

Florges had long noticed that their trainer, Yuga, had some issues with his mindset, although it wasn't as deep as he imagined.

Florges simply believed that if Yuga wanted Venusaur to undergo Mega Evolution, he needed to have at least some trust in it. He shouldn't be so anxious and hesitant even before trying it.

As expected, the Mega Evolution attempt ultimately failed.

Having identified his own shortcomings, Yuga didn't rush to experiment with Mega Evolution on Venusaur anymore, and Gengar's Mega Evolution was put on hold as well.

This situation weighed heavily on Venusaur, as it blamed itself for the failed attempt. Yuga spent a long time comforting it, emphasizing that it wasn't at fault, until its emotions returned to normal.

Starting from that day, Yuga relaxed his training of the Pokémon and began trying to understand them better, learning how to bond with them.

This applied not only to Venusaur but also to all his main Pokémon, including Gengar and Mismagius. Yuga was seeking better ways to connect with them.

They weren't just his pets, bodyguards, or fighters; they were his closest companions, beings he could entrust his life to.

Yuga felt that his Pokémon's strength had improved quickly enough, and taking a little break wouldn't hurt.

Recently, the newly evolved Vespiquen in the Flower Sea Sub-Ecopark had been busy constructing a new Amber Castle. Whenever Yuga had spare time, he would visit and lend a hand.

Since Vespiquen had only recently evolved and hadn't produced the Combees under her command yet, there was a shortage of labor while building Amber Castle. Yuga would assist whenever he visited.

However, Yuga believed Vespiquen had done an excellent job in persuading Ribombee. He was confident that they would soon see the birth of new Combee.

Upon leaving the Flower Sea Sub-Ecopark, Yuga suddenly heard sounds of battle coming from the main Ecopark. Curious, he went to investigate and was pleasantly surprised to find that a Medicham was sparring with a Gallade.

These Medidite had been living in the Ecopark for a long time without evolving. Unexpectedly, one of them had just evolved today.

Yuga counted the remaining Medidite and confirmed that one was missing. After evolving into Medicham, its strength was now on par with Gallade, and the two were engaged in an intense battle.

Meanwhile, Gardevoir (female) stood by with her child, watching the battle between her mate and Medicham. Other Medidite observed from the sidelines.

Currently, Gallade, Gardevoir (female), Gardevoir (male), and five Ralts including their offspring were living together. They trained together daily, and their bonds were extremely strong.

Gallade' family had successfully emerged from their past shadows, and Medidite played a significant role in it.

The Medicham and Gallade' spar ended with no clear winner.

After the sparring, Medicham gathered the other Medidite and began to "teach" them. In no time, Yuga witnessed the evolution light enveloping four of them.

When the evolution light dissipated, four brand-new Medicham stood in their place.

Yuga hadn't expected five Medidite to evolve all at once today, but he also noticed that these five evolving Medidite were the first ones to enter the Ecopark.

As the first group of Pokémon to enter the Ecopark, it had taken them a long time to evolve. It was a testament to their perseverance.

The remaining six Medidite, seeing their predecessors evolve one by one, couldn't help but feel envious. Gallade, along with his family, approached to congratulate them.

During the daytime, there weren't many Pokémon in the main Ecopark.

Audino and Wigglytuff had already moved to the room next to Yuga's. Great Flygon usually spent its free time sunbathing on the roof. The Linoone and Mightyena pair was responsible for patrolling around the Day Care and the gym during the day. The two Mr. Mime often mingled with the Miltanks.

On regular days, the main Ecopark was occupied by Medidite, Gallade' family, Ralts and Gardevoir (male), making their bonds the closest.

However, the Gardevoir (male) was currently nestled by the weather tree, and Yuga didn't know what it was up to. Yuga assumed it didn't want to see him and didn't pay it much attention.

When Yuga approached, Gallade' family happily greeted him.

Gallade' family was immensely grateful to Yuga. It was Yuga who had helped them escape their past, allowing them to lead the peaceful and happy lives they enjoyed now.

The Medicham group noticed Yuga's arrival and eagerly demonstrated their newly acquired skills from evolving.

Yuga noticed that all five Medicham had learned the Meditate move while evolving.

Meditate was a strengthening move that enhanced a Pokémon's physical attacks.

Excluding inherited moves, there were few Pokémon that could naturally learn this move through leveling up. It included Hitmonlee, Drowzee line, Mime Jr. line, Medidite line, and the Mienfoo line.

However, Hitmonlee had a much harder time grasping the Meditate move compared to the Medidite and Mienfoo lines. When it came to using it in battles, the Medicham group's progress was quite slow. In normal battles, this slow strengthening pace wouldn't suffice.

But all of that could be improved through training.

Just like the Quiver Dance of Vivillon and Bellossom, or the Sword Dance of Absol, these skills weren't easy to master from the start.

This was Yuga's first time encountering Medicham, and he realized the remarkable synergy between Medicham and the Meditate move, especially when combined with their Pure Power ability. It significantly boosted Medicham's attack capabilities.

Yuga was only now realizing the potential of Medicham, especially when combined with the Meditate move, which they learned immediately upon evolution.

The number of Medidite and Medicham in the Ecopark was still relatively low, but Yuga believed that once their numbers increased, the Medidite line would undoubtedly become a highlight of the YoYo Day Care.

Yuga wasn't in a hurry to let the Medidite reproduce before they evolved. He believed that Pokémon, when evolved to their final forms, would produce healthier offspring with the potential for greater talents.

The evolution of Pokémon is the sublimation of life. The higher the life level of Pokémon, the offspring they give birth to may have higher potential.

Yuga's speculation was primarily based on the talents of pseudo-Legendary Pokémon.

pseudo-Legendary Pokémon, with their lowest potential being in the green category, were known for having the highest life level among ordinary Pokémon.


Note: In the new version of Sword and Shield, Ralts, Kirlia, Gardevoir, and Gallade have been added to the Human-Like group, overlapping with Medidite and Medicham in the Egg group. The author is unsure whether to include Ralts and Medidite in future breeding.

Hitmonlee naturally learns the Meditate move upon evolving. However, it was mentioned earlier in this book that learning moves would be more challenging, not just a matter of reaching a certain level or evolving. Some Pokémon might acquire them naturally, while others might require training. There's no specific rule.

Additionally, the book doesn't often mention the use of TM (Technical Machine) moves, as Pokémon can learn these moves through other Pokémon teaching them. This setting remains unchanged by default.