
HP: The Curious Case of Corvus Marvolo Lestrange

Why, how, and what are just a few of the many questions plaguing Corvus's mind since he regained consciousness. Yes, his supposed mother is hot, his father is not, he is in a castle, and a strange-looking creature tends to his needs, suspiciously resembling a house-elf. He is sure he is in a Harry Potter Universe or some fantasy England-based story, but judging from the decor of the house, he cannot be sure. He has seen the house-elf disappearing in front of his naked eyes, confirming this is some fantasy setting. But everything becomes clear when he turns three years old. His mother excitedly asks him to get ready to meet their Lord. Who could the Lord be? He is not even sure what year it is. He is not allowed to leave his room, and his parents meet him maybe once a week. The lack of communication and his small body make it very difficult for Corvus to ascertain who is who in the zoo. Anyways, he dresses up and goes to the doom-and-gloom drawing room. There, he sees a man with pale skin, black hair, and red eyes sitting in the chair where his grandfather usually sits. "Here comes my son, Corvus Marvolo Lestrange," says his mother in a delightful tone. Red eyes curiously glance over him, and with a raised brow, the man says, "Marvolo, huh? Hmm, you may address me as 'My Lord,' little Corvus." "Yes, My Lord," says Corvus nervously. Could it be what he is dreading? "No need to be nervous. Let me introduce myself. I am Lord Voldemort. It should be your pleasure to meet me." At this moment, everything becomes quite clear to Corvus. Yes, it is what he is dreading. He quickly thinks of a response. "It is, My Lord, but I do not know what 'pleasure' means," replies Corvus in a respectful tone. The Dark Lord laughs, and with him, everyone else in the room laughs as well. "Take your son away, Bella. We have much to discuss," says the Dark Lord in an amused tone. As Corvus is taken away to his room, thousands of thoughts start rampaging through his head. He knows the future he has been contemplating is now much, much more complicated. Why the heck is his middle name Marvolo? Who gave him this accursed name? How did he end up here? Why at this time? What should he do? WHAT... HOW... WHY... the FUCK????!!!!

Reducto_2_d_Brain · 作品衍生
4 Chs

Intro- Chapter 4- Real-Life Method Acting, Character Immersion

"Siri, can you help me analyze templates and affinities? I need ones that match my bloodline talents and ensure a good foundation, plus those best for survival politically, physically, and financially... " pleaded Corvus.

Corvus's face was pale, with dark circles under his eyes. His hair was a tangled mess, and his clothes looked like he had slept in them. He stared blankly at the screen, looking utterly defeated in his quest for the perfect template. Although it took around 4 hours, it is time he realizes nothing can be perfect. It can be best option for a particular moment or a scenario, unsatisfactory for others, and he has developer environment to run simulations on. The Wizarding World does not even have Electricity, thinking of DevOps tools is his wishful thinking, then this reminds him of Tony Stark and Batman. Although he is a Mage now, he was normal person from the mundane world before. The allure of creating groundbreaking technologies, founding the next Google or Amazon, and leading an IT revolution tugged at him. It was a selfish dream, but irresistibly tempting.

Corvus sighed, his thoughts a jumble. You win some, you lose some, he mused, trying to convince himself that compromise was inevitable.


" Yes certainly, I am here to help you." Quipped Siri in her airy Siri Voice.

" The Talents obtained from your Bloodline are Metmorphogis and Warg. They provide substantial affinity for Transfiguration and Mind Arts. Considering these Bloodline Talents, If you choose any of the Uchiha Template you would get considerable benefits, along with Fire Affinity you can seamlessly become stronger."

"Is there a catch?" he interjected.

"While Sharingan complements your bloodline talents, it forces you to specialize early. Moreover, Sharingan evolves through emotional turmoil, requiring significant distress to upgrade.... Please note for Template Progression, System would issue quests depending on the Template chosen, so better immersion."

" Nope not happening, I am not killing off everyone related to me at the age of 13, just to immerse in the character". Corvus interrupted, visibly distressed at this whole character immersion scenario.

This sounded something eerily similar to Method Acting that Hollywood actors perform, he still remembers Heath Ledger, who lost his life due to drug overdose caused by depression he fell into after playing the Joker character.

" Could you please suggest other options, Siri".

" If you want to be part of Dark Faction and progress through that stream, you can opt for a Dark Arts centric Build. IF you want to be part of Light Faction, you can opt for Light based build. Each has it's own pros and cons, once chosen, regardless of any betrayal or loss, the host needs to stick to the faction and work towards it's prosperity" Siri Explained.

' Choosing a faction means, either way I am doomed, Dark Faction will lose, that it Fate, if I choose I would drown with their ship. If choose Light faction, I have to continually prove myself to hypocritical people, convince them of my heart and belief in their cause. Moreover, it is obvious I would be chosen as a Spy to provide information provided my background. It seems choosing a template based on Political Leanings is also no go. I would be fucked either way, but how about'

Corvus kept tapping his finger on the handrest while thinking of the pros and cons. He wants to ensure survivability of his house, lessen loss of life, so that once the plot progresses as per the book, and wands are drawn again, Corvus can be all Switzerland and stay neutral or act like 18th Century United England, adopt some sort of Faction -Family Balance policy, and he sits on the sideline and eats peaches, while others fight, he acts as an intellectual and provide feedback. His plans and imaginations were grand, but bringing them to reality seemed monumental. Doubts crept in—could he really do this? He was no Metternich or Bismarck.

"Siri, which template would best suit my goal of staying neutral and reaping the benefits?" Corvus asked, trying to keep a straight face.

Siri replied in the same tone as before, " No such template is there with which you can do this, for every template chosen, Siri would generate corresponding quests and tasks. Please note, for Picking peaches also you have to a lot of ground work"

" I knew that! I was just enquiring, anyways, so as per you , whichever template I choose, I have embody that character, as for example, for Bruce Wayne, I have to take an alternate Identity and become Batman, bring vigilante justice to wizarding and muggle word!!??"

" For template acclimatation it would be necessary"

' So if I choose Aizen, I have to desire or try to become the king of the world, try to create Hogyoku.. If I become Dr Strange, I have to become a real Neuro Surgeon, then break my hands to become sorcerer, are you kidding met? ' Corvus was indigent of the unfairness of it all, it smells like a convoluted trap, a pre-arranged Reality show, it reeks of conspiracy, then again, he drowned in his vomit, and got isekied to become Bellatrix Lestrange son'.

The problem he is not well versed with all the character template, like there is one called Koro Sensei, he has no idea, what is this sensei off, he looks like a ballon.

The clock ticked past 4:00 AM. For three hours, Corvus had been stuck in this conundrum with no solution in sight. It felt like the system was a masochist, and he was at its mercy, with no clear corrective actions. He decided, to go with his gut, choose Lord Krishna, as per his analysis, he would gain increased Luck and charisma, minor affinity with illusions, Magical plants, animals and divination. And slight increase with body and mana stats. It seems to be an average stat increase, with average results, but it is the one with lesser risk compared to the high strength templates.


" Siri, Choose Lord Krishna, as the Primary template, Matt Bomer as the Tertiary template for appearance, Choose Animal Affinity for Affinity part and incorporate the Bloodline talents" Corvus stood up and decided. There is no looking back now, he has taken a risk by taking a animal affinity twice, this either act as a 1 ½ or can just be 1. He opted to choose animal affinity to ensure that he has a Hufflepuffish trait, so that if and when he goes to Hogwarts, he can be chosen as a Hufflepuff. This would clear a lot issues later, he is sure to charm the teachers and students. Till then, he can make use of Warging ability with Animal affinity to mind share birds and animals, to spy. At this moment, he needs information. For winning any war, information and intelligence is the key. When you have perceived your opponents to be Dumbledoor and Tom Riddle, such information can provide key leverage.