
I'm A Boy Though? [Haikyuu!! X OC! Fanfic]

Haikyuu!! X Oc! Fanfic This is an various x oc fanfic ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "You're a really fun team,yah know that." Lei said while chuckling lightly. "But you got it all wrong, I'm not applying to be a manager....I'm applying as a player." "Heh?!" "Oi oi chibi-chan! are you joking? Cause if you haven't notice, this is a boys team." Tsukkishima stated while smirking at the end. Lei frown at the teasing remark of the pale blonde teen. Not really understanding what he's pointing out but after registering his words the boy immediately became angry. "Yahh! Did you just said that I'm dumd?! A-and wait! Chibi-chan?! For your information I'm taller than Shoyo!" Lei yelled at the pale blonde haired teen. While pointing an accusing finger at him. "Y-Yah why is my height included their?!" Hinata shouted. Embarassed when they point out his height. "HAHHAHAHAHAHH!" the two second year laugh at the three fighting individual. Obviously enjoying the show way to much. "You're laughing way to much Nishinoya-san, when you're obviously shorter than Hinata." Enoshita taunted at the still laughing second year. "WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY, ENOSHITA?!" "Nothing~" "That's the only things you've notice? You really are dumb, Oujo-san~ (lady)." Tsukkishima smirk at the fuming teen. Amused with how easy it is to irritated him. "O-Oujo-san?! I am not a lady! I'm a man!" Lei stated while fuming at the accusation of being called a female and the worst thing is that, it happens two times already. . . . ~~~

Alein_Rix · 竞技
20 Chs

Chapter 15 - Bathroom Encounter

Karasuno was already warming up when Seijo entered the veiwing deck of the court and with Hinata immediately taking notice of them.

"Oh! Its turnip head!"

"'Turnip head?' What's that?" Kindaichi asked confused.

"It's you, who else." Kunimi answered snickering at the nickname.


"Yoohoo! Tobio-chan and Shrimp-chan! How's the freak duo doing?" Seijo team captain, Oikawa, cheerfully showed a peace sign to the two first year. Startling them of his presence. But his teasing smile was wipe off with a pained expression after being slap on the hand with Iwaizumi.

"Oh! Its the Great King!"

"That hurt, Iwa-chan. Huh? They have a libero? He's not there at the practice match." Oikawa swept his eyes to the other member of the team.

"And that big guy wasn't there, either." Iwaizumi added.


"And their coch is new too, right?" Seijo's coach said as he look at the direction of what they presume as the new coach. Whose currently busy talking to a strawberry blonde haired teen.

"Whoah! It looks like Karasuno have a new pretty manager, lucky!" One of the members of Seijo exclaimed in surprise as soon as he saw the teen currently talking with their coach.

"Karasuno really got a nack for getting beauties in their team."

Oikawa and Iwaizumi turn their attention towards the said teen after hearing their teammates talking about it. Oikawa was about to comment something when they saw the teen removing his jacket. Showcasing the #13 jersey inside and running off towards the other player for a warm-up.


Seijo's team was met with an awkward silence after seeing the sudden revelation.

"E-ehh?! She! I-I mean ah He? He's a player?!" Kindaichi exclaimed in surprise.

"Looks like it?" Kunimi aswered unsurely.

"Ehhh? Karasuno have a girly boy in their team?" Oikawa drawled out. Based on his expression he looks like his thingking about something. And if it's Oikawa we're talking about then it's not good.

"New player and new coach. I wonder how Karasuno has change."

"Are you okay, Lei-chan?" Hinata notice that Lei's expression is not good.

"I'm okay. It just that I feel like someone's bad mouthing me." Lei answered. A dark expression adoring his pretty face.



"We've already win the first set." Lei pout. "But I haven't even played yet!"

Lei can't help but to remember what his coach told him before warm-up.

"Lei can i talk to you for a second." Coach Ukai suddenly called out.

"What is it, coach?"

"With our fight with Tokonami, there's a chance that I would not put you in."

"Ehhh! Why?!"

"Eh? Well your foundation is still not good. There might be a possibility that they would target you, just like what happen in Nekoma." Lei could feel an invisible arrow is shot on his heart. The coach didn't even sugarcoat!

"And besides we can't reveal all our important assets, right?" the coach smirk evilly. Although it's important to always show your best to every opponent, but it doesn't mean that you can't hide a few ace cards on your sleeves.

Lei was obviously saddened by the fact that he might not have a chance to play on their first match but being deem as an important asset of the team slightly compensate him.

"But always get ready, we can never be sure of our opponent." Coach Ukai patted the boys shoulder, encouraging him.

"Hai, coach!"

But now, looking at his teammates having fun playing with the other team. He can't help but to be envious of them. If only he knows how to receive properly, he might have a chance to play today.

Minutes passed with a score of 25 - 14, the game ends with Karasuno winning the first round and with Lei still not having a chance to play.

"Congrats" Lei walk towards his teammates. Passing water bottles along the way.

"You don't look happy, though." Tsukkishima taunted. A teasing smirk on his face.

"I am!" Lei exclaim with red adoring his plum cheeks, embarassed that he's been caught.

"Hehh you don't look like it though. Could it be because... oh! You didn't get play?" Tsukkishima purposely drawled out his words, teasing the blushing boy to no end.

He was having way to much fun teasing and seeing the boy blush because of him.

"Ehh? You're sad about that?" Kageyama butted in. "Well if I didn't get to play I would be sad too."

"More like angry." Hinata murmured. Not wanting the always angry setter to hear it and became angry with him again.

"Don't mind, Lei-chan! You'll get to play on the next match!"

"Yeah... You're right! Now I'm getting excited!"

"Me too! I'm also excited to stand at the court too! To be able to fight at the next match.. whoooooo!!" Hinata shouted in glee. High five-ing each other due to excitement.

"What a bunch of simpleton." Tsukkishima murmur. Looking at the scene like his too done to deal with this shit already.


Lei walked around the halls, intending to go to the bathroom after he finished drinking the strawberry milk yogurt that he bought again at the vending machine. Lucky him that the one he bought are the last pair.

But simply going to the bathroom is already a problem to him. Not because he's lost again, but because of all the stares directed towards, making him extremely uncomfortable.

"What's their problem?" Pouted the boy at his mind.

He just wished that he didn't need to go but he just can't stop his body's natural reaction after drinking some fluids.

After locating the males bathroom and going to one of the urinal against the wall. The boy is taking his time to piss, with 30 minutes to spare before their next match against Deteko.

Lei was in the middle of pissing when a voice suddenly exclaimed on his back, startling him.

"Ohhh! So you do have one!"

Lei turn his neck to look at the male, now besides him. Still shock with just happen.

"H-Huh?" "The great king!"

"When I first saw you I thought you're cross dressing as a male! But when I saw it, I've been reassured. And it's actually bigger than I thought. You're just a girly boy, right." Oikawa continued while patting the boy's back. A carefree smile adoring his handsome face.

"..... Me? A girly boy?.." the shorter drawl out. A blank expression on his face.

"Hmm!" Oikawa agreed carelessly. "You're really pretty, but I still think I'm prettier!" The oblivious brown haired male continue. Not noticing the darkening expression of the shorter boy.

Lei snapped. He grasp the great king collar, shaking it violently because of his anger. Being thought that he don't have one, is one thing but being called as a girly boy. He can't accept that.

"A girly boy you said! I'll show you who's a girly boy when I massacred you! You fucking pervert!"

"Eeekk!! Iwa-chan!!" Oikawa, not expecting the boy to react that way shriek in horror. Calling for his friend for backup.

Iwaizumi was peacefully waiting at the door of the bathroom waiting for his friend to come out. They were not actually going to the bathroom to begin with, but his friend suddenly said that he needs to pee while looking at a certain direction.

Iwaizumi being a good friend he is, didn't investigate where he's looking at and decided to only wait for him outside of the mens bathroom. But he's proven, again and again, wrong when he heard a shouting inside and a voice calling for his help. He really shouldn't leave that trash alone.

"What did you do now, trashyKawa!?" Iwaizumi suddenly barge inside. But he was met with a scene of Oikawa being shaked violently by a boy shorter than him with a dark expression on his face. Precisely the boy they first thought as a girl.

"Why's is it always my fault!?" Oikawa exclaimed, offended with the accusation.

"Because you're the one always making trouble!---"

"Beacuse you're the one who first started it!---"

Both Lei and Iwaizumi exclaimed at the same time, a pissed expression adoring their face.

Lei finally look at the presence of another male, although he's still angry but it already simmer down after he bent it to the cowering taller male.

"A-ahh, sorry about him. I'll beat him at the end of our match because we still need him in our team." Iwaizumi apologize in the stead of his friend. He was actually quite embarassed but he tried to hide it. Who wouldn't, the boy is really pretty and it's also awkward seeing him on the men's bathroom.

"Hidoi! Iwa-chan!"

Lei loosen his hold to the taller brown haired male and Oikawa seeing the opportunity to be free immediately run for cover towards his childhood friend, still scared with what just happen.

"O-oh... Then I'll leave it to you." Lei sincerely said. He felt like the male in front of him is way more kinder and trustworthy than that great king, who only know how to pissed people off.

"Iwa-chan, let's leave already." Oikawa tugged on his friend jacket while still hiding at his back. That small kid is really scary but he's also really cute.

"Then if you excuse us." Iwaizumi slightly bowed his head as they make their way towards the exit of the bathroom, Oikawa trailing behind him. When Oikawa was about to fully exit he turn his face towards the boy, a teasing smile on his face.

"Bye girly-chan~" Oikawa even wave out his right hand. He's not that scared because he's already at the door and can easily run away.

"Do you really wanna fight!" Lei was about to run after them when he realize that his zipper is still undone.



"I don't want to go to the bathroom again."


"Oi! TrashyKawa, what did you do this time? That kid looks so angry at you." They were walking along the hallways when Iwaizumi remembered how angry the boy is.

"Nothing~ I just check whether he's really a boy." Oikawa carelessly answered. "I mean what's he suppose to be shy about, we both have one."

Iwaizumi suddenly blush as he remembered something, but he immediately tried to erase it on his mind.

"Well not all people are as weird as you. You really are a trash."

"Ehh! Hidoi Iwa-chan! I'm only trying to prove something!" Oikawa pouted, offended to what his friend just said. But he suddenly smirk, eyeing his friend suggestively. "But you know, he's quite big for his height hehehe."

With an irk mark on his forehead, Iwaizumi slapped his friend's head, hard.


"You don't have to tell me that! You ass!"

"That hurts, Iwa-chan!" Oikawa was busy cradling his head when he notice his friend sporting a blush on his cheeks.

"Ehh~ Then why are you blushing then?"

"Shut up, ShittyKawa! Just wait and I'll beat you!"

"But you already beat me!" Oikawa childishly whine.
