A more powerful, knowledgeable and much better trained Harry -but not Super!Harry, there won't be any suddenly acquired powers here just improvement of a preexisting talent and many years of effort- a differently evolving Severus as I believe he could have been had things turned out differently. After all, you must keep in mind, Lily lives in this story. Yet, you shouldn't expect he will get over his issues that easy. This story is Harry and Severus centered but it's not slash; it's a father/son relationship in every meaning of the word. For the rest? Just read on!
The rest of the day passed completely calmly as expected. And what truly went as expected, as far as Harry was concerned, was the DADA lesson. Lockhart had started the lesson with the single word 'Me', pointing at his image on the cover of one of his books and making some stupid joke about his smile. The green eyed boy didn't need anything more to confirm that the whole year was going to be a complete disappointment. And, though no confirmation was needed, the test Lockhart handed out served to do just that; fifty-four questions on himself later -with only Hermione getting all of them correct- it was a mostly amused class at which the Defence Professor introduced the creatures they would learn about that day.
"Yes." Lockhart announced, lifting the sheet that covered a large cage on his desk with a flourish, "Freshly caught Cornish Pixies." People chuckled around Harry and he smiled a bit himself. Now Cornish Pixies were a nuisance but as long as they were kept locked… Harry blanched as Lockhart moved towards the cage.
"Well they're not -they're not very- dangerous, are they?" Seamus, who was seated right in front of the cage, asked smiling.
"Don't be so sure!" The blond Professor waggled a finger annoyingly at Seamus. "Devilish, tricky little blighters they can be!" Harry watched Lockhart carefully; he was far too close to the electric cloured, shrill-voiced faeries, who were at the moment content to rattle the bars of their cage, making funny faces at the students. "Right then." Lockhart stated, his hand on the latch of the cage's door. Harry gasped… he wouldn't. "Let's see what you make of them!" And he opened the cage.
"He did." Harry whispered and pulled out his wand, rising from his chair where he sat next to his brother who followed his example. Behind them, Ron and Hermione did the same and got ready to face the pandemonium that spread around them. Some pixies flew right out the window, shattered glass falling on the floor. Others set to tear the classroom to shreds while two grabbed Neville from his ears and left him swinging on the chandelier. Students duck under their desks, while Lockhart encouraged them to face the pixies. His own attempt -a rather silly wand movement and an incantation that sounded like Peskipixi Pesternomi, a spell Harry had never heard of before- ended up in a complete failure, with his wand following books and parchments out the window; Neville almost landed on his head as the chandelier gave way under his weight. Enough was enough.
"Desimotus!" It was a spell he had picked up from Severus's library during the last Spring break while researching for incantations he could use on his broom designing. A small orb, transparent and seemingly made of the air in the room, left his wand and hit one of the pixies. Upon contact, it expanded in a single circular wave around the classroom, stopping all pixies mid-air, frozen in place. Harry pointed towards the cage, sending the pixies in, approaching it himself and latching the door once they were all inside. He turned to look at Lockhart with narrowed eyes; the professor in question stared back stunned, his eyes wide under the table he was hiding. He opened his mouth either to speak or simply because he couldn't help it but was saved by the bell.
"Very good, Mr. Potter; fifteen points to Gryffindor!" And he took off towards the hallway, as fast as he could without running, leaving his stupefied students behind him. Harry sighed and pocketed his wand, moving towards Neville to help him stand up.
"Thanks, Harry." The boy muttered, straightening his robes.
"Don't mention it. You okay, Nev?"
"Yeah." Neville stated and then added, mostly talking to himself. "Why does it always have to be me?"
"That. Was. Wicked!" Ron exclaimed, patting Harry's shoulder. Harry smirked.
"Seriously Harry, that was great!" Adrian added, looking at the still stunned pixies in the cage. A few more students congratulated him while they tried to salvage their books in time for the next lesson.
"Can you believe him?" Ron complained as he gathered his Transfiguration book from across the room.
"Whom?" Adrian asked.
"He just wants to give us some hands-on experience." Hermione defended him, using her wand to clean some ink of her Charms homework.
"Hands-on experience?" Harry snorted. "Hermione, he had no idea what he was doing…"
"But he seemed so knowledgeable when he hid under the desk!" Adrian offered, causing Ron and Harry to laugh.
"Rubbish!" Hermione protested. "You've read his books! Look at all those amazing things he's done…"
"He says he's done…" Ron muttered and Harry nodded wholeheartedly.
"Goblins' gold!" The green eyed wizard exclaimed as he picked up his, now falling apart, Charms textbook to cast a quick Reparo spell on it. "Last year it was Quirrell, now this!" He looked around him, taking in the mess that was once their Defence Against the Dark Arts classroom; the windows where shuttered, the iron chandelier was on the floor, desks lay broken around and bits of paper that used to be books and essays were slowly being gathered by the students. The pixies at least were still unconscious. He turned to Neville that was still trying to locate his bag. "Has Dumbledore ever heard of the word competency?.
I am so sorry For the messed up order. now they will be synced. i am re-uploading them.