
Humanity's Greatest Mecha Warrior System

Max always wanted a more exciting life, and after being reincarnated into the far future and a Galaxy in constant war, his wish was granted. Discovered to have a high compatibility with his new world's Technological System, he was drafted as a child into training to become one of their elite Mecha Pilots, the heroes of the Kingdom who face down even the mightiest of threats from inside giant Mecha, wielding the mightiest of weapons known to mankind. All he has to do is prove himself worthy. https://discord.gg/hxTpqZQtKN

Aoki_Aku · 科幻
1266 Chs

1243 Call The Ministers

"I think that we need to change my schedule for after lunch. Let's get everyone in here, and get them an AI assistant, programmed with their own preferences, so we can sort out the nonsense and stop wasting so much of my time. 

They have had their fun, sending everything that they didn't want to deal with to their superior, so now it's time that we got things in order and actually functional again. The production of new vessels is at full pace anyhow, there is no need to be entertaining so many requests to jump the queue." Mary decided.

"That's the best idea that you've had all day. Should we have android bodies made, or do you think that the solid hologram technology that Sylvie uses would be best?" Nico asked.

"Who is Sylvie and what is a solid hologram?" Mary replied.