
Chapter 2: The Situation

Chapter 2: The Situation


"Ye-yes your Majesty!" The servants said in a fearful but still soft tone for fear that she would offend their master.

'i guess I get my answer after she calmed down?' but I wasn't able to continue with my thoughts.

The servants quickly run to my side as her hand touch my shoulder and quickly teleported for fear of being punished by her master.


"aghh" i vomited on the floor as my throat started to hurt.

"So-sorry! I-i forgot to warn you" A voice full of concern and worries apologies to me as I look up at the one that is speaking to me.

"I-its fine" I replied while feeling dizzy and the need to throw up again.

'ugh being teleported is not a good feeling' I thought as I look more closely at the 'servant' as she started to mutter something but I didn't care as I felt like I would Vomit again.

Suddenly a Green light started to appear within my vision as my dizziness and stomach pain started to slowly Fade away while a feeling of exhaustion appeared.

"This should help you a bit I apologies if your feeling exhausted as I'm not professional in healing people" the 'servant' apologies again as I look at her closely.

Her face is Beautiful and more beautiful with her Long blue hair and especially her Ocean like eyes but what caught my attention is her Maid uniform that also has armor? Is she a Battle maid? Probably since no maid would have a sheathed sword under their hip.

The maid seem to notice my gaze on her but her eyes seem to widen in surprise as if she seem to remember something.

"Forgive me for not introducing myself Ahem" The Maid apologies as she cleared her throat.

"I am Yamato Lionheart it's Nice to meet The Majesty Clone but it seem like you already received a name from her majesty herself " The Maid now named Yamato introduced herself as she eagerly waited for my response.

Then I widen my eyes as I seem to remember the Loli Saying that My name was Hiki? Wait no its Hiko if I remember it correctly.

"Ahem! Nice to meet you to Yamato Lionheart, 'The Majesty' Named me as Hiko if I remember it correctly" I Introduced myself with the name that the Loli give me.

A smile appeared on the maid face as she then explain the situation while answering some of my question to which made the maid happy for some unknown reason.

So here's all the information I got from the maid.

Apparently The Loli Name is Vinny and she is a powerful being and the last time she fought was when she needed a dragon heart for some unknown reason.

Yamato is The Loli Personal maid while the other is just to maintain the Mansion, yes you heard that right a F$#king Mansion! And there are exactly 20 maid and 10 butler don't ask me why there are more maid then the butler even Yamato Doesn't know that.

My entire existence was to be use to fool everyone into thinking that I was 'Vinny' but Yamato only know about that and nothing more since she just overheard it when she was cleaning.

 but a 'accident' accorded and now I'm in a clone body while the Clones body is weaker then it should be since I could barely hold a chair with both of my hand!

Especially my Stamina and Durability my body Durability couldn't even withstand a slap on the chest without making me fly like a rocket or maybe Yamato is just to strong Thankfully she was able to catch me before I hit the wall while healing me.

But my stamina is what bother me the most as even a simple run was enough to make me fall down to the ground in exhaustion without being able to move.

But Yamato did told me that her healing magic use my Stamina as a energy source to heal my body maybe that's the reason why I'm always exhausted after walking around.

But what made me even more Shock was that never once did Vinny made a mistake or fail whenever she is the one involved and this time the Loli Failed for the first time!

but Yamato told me that she doesn't know Anymore then that and she said that she was just a maid that wasn't involved in the Clone Project and was usually responsible for cleaning up the mess they made.


And here I was sitting on a Long table that could fit 10 people.

I was sitting on the right side while Yamato bid me farewell since she has other matter to attain to.


The door opened as another maid walked in.

"Lady Hiko I have brought you lunch" the maid exclaimed as she put the food on the table in front of me.

"Thank you for the food" I Thanked the maid as she nodded and went back to where she come from.


A soft bang was heard as The door closed as I'm now alone in this big room except for a few maid that was cleaning the window and floor behind and in front of me.

"Mmm!" I hummed in delight as I savored the taste of the food on my plate.

'Delicious! The servants really outdid themselves though I still don't know where I am even after asking Yamato, all she said was "I'm sorry Lady Hiko even I don't know where we are" That was what she said' I continue eating as I finish my food and drinks.

I stood up as I asked a maid to guide to my room.


I lay down on the bed as I recalled what happened before I died.


Chapter Ended

/// Now the next chapter is his past life

/// This story is a fast pace and will not have a lot of details as I Dislike details! So Screw Details it's not like it's important! I mean who would want to write a Unimportant character Appearance that would never appear ever again! Right?! RIGHT?!