
Humanity's Greatest Mercenaries

Kase and Walker traverse the world as mercenaries who help nations when called upon as the world has fallen deeply into apocalyptic destruction as wars and gods torn the people and their lives apart. Kase and Walker bear Fallen Angel Systems that allow them to find scrap metal that had been unsalvageable to sell or use to build a long the way while utilizing unique abilities to fight back at those who wish to harness what was given to them. Their car breaks before they could get to their latest destination while meeting other scrap collectors who helps them get to Barlishmire Citadel. With their help they unravel the secrets of the deserts that took over a once thriving kingdom.

Hannah_King_6215 · 奇幻
6 Chs

Diety Avtris

Another sound could be heard behind distracting him from the intruder who thought he heard to notice a cat approaching him. The cat jumped into the air, landing right on the man's shoulder, giving him a fright.

The man dropped the shovel which landed on the floor loudly, startling the cat. While the man was struggling the cat climbed off his shoulder, running toward the wall to hide.

"Stupid cat," The man mumbled.

Kase was shocked, but kept quiet. He didn't dare make any noise that could alert the intruder. He was waiting for his moment. After the intruder left, he made his way back into the room.

The snow haired man waited until he knew that the stranger was gone to approach the corpse. After carefully unwrapping the body from the blanket, he examined the body, looking at the black veins spreading over the woman's skin. He could almost sense the darkness surrounding her.

He dashed out of the house to notice it was dark out as the cat followed close behind noticing it had white fur that glowed like the moon.

Kase realized the scrap metal he gathered was gone, he looked around confusedly trying to find the metal, but there was no sign of it.

"Huh..." Kase mumbled.

He couldn't remember where the scrap metal was but it didn't matter. He needed to get back to the sphere before he got too distracted and lost track of the time.

The cat ran with him before he heard a 'clank' sound behind him causing him to stop suddenly and look around confused. What was that noise? It sounded similar to the scrap metal he had found earlier.

He froze feeling a presence behind him and looked back to see giant figure standing there staring at him with eyes like two burning red stars. He gasped and fell backwards falling to the ground in fear as the giant figure slowly approached him.

[Fallen Angel System activated]

[Bionic arm activated]

[Monster Taming activated]

The man snickered as a large creature blasted up from the sands as his legs began to shift beneath him as a huge monster began to emerge from underneath him. It appeared to be some sort of scorpion and was larger than a human with a massive tail which flicked up and down threateningly sending shivers down the spine of every creature around it.

"You saw the body didn't you?" The man shouted.

"What happened to her?" Kase yelled.

The scorpion hissed loudly and pounced at him swinging it's tail causing Kase to roll out of the way just missing the tail by inches.

"It doesn't matter to an outsider like you!" He argued.

"You are the one who is going after the Barlishmire Citadel aren't you?" Kase continued angrily.

The creature charged him once again launching itself towards him, Kase tried desperately to get away only to fall back.

The scorpion let out a roar in frustration and swiped its tail at him, hitting him in the side and causing him to yelp in pain. He is knocked down constantly being hit by the monster, the beast continuously snapping at him making Kase cry out in distress.

The beast let out another roar and swiped again, this time successfully striking Kase in the ribs breaking through some ribs in process.

Blood gushed from the wound and Kase groaned in pain. Readying his bionic arm it quickly transformed into his weapon form as the scorpion turned and started stalking closer towards him again.

Kase stood up ready to face the threat when he noticed something. He stared at the scorpion's tail, it was starting to go rigid like it would snap at him anytime now.

'No...this thing isn't gonna break!' Kase thought horrified.

"Multiplying Spell of Flawless Mist!" Kase shouted.

[Mana -300]

[Mana 1000/13000]

A blast of wind blasted from his bionic arm shooting the giant scorpion backward, knocking it to the ground. The creature struggled to stand, growling loudly.

"Do you really want to know what is wrong with her?" The man asked.

Kase stayed quiet not wanting to encourage the man to keep talking as he dodged another swipe from the giant scorpion. The scorpion swung at Kase again catching him across the face and making him stumble back, blood, dripping down the side of his face.

"A curse, she is under a curse so I put her to sleep to slow the effects of the death slowly taking her from me as we speak!" He explained.

Kase was distracted by the stranger's words before he realized he was stabbed in the back by the stinger. Pain shot through his entire body and he fell to the ground clutching his side. The scorpion raised its tail preparing to strike again before the man stopped it.

"That's why you are here isn't it?" The man asked, walking toward him.

The scorpion roared as if trying to intimidate Kase. But he ignored the animal as the man walked around him and lifted him up. His vision blurred but he forced himself to stay awake even while being carried when a loud gunshot echoed through the air causing both man and creature to freeze.

"Drop Kase or I kill you!" Walker threatened.

The creature slowly turned to look at Walker before turning around to run away. It didn't take long for the man to set Kase on the ground.

He felt sick to his stomach and staggered back, gripping the side of his side with his other hand and gasping for breath.

"He will be my guinea pig!" The man stated.

his veins began to blacken through his neck. His eye twitched as his breathing picked up rapidly, panic beginning to spread. The man was planning to use this experiment on Kase.

"Angel's howl!" Kase yelled.

"If you use your ability you will spread the poison!" The man laughed.

The snow haired man collapsed onto his knees, the world getting blurrier. The scorpion screeched at Walker who raised his guns and pointed them at the insect. He fired.

"Demon!" Walker shouted.

The large insect shrieked in agony as it burned, the man was gone but the creature remained. It was trying to escape but it can't escape from Walker's attack. Walker fired at the creature, killing it quickly and then took the scorpion's husk.

"Why did you do that?" Kase demanded.

Walker glanced back at Kase with a smirk as he helped him to stand up, holding onto the injured friends arm as if he was about to fall.

"Well, I couldn't have you die, idiot!"

"Let me come with you!" A voice demanded.

Turning around they find a woman with white skin, golden eyes, and her white hair tied up into a ponytail. She held herself proudly, glaring at them furiously.

"Who are you?" Kase grunted in pain.

The woman walked toward the trio with determination in her expression. "My name is Avtris," She informed.

The gunmen scoffed at her statement. He wanted nothing to do with her or anyone else except helping his friend.

"Go on! We don't need you!" Walker argued.

"But, you do as we can help each other," She smiled.

Walker lowered his gun and stepped aside allowing her to approach the wounded man. Avtris reached out and touched the man, feeling his pulse. Her eyebrows furrowed in concentration, studying his body, and then she placed her hands on her hips.

Kase sighed in relief when she removed her hands and walked back toward Walker noticing he passed out.

"I used to rule these desert sands, but my power has dwindled,"

"We got to get him back home before it's too late," Walker stated.

"This is a different poison because that man decided he would mess with a powerful deity," She explained.

Walker watched as her gold eyes seemed to glow brighter and brighter as she spoke until finally, all he could see were pure white lights shining from within them.

He watched as her eyes faded back to their normal brown color as she closed them briefly before looking back at the man who was still out cold on the ground beside them.

Walker bent down lifting Kase in his arms and carefully placed him on his shoulder. He stood up and made his way through the sand as Avtris followed closely behind him, she didn't say anything as they headed towards the citadel.

"Where is your home? Do you live far away?" Avtris asked curiously.

"We have no home and go place to place, we're mercenaries," Walker replied.

Avtris nodded understandingly, understanding that these men were often sent on dangerous missions. Even though she had already guessed that much.

"I have a lot to explain later," She said smiling.

"Yeah, whatever,"

"Don't worry, there are plenty of things I'm curious about about you too!"

They trudged in the desert under the moonlight, Avtris had insisted on accompanying them, saying she knew exactly where she was heading.

"You better have a good explanation," Walker said sternly.

Avtris smiled and kept looking ahead, "I do."

They had nothing to say to each other as they continued walking along, it was silent until they entered the citadel hearing the gears churning under them he turned back to look at the city, watching as the towers lit up as the sky lightened up.