
HP: The New Enchanter

When Cyrus Payne turned ten his life changed and his world came crashing all around him. Now he finds himself in an Orphanage, some old man in his head 'training' him, and a whole hidden world that he is going to be flung into rather he likes it or not. Join the journey of Cyrus as he makes is way through the wizarding world where he finds out that he is much more important to it than those who just look down on him.

JustTiller · 作品衍生
4 Chs

The Aftermath

{Hospital, Early Morning January 8}

Nothing. Nothing is what Cyrus felt as he walked through the halls of the hospital following the doctor who was supposed to lead him to his parents and grandparents. Eventually, the pair came up to a room. "Now Cyrus this is the room that your parents are in. This will be hard so take a deep breath and prepare yourself." Shakingly Cyrus nodded in confirmation. The doctor sighed and opened the door ushering the boy inside the room.

Before entering the room he heard the different sounds of various machines. Once he was finally in the room he saw both Jason and Rachelle. The couple was hooked up to many machines the majority of them he did not know the name of them. "Cyrus, they are on life support it is unlikely that if they are taken off these machines they would survive. This is the hard part. Your parents have life care directives. These are instructions for us doctors on how your parents want to live if they can't make decisions or one of them is not able to make decisions for the other." The news sunk in for Cyrus whose eyes got wider and more tears started to fall. 

"S-so you are telling me t-that I can't choose for them? W-what a-about my gr-grandparents?" Cyrus questioned through the tears worried about his family.

"You are too young to make the decisions for your parents. This is a law we can not get around this or make any exceptions. I am so sorry for your loss, but Your grandparents died in the crash." The doctor said softly breaking the news to the boy. "Your parent's life directives are very clear, Your Father Jason Payne did not want to live on machines while your mother has put a 10-year stipulation. She believed that medicine was still advancing so for this she signed off on 10 years before the machines were to be disconnected from her. The cost for your mother's care has already been paid for so that is one less thing that you need to worry about. Again Cyrus I am so sorry for your loss there was nothing we could do once they got here." 

Cyrus broke down in more tears. "I-I don't want to see my father be disconnected. I don't think I can take anymore bad news." The doctor nodded his head and then made a discrete motion. Soon a well-dressed woman walked into the room and made her presence known.

She walked to Cyrus and squatted down to his level. "Hi Cyrus my name is Maylin. I work for Child Protective Services. I worked with your mom on a couple of things. She always was so happy to talk about you. I am so sorry about what happened to them I am here to find a place for you to stay until you come of age. Unfortunately, no known family exists, so we will have to place you in an orphanage. I know this is a lot right now but that is what needs to happen." 

"I can't stay with the Grangers?" Cyrus questioned hopefully with tear-filled eyes.

Maylin sighed sadly, "No I am sorry that is not how this works, you have to be placed somewhere first before anything else can happen." She placed a hand on his shoulder in a comforting manner. "Why don't you say goodbye to your Mum and Dad so we can get you to a place where you can get some sleep for the night?" 

{London Orphanage Mid Morning January 8}

A black sedan pulled up at the curb of the orphanage. Once fully parked Maylin and Cyrus exited the car. Cyrus had his bag on his back and bags under his eyes from his time crying and the lack of sleep. Maylin soothingly rubbed his back as she guided him towards the front porch of the building. Making their way up the stairs they found themselves in front of a light oak door. Maylin knocked on the door and was answered by a middle-aged woman. "Maylin it is good to see you again you know barring the circumstances. Is this little Cyrus?" 

Maylin nodded, "Yeah this is him do you mind us getting him up to a room so that he can get some sleep? We can talk after he is assigned somewhere." The woman nodded and motioned them inside. Following along half-heartedly and barely awake on his feet. Making it to the second story Cyrus was ushered into a room with a single bed and desk that had one drawer. Seeing the bed he waddled over and promptly crashed into the mattress and pillow.

{Down Stairs POV}

Maylin and the woman made their way back down the stairs to the sitting room. Sitting down across from each other Maylin was offered a cup of tea which she accepted. "The poor boy to lose his whole family in one day, on his birthday of all things to at that." 

"Yes, Mrs Gibbson it is a terrible thing his parents had nothing to say but the best of things about him. From his school records, he was near the top of his class but never really applied himself. I fear that he might start letting his schoolwork fall even more so he might need some motivation. However, I do not expect him to be fine for a little bit." Maylin explained with a sad expression on her face for Cyrus. 

"I am familiar with loss Maylin even for one like Cyrus. I do not expect him to keep his grades up for this next session of classes. I just hope that we can make sure that the boy does not lose himself." Mrs. Gibbson imputed thinking about past experiences she has encountered. "The boy will be fine eventually it will just take some time. For now, he definitely needs some rest."

{Cyrus' Dreams}

Usually, when Cyrus slept he dreamt about flying in the sky and feeling the wind in his face. But this dream was everything but that. He found himself standing in the middle of a large grassy meadow. It was very misty surrounding the area. Looking back and forth he could not see anything or anyone. "Hello? Anyone there?" He of course heard no response. 

Slowly he walked away from where he started and explored the area and found himself at the edge of a great lake. As soon as he was shoreside he saw millions of fireflies of different colors flying around awing at the sight he felt a pull toward the lake and he turned his head to it curious about the feeling. Slowly from the lake, a bright emerald-green ball of light started to rise from the lake. Cyrus subconsciously took a step forward to it again to which the ball pulsed in its color. 

Soon an old voice spoke to him, "Sleep for now my chosen Heir by Mother Magic. Allow your worries to wash away for now. We will speak again to prepare you for what is to come."

Cyrus was confused and alarmed at the new voice that spoke but soon he felt his eyes again more weight as he slowly closed them and allowed sleep to consume him. The orb pulsed again as the boy slowly floated down to the grass of the shoreside. 'To be able to allow himself to be pulled into his mindscape, A natural Occlumens sure he needs to have it refined a little but it will serve him well especially on a day like yesterday that he had. ' The new conscious thought to itself.


Okay, this chapter was a little shorter but soon we will start getting into the good stuff! Make sure to follow along with this story if you to keep up with it. I can't wait to get more into this story! There will be no big vault in the bank for him because from every indicator ever those vaults that are rendered inactive are seized. No magical core because there is not one in canon so Magic casting will be dependent on practice, stamina, and knowledge for the most part.