
HP: The Ancient Potter Magic

A Harry/Multi story where only James died and Lily lived. A Slytherin Harry learns secrets about the potter family line as he understands the real power that could take down the Dark Lord. The story takes off from Year 4 with flashbacks and explanations as needed regarding the difference in the previous years. Features Harry/Lily, Harry/Female OC's, and more. BY:- Eragon_Bromssohn Note: I do not own Harry Potter or any of its character. The rights belong to the respective owner.

HpFan · 作品衍生
18 Chs

Chapter:- 4

The start of the year actually progressed very quietly for Harry. Announcements were made regarding the tournament and the students from Beauxbatons and Durmstrang had arrived. Harry was pleased to see that his friend Fleur had come to participate in the tournament.

Their mothers became very close friends after both of their husbands died as both were Charms apprentices. Lily had completed her Charms Mastery with Professor Flitwick and occasionally covered some of his classes for the NEWT level students. Apolline Delacour was her counterpart in France and their charms research led them to working on various projects together. This allowed their children to get to know one another.

Harry hadn't seen Fleurs younger sister Gabrielle in quite some time. They were occasional pen pals however and from what he understood Gabrielle was going through some sort of change due to her Veela heritage.

Judging by the way her mum and older sister look I'm very much looking forward to that being done. Harry thought to himself with a little smile.

It was finally time to announce the Champions for each school. Dumbledore had drawn an age line around the Goblet of Fire preventing anyone not of age from entering. This did not stop many from trying of course, Fred and George Weasley had only just been able to get rid of the magnificent beards the two had grown.

Harry however realized how to get around the age line, Wizards always discounted simple muggle ideas. He shared his idea with both Ron and Neville and Ron actually managed to get his name in. The prior evening he borrowed Harry's invisibility cloak and tossed a crumpled up paper ball with his name on it into the goblet. He had been practicing in his dorm room for weeks before and mastered the shot.

Harry and Neville decided not to enter, though Harry was very tempted to throw his name in as well. He loved a good challenge and it took him quite a lot of willpower not to enter.

"It is now time for the Goblet of fire to choose our champions," announced Albus Dumbledore. Excitement filled the great hall as many students were hoping to be chosen for their shot at eternal glory and a sizable amount of money.

A burst of flames came out from The Goblet of Fire and Dumbledore grabbed it.

"The champion for Durmstrang is Viktor Krum!"

Cheers erupted throughout the great hall; no one was surprised to see Krum as the representative of Durmstrang. He walked off to a chamber behind the great hall to await the other champions.

"The champion of Beauxbatons is Fleur Delacoure!"

Harry and his friends were all cheering while many of the Beauxbatons students burst into tears. Fleur walked off to join Viktor in the champions chamber.

"The champion for Hogwarts is Cedric Diggory!"

The Hufflepuff table erupted with the loudest cheers. Ron groaned "went through all that trouble to enter for no reason." Neville chuckled at his friends antics, "better luck next time mate," he said with a clap on his back.

"Now that all of the champions have been chosen I…" but Dumbledore could not finish his announcement as a fourth burst of flames erupted from the goblet of fire. There was silence in the great hall as Dumbledore reached out to grab another piece of parchment. Dumbledore stared down at the parchment for some time before looking up, "Harry Potter!"

Harry looked at the Headmaster with wide eyes, he didn't understand what was going on. He looked over at his sisters and saw them looking back at him willing them to understand that he didn't put his name in.

Estella came up behind him, "You need to go Harry, she said with a comforting hand on his shoulder."

"Still hogging all the glory Potter?" Draco shouted as he walked past him. Estella walked up and smacked him upside the head and told him to go sit down.

The entire hall was looking at Harry all confused as to what was happening. Harry made his way to the champions chamber and walked in.

"Potter? Do they want us to come back out?" Asked Cedric.

Fleur noticed Harry's face and frowned, "Is everything ok 'arry?"


Just as he began to speak several people walked in, all being led by Ludo Bagman.

"Can you believe it ladies and gentlemen, for the first time it seems we have a fourth Triwizard champion!"

"What? How is that possible, 'arry is not of age!" said Fleur with concern.

"Obviously there is a lot of cheating going on here. Shame on you Dumbledore it seems 'ogwarts is trying to get two bits of zee apple!" Shouted Madam Maxime.

Dumbledore ignored her and walked over to Harry. In a very calm grandfatherly way he simply asked "Harry did you put your name into the Goblet of Fire?"

"No, sir."

"Did you ask an older student to submit your name for you?"

"No I didn't sir,"

Karkaroff scoffed, "obviously the boy is lying!"

"If I may Headmaster, although Potter has had a certain disregard for the rules I don't believe he would be this stupid," said Snape. He looked over at Harry, "then again I have been wrong about him before."

Harry was quite irritated with his head of house but said nothing. Arguments continued to escalate until eventually Mad Eye Moody stepped in.

"Shut up, all of you, the only one who should be complaining about this is Potter yet he's the only one here who's quiet."

"Why should he be complaining he obviously wanted the glory of being a champion!" Yelled Karkaroff.

"You realize that Potter already has more glory in his left nut than you could ever attain don't you?" He asked the former death eater

"Alastor," Dumbledore said with a warning in his voice.

"Look obviously someone cast a powerful confundus charm on the Goblet and entered Potter under a fourth school to ensure he would compete."

"You seem to have given this a lot of thought, Alastor."

"Well it used to be my job to think like you piece of shit death eaters, as you know very well."

"Alastor!" Shouted Dumbledore again.

"Alright alright Albus, I'll shut up."

Dumbledore looked over to Crouch, "he must compete? There are no loopholes? Anything we can do to remove him."

"Nothing, if he doesn't compete he risks losing his magic. Not sure if we want that for the boy who lived," Crouch said.

Harry raised an eyebrow, he had never really interacted with Crouch before but felt a little disdain when the man spoke. He shrugged it off thinking it's probably another idiot who thinks he does everything for the fame.

After several more arguments Ludo Bagman finally decided to tell the Champions what to expect.

"As you all know there will be three tasks. You will receive specific rules for each task prior to them actually taking place. You will be given a notice tomorrow on the specified rules for the first task. The major rule for most of the tournament however is that you cannot be helped by a staff member of the school you represent. "

Bagman went on to explain a few more things about the tournament before eventually telling them, "now the first task! Were not going to tell you what is, part of this tournament is thinking on your feet and facing the unknown!"

Everyone was then dismissed but before Harry could leave Mad Eye stopped him.

"Stay behind Potter there are things we need to discuss regarding your participation."

Harry stayed behind and eventually it was just him, Mad Eye, Snape and Dumbledore.

"Harry I will be contacting your mother and Sirius regarding this, I think due to the circumstances we are going to have to move up the timeline of what you were going to be doing next summer," said Dumbledore.

"You know about that sir?" Dumbledore looked like he was trying to hide a grimace, "I know of it but the details are with your Mother and Sirius."

"You'll also start training with me Potter, you'll have training sessions added to your schedule by next week."

Harry looked surprised and both Snape and Dumbledore looked over at Moody as this was the first time they were hearing about this as well.

"Alastor he cannot receive help from…"

"Yeah yea I know the damn rules, I'm not senile Albus. However the rules do state that Potter cannot be helped by staff of the school he represents. Last I checked Diggory was representing Hogwarts. Potter here was entered under a mysterious fourth school."

"Very well, I think between myself and you we can give him some training so he doesn't make too much of a fool of himself," added Snape.

"Albus it might be a good thing to have you give the boy lessons as well."

Harry's eyes widened, getting personal lessons from Albus Dumbledore sounded amazing. He was wondering if the headmaster would teach him some Alchemy.

"Harry is not quite ready for that yet," he replied and looked over at Harry who frowned. "Eventually Harry we will of course have some lessons as you are aware of the prophecy and are a target of Tom Riddle's spirit at the moment."

"We can't be sure the fucker will keep taking his time to come back," grunted Moody.

He looked over at Snape as he said this.

"I am not yet aware of any of the Dark Lord's plans Alastor," he replied with a touch of annoyance.

Harry knew Snape was a spy in the last war and it looked like if Voldemort did come back he would be doing that again. As much as he held a lot of disdain for the greasy bat he also had quite a bit of respect and occasionally looked to him as a mentor. Despite the occasional jabs at his competence Snape had actually done quite a bit in helping him throughout the last four years. He had even helped Moony teach him the Patronus Charm when the Demontors kept attacking him.

"Something is happening, I can feel it the incident at the world cup, the stupid bint Bertha Jorkins going missing, fucking Pettigrew escaping last year and now this shit. Whatever is going to happen it will happen soon Albus and don't tell me I'm being fucking paranoid it's my job." Said Mad Eye.

"I would never dare say such a thing in front of you Alastor."

Snape turned to Harry, "Potter you may go, do not take any detours, go straight to the common room."

Harry nodded at the dismissal and began walking back to the dungeons.

"Why does this shit always happen to me?" He said aloud.

"Language!" Cried a portrait.

Harry gave the portrait a rude hand gesture and kept walking.

"My word, students these days!" He heard the portrait say as he walked off. As he was nearing the entrance to the dungeons he was grabbed from behind and shoved into a broom closet.

"What the fuck is going on?"

"We're here to service the boy who lived," said an irritating familiar voice.

"Lumos" said another voice. Standing in front of him were his sisters and Estella.

"Did you get excited, you little perv? Thought you were gonna get some action?" smirked Emma.

"What the fuck do you three want?"

"Well before Aunt Lily blows up and sends all of us howlers we should probably be updated with whatever it is is happening with you at the moment." Estella replied.

Harry sighed, "Someone put my name in the goblet, Moody reckons they're trying to do me in." Both of his sisters scowled at this.

"Do they actually expect you to compete?" asked Ella, "sure you know a little more magic than the average fourth year but everyone else has three years of experience on you."

"Dumbledore asked Crouch, yea I've no choice or I lose my magic."

"The muggle world isn't half bad," said Emma.

"I'm not giving up my magic Em!"

"Well its better to loose your magic then your life you little fucking shitstain." she yelled.

"Ok everyone calm down, we're not going to get anywhere with you all yelling at each other," snapped Estella.

"Moody and Snape are going to train me, Moody saw a loophole about who can help me. I'm technically not representing Hogwarts in the tournament so the staff can help me. Moody tried to get Dumbledore to give me lessons as well but he said no."

"I'll rip the old goat's beard off," said Emma.

"We'll train you too," said Ella.

Estella nodded, "my dear old dad taught me quite a bit of dark magic before I stopped visiting him, I'll start teaching that to you."

"Err isn't that Malfoy family magic?" asked Harry. It was still a little dimly lit inside the broom closet but it looked like Estella was blushing.

"Look nevermind that," Ella interrupted, "Mum and Sirius probably already know by now, lets see what they say and we'll figure things out from there."

"Not looking forward to that conversation," grumbled Harry.

Emma looked at Estella, "please look out for him," she asked her best friend.

Estella sighed, "the tournament isn't happening in the dungeons Em there isn't much I can do there."

Ella looked down at her Marauders map and saw no one in the hallway, "safe to get out no one will think we're doing some crazy kinky shit in here."

Harry rolled his eyes and walked out. Before they parted ways the twins hugged him and he let himself relax in their embrace. "Please be careful Harry," Ella whispered. Emma and Ella walked off to their common rooms while he and Estella walked towards the dungeons.

"So you didn't answer my question from before, isn't the stuff your dad taught you Malfoy family magic? I'm distantly related but the Malfoy family magic won't accept me the same way the Potter and Black family magic does."

Estella seemed to hesitate before answering, "I guess you're right, yea slipped my mind in all the excitement."

Harry nodded and they walked off but something in the back of his mind kept bothering him, something about what Estella said just didn't feel right.