
Hunter x Hunter: God of Nen

Fate was reading one of his favorite manga "Hunter x Hunter". He was feeling a bit hungry and decided to head to his local 24/7, and while heading home he would receive a cliche death by getting hit by a truck. He spoke his dying words and awoke in the mysterious world of Hunter x Hunter. With no cheats and nothing but his memory, will he be able to survive in this new exciting world? ********** Disclaimer: Don't expect me to explain Nen and all that other stuff because I'm not lol. It's way too complicated for me so just look it up if ya wanna know.

3 Chs

Hunter X Hunter

On the outskirts of a small city, a black-haired and crimson-eyed teenage boy was reading a manga called "HunterxHunter". The boy would be giggling and laughing while enjoying the manga.

He'd close the book and set it down on his dresser. He would then get up and walk out of his room just to check his fridge. "Hah~ we really need some groceries.." He'd walk over to the front door and slip on his slippers and jacket where he would then head out the door and toward his local convenience store.

He would head inside and buy some snacks for his home, like chips, drinks, and some other stuff. He'd ring it all up at the counter and wave goodbye to the nice cashier, before heading out the doors.

"hmm~ mhmm~" The boy would humm to himself, he'd check both ways before crossing the road. But as soon as he got halfway he heard a loud and obnoxious horn that seemed to be coming from a truck that was hurling at him like a raging bull. "H-Huh...!" He wanted to dodge or move, but the truck was already too close for that, so he collided with the truck. His body flung through the air and practically skied across the road, blood marks and scrapes over the ground where he was hit.

He would be laying there, half of his body broken. He could barely breathe properly as he was trying to get a small gasp for air as he slipped into unconsciousness. "S-So....this is...how I...die?.." He said in a low and dying voice. "I...wanted...to..finish the m-manga...." those were his dying words and his eyes closed and rolled to the back of his head.


Upon opening his eyes, he felt confused. 'How am I alive?..' he thought. The light was so bright it practically blinded him, he wanted to cover his eyes but he felt as if he had no strength too, so he just kept his eyes shut.

"Fate..." As he heard to be a women's voice, he opened his eyes slowly. It was a decently young woman in her 30s, but her age did not represent her beauty. Her hair was a black color and her eyes a crimson hue, she was very beautiful and attractive. Her newborn baby Fate looked almost identical to her, Fate looked up at the woman who seemed to be holding him. 'A giant? no.... this lady is holding me but how?...' He couldn't speak even though he wanted to, he couldn't even control his head or body as it all felt so heavy. 'Wait...am I...a baby?!'

*7 years later*

Somewhere on a small island, a boy by the name of Fate was running around in the forest. It had been seven years since he came to this new world.

'Sigh~ so this is the Hunter x Hunter universe...' He looked at the hunter exam application that sat before him clear as day. 'I've been here for seven years already, I've seen different people try for the hunter exam for the majority of my life here, and my mom was even talking about it to her friends.' Fate would look out to the ocean, he'd turn his head and keep running through the forest.

Fate's body had become abnormally strong and fast through the multiple years of playing in the wilderness. But he was yet to know such a thing, as he thought he was normal.

What stood before him was a large tree, he would jump onto the tree and zoomed to the top in nearly 3 seconds, before reaching a branch in which he then sat. "The apples on this tree are the best..!" He would be picking some apples from the large tree as he stood on the branch.

Fate would be running through the wilderness with a basket of apples in hand. "Mom, I'm back!" a slim woman with brown hair and hazel eyes would step outside to meet her son. "Fate, did you get those apples for me?" she asked. "Yeah!" Fate said while smiling. "Thank you.." She would kiss him on the forehead and bring the apples inside where she sat them on the table.

"So...do you want your favorite apple pie?" she looked at fate. "Yes!.." he said excitedly. His mother would giggle before setting up the pie. "Now, you go play while I make this pie alright..?" "Okay!" fate would get up before heading back into the woods. "I wonder if I could take the hunter exams?.." Inside the forest, he would meet a wild wolf. But for some reason, Fate wasn't scared and that's because he's dealt with such problems before.

Fate would stare at the wolf, locking eyes with it. He'd back up slowly before bolting it. The wolf would growl and start to chase after him. But Fate was incredibly fast nearly faster than the wolf that was running at 30 mph and hadn't yet hit its max speed. But Fate was slowing down, he'd turn to the wolf before jumping up toward a tree and grappling a weak branch and breaking it off the tree with his abnormal strength. Fate would yell "RAHH!" as he would fall from the tree purposely and swing the branch down at the wolf's head before knocking it out cold. "whew~" he'd wipe the sweat from his face before running back home. "Hope I'm not too late!~"

Awaiting him was the sweet aroma of apple pie. He'd run inside and sit down at the table. "Fate go take a bath first." His mom said. "Fine~" he groaned before heading to take a bath. Fate would finish his bath and headed back out to eat.

He and his mom would talk and eat the pie. 'This..is nice.' he thought to himself. While thinking such words Fate would get a sudden memory from his old world which he had almost forgotten. A drunk and abusive father, that would always come home late just to beat and hit on him. His only escape was anime and manga that made him safe and away from his dad's insults and beatings.

"Kurata..." Fate said as a tear streamed down his face. The name he just spoke of was his old name in the other world. "What's wrong sweetie?" His mom asked with a worried voice. Fate would wipe his tear and smile a bit before saying "Nothing, it's just that this apple pie i-is so~ good." He would chuckle a bit and smile at his mom. "Hehe~" his mom would giggle a bit at his words.

"Mom...can I take the hunter exam?"


"The hunter exam can I take it?"

His mom would sigh, "You do know the dangers of taking such an exam? it very dangerous you could get hurt."

"I know but, I really want to see the world and have fun! not be on this island the rest of my life..."

His mom would sigh, "Alright, but you're not old enough yet maybe when you turn 12 or something?" she was about to tear up but she didn't, she didn't want him to be stuck on this island his whole life either but she didn't want her child to leave home so early.

And so, five years passed like nothing. And on that same small island, we see the same boy who was now 12 getting ready to head off for the Hunter exam.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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