
651 New Bait

While the Hunters made for the Locust, Max focused his fire on the other Behemoths, who were spreading out to avoid getting caught in the same attack. 


The advancements that the Androids were making were becoming apparent in the state of the battle, though, and no longer was the Super Heavy Mecha contingent confined to just the bombardment. They were also turning their primary weapons on the Behemoths, sending bursts from the Ion Bombard Arrays into the larger Klem and reducing the pressure on the Light Mecha. 


They even managed to spare a few shots for the Behemoths, though they knew that Max would deal with them. 


It was much better than they had done on the default settings when they landed, and the Klem tide looked like it might not reach them at all, despite how spread out the unit was by their attempt to guard the colonists.