
The First Meeting

Just like the previous week, Anne went straight to work on various jobs that were waiting to be checked. Usually Monday was the busiest day for her. That was why she immediately opened her laptop and got to work, even though she still had an hour to go. When Anne had finished checking some videos, Edward, who had just arrived, went straight into her room with two cups of Anne's favorite coffee.

"For you, Anne," Edward said quietly as he placed a cup of coffee on Anne's table.

"Thanks Edward, you are my hero. Oh yes, please check your email immediately, I just sent you some files. Please correct them first, then give them to me."

Edward drank the coffee in his hand slowly, "I just came, Anne, and you already talked about work. Relax, Anne, we still have a lot of time. Besides, it's still very early to get to work," he said sarcastically to Anne.