
Hunters of solls

Do not read it

Puffi_Em · 奇幻
1 Chs


„Stop running", say a young boy and run after a girl.

„You are to slow Mike. Do not blame me " answert a girl.

Mike locked at her and then frose as he saw her getting eaten by an moster.

„Jumi... Why jumi don't leve me."

Bevor him stands a half eaten girl and a man, who killes something inhumane, something they call sollbeast. After that the man who slayed that beast come near the boy.

„Listen she is not fully dead if you what you can make her your soul mate to fight with her forever" ,sad the Man and smiled at him.

But as he was abaut to learn what happened next he woke up by his roommate.

„Mike it is time to go to school for the level and rating sistem. You know if you what to be a hunter you need to get into the school first", said a man whit blonde hair and blue eyes.

„Yeah, I know that", sad the boy as he gone to the mirror to make his hair. He realized something he had 20 minutes time to make it to the train station.

Mike's mike

(Shit I am late to make it in time.)

Mike put his Uniform on and changed his eyepatch. As he was running down stairs to grab his meal and bag. He saw Kai already leaving. Mike dashed behind him and Kai started Laughing.

„Next time tell me how much time I have left ", sad Mike.

„It is not my fault you sleeping beauty. I can not resist seeing your face filled with tears and pain",sad the roommate.

„You are a phycho Kai and a wird one two ", sad Mike and locked at him.

„At least not a one eyed monster human like yourself", sad Kai and both started laughing.

As the reached the station and both entered people started locking at Mike.

„Do you see his hair and eye", said random girl.

"Yeah his hair is blue, red and blank how can you not see that,"said random girl no.2.

„Plus his eye is white and he has an eyepatch on the other one", sad random thick girl.

„Man and he should be a hunter he is more a monster than a human" commented the ugly random girl who has nothing better to do.

Kai then broke the stairs by smashing the widow.

„Ups I broke the window instead of your faces mady next time I will not miss", sad Kai whit a really dangerous smile.

The bus became silent and then they arrived at the school.

„Thanks Kai for the help in the bus" sad Mike.

„Help only I can teas you besides can you help me out with the bill for the window "Cryed Kai aut laud.

The school Kai and Mike are attending to is the Sollhunter school. In this school you find your Soll mate and become one of the most important people in the world a soll-beast-hunter.

„The president is here evry one bow down", sad a student.

„Mike we better listen you know that he owns the school",said Kai and bowed down.

At the entrance you can hear a person.

„Mikeeeeee my friend and beloved monster how are you "a random guy screamed whit a science shut.

Professor Williams one of the best professors humans kind. He loves Mike like his son even though he likes science.