
Hunting the Beast Across Worlds

I woke up with a blaring headache, memories all jumbled but there. All I had was my name, my belongings and a voice that said "Hunt the Beast of Revelation, Beast VI" Right, Beast VI was not yet dead. I'll continue to hunt it across worlds.

jewby_jube · 漫画同人
3 Chs

Chapter 3

Countless fallen enemies had been slain. All that was left of them were small pieces and remnants of what had once been them. It was a small price to pay, the price of feeding two whole families.

I stand up as I grab the stack of plates and began to help Miss Molly clean up as a thanks. The rest of the table was still stunned at the amount of food I had consumed. More memories came back. Some where less than savoury with how my kingdom ended... Who knew that the way my kingdom ended would be so drastically different from my alternate self?

I quickly finish the rest of the dishes before making my way towards my assigned room. A spare small room in which there was just enough space to move around. It was fine, after all some of my subjects would have had worse conditions. I slowly fall asleep towards the sound of people rustling within the house. The castle never had such sounds.

The sound of footsteps and scurrying slowly alerts me to the morning dawn. Perhaps they were cleaning? Or maybe rushing for something. I open the door as the view of many small strange creatures were swarming. "Do you need any help?" Miss Molly turned to face me before spraying one of the strange creatures. "Yes please, just take a spray and stun the doxys before placing them into the bucket dear." I sigh before simply releasing a bit of magical energy. If the creatures here were even smart enough to avoid danger then this would work well.

The doxys suddenly freeze in place as they fall to the ground shaking. The sign of the red dragon was enough to cripple them into staying still due to survival instincts. The rest of the group simply looked at me before going back to picking them all up and throwing them into the bucket. I was feeling perhaps a bit liberated and conflicted. I had to hunt the beast but I was getting almost zero information about it.

I wouldn't be here for long anyways.

Perhaps it was even worse when I met the man.

Dumbledore himself had arrived and given a bow. "It is an honour to meet the legendary King Arthur even from another world. Unfortunately it seems this Beast Fragment you are hunting has potentially sided with the Voldemort." I sigh "So you want to potentially send a squad of wizards from your side to deal with Voldemort's troop while you leave the Beast fragment to me. Just to level the playing field after I leave right?"

Dumbledore nodded as I thought about it. "Just get the plans ready. I'm ready to hunt the Beast fragment at any time."

"But there's a problem."

I froze as I stared long and hard at him. "Speak please." Dumbledore's head lowered "I strongly suspect your Beast Fragment to have taken over Azkaban." Harry poked his head out from the kitchen "Is that why you and Kingsly have been busy?" Dumbledore nodded "A few days before Arthur had arrived we had lost all contact with Azkaban and the fidelius charm had been broken as several aurors had to obliviate memories of the people as those who went near the island had disappeared."

I shook my head "No it's clearly not with your Voldemort. No it's challenging me. Its main job is to hinder me here for as long as possible."

I'm going right now to check. I'm ready anyways. Mr Dumbledore, please take me there." Harry and the others stood up "We'll go as well!" I stare at them dumbly "You want to go against a fragment of Beast VI?" Harry shook his head "We'll help one way or another." Molly's protective instincts flared as she stood up and sternly replied "No you will not. Not even Dumbledore is going to go without a risk."

Ron opened his mouth only to shut it until Molly glared at him "Out with it Ronald." He cringed before replying "Why don't we just go to help make sure the prisoners are still contained?"

I shook my head "This is no longer up to me. I'll be waiting with Dumbledore outside. I'll only give half an hour to make your decisions. Prepare yourselves for a giant beast hunt."

I waited outside as my amour materialised and Excalibur clad within the winds made its way into my hands. Dumbledore exited the building with a small group called by emergency. "I've brought some capable members of the Order."

I nodded "I'll need you to focus on parameter enforcement and make sure to keep the dementors if there are any away from my fight with the Beast fragment." They all nodded as I gave the signal for Dumbledore to disapparate. "On the count of three."

"Three, two, on-"

My eyes widened as the door burst open while the scenery faded away. The trio had each grabbed onto one of the members and had been pulled in. The darkness came and it felt like being squeezed through a toothpaste tube.

They suddenly appeared on the air before going into free fall. Dumbledore responded quickly as he shouted "Levitation charms!" They all stopped in mid air while Dumbledore attempted to levitate me too.

"No need." I dropped onto the water and began running towards the island. The blessing of the fae which allowed for me to run on water. I turned around and gave the signal. They weer dumbfounded but quickly responded as each transfigured a boat and started getting ready to repel any dementors. The island was quiet, and there laid a huge tower. It makes sense why the fragment chose this place. A place filled with fear and desolation, people to snack on, beasts of darkness and a resemblance to the Tower of Babel. The perfect growth spot for a fragment.

Some of the members had restrained the trio already and they had been bound to the boat.

I stood on the water before releasing my magical energy in a burst as a beacon. Soon the entire island began to rumble as dementors surged out of the island towards the boats. Many patronus surged from the numerous wands and began to ward the dementors away only to realise that they were running away from something. A few blackened tendrils caught onto the dementors before crushing and absorbing them.


The island rumbled as it broke in half and the sea parted to reveal the Beast fragment. It was a juvenile beast. It roared and the sea was thrown into turmoil. It swung its huge tendrils at the sea to cause a mini tsunami.

"Strike Air: Hammer of the Wind King!"

The bounded field released as the numerous winds compressed and released into a hammer that pierced straight through the incoming tsunami and hit the beast.

"Let the hunt begin."