
I’m not leaving yet

After getting kicked out of his old school he moves to New York and finds something.. or someone.

Arrianna_0632 · 奇幻
12 Chs

|Happy moments|

So I received backlash from one of my friends because I didn't include any happy moments of Charlie and London and I apologize:) enjoy happy moments and forget abt last page :D


•The big day•

London had just awoken from his 7 hour rest from a long day at work when he got a call

"Hey bab- I mean London wanna catch brunch?"

*sleepy voice* "oh yeah sure just-*

(Charlie is flustered by his voice)

"Did you just wake up?"

"WHAT, nooo Ive been awake for hours."

"Cool so I'll see you in 20 mins I'll send you the address."

(He hung up)

Well shit.

Now London had to get ready in 10 minutes and be there in another 10 minutes.

Just great

London immediately got in the shower and whilst being in the shower he brushed his teeth to minimize time waste he then quickly picked out something cute but classy and got dressed.

As he's putting on his shoes he trips

"AH SHIT!!" He yelps

He got up in pain and continued getting ready in under 10 minutes, he put a concoction of gel water and shampoo in his hair to keep it clean thick and stiff ;)..


He grabbed his phone and left in a hurry.

<11 minutes later finally at Gg's cafe he slowly walks up to see Charlie standing by the door

"Hey Lon cmon in"

He walks past Charlie and chuckles then walks in.

<20 minutes later they ate>

They've talked the whole time about nonsense, laughing, crying from laughing,genuinely enjoying each other's company.

"Jeez you are to funny." Charlie says wiping a tear from his cheek

"I can't help I'm naturally funny"

" oh shut up"

A lady come up to them "hello!! Are you ready for the bill?"

And that's when it hit him HE FORGOT HE FORGOT HIS WALLET it's fine he'll calm down FORGET THAT WHAT WILL HE DO

"Oh my god."

" London are you ok? You look like you saw a ghost."

"Um, please don't hate me I may have forgotten my wallet *talks to fast* butipromisetopayyoubackimincrediblysorry.

Please don't hate me"

But Charlie laughed in fact he almost cried

"Jeez Lon it's ok I was ganna pay anyways- no need to get jumpy."

"Oh. Well in that case carry on."

Charlie chuckled and handed the lady his card

<1 hour later> they're in a part by the beach

"The water is so pretty from this view isn't it char."

"Char? That's so cute. And yes it's beautiful"

"But your not even looking at it."

"Yeah I'm looking at you."

London was flustered without hesitation he kissed him they're first kiss just like that. The feel of his soft lips caressing his opening and closing to change angles they knew it was destined to happen today the kiss lasted at least 2 minutes all you hear is the soft pushes of their lips. Charlie lifting londons face up to get a better angle and London felling on Charlie's hair just to hear him make noise it was the biggest day of the month.


|The Movie night|

London was just sitting on his couch bored out of his mind not knowing what to do when Charlie calls "hey wanna come over?"

"Come over where?"

"My house. We could watch a movie if you want."

"Oh sure why not."

Completely hiding his flusterdness

"Ok I'll send you the address see you soon."

*he hung up*

London was so psyched to go to his house for the first time he needed to prepare.

He got in the shower and washed his hair. Why? I don't know he then brushed his teeth. Why? I still don't know. He got dressed in a comfortable but classy outfit and packed a bag: phone, charger, headphones, breath mint, wallet, keys, water, condom


He called a Uber and shortly left after.

<19 minutes later>

He arrived and stood outside his apartment as the Uber drove off he texted him he was outside then shortly heard a buzzer. He walked in and took the elevator to the 4 floor and got into his house.

"Hey Lon"

"Hi char"

Cmon I've got a tv in my room we can watch a movie there."

He followed Charlie quickly to his room where they both got comfortable in the bed shortly after they picked a scary movie out of 5 rounds of rock paper scissors and started watching it.

<it gets steamy>

London is laying on Charlie's chest watching the movie but mostly hearing how fast his heart beat progresses every time he moves. He found It interesting.

A jump scare popped up and London moved his leg out of fear but his leg hit Charlie's inner thigh.

Charlie softly groaned and shifted himself in a different position.

London got turned on but didn't want to admit it so he continued watching the movie.

But shortly after Charlie shifted again

"Am I hurting you?" London asked

"No I'm just.. well I'm low key turned on right now and I'm trying to get my mind off it." London was shocked not knowing that to say he just moves up and kisses him but this time it was different. As the kisses started to progress more Charlie shifted himself up the bed board while London got on top of him.

They started making out while softly moaning. London playing with his hair while feeling down Charlie's shirt.

He didn't even know what he was doing. Like he wasn't in control.

Charlie with on hand on Londons waist and another on his neck, feeling his Addams Apple and tracing the veins whilst kissing. London starts moving down to his neck, kissing it and sucking on it while char groaned in pleasure. Lon didn't stop till he saw some redness and moved to the other side of his neck then slowly shifted down to his stomach where you can hear his heart beat progress. London slowly kissing his stomach all the way down to his waist where he sees his v line. He was so turned on. He looked up "is this ok?"

"Keep going."

He looked back down and took his pants off. Then his boxers. Where it revealed his d1ck.

Without any thoughts he started licking it.

Char twitched while groaning.

Lon going down on his d1ck and softly biting it just to hear him whimper

"Ugh ..please ..London.. more."

He went faster and faster till his mouth filled with a substance. One in which wasn't liquid but also wasn't solid he let it drip from his face while char is whimpering. He wiped it off his face and continued for another go. <head shifted from London to char repeatedly threw out the night.>

They were rested naked but cuddling next to each other for the rest of the night.


|The confession|

Just a week after that happened they were hanging out at a part. Eating ice cream and just relaxing when they come across a fountains

"Oo cmon make a wish!!"

"No way char those are for kids."

"Oh cmon pleaseeeee"


He took a quarter out of his pocket and held it up to his head then dropped it into the fountain "well what'd you wish for??"

"If I say it wont come true"

<10 minutes later>

They are sitting on a bench feeding the birds with the cone of Londons ice cream when char say "I really like you. Like a lot."

Flustered he responds with "I like you to. Alot."

" no." Char lifts londons Face "I love spending time with you. Your so special to me, anytime Im with you I always laugh.I want you to be my boyfriend."

"Oh. WELL DUH" they kissed and laughed and enjoyed the rest of their day and weeks as a couple.


I added no energy into the last part simply

Because it's 3 am and I'm tired. Plus I made this against my will so I hope you enjoyed but I'm abt to ruin your lives :)