

Nodding, he jumped onto the king-sized bed, they stole one of the best rooms...I mean might as well right.

They slowly fall asleep, with his words this time lingering in their mind, prompting them to gain more common knowledge of the world.

On the other hand, Ross materialized as a Spiritual being, he didn't want another accident to happen.

After one 'talk' they weren't going to become perfect for his standards at least, no he expected them to be their usual self.

He didn't need idiotic 'yes' men with him, he just needed subordinates who could work without major help needed.

Not some cold robot that moves when told to, he didn't want that. Going off on them might seem over the top but that was his personality.

He just didn't like his plans being fucked over, which has been happening multiple times now.

Even the slightest mistake could send you into bankruptcy, he might rage for the second time this month if he has to think about those times again....