

After performing a multitude of divinations, Loki decided he would pick up the item and send it above the grey fog since that was the safest place for it.

'I also need to figure out what that charm does.'

'Was it made by a previous Angel or God of the Error pathway?'

'But how is it possible? Aren't there no other Beyonders of the Error pathway? I mean Walburga didn't even know about any of the Lord of the Mysteries pathways.'

'What exactly is going on?'

'Does it have something to do with Salazar Slytherin?'

Looking back at the charm in the begging bowl, Loki carefully picked it up.

As soon as Loki picked up the charm, the begging bowl melted away into a liquid. The golden liquid streaked across the marble floor until it reached the other crystals from where it climbed those crystals and merged with their begging bowls.

The room trembled a little and the crystals, as if having a mind of their own, buzzed as they realigned on the floor, crawling as they rearranged themselves into a triangular formation.

If before they looked like a pinwheel with four blades, they now looked like a pinwheel with three blades.

Loki stood confused, but he soon ignored it and pulled out the marauder's map.


'Why's there no one outside? Well except for the one student that escaped from Finch, he seems to have returned, but its just him! No other students, no professors and not even the Headmaster.'

Everyone was still sleeping soundly inside their beds in their dormitories.

'Is the map broken?'

The sound produced by the entire fiasco after Loki dropped the Locket into Salazar's begging bowl was loud enough to make Loki feel like he would lose his sense of hearing.

Yet it looked like the sound hadn't been carried out of the room.

'I guess the room's just that good at keeping things that happen in it within its bounds?'

Loki looked at the student who was loitering outside the doors and shrugged.

'I guess, I'll just stay here for now and leave tomorrow morning when he has to go for classes.'

'But I wanted to take a shower…'

Suddenly, Loki felt the room around him shift.

The bookshelves slid across the room and in one of the corners, a fancy bathroom with a large tub in its centre was built.


Putting his hands together behind his back, Loki began to examine everything about the new addition to the room.

'There's body wash and shampoo too? From where did it get all of this?'

Eventually, Loki just sat down in the tub after filling it with water and just let himself soak in the water for a while.

He was tired and submerging his whole body into the water gave him a sense of relaxation he hadn't gotten in a long time.

Time passed and once Loki was satisfied he cleaned himself up using a bodywash and slipped out of the tub after wearing new clothes that seemed to have been conjured just to fit him.

'Why am I being treated like Royalty now?' Loki wondered but paid no attention and assumed it was his reward for helping Salazar.

He was currently very mad about helping Salazar, but he kept quiet for now so that he could first examine everything that had changed.

Once he was tidy, Loki finally embarked on a quest around the room to check the one other thing he was interested in.

The books on the shelves.

'Have any of them been unlocked for me to read through?'

Pulling on a book with a red cover titled, 'Stories of Valor, Courage and Sacrifice.' Loki found that it wouldn't budge like it was glued to the shelf it was on.

'Really? Still no? Maybe the green books are free since I helped Slytherin?'

Loki walked up to a different book titled, 'Horrors of the Dark.' and tugged on it lightly and to his happiness and surprise the book slid off the shelf like it was on butter and moved into his hand.


With giddiness in his heart and a wide smile on his face, Loki cracked the book's spine and began to read through it.


'The Abyss is but the seabed of Darkness.'

'Get lost in the darkness, and the Abyss will make you a demon.'

-there was a warning on the front page that creeped Loki out.

Turning the page, Loki began to read through the section titled, 'Note from the Author'.

'This book deals with my experiments to make a wand.'

'Based on Rowena's experiment in creating magic, I suspect that Beyonders will slowly shift towards using wands in favour of easily being able to manipulate their spirituality.'

"Hmm…? I'm probably just tired so I read that wrong…let's think about what Salazar wrote after that…so Salazar Slytherin was the one to delve into the art of wand-making? Surprising, I'd have expected Rowena to be the one to do it. So Ollivanders learnt the art of wand-making from him?"

A little confused Loki continued to read ahead since he had nothing else to practically do.

'There is still a little bit of time, about a hundred years before Rowena makes magic available to everyone, and so I want to perfect the art of wand making before then so that Beyonders and other spiritually sensitive people, that I've come to term Wizards and Witches, will be able to take part in this grand experiment of ours.'


'Helga has already started experimenting with Rowena's magic for cooking, while Godric has begun experimenting with it to make things explode, so this study will be my contribution. At least it is something more useful than what the two other bumbling idiots are doing.'


'Though…I must confess, using a wand will probably give me the edge to beat Godric and finally take control of the Sefi- never mind, I'm sure Mr. Error has something better planned for me.'

"....what the-"

'I think Mr. Error would be proud of me for doing this.'


Loki almost stumbled when his legs went limp.

He could no longer ignore what was staring him right in the face as Salazar Slytherin was trying to do his very best to slap him with the fact.

"Rowena made magic?"

"Not like a spell or a charm? The real magic that everyone uses today?"

Loki stared at the book expecting it to speak something or say something about the maddening information it just revealed but like any good book it remained inanimate.


Loki felt his mind spin as he turned to look towards the crystal that still remained.

He expected any of them to validate the information in the book or even burst out laughing and tell Loki that all of it was a joke.

But nothing of the sort happened.

With a soft *sigh* Loki covered his face and placed the book back on the shelf.

He thought about a faucet and a luxurious sink appeared in one corner of the room.

Walking to the sink, Loki did his best not to think about what he'd just read.

He washed his face but even the cold water droplets running down his face couldn't break him out of his shock.

Loki then requested the room for a bed and once it appeared in front of him, he sunk into it.

'...I need a break.'

'Maybe everything Salazar does won't end up disappointing me further after all…'

'He's a crazy old man.'

'But I'm still angry at him…'

'Did he take offence to me kicking his crystal earlier when I was mad at him and that's why he didn't give me a better reward or help?'

'Whatever…still rude.'


A/N : Sorry for the delay! I forgot to upload here after I uploaded the chapter on my Patreon.

Join my Patreon (p@treon.com/hooin_kyoma_au) to read 20 chapters ahead for just $3.