New Update Schedule: 2 Chapters per week. Bailed, gives a lazy guy a few wishes and sees how it works out. That is all that is required to comprehend the story if one wishes to engage in its reading. Picture is an AI art done by 3D1viner on DeviantArt. If the dude complains, I will change the picture!
It has been a few days since I returned to Britain and managed to set up my businesses again! I had to hire new people, have them sign contracts, and put the vampires in charge of them. I even went out of my way to take over several prisons around the world, with wizards in charge of them.
Why did I target prisons, one might ask? I need a blood bank that is off everyone's radar, and human prisoners have the fewest rights and the least public sympathy. By placing one wizard in each prison to cast the Imperius Curse on anyone who speaks out, I effectively create a slave force and an infinite blood supply. If one of them dies, who cares? Humans are apathetic about incarcerated people because they believe only criminals get sent to prison.
Another reason for my actions is that I now have a means to get loyal and strong workers bound by contracts. If a prisoner has a particular skill set that I need, I will recruit them. I will take a page out of Akatsuki's handbook and pair them with a stronger vampire and a contracted wizard to form a three-man cell. Over time, I will build several cells around the world and determine who is loyal and who is not.
What better way for a criminal to find laborers than to look where the labor force is incarcerated? The more notorious a criminal, the better their resume for what I want from them.
Right now, I am sitting in a coffee shop in Diagon Alley, waiting for Skeeter to come and interview me. Surprisingly, it is not Rita but Rosemary Skeeter, apparently Rita's aunt and likely her inspiration for becoming a journalist.
As I sip my tea and observe the people going about their business, I can't help but think back to the last week and smirk. I had my way with the Cullens, at least the ones who were there. As for the rest, we agreed to meet up and spend some time getting to know one another better.
I also contacted the Goblins I work with to ward the reservation and the whole of Forks. The entire project will cost me a whopping two million Galleons to set up such a wide area of warding, but that's okay. Normally, warding such a large area is reserved for exclusively magical communities like Hogsmeade, Godric's Hollow, or Diagon Alley, and it is financed by the Ministry. However, I am rich, so I can pay for that myself. I offered the Goblins the opportunity to build homes both above and below ground. They can demand rent but must pay me and the Wolves a percentage—50% to me and 15% to the Wolves.
I even went as far as to separate the place into several districts, allowing even Squibs to live there and integrate into the community. If my project succeeds, which it will, I will be the owner of the first Magical City! I just have to figure out how to make a flying palace, and when I do, I will live in my flying castle, overseeing everything my minions do below.
'Oh, it will be glorious!' I think with a self-satisfied grin on my face.
"Mister Prince?" I hear a woman addressing me, interrupting my inner monologue about how fucking great I am.
"Madame Skeeter, I assume," I reply, pointing to a seat for her. Bitch, I am nobility; I ain't standing up for some pleb.
"Indeed," she replies eagerly, as she takes the seat offered to her.
"Want to order something? The pies are to die for," I tell her as soon as she sits down and takes out her quill.
She is surprisingly hot: blonde hair, blue eyes, black nail polish with a tinge of green, and her outfit is tight-fitting, pushing up her tits. Seems like the lady knows how to use her assets to her advantage.
I find it hilarious how women try to fight in a man-dominated world with the weapons of men. Like, you've got to be a special kind of retard to not see your God-given advantages in life and use them.
When a man is good-looking, he won't shy away from using his looks. If he's smart, he'll use his brain, and if he's strong, he'll use his body to get his way. But women somehow jumped at the idea of being men or equal to men.
How the actual fuck did you guys make that insane conclusion that you'd want equality?! Not even men are equal despite all of them having dicks. Some have micro penises, and some don't. Some are born rich, and some get screwed over and over. There's no equality between men. But women come out and demand equality, which is insane because equality to which kind of men do you want?!
You want to be treated like the dude that has to go to war and comes back traumatized? Or you want to be treated like the dude that works two 8-hour jobs and still never gets laid because he is fugly? Or you want to be treated like the man that stays home all the time because he's insecure about what women actually want?
A man's life sucks unless you are born rich because, in that case, you've won the lottery. Even in my time before I transmigrated, life as a man sucked.
But that is just the way it is, I suppose.
"Mister Prince..." she started, but I interrupted her.
"Heir," I said.
"Excuse me?!" she asks me.
"It is 'Heir' Prince, not 'Mister,' Madame Skeeter," I inform her of my social standing.
"Sorry, I wasn't informed that you've become the Heir to the Prince family," she says.
"It happened just earlier today. I met the Queen, and now I am officially the heir of the Prince family," I reply.
As usual, I am well dressed, but for today's occasion, I have chosen some royal blue robes, and as I follow Gramp, he is escorting me into Buckingham Palace to see the fossil who is controlling this country.
I despise the idea of someone being superior to me solely because of the hole they climbed out of, and this is exactly that case.
As I run up to keep up with the old man, I notice the luxury surrounding me and am disgusted by the muggles' entitlement.
We eventually arrive to the location where Gramps was ruching, and he informs a servant that we are here to meet the queen. After a time, we are summoned to enter, and as we do, I watch my Gramps go in and bow down on one knee, and I look at him as if he is an idiot, which he is.
"My queen," Gramps adds with an unduly nice tone.
"Reginald, why is your heir not kneeling down?!" The queen asks in an annoying tone, and I stare at her as if she's an idiot.
"Severus!" Gramps replies in a frightening tone, and I stare down at the elderly man.
"Yeah, no fuck kneeling in front of some muggle Bitch!" I say this without thinking about the various emotions of shock all around me.
"What did he say?!" The queen asks, shocked.
"He didn't mean to! It's all a misunderstanding." Gramps tries to salvage the situation, but I'm done with it. I had no intention of coming here and promising to be her part of the family's bitch and signing some magical binding contract.
"I'll say it again so you can hear me, dumb cunt! I said I would not bow down to you or your family; the tradition of my family bowing down to yours is a relic of the past, and if you want my allegiance, you better make it worthwhile, or I will demolish this entire palace! This is your only chance to correct our ancestor's mistake!" I said, while unleashing my aura, it is in my nature to be an alpha, and being this bitch' bitch is simply too much bitching in one fucking sentence for my liking!
"OFF WITH HIS HEAD!!!" She demanded in an almost comically loud voice, and I immediately sensed danger, but I merely sidestepped and used the cloak to become invisible.
I have the impression that ward after ward is being errected on the hall, with hundreds upon dozens of guards running in and ready for a fight.
'Well, seems like these asshole's have used all our ressource's to build themselves layers upon layers of protection!' I think annoyed. Sure the prince family is well off, but it simply does not make sense for us to not be the wealthiest with being family with the crown, unless the crown is screwing us over.
But I merely go up to the hoe; all of the world's wards will be unable to detect me, and I will simply bypass them; the Hallows are actual magical cheats if there ever was one magical cheat.
I walk up to her and grip her throat, causing her to choke, before appearing in front of her.
I see her eyes and they have just the expression that I wanted to see, fear!
I see gramps rushing at me to stop me, seems like the contract is in place, but fuck that shit!
"I say off with your head!" I simply exclaim, pressing hard enough to clench my fist into her bones and flesh.
As her now-headless body falls to the ground, I watch them all blanch, and then I look at everyone present, including my grandfather, and ask the most straightforward question of all.
"How many more do I have to kill to be able to sit my arse on the throne?!" I talk in an almost creepy tone, and I can feel everyone in the room quiver.
Long story short, I am King because all of her children simply agreed to make me king; the alternative is death, and anyone who did not agree met a tragic end.
I read the magical contract between our two lines and could only rage to myself; the asshole who signed it was an idiot, but I know why he signed it: motherfucking Merlin forced him to submit to his non-magical family.
The contract was signed by three parties: the mediator, also known as Myrddin Emrys, a King named Pendragon, and an unnamed Prince; the poor sucker simply wrote down 'the Prince'.
I couldn't help but laugh, because that son of a bitch was one smart bastard, and only Gramps and his moronic ancestors were too dumb to notice!
None of us are 'The' Prince', we are a branch family named Prince, and none of us hold that title anymore! But these jerks just kept signing the contract, as if it was some sort of tradition to submit to some dumb asshole and have him fuck you in the ass.
Prince isn't even the family name, it was simply the poor suckers' title, which became our family name, adding insult to injury. Why, one might ask, do you know how black people in America got their surname?! Their last name is derived from their former master's name. The master decides what name you have to use, and this is the same situation.
I assume, Merlin, thought himself smart when he came up with this little plot, but the fucker did not think that it could also backfire simply by adding the word 'the'.
I took over Britain, changed the contract, and made the new 'Prince' my puppet; I'm not going to sit there and listen to assholes decide how they can screw their fellow muggles; all I wanted was my freedom and control, and now I have it back.
And my family decides who sits on the throne, not the other way around.
[End Flashback]
"So, Heir Prince, I have some questions for you from all the people in Britain who are dying to find out what kind of person you are!" Skeeter says excitedly, her eyes sparkling with curiosity.
I take a sip of my tea and lean back, a smirk playing on my lips. "How interesting. Then please, do ask away."
"Severus, how does it feel to be a young man of noble descent? Any pressure to live up to your family's legacy?" she asks, her quill poised to capture every word.
I pause for a moment, savoring the anticipation. "No, there is no pressure because I excel. The very notion of me failing is absurd."
"Uhh, what a charismatic answer," she says, her cheeks tinged with a faint blush.
"It's just how it is! If you don't believe in yourself, no one else will," I reply with a confident shrug.
"Is it true that you were orphaned at a young age? How has that shaped your perspective on life?" she asks, leaning in slightly.
"I think people need a family to understand that compromises need to be made, but also to learn when to stand firm and not succumb to insanity, even when it comes from a place of authority like one's parents. Sadly, I had to learn this the hard way, not in the secure environment of a family," I explain, my voice tinged with a hint of bitterness.
"Oh, I feel there's a deeper story," she says, her eyes searching mine.
"There is, but one that I may tell you in private, and only if you agree to have dinner with me," I say, smirking at her.
"I am a married woman, Heir Prince," she replies, her expression playfully shocked.
"I always say the good ones are already taken," I reply, feigning disappointment.
"I have come to find out that you're living with your grandfather. Do you find it challenging to bridge the generational gap?" she asks, surprising me with the depth of her question.
"At first, I did. But over time, I got used to my grandfather's attitude and learned to cope with it. Older people are a well of wisdom if one has learned to listen and differentiate between their bullshit and actual wisdom," I answer thoughtfully.
"Did you learn that?" she asks, raising an eyebrow.
"Sadly, not yet, but I aspire to learn," I reply with a smirk.
"Rumor has it that you have a particular fondness for children. Seeing how you started the 'Information Center' in Diagon Alley, could you tell us more about that?" she asks, her tone genuinely curious.
"The Information Center is a project that I think is much needed in our society. Our way of life is different from the Muggles'. No matter how backward the Muggles are, their children should not have to carry the burden of their heritage. If they want to fit into our society, they need to understand their place, and to do that, they need access to information. I will not have a child or young man ostracized for things outside of their control!" I explain passionately.
"That's quite the noble goal," she says, clearly impressed.
"It does fit the image of a noble, doesn't it?" I ask, giving her a wink.
"It does indeed," she replies with a smile.
"Many say you have an impressive physical presence. Do you have a secret regimen to maintain such an athletic physique? It's rare in our society to train physically, after all," she says, her eyes lingering on me appreciatively.
"Seems like some people have been gossiping!" I say with a chuckle before continuing. "I do indeed train, and the reason is simple: If one doesn't respect oneself enough to aspire to see their own limits, how can they hope that others will respect them?" I ask, reflecting on my past laziness.
"That is a harsh take on society, and a harsher expectation of yourself," she says, taking a sip of her tea.
"One has to always be harsh on oneself because other people won't take it easy on you when they come after you," I reply, watching as she contemplates my words, her expression thoughtful.
"Your new hairstyle has certainly caught attention. Was it inspired by anyone in particular?" she asks, her eyes twinkling with curiosity.
I run a hand through my hair, smirking. "No one in particular. Just wanted a change, something that stands out and commands attention."
"It certainly does," she agrees with a smile. "How do you manage to maintain such a natural tan? Is there a bit of magic involved?"
I chuckle, leaning in a bit. "Let's just say, a bit of travel and a touch of magic can work wonders."
"So, I take it that you're traveling a lot?" she asks curiously.
"I do indeed. I love to see what the world has to offer. Staying cooped up in one place makes us forget that we're all part of a larger world inhabited by many people. It also gives me some reprieve from all the projects I have going on at school," I explain.
"You've mentioned your projects at Hogwarts. Can you give us a glimpse into your latest magical endeavors?" she inquires, clearly fascinated.
"Ah, yes. Currently, I'm working on a project involving finding uses for spells that some uneducated people would call 'dark,' as well as advanced potion-making. It's quite complex but incredibly rewarding," I say, my enthusiasm evident.
"I think you'd be unwilling to explain what exactly it is that you are doing, right?" she asks.
"I will do a public viewing if my ideas bear fruit, and I'd love it if you were the one to interview me then," I say, winking at her.
"As a student of Hogwarts, how do you balance your academic responsibilities with your personal projects?" she asks, genuinely curious.
"It's all about time management. Prioritizing tasks and staying organized helps me balance everything effectively," I reply with a shrug.
"What are your thoughts on the current political climate in the wizarding world?" she asks, her tone shifting to a more serious one.
"I believe it's a time of change. For better or worse, our society is about to see 'change,' and I wish you all good luck in coping with the changes that are coming," I state firmly.
"That sounds quite ominous, Heir Prince," she says worriedly.
"It is what it is," I reply simply.
"Do you have any role models or figures you look up to in the magical community?" she asks, her quill poised.
"I admire those who push the boundaries of magic and knowledge, people like Albus Dumbledore, Nicholas Flamel, and this mysterious new contender for power that all pure-bloods are praising as the second coming of Slytherin," I answer thoughtfully, with pure schadenfreude because now Voldemort will question all his followers about who leaked the information. Knowing his methods, these poor fools are going to be in pain.
"The second coming of Slytherin?" she asks, surprised.
"Oh, don't tell me you don't know about it?" I ask, feigning surprise.
"I don't," she replies.
"Well, all the pure-bloods like Heir Malfoy keep talking about his greatness non-stop, so I assumed this was widespread knowledge by now," I reply with a look of pure schadenfreude.
"Seems like I will have to interview Heir Malfoy then," she replies.
"What do you see yourself doing in the next five to ten years? Any specific goals?" she asks, her eyes locking onto mine.
"I see myself making significant contributions to the magical world, perhaps even starting my own magical research institution or running for Minister," I say, my vision clear.
"That's quite an ambitious plan," she remarks, clearly impressed.
"Ambition drives progress," I reply with a confident smile.
"Indeed it does," she says, closing her notebook. "Thank you, Heir Prince, for this insightful interview. I'm sure our readers will be fascinated."
"My pleasure, Madame Skeeter. Until next time," I say, giving her a nod as she gathers her things and leaves, her quill still scribbling away.
As she walks away, I take another sip of my tea, feeling satisfied with how the interview went while also appreciating the view, which is her ass shaking from side to side.
Sue me, I am an ass man!!!
Bon giorno everybody, extra chapter as a thank-you for all the missing get well soon. Here's where we stand:
- **3000 cumulative PowerStones**: We're just around **440** currently short of this goal, standing at ~2560.
- **50 cumulative reviews**: We still need **20** more to reach this milestone, standing at 30.
- **450 cumulative comments**: We're just **9** comments away from hitting this target, standing at 441.
- **5000 cumulative collections**: We're short around **790** collections to make this happen, standing at ~4.21k.
-**50 cumulative Patrons**: We're short **37** Patrons to achieve this goal. Well, I hope you guys can tell me how to pull Patrons as I am absoluteley clueless XD.
Link: pat**
As always a big "Thank you!" for all your continued support!