
Hunter x Hunter: A Selfish Wish (COMPLETED)

Being reborn as average in a world full of extraordinary people isn't something that he ever thought possible. He thought that he was reborn into the past... not in the world of... Hunter x Hunter. Follow the journey of the man who simply wants to be the strongest, is that too much for him to ask? Where is his cheat? There is none. Where is his monstrous talent? It isn't there. But he knows that the world owes him nothing, so he too will set on his Hunt... for power... Selfish MC/ Playful MC/ Evil MC DISCLAIMER: -All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s).

HolyJoker · 漫画同人
58 Chs

I don't like killing...

Chapter 14

Title: I don't like killing...


As soon as he says that… I just calmly smile and say to him in a happy voice…

"I must say that my progress was mostly because of my life threatening situation."

He just looks at me with his knowing old man look and he starts humming in a low tune as he says… "Cool… so what are you here for."

I just act like I am tired and say to him. "Hasn't Beans already told you… I am here for the promotion to a one star hunter…"

Then his face brightens up just like he remembered, this damn old man. I know he is messing around with me, but I still can't do anything since I can sense that his aura is still WAY above mine. Of course his aura doesn't have any malicious intent on it to make me scared or anything like that, but his quality of aura... it is almost beautiful…

"Yeah I remember that…" Says Netero, his voice cutting me out of my thought process.

He then takes something from his pocket and throws it at me while saying. "Here it is… you young people are no fun nowadays."

I just grab the card which has a one star on it and leave back my previous no star hunter card.

And I turn back, open the door and  immediately go outside…


That old man is creepy, I can't read in the slightest what he is thinking. I can only try to predict by analysing his real personality… and that is not a good thing because if you take off Netero's mischievous mask… he… is a twisted individual… he was willing to let as many as five million people die if that ensured the end of the Chimera Ant kingdom. 

Also he often enjoyed giving Hunters he trusted impossible assignments, sometimes with deadlines of only a few months, that should take years to complete. After all he only took Knov and Morel on a suicide mission. Netero already considered himself dead even before he made contact with the ants, he knew that there was a high chance of death for them and he still decided to not notify any of the Zodiacs to come help him...

Also there is the other reason… that he himself liked challenges, to the point he wanted his Vice Chairman to be someone he just could not get along with….

But he also has good points to him. After all he banned travel to the Dark Continent and he definitely helped a lot of people, so there is that too, but just because he did that doesn't make him any less dangerous… after all the world isn't just black and white...


Anyway as soon as I am outside I go towards the airship again and into the computer room the pilot and the staff was away so when I went there no one was inside… 

I look at the new information on my hunter website account, I immediately started searching for cities in poverty… and I found one…. 

Dungai City, 98% unemployment rate, population ~400.000, crime rate also around 98%, this city is perfect for my goals. Also it seems like  no one is allowed in or out of the city by the V5, but I am a one star hunter now... so of course I am allowed in…



I spent one month in this hellish city, it was a little hard smuggling things on the inside at first but the results are really worth it.

I am currently in a big shabby building in Dungai City, in front of me are 100 starving people. I just look at them with kind eyes and tell them...

"The lord shall watch over us please eat… and after eating come here and I will do the sacred ritual on you…"

Then I open ten big sacs full of food and bread. Then I even went to the side and brought the heavy tub of water…


After they finish eating one of them comes towards me and bows in front of me while saying. "Oh Holy one please bless me."

I just look at him, I have become like a religious leader here. I have the food and physical power to protect myself and so I called them all to come and pray together, well I don't care about any god, after all even if an Almighty God did exist leaving people starve to death and so… he is definitely an evil god... so there is that but… I only do this because of my own benefit…

 I touch the head of this follower, pushing Nen into his body...


Activating his aura nodes… 


After opening the aura nodes of all of the people in here and then asking them to make a blood sacrifice to the 'God'... 17 of them died because they couldn't control their aura then I go to another sack that is just lying in there this one is smaller so I just pick it up and… take out a gun (AK- 47) and aim it towards all of the people in front of me…

*pa* *pa*

*pa* *pa*

*pa* *pa*

*pa* *pa*

And with that and while using SHU to cover all of my bullets with Nen and the Manipulation Category having the ability to put most Nen in an object… I slaughtered them all…


And as the bodies of the last one fell down, I just looked at him, and he also seemed to be alive and he had a shocked look on his eyes, this guy was at the back of the crowd so the bullets didn't reach him but… I should train my aim a little more… after all with level 9 talent… 

Then the person looks at me with a look of betrayal and despair… then he desperately says...

"W *cough* -Why."

I didn't answer and just point my gun at his head.


Shot him in his brain. I truly don't like killing, but I don't hate it either. If it gives me some type of benefit I will do it, if not then I won't. It's just as simple as that to me, I don't lose a wink of sleep when I kill, but neither do I gain pleasure from it. Though I do gain pleasure from something else…

I summon my tablet in my hand and touch the blood of all the people on the ground…

The first condition that I had for my ability…

(1) The organisms must have their Nen nodes open or be at least as strong as the average hunter physically to get exp from them.

They have their Nen nodes open so…



(This is the first time we truly see how far the MC is willing to become stronger. After all… unlike rare strong beasts… Humans are a way better source of exp… how cruel of him... (~T_T)~...)

P.S: Some people have been saying that the MC doesn't even have a reason to want to be strong... well let me ask this, why are some people so rich that they can't even spend that wealth on their lifetimes. They know that they will die in the end but why do they want even more money? Well the answer is simple human greed.


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