
Hybrid Story I made in class

So basically this space creature lost their planet and found Earth. —————————————————- I made this story for English class 3 years ago, so the grammar ain’t allat.

MrYamixLana · 奇幻
1 Chs

First and only chapter

I flew… I flew and I flew. My home was no longer safe, my home planet was no longer safe. As I teared through the atmosphere and entered the endless void, a beam of sparking light shot past me and into the planets core. The flaps of my sharp black wings died down as I turned to the place, I once called home. It was like fireworks, beautiful colours painted itself in the area as I was struck by the shockwave of the explosion, if a certain galactic emperor was here, he would've said 'splendid fireworks'. But how can something so cruel and disastrous look so elegant and gorgeous. My unconscious body floated through space, if I hadn't been engulfed by a wormhole then it might've taken me years to find a habitable planet, and that planet was none other than Earth. Earth was an amazing planet, it had different types of food, the skies and ocean was clear, and it even had life. But good things that is given to you is followed by drawback. The food I mentioned earlier, yeah... it's only food that grow in a forest, those clear skies and ocean,I have no idea what the sea looks like during the day.

A frustrated sigh escaped from my mouth as I lay hidden in the side of a sad large mountain. Ever since coming to this planet I've been unable to socialise with other living organisms because I'm afraid that they'll start firing at me, I have seen what they have done to each other or what they're capable of doing at least. But don't get the wrong idea they are not a terrible species; you can find some kind ones from time to time. So, when I decide that I should meet one then I hope that they are a nice person.

The sun finally reached Its boiling point as it begins to trade places with the moon while it waved at me. The sun disappearing was the only time that I could almost fly freely without fear of beings seen. Standing at the peak of the mountain where its coldest, I spread out my wings and pushed myself forwards. High velocity of winds brushed my face as I drew near the ground, and with one singular movement of my wings, I take flight as I soar through the darkened skies. A fierce gust of sharp rotating winds dispelled any clouds that got in my way. Travelling through the air, I start to bring the company of smaller birds. My large lizard like body and birdy like head and wings surely would've scared off such a small animal, however these birds had not strayed away from me. A huge smile stretched across my face as they shortly leaned their bodies to the side before leaving.

I arrived at a rather small town which had little surveillanceand hid in the crowd of trees that was only just behind a few houses as my long reptile tail rested on the road from behind. I stared into the curtain drawn windows and watched as a party was ongoing in the middle house. I felt envy because I had not been able to join them due to not only my size but me being an alien as you call it. Over the collective years of being in this blue bubble I felt nothing but sadness, and the only time that I am happy is when a few birds fly by my side. In a Rainfall of tears, I hurry myself to fly away until a sudden agony overcame me as my tail which was resting on a road earlier had been completely taken off by a passing truck going at high speeds. I let out a loud scream that alerted everyone in the town as they all came rushing out of their homes to investigate the noise. My heart pounded; I tried to leave as fast as I can but my ability to fly was hindered from the lossof my tail. It'll a good few minutes before I can fully regenerate my tail.

Running through the deep, dark, deviousforest I hear an ear destroying sound of sirens with blue and red flashing lights followed by it, I couldn't keep running like this I had to find a place to hide until my tail came back, was I really about to lose my life over something as dumb as losing my tail to a speeding car? Each step I took only made it easier for my pursuers to track me; each time I look up, the trees share the same face with no signs of showing change. I reach the edge of the danger zone withy no escape any further, it was either I jump, or I become a test subject and my options was not looking too good. The pursuers slowly scrapped their shoe across the mushy ground as I respond with moving further as if we were both norths on a magnet. The moon began to blend in the background as the peak of the sun came crawling from over the horizon, it's do or die I must take my final leap of faith. Standing at the edge of fate, I spread out my wings, covering the sun behind me as my winged shadow envelops my pursuers, I take a deep concentrated breath before pushing myself backwards as I became overwhelmed with high velocity of winds. My tail showed no signs of completing its progression, I close my eyes and reminisce on my past life before and after coming to earth. My heart burned with optimism, and with one singular movement of my wings, I take flight as I soar through the golden orange skies.