
Overcoming the pain

Olivia's POV.

"My head ". I exclaim in pain, 

"Calm down oli, I'm right here ". I could hear Lizzy voice behind me.

I slowly opened my eyes and met Lizzy sitting beside me with a worried look on her face.

I wanted to ask her what I was doing here but then I remembered all that happened and aunt's death.

I sat on bed the with my heart pounding in pain but I could shed tears .

I was so broken and sad .

"Take it easy ,it's not the end of the world ".Lizzy gently taps my shoulder .

"Yes ,it's not the end of the world but it's the end of my world".I mumured in tears 

I was about saying something when the door opened revelling Rona standing by the door .

Seeing him by the door I felt anger hatred and irritation for him.

"What are you doing here ?" I asked in anger 

"Calm down oli ,he is just here to see you ".Lizzy begged 

"For what ,for fucking what ?" I asked those questions while staring at Rona with anger .

He hissed softy and avoided my gaze before walking in to the room.

"I'm sorry ".he expressed those words sincerely but I won't take it .

"You are sorry "? I asked in anger 

"Tell me what are you sorry about ?" I asked in anger .

"Listen Oli".he moves closer to me and tries to touch me  but I angrily move away .

"Don't you dare touch me ".I yelled in anger.

Rona  stared at me but did not say a word .

I took in a deep breath before speaking up 

"You should leave" I spoke calmly but the anger in my voice could be heard .

"Oli".he calls out my name 

"Go Rona go ".I  yelled in anger.

He stares at me with  with a worried look on his face .

"I think you should please leave".Lizzy spoke up 

Rona stared at me for a while before leaving the hospital .

The moment he left the hospital I hissed in anger and lay on the bed .

"Oli ,you should have at least listen to him" Lizzy spoke up .

"There is nothing to listen Lizzy ,I don't want Rona or Derrick in my life ".I expressed those words with all seriousness .

Lizzy stared at me with pity and concen but did not say anything .

We sat there in silence I untill I spoke up .

"Where is aunt's body ?" I asked while trying to supresssing the tears threatening to fall down from my eyes.

"She has been put in the moutuary".she whispered 

I nod my head and took in a deep breath .

"Where do I go from here ". I mummured in tears .

"It's okay oli,you will find a way out ".she assured me .

I hisssed and stood up from the bed .

"Where are you going".Lizzy asked 

"I can't be here ,I need to see my Aunt".I mummured and left the room while Lizzy walked beside me .

"You should rest for a while you are not yet strong to handle things like this ".Lizzy tried convincing me but I wouldn't listen .

I match up the doctor Francis office and knocked on it .

"Come in ". 

I opened the door and walked in .

"You are awake".I could see the shock look on his face when I sat on the seat .

"Yes I am ,I need to see my aunt's body ".I demanded .

"The body is in the hospital moutuary ,there is nothing for you to be worried about ".he assured me but I won't listen.

"I want to see her ".I expressed those words as an order.

He hissed softly and stared at me for a while before getting up from his chair.

"Let's go ".he muttured out .

I stood up from the chair and left his office with him while Lizzy tagged along.

We walked for a moment before we got to a room that the word mortuary was boldly written on the door .

I took in a deep breath and followed him. 

"Good day sir ".the moutuary attendant greeted doctor Francis .

We walked pass some drawers before he stopped at a particular drawer that has aunt's name .

I closed my eyes and tried to calm myself .

"We can still go back ".Lizz mumured to me .

I shake my head and composed myself before opening my eyes.

Doctor Francis stared at me for a while before taking the handle of the drawer and gently pull it out .

The moment he did that I saw aunt laying flat on the big drawer and it feels like she was having a peaceful sleep .

I smilled in pains and stared at her one more time before looking away .

Doctor Francis took in a deep breath before pulling in the drawer.

"You should go back and rest ".

"I want to go home ,I can't stay here ".I mummured.

He stared at me before agreeing to my request .

We let the moutuary and I went back to the room and pick up my bag.

"This is my number ,call me if you need any help ".he handed over his card to me .

I flash him a weak smile before taking the card from him and left the room .

We left the hospital and I took in a deep to inhale the fresh breeze.

"You should sleep in my house today , I've already called Mom and she is expecting you ".Lizzy spoke up .

"Thank you ".I mummured .

"It's nothing ,let's get a taxi"

I nod my head but did not say a word .

We got a taxi and he drove us to Lizzy's home .

In few minutes we were in front of Lizzy's house .

We came out of the taxi while Lizzy paid and walked me in.

I got in and saw Lizzy's mom smiling at me .

"Hey Olivia , please come sit ".she directed me to the couch.

"How are you ?" She asked 

"I don't know ". I mumured in pain 

"It's is okay dear ,with time the pain will go away".she expressed those words like she was once in my shoes .

I hissed softly and shakes my head 

"I don't think I can ever get rid of the Pains".I mumured 

Lizzy mom hissed softly and sat besides me while placing her hand on my shoulder .

"You will get rid of this pains because I did".she expressed those words like she was so sure of it .

"I lost my twin sister to a Gastly motor accident and a part of me was gone with her"

"I couldn't eat for months,went into coma three times and even thought of killing myself and I was just thirteen years old when I went through such pains.but time heals all wound and with the help of my mother and older brother I was able to get myself after four years ". I stared at her and could noticed how hurt she was just by remembering the memories .

She took in a deep breath and stared at me with a pity look .

"If I can do it ,then you can no matter how long it will take and don't you let anyone push you to forget her so easily ,okay ?" She smiled at me and gently caress my hair 

"I made some sweet delicacies will you want to try it .

I wanted to say no because I have no appetite but I was really hungry.

"Sure ".I mumured 

She smiled at me before getting off from the couch .

"Come on "

I stood up from the couch and followed Lizzy and her mom to the dinning table .

"Please sit".Lizzy mom smiled at Mex

I pull out the empty chair and sat on it .

"You will be fine ".Lizzy mummured to me with a smile on her face .

Lizzy mom brought the food to the dinning table and put some on my plate .

"Thanks ".I mumured and pick up the spoon. .

I took spoon of the food in my mouth and forced myself to chew and swallow .

Lizzy stares at me with curiosity as I slowly eat.

I forced myself to take a few spoon untill I couldn't eat anymore.

"I think this will be okay ".I mumured 

Lizzy smiled at me and pick up my plate from the table and dropped it at the kitchen sink .

"Come let me take you upstairs to my room"

I stood up from the dinning and followed her to her to her room .

We climbed the stairs untill we got to her room 

"You should have some  rest ",.

I nod my head and slowly lay on the bed while trying to force myself to sleep.

Lizzy say by my side and gave me a pity look.

"You are a strong girl oli ,I believe you can take whatever comes your way including this" she mumured those words to me with a smile on her face .

"I hope so".I mummured

"You will ,I know you Oli you are a strong girl , stronger than any girl I have ever come across ,you will pass this phase and I'm so sure of it ".

Hearing those words from her it strengthens me and I flash her a weak smile .

"Thank you so much Lizzy ,you are indeed a true friend ".I mumured those words and forced myself to sleep.