
Husband doting wife: Emperor Gu's shameless perfect bride

After getting betrayed by her own family. Zhao Ai decides there's no more reason to live. If happiness will come to them with her death, then she was fine with it. So she knowingly took the poison apple but she was reborn. Life has given her a second chance. Ah. You there..the step sister I cared for but betrayed me. It's time pay to back what you owe. This missus IQ is very high. And the fiancé I loved all my youth, you dare to cheat. I will show you all some good face slap. This psychologist will make you all a psycho. "Em..handsome why are we both naked in bed?" she asked tightly holding the duvet. The young handsome man sat upright, his well defined upper body was something she couldn't take her eyes off. Shamelessly forgetting what she was asking she started to flirt. "Handsome we must have met before. You look too handsome for my eyes to forget." "You married me last night." he stated no emotion on his perfectly sculpted cold face. "Eh..so you are saying I took advantage of you last night and married you?" "Yes." "And you agreed?" "Yes" She tilted her head to look properly at him. Her face swollen due to lack of proper sleep. She seemed to be weighing his words before concluding. "Hmm..that sounds shameless. But I believe you. Only I have the guts to be shamelessly shameless." "..." And so Zhao Ai starts her life over again. Refusing to be betrayed again. Married to Emperor Gu, the president of Emperor group of industries. The wealthiest and most feared man in the country. Zhao Ai learns that her life is more than what it seems and she starts to find out things she didn't know. Perhaps this husband of hers was not a coincidence. Perhaps they had really met before. And like that, this young shameless missus begins her journey of face slapping. Please this book is yet to be edited. I am still working on it....be patient with me. Leave your review and vote for little old me. The image used is not mine. Copyright belongs to the artist. Instagram @Loneliest_Empress Send me a kofi and check out my inner thoughts on https://ko-fi.com/loneliest_empress

Loneliest_Empress · 现代言情
343 Chs

You are so ugly, the fish refused to be fried by you!

Xiao Ai got to the kitchen only to find that her brother In law was staring into space, the spatula was on the floor and her husband who seemed unbothered by everything was quietly looking at her.

Soon Xiao Ai felt something burning.

The fish Bolin was frying was almost burnt.

She rushed to kitchen, turned the gas off and picked the spatula hitting him severally.

Only then did Bolin come back to life.

What did his brother say?

She was her. Zhao Ai was that girl?

"Ahhh...ahhh..it hurts. Stop. Sister..sister... brother help me." he shouted trying to get Xiao Ai off him.

"You want to set our house on fire!" she angrily said."It's fine if you want to set the house on fire but do it when you are the only one in the house."

"Sis..sis..am sorry. I didn't do it on purpose. I was a bit carried away. I didn't know. An sorry. Brother help me."

But Bojing didn't even look concerned a bit instead he merely glanced at Xiao Ai again, feeling a rush of loneliness sweep through him but he soon masked it with his neutral face.

"Forget it even if you call an angel, am still going to scold you." she finally stopped beating him seeing that there was almost a table full of food that he had prepared. Xiao Ai felt a bit satisfied and her anger went down a bit. "Do you know how much you scared my husband? You insolent fool. You are so ugly, the fish refused to be fried by you."

"What? Sister how can you say that? You can talk shamelessly but don't compliment shamelessly. Everyone knows am so handsome. This young master is every woman's dream."

"Every woman's dream? Tsk...then you are my nightmare. After all I don't like been chased by an ugly monster like you."

Xiao then went to her husband to check if he was fine."Hubby are you good, did you suffer any psychological damage?"

"No." Bojing said his voice low and a bit dry.

Turning to Bolin she started scolding him again. "Did you hear that...my hubby suffered great psychological damage because you almost burnt the house. How do you intend to pay?"

"But brother said he didn't. Sister why are so cruel to me?" he asked almost at the point of crying.

Xiao Ai then turned to Bojing again, wearing a very bright smile. Her smile was so bright it could illuminate the whole room.

"Hubby tell me did you suffer any psychological damage?"

Bojing stared at his brother who was expecting him to say no again. But Bojing simply looked his brother in the eye and without any emotion he replied.

"Yes I did. A great one."

Bolin couldn't take the dog food they were stuffing in his face and decided to start setting the table.

"Are we done here?" Xiao shouted waiting to scold Bolin again but the lad acted like he didn't hear and just continued what he was doing.

"No matter what I say all you will do is stuff my face with dog Shit why should I listen. Just keep roasting me...I don't care."

"En..its good that you know only dog Shit fits your face. Roasting you will be too disgusting"

Gu Bolin:".." Fine. She's her so of course his brother will be biased.

After setting the table. Xiao started to compliment Bojing again.

"Hubby..you are so good looking, this food Isn't as tasty as eating you."

"Cough...cough...cough..." Gu Bojing suddenly started coughing. His ears were a ting of red but wasn't very noticeable. And a part of his lower body was slightly raising it's head.

"Dearest are you ok?" She gave him water and then glared at Bolin who was sitting opposite her."Which kind of stupid food did you prepare that made my hubby cough. This food is so bad that I can't even managed to eat half a bowl. "

Gu Bojing:"..."

Gu Bolin:"..."

Who was the one that just finished three bowls of rice?

"But sister you've almost finished the food here."

Truly the plates on the table was almost empty. Xiao Ai looked a bit embarrassed and then glanced at her husband.

"So what? Am eating so much so I can be fleshy in necessary areas. I need to satisfy my hubby ok?"

It was now Bolins turn to cough while Bojing who seemed to be getting used to her lousy talk kept eating.

"Sister have some table manners at least there's a single one here."

"Enhen...your brother can't cook but I have to be fleshy."

"How do you know he can't cook?"

Xiao Ai stared into space for a while.

How did she know he can't cook?

"Well I just guessed since he wasn't helping you." she said stuffing a meat into her mouth.

"By the way Brother how are you going to compensate for my husbands psychological damage?"

Gu Bolin knew all this woman cared for was money so he asked."How much do I need to pay?"

"Nonsense do you think we lack money?"

"What am I supposed to then? Sister why do I feel like you are picking on me?" Bolin wore an expression that he was being wronged.

"Fine I won't make it difficult for you. I heard handsome young master Gu has this very cute little Bently. The last year model...."

Gu Bolins face instantly froze.

This woman? She dare not!

"Well my hubby wants that as a compensation."

"Nonsense! Why would brother want that when he has a fleet of better cars."

"Hubby do you want that car as your compensation."

"En. I want it."

Bojing knew he was simply being used but he still agreed with her.

He was used to it anyways.

She was always like this.

Bolin couldn't contain his anger and slammed his hands on the table.

"Brother..aren't you being too biased?"

Gu Bojing stared at his brother. His gaze was chilly and dangerous. Bolin immediately sat quietly and picked his chop sticks.

In a very sad voice he said " I will bring the car over. "

"Ah..before you bring it be sure to paint it red first."

Bolin sniffed in his tears and nodded in agreement.

" Hey brother...since you look like we are bullying you, how about you give us the house you bought at Lake ri..."

"I will give you the car!" he quickly added.

This sister in law of his was too shameless.

His precious house with the great view.

He would never let his shameless sister lay her hands on it.

"Are you short on money?" Bojing suddenly asked.

"Hubby..of course not. Don't you know who my mom is? Besides my husband is so rich I can never be short of cash." she quickly flattered him.

"Not short of money but keeps swindling innocent me." Bolin grumbled silently. He dared not speak up the he was being bullied.

"What are you saying brother?"

"Nothing nothing.. am saying only you is worthy of being my sister in law. Sister you are so beautiful and kind unlike those shameless socialite ladies nowadays. "

"Hmm...your ass licking skills is quite good. Am really not short of money. I have several millions in my account. I just enjoy bullying you."

Bolin gritted his teeth and faked a smile." Yes sister is always right. It's an honour to be your brother in law. Its a greater honour to be bullied by you"

Bolin knew which side he should stay on. After all this woman was the only person his brother loved. Getting on her wrong side meant death.

As Bolin was packing the plates, the entertainment news on the television suddenly caught their attention.

"Today around noon our nation's most shameless doctor once again swindled four point seven million yuan off young Miss Si of Sparkling Gems corporation. Tonight we receive the video of Miss Zhao shamelessly making Miss Si pay her bills. Here's a short clip that our reporter has recorded. "

The screen displayed Xiao Ais beautiful figure. Her curves could make anyone fall for her immediately and her eyes were clear as she obviously conned and roasted the innocent Miss Si."

"Poor your ass give me..."

"My ass is a bit fat does that mean your poornness is fat as well."

The lady reporting the news suddenly started laughing. " As we all can see. Psychologist Zhao Ai does live up to her reputation. In the whole nation there's probably not an actress or idol that can compete with her shamelessness."

Once the screen went dark, Xiao Ai was found under the table.

"What are you doing down there?" Bojing asked a bit frustrated and angry.

Didn't she just say she wasn't short of money?

Didn't she just brag that she had millions?

That was all money she got from swindling.

"Am sitting under the table?" She stated matter of factly.

"Why are you down there?" sensing that Bojing was in a bad mood, Xiao quickly got up ready to activate her ass licking mode.

"Simple. Because when you stand am under you!"

Gu Bojing:".."

Gu Bolin who was watching from the side lines:"..."

"Am saying as husband and wife. We understand each other so much. That Miss Si was simply being petty."


"Hubby you are not angry right?"

"Not angry at all."

Bolin who couldn't take anymore of the dog food quietly went into the kitchen to wash the dishes.

Yes I don't exist. Just pretend I don't exist.

Late at night, Xiao Ai intentionally stalled in the bathroom and took her time with her shower because she didn't want to fall into a particular persons trap..

She still had to visit grandfather the following day so she couldn't do anything that will make her tired. The minute she got into bed, a strong hand pushed her to a very warm body.

"Ahh..i need to visit my grandfather tomorrow. I mustn't be tired." she warned.

Bojing stared at her with no expressions.

"What are you saying? I simply want to pat you to sleep."

Oh..Xiao Ai quickly felt guilty.

She had thought too much.

But a certain person knew he was lying and tried to avoid pressing her too close so she wont notice his bulge.

Xiao Ai who was destined to be clumsy kept pressing herself onto him.

"If you keep doing that I can't gurantee you will wake early tomorrow. "

Xiao quicly shut her eyes and went to sleep.

Aftee she fell asleep, Bojing went to take a very cold shower. He then went to his study and picked a phone he hasn't used in a while. He looked through it and finally found the number.

He dialed the number...



Beep ..then a masculine rough voice was heard

The user you are calling is currently busy.

To send a money package press 1

To send a bomb press 2

To send a gun press 3

To hire press 4

If you are poor simply hang up.

This person too was still the same.

Gu Bojing stared for a while. Was that why she liked him very much back then.

Because they were similar.

Was that why he wasn't importnat .

He suddenly let out a low laughter.

Love could really make a man do certain things and think certain things.

This time, no matter what Xiao Ai will never leave him.

He dialed the number again and it went through .

He could hear the steady breaths coming from the other side of the phone.

Perhaps because he had known who was calling, the one on the other side suddenly chuckled.

GU Bojing too laughed a little. He then said in a serious cold voice." Stop looking for her. We are married." and hung up not giving the other person the chance to speak.

He went back to bed. Caressing her beautiful face, his eyes were a bit red.

Dearest, we have a long way to go but this time I won't let you leave.

Meanwhile somewhere in Russia, a particular person was still chuckling, a cold aura surrounding him with black clouds over his head before he suddenly picked the gun lying on his lap.


The following morning at the Mo family's Mansion.

Steward Xu quickly came forward to collect the young miss.

"Young miss, you are finally back. We have all missed you. It's good that you came back." he said happily smiling at her.

Xiao Ai returned the smile.

She knew her grandfather was not happy with her behavior ever since she went to Russia so this was her only chance to curry favor from him and make him dote her again.

Xiao Ai already knew what to say. She just had to use her acting skills a bit.

"Grandfather..." she called seeing the old man walking with his stick.

"Hmm...you are here. Come in." It was clear the old man was still not happy her.

Her mother was sitting on the sofa pouring tea for her grandfather while her grandmother sat on one side knitting.

"Ah..grandfather did you not age all? Although you are old in age, you still look about 20 years younger. Grandmother you too, you still look so young and fresh I almost thought you were a young maiden. No wonder mom birth such beautiful children. Its the wonderful gene passed down from our grandparents." She flattered.

Although the flattery didn't work on her grandfather it worked on her grandmother. Her face softened and she smiled at Xiao Ai telling her to come forward.

"Little Ai why didn't you come visit us all this time. You can't quarrel with your family like that. Little Ai now that you are back, come back often to keep my company."

"Sure. Little Ai will keep grandmother's company but grandmother must teach Little Ai how to knit. Am not very good at it."

"Is there someone you want to knit for?"

These old generations. How did she know?

Xiao Ai quickly covered her face as she blushed a bit. "Yes. How did you know grandmother?'

"Then you only learned to knit because you wanted to give your boyfriend a present. Anytime to you want to impress a boy you would always learn to do something. So considering your reputation then and now, I simply guessed. And its seems am right. Our Little Ai hasn't changed. "

Xiao Ais smile froze. Were they saying she was still the same.

Why did this suddenly seem like an insult.

"No grandma. It's not that." she tried to clarify.

"Is it for that Li bastratd?" her grandfather questioned angrily. " Until when will you follow that idiot around. As my grand daughter you are capable enough to have the most outstanding man! You brat. Can't you be less shameless!"

"Father. Don't over work yourself." Her mother said trying to suppress the situation.

When Xiao Ai picked the Zhao family over the Li family back then apart from her mother her grandfather was the most hurt. He loved her and doted on her the most but she had disappointed him back then.

'Grandpa....." Xiao Ai quickly rushed to the old man's side shoving her mom to a side. "Am sorry grandpa back then I was wrong. Little Ai was very wrong. I have realised my mistakes now. Grandpa loves little Ai the most won't grandpa forgive me. Please please..."

Old Master Mo who couldn't stand her puppy dog eyes softened a bit but still gravely said" You know you are wrong but you still want to go knit for that unworthy bastard. Little Ai don't disappoint me."

"Grandpa I want to knit for the most outstanding man."

"That Li bastrad?" her grandfather questioned enraged that his Little Ai was going astray again.

"No. For my husband." she happily replied.

Her grandfather turned to her thinking she must be up to her old tricks again. Trying to prank everyone.

"You got married?" he asked with a mocking look. As if saying 'who will be stupid enough to marry you?'

"Yes. Little Ai got married few days ago."

"To who?" It was her grandmother who asked this time.

Everyone knew Xiao Ai was impulsive but certainly not to this point.

"To Emperor Gu!" Xiao Ai excitedly answered proud to show off her priced possession.

"Hmph.."her grandpa grunted unwilling to belive her.

"It's true. Dad this little one is married to Emperor Gu." Her mother spoke up for her.


"Yes grandma really. What do you think isn't he the most outstanding man?"

"En. Bring him home later to see the elders." Old master Mo was clearly impressed by his granddaughter this time. So his mood improved and he looked happier than before.

Xiao peeked at her grandfather's expression and saw that he was pleased with her.

This people, she actually thought they would make a fuss before forgiving her but it was this easy.

Surely. Dearest Gu Bojing you are my trump card. One peek and the elders are no longer angry.

She should be more nice to him.

"Father, Mother, Little Ai, come and eat breakfast."

At the dining, Old Master Mo kept glancing at his granddaughter.

This little Ai seems different. She doesn't look like she will cause trouble.

Thinking about that made her grandfather remeber something. He slammed his chop sticks on the table and glared at his shameless granddaughter.

"Little Ai...why did you swindle money off Miss Si yesterday? Is the Mo family lacking money or is your husband lacking money?"

Xiao Ai knew she was roasted. She had only managed to please the old man but now he was angry Again.

"Grandpa.. its not like that. I was simply teaching that Miss Si a lesson. She can eat carelessly but she shouldn't talk carelessly. She was clearly trying to show off her money in my face. Besides aren't all members of the Mo family's known to be good with PR. If I had let her off yesterday, I wouldn't be living up to our reputation. "

The old man thought about it for a while and he felt that Little Ai was actually right.

Xiao Ai wanting to butter up to her grandparents more quickly added.

"Then grandfather can I ask something?"

"What is that?" Old Master Mo was a bit wary of this granddaughter of his after all she was good at swinding people off their things.

"Grandpa can I change my family name to Mo?"

Xiao Ai knew this matter would make her grandparents happy and besides it was something she had wanted to do ever since her rebirth changing her family name will be a huge slap to the Zhao family.

Her grandfather was clearly satisfied with her thinking and immediately agreed. "I will ask someone to start the preparation. "

Her mother who hadn't spoken for a while suddenly looked up.

"With that I have something to say to Everyone." she said and without waiting for anyone to ask she continued.

"Mo Hannah is coming back."

Miss Mo quietly studied her daughters expression but there was not much change in her except that her eyes were a bit red and cloudy and her chop sticks stood frozen on the dumping she was about to take.

Xiao Ai digged her nails into her palm.

Her biological sister was coming back.

It might have been easy to flatter her grandparents but it wouldn't be easy with her elder sister.

She was more thick skinned than Xiao Ai herself.

Even her brother couldn't change her mind.

She had to think of a way. When Hannah left six years ago, she and Xiao Ai had a serious fight because of that damned Baozhai.

Now she was twenty-five. Which means the last time she saw her sister was when she was nineteen.

Sister this time...I will chase after you.

After Zhao Ai left the Mo mansion and was on her way to the hospital. She got a call from Lifen.

"Little one did you finally remember you ancestor?"

"Xiao Ai...there's trouble at your department. You had better rush back else that bitch will soil your name and steal the lime light again."

" What exactly is wrong. Tell me In details."

"It's Miss Get lost. Hurry back quickly. Don't let them bring this one to our department else if I die will chase you in your dreams with cutlass." Lifen warned her tone full of worry.

"Relax there's nothing this quack ancestor can't take care of. Am on my way."

Heh. So Miss Get Lost was acting up again

Baozhai perhaps it's time.

It's time to start your psycho training.

Thank you guys for voting and I pray you keep voting. though I know its because you all want to swindle me off my candies but its OK. this ancestor is happy to bribe you all. don't forget to rate and leave your review. I will give you something yummier if you do.*wink*

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