
I’m Bitten

In a world where supernaturals roam freely-ish, humans are just food and/or targets for the supernatural species. That was until Daniel found Jade. Or was it his brother? Who knew it would all start by a life or death ritual...

thrilling_romance · 奇幻言情
66 Chs

Chapter 53: Lost For Words

Elizabeth's POV: I could tell that Charles was lost for words at that moment so I said, "Thank you Ashton, we'll find her and keep her from doing anything stupid!" Then I compelled his parents to forget everything they heard and I dragged Charles out to the car. I decided that I'd drive since apparently Charles is literally in shock. Once we started driving I said, "It'll be okay Charles, we'll find her, I promise." A single tear dropped from us eye as he said, "Sure we'll find her, but what if it's too late? What if she kills herself because she thinks she'll become a serial killer or something? What if Jade can't see how completely crazy in love I am with her that she thinks it's okay to do die. It's not, it'll never be okay." I put my hand on Charles's shoulder and asked, "Tell me something Charles. What if Jade does end up being dead, what will you do? How would you react?" He continued his tears while saying, "Since I cannot be killed, I'd desiccate myself. I don't want to be alive, much less live in a world that Jade isn't apart of anymore. If she dies, my life will not have purpose. The air I'm breathing is Jade's air. The colors I see are the different colors of love I feel for Jade. My heart only beats because of Jade. If I cannot die with Jade or die for her, then I'll die because I love her!" I smiled at how passionate my brother is about Jade. A girl. A heretic. A very powerful witch. And the love of my brothers life. I refuse to let their love go to waste because she's to thin-minded to realize how crazy Charles is about her. I picked up my phone and called Jade. Surprisingly she picked up...

Jade's POV: I answered a call from Elizabeth of all people. I asked, "What exactly are you calling for?" Elizabeth answered, "I'm calling because you need to come home. I promise you, we'll do things your way, we'll treat this matter however you'd like. Just please, come back. If not for yourself then do it for us, the Sulimans, specifically Charles. Do it for your dad, your sister, your mother. They wouldn't want to see you like this Jade. You can't let yourself die just because you think you're crazy." I said in a lower tone, "So I take it you've been to see Ashton?" "Damn straight. Now get your ass back to Boston or we'll chase you to the ends of this Earth!" Elizabeth demanded. I laughed and said, "Then I guess it's a good thing that I compelled Ashton to tell you the wrong place! I'm not going to Miami, Elizabeth! I'm going somewhere much scarier. I'll give you a hint...it's a ghost town somewhere in Florida. Have fun finding it!" Then I hung up the phone. Now I'm done screwing around, I have to get to these witches, going by plane is much faster than a car so that's where Rosie and I stopped. I compelled the check in place to give us two first class seats to Gainesville, Florida. Once we boarded the plane I asked Rosie, "So, since I haven't killed you yet I assume you know that I want you alive for now. So be a good little wolf and tell me your life story, leave no detail to spare." I have time. It's quite the trip from the edge of Boston all the way to Florida, I need entertainment...

Charles' POV: I'm said to Elizabeth, "So much for saving her. Jade's gone and we have no way of finding out where she is. I don't even get to say a proper goodbye before she goes and kills herself!" Elizabeth replied, "Hey, Charles! It's going to be okay, I promise. We have other ways of finding people in this family, we use our allies to track for us. While you were having a pity party over there I was searching up all of the most isolated ghost towns throughout all of Florida, and at this very moment I have people searching every place I narrowed it down to. I also more people tracking the roads, and a few near some airports close to some of the ghost towns. It'll all be okay, we're going to find her. There's no way we're going to be too late." I asked, "Why don't we just call Talia and tell her what Jade's planning to do, she couldn't have compelled her over the phone, it's impossible, so if we explain to Talia that Jade's on a suicide mission then we can easily find her!" Elizabeth looked impressed at my knowledge and responded, "That might just work. Here, you call her, she actually knows you!" Elizabeth handed me her phone. I set it aside and just used my own. (I have Talias number in my phone Incase of a Jade emergency.) I pressed to call and shortly after the first two rings Talia picked up and asked, "Charles? What going on? Why'd you call?" I quickly said, "I need you to tell us where Jade is going, now!" Talia slowly replied, "Sorry Charles. I can't do that, I promised Jade I wouldn't say anything." In a more alarmed tone I said, "Jade's planning something dangerous, and if it fails then she's going to either kill herself or have a bunch of witches kill her! So please, tell me where she it!" Talia started panicking over the phone and stuttered as she said, "S-she's heading to some ghost town called R-Rosewood, Florida. Please Charles...save her!" I quickly added, "I'll try. Thank you Talia! I'll call you later with details-" Then I hung up the phone and said to Elizabeth, "What's the next flight we can catch to Rosewood?" Elizabeth smiled and said, "Let's find out, we're at the airport right now!"