
Flying Lessons

Humans can walk, and humans can swim. However, the true freedom of the skies was not something the humans were privy to.

Until now.

Today was going to be Deacon's first flying lesson, hopefully, it was also going to be fun. He had never flown on a broom before and he wasn't much of a fan of quidditch so he had no real experience in flying or even watching someone fly. Many people crave the freedom the skies provide, they crave to be above all their worldly desires.

Supposedly it was quite an exhilarating experience, something his rich boss always bragged about. But in another life, he had experimented with flight. As Godrick he would graft wings on his back and attempt to fly. He would hollow out his bones, and reduce the amount of organs in his body to be light enough to fly.

He had heard tales of harpies and humanoid birds in the lands far away but he could never truly replicate this freeing experience. Man would always be tethered to the earth, and he would never truly fly on his own.

But now he had something that in his past life he didn't. The capability of magic, with a simple wave of his wand he could make himself levitate, he could transfigure his bones to be light yet charmed to be sturdy, and he could give himself wings with agility and power that only dragons could have.

Of course, human transfiguration was dangerous and considered dark magic unless you had the blood of an animagus that could freely transfigure their body, but that trait was so rare that in the entirety of Britain, the number of animagus could be counted with his hands.

Besides that, however, he could use a broom to fly. The specifics of the models didn't concern him all too much. Rather his asshole roommates were more of a concern for him.

"Get out, I'm not changing in the same room with a mud-blood like you"

See that was a problem. Theodore Nott wasn't very vocal about it but he made his point there. He would often kick Deacon out and would maliciously use a knockback jinx on him if he refused. This way Deacon got very good at dodging spells, and it was quite funny pissing him off.

Maybe he should join the dueling club next year?


Another jinx whizzed past his shoulder as he shifted slightly to the right.

"Let me do it goddamnit", Blaise was always hot-tempered and would try to join the little shooting range Theodore had set up, but the spells he used were no more than prank spells.


Green sparks grazed the side of Deacon's face as he tried to get to his robe that was set up on his bed. It was only two days since his new roommates appeared but he already wanted to change rooms, it was a real shame however that no one wanted to switch with him, whether it was fear of the political power these two had or just amusement at his suffering.


That was an entire ordeal.

The voice in the back of his head was pretty silent lately. Whether that was a good thing or not this meant that there was nothing noteworthy happening around him.

Or maybe it is because he is regaining some of his sanity?

Probably not.

He entered the courtyard with his housemates and saw the Gryffindors coming from the opposite side of the courtyard. The rivalry between the two houses was truly annoying as it restricted Deacon's movement across the castle. This was because Deacon was limited to the mostly lower floors when he left the Slytherin common room, due to the amount of Gryffindors trying to provoke a fight on the higher floors.

Sometimes it was useless lighthearted pranks. Sometimes it was malicious insults. Really stupid thing to tell 11-year-olds to compete without expecting them to fight. Especially when one group is known as cunning and evil to most of the population, and the other is known as courageous and brave.

Isn't that pretty much segregation-type behavior?

Before he could continue his internal rant much longer Madam Hooch entered the courtyard and distributed brooms, before he had noticed it there was a broom by his feet, and that broke him out of his thoughts.

"Now, before we start I want to make this very clear" Her stern voice caught everyone's attention

"If a single broom leaves the ground without my permission, I'll make sure you never touch one again in this school"

This was something obvious, even if the ground was covered in cushioning charms Deacon doubted that people would be unharmed when they fell.

Seeing as they were all listening attentively, Madam Hooch began to instruct them on what to do.

"Stick out your right hand over your broom," called Madam Hooch at the

front, "and say 'Up!"'

"Up!" Everyone shouted.

Most Slytherins got their brooms on their first try, and some didn't, as for Deacon the broom gently slapped itself against his hand. His grip on it was firm, but he could see it was old and rugged, most likely due to years of use. Little twigs were springing out here and out making it seem very uncomfortable to ride on but he was certain that due to the basic cushioning charms on it, it would be alright.

Looking at the Gryffindors he saw that most had gotten their brooms into their hands by the time he was finished inspecting his broom. Hermione had made the broom roll, and Neville had gotten it to go into his hand but he was trembling so much Deacon doubted that this kid was supposed to inherit a seat at the Wizengamot.

No wonder the Slytherins would constantly bully the poor boy, he was perfect victim material. No parents, was separated from most, was not very good at his studies, and constantly got gifts and mail from his grandmother, this kid was an easy target, and Deacon pitied the poor boy.

Madam Hooch then showed everyone how to sit on their brooms. The way the boys sat made sure they could hold on to the broom and control it well, however the way the girls were supposed to sit was elegant and much less practical, forcing them to have their legs sticking out the side and making sure to look as pretty as possible.

This shouldn't be possible but hey it's magic.

"Now, when I blow my whistle, you kick off from the ground, hard," said

Madam Hooch. "Keep your brooms steady, rise a few feet, and then come

straight back down by leaning forward slightly. On my whistle, three,


Before she could blow her whistle, however, Neville pushed against the ground and shot up high toward the sky, that kid had some real problems for sure.


[Neville Longbottom]

Affection status: Close acquaintances 

Likes: Friends, Grandma, being alone

Hates: Slytherins, Bullies, Being in a crowded area

Key traits: Extreme social anxiety, Granny's boy


Deacon could feel that same mind-reading spell except this time it wasn't directed at him. Rather he could feel it heading from a curving line from the ground towards Neville. Judging from Neville's expression, however, it didn't seem as if he felt it. Or he did and he was just too scared to realize it because his upward flight was turning into a downward fall.

He felt it come from the group of students and since they were so crowded there was no way that Dumbledore could have fit in there, even if he was covered in disillusionment charms, which means a student was casting it. This was not in the book. 

He could barely catch a glimpse of the person who cast it before he felt the same spell aimed at him, right as he saw a glimpse of bushy hair.


[Deacon Butch]

Affection status: Suspicious

Likes: Food, Forbidden Rituals, Cooking

Hates: Arrogance, Talking, Bad food,

Key traits: Mild social anxiety, Hears voices in his head


Could making these fanfics be a viable source for income or should I continue writing as a Hobby?