
I’m Bitten

In a world where supernaturals roam freely-ish, humans are just food and/or targets for the supernatural species. That was until Daniel found Jade. Or was it his brother? Who knew it would all start by a life or death ritual...

thrilling_romance · 奇幻言情
66 Chs

Chapter 21: I Found A Way

Charles' POV: "I cant believe she chose herself!" I heard Daniel mumble. I replied, "Daniel, it's okay! We can't take away the precious amount of time she has left, we need to respect her decision. Anyway, what if she survives, then she will make a choice and you two will get to live happily ever after, so don't get upset about this. It's a blessing in disguise!" "How is this a blessing in disguise? It's burning me not knowing who she truly picked! Even if it is you, I would still love to know at least, then I could get over this whole thing easier!" I rolled my eyes and answered, "Daniel, just let it go for now. At least until the ritual is over, then you can get upset and angry, but you can't be mad anymore. It's been 7 weeks, let's just let the past be the past!"

Jade's POV: 7 weeks ago I made my choice! The choice that made me seem selfish, rude, and emotionless. I chose myself instead of picking between Charles or Daniel. I've done what I told them I'd do...I've spent the past seven weeks non stop with my mother and Talia. We've had spa days, went shopping, went out to eat, played games at home, and had movie nights on the couch together. I have to admit, this has been the best seven weeks I've had in a long time! I spent a majority of the days with my family, but a few of the days I hung out with Ashton, Tessa, Carrie, and Josh. We've gotten to be really close friends, but I'm running out of time. I haven't told my mother about any of the witch stuff or the ritual, if I end up surviving it won't matter, but I made Talia promise me that if I die she has to tell mom everything that happened. I only have about a week left to live and I haven't wasted a second of it. My mom had occasional dates every few days, she's really putting herself out there, so whenever she's out me and Talia practice spells to make me strong enough to survive the ritual. In some sort of spell book Talia found while she was away at college said that if a witch is truly powerful enough then they can survive this ritual. Apparently Talia learned about the witch gene in our family because her professor was a witch and had heard about the special blood our family carried throughout generation that was used in the ritual. Then he explained everything to Talia and gave her that spell book in order to practice and become strong. Talia said that the spell book was created by one of our ancestors in the 1600's, that professor told her that our ancestor was from Salem and survived the witch trials because she was strong enough, so if I'm strong enough then I'll be able to survive the ritual...

Daniel's POV: I've been going crazy not knowing Jade's thoughts. She can't possibly be choosing herself because of her time limit, she just could've picked one of us and let it be that. I respect her decision a million percent, but I just wished she would've picked someone. Anyway, Charles and I have been closer than ever actually, Jade might've been worried about loosing one of us or driving a wedge between our family, but it's done the opposite, I've never been closer with my family, especially Charles, than I am now! We spend family time together like normal people would, except for yesterday. Nathaniel needs each of our blood for the ritual, so we all gave him a sample of our blood in little containers so he could perform the ritual in only one more week. Me and Charles have been dreading this ever since it got down to the one month mark, we're freaking out now! Elizabeth has been so kind to search every spell book she's acquired in order to find a way to either stop Nathaniel, or break the curse without Jade's blood. The only thing Elizabeth came up with was that since it only has to be the Eddington blood that it could be Jade's mother or sister used in the ritual instead of her! I wanted to propose the idea to Jade but we already knew her answer, she wouldn't let anything happen to her family if she could do anything about it. Also, Charles and I have been giving Jade her space as she asked for, we haven't spoken to her or even seen her in nearly two months! But when Charles ran upstairs to my room and said that Jade wants to speak with us we immediately suspected something. She had to have found something to help her...

Jade's POV: I found something in a very tiny space in the center of the spell book while I was looking through it. Talia was supervising me and asking what I was looking for but all I would say was, "A way out!" And I think she got the hint and she left me alone for the rest of the time. Speaking of time, I have five minutes until Charles, Daniel, and Elizabeth all get here. I'll need Elizabeth Incase my plan won't work and I need her magic instead. They all arrived shortly after and I invited them inside. We all sat in the kitchen along with Talia as I explained my plan. "So what exactly did you call us all here for?" Elizabeth said. I replied, "I found a way to keep alive during the ritual!" "That's impossible! Elizabeth and I looked through every spell book we've ever found and couldn't find anything on how to keep you alive!" Daniel mocked. I answered, "Did you check the Eddington spell book from the 1600's?" Elizabeth's eyes widened as she replied, "Where did you find this? I've been searching for spell books from your families bloodline since the 1800's! Who has them?" Talia answered, "Well my college professor up north said that he's researched my family for a long time. He's the one who told me about my families witch gene, and he also gave me this spell book. He said it's so I could practice and get stronger because he thought I'd be used in the ritual! And yes, he knows about the ritual thanks to that spell book right there." Elizabeth answered, "Oh my god! That's incredible, you found one of the Eddington spell books from the 1600's, there was probably only one or two of those and you have it! Anyway, Jade! What miracle plan did you come up with to save your life?" I replied, "Well, I found a spell that was used by another ancestor that Nathan tried using in the ritual taking place in the 1500's, the last time Nathan tried this. Except this girl ran away before Nathan could kill her, sound familiar?" Elizabeth snarked, "Yeah we were there!" I rolled my eyes and continued, "Anyway, she was quite a trained witch, she performed a spell using Nathan's blood that binded herself to him, so that way when she died she would come back to life, except it only worked for a rage of space, when she ran the spell broke off and she eventually died." "Get on with it will you!" Elizabeth said, slightly annoyed. I continued, "Will do! Okay, so here's the spell that she used." Elizabeth examined the spell quickly and got a shocked look on her face as she spoke, "Jade? Are you aware that in doing this spell you are required to die and be resurrected?" "I'm well aware of that-" I was cut off by Talia, "NO WAY IN HELL! You are not dying for some selfish, bastard original, no offense, that's literally using your blood in some freaky ritual! You are all nuts!" Tali's stormed out the door and I let her walk out and continued, "Sorry about Talia, she's dramatic. But, if this spell works then Nathan will get his way and be done trying to break this curse, I'll still be alive, and everyone can go on their merry little way! It's a flawless plan." Charles interrupted, "Except for the part where you DIE! I'm agreeing with Talia on this one...you can't put all your faith into some spell that probably doesn't work!" "Are you doubting me Charles! I've been practicing, I'm stronger now and I can handle this!" I remarked. Charles looked away at Elizabeth and said, "Are you seriously condoning this? You've been around a long time so you should know that the chances of this working is like 1 in a million!" I grabbed Charles' hand and said, "This will work! I promise it will!" Daniel looked jealous so I let go immediately once I got through to Charles. I turned to Elizabeth who was staring at me and I said, "Elizabeth, you're here because I need to ask you a favor?" "What do you need Jade?" "Well, if the odds aren't on my side and I do end up dying for real, then I'll need your magic to bring me back to life, and if you don't then I'm okay with that and if I'm dead then I'm just dead. It's totally up to you!" Elizabeth bit her lip and said, "I'm not sure about this, it takes dark magic to bring someone back from the dead! Oh! And also. How are you expecting to perform this spell without using dark magic! You could get yourself killed from that eve if you do get brought back to life! It's risky Jade, know what you're getting into!" I smiled and said, "I know what I'm getting into, but think about it, if I come back from the dead then maybe the dark magic will just be gone and I'll end up being perfectly fine! You never know what could happen." Elizabeth took a deep breath and replied, "Fine. I'll do it if your plan fails!"