
CH 58: No Name [19]

{[Last Time in Tainted Desire]}

Happy with the impact, I pulled back from the kiss even as I squeezed her tits mercilessly once more, forcing a boundless cry off her lips. This time, without a barrier to muffle, it echoed off the walls. "Somebody is enjoying herself," I said.







"N-no-" she tried to argue, but it wasn't really effective after I squeezed her breast, forcing yet another moan off her.

Immediately after, one of my hands moved down and slipped under her skirt, caressing her folds, sopping wet with arousal.

"Don't lie to me," I ordered with a sharp smirk even as one of my fingers slipped inside her.

"I'm not - lying!" she said, interrupted by a gasp and followed by another moan as I added two more fingers inside her, pumping her mercilessly.

I didn't even bother to answer her question, choosing to lean forward instead. I sneaked my lips to the nook of her neck, nibbling her neck gently, an approach that contrasted greatly with the merciless pumping I had been delivering with my finger.

"Detention for telling such an obvious lie, Miss Granger," I said after pulling back, though my hands were still at work.

"You need to pay better attention to your body, because it seems to have no problem contradicting your words." I pulled my hand out of her tunnel, still glistening with her juices, and brought it to her face. "Does it look like you're not enjoying it."

"But… I don't…" she murmured in confusion, for once failing to string a coherent argument together.

It was a mistake, of course, as I had no issues in using the opportunity to discreetly change position until I was standing between her legs, parted earlier during the assault of my fingers.

"Convincing rebuttal," I said mockingly. "We should have created a debate team back in school. You would have been the star of it."

Funny enough, the insult against her academic capabilities worked much better in dispelling her confusion, replacing it with a spark of anger.

Unfortunately, she had missed the significance of our relative positioning, at least until I pushed my hips forward, sheathing myself in her wet tunnel once more.

"No! Not again!" she exclaimed. Naturally, I ignored it in favor of pushing my full length inside her, leveraging her looseness thanks to our earlier session, and the rest of her argument melted into a pleasure-filled cry.

"Come on, little lioness," I said even as I pumped inside her mercilessly. "Isn't it a bit late to act like you're not enjoying it.

We both know the truth of the matter, that the attraction is not a one-way street. Why are you bothering to deny it?"

"No, it's not true," she replied with alarm. A display of panic even greater than the time I took her virginity, which would have revealed her attraction if I hadn't already engineered it in the first place.

"Really?" I said even as I pushed inside her sharply once more, my hands roaming freely over her body, leaving my mark over her skin.

"So, you're telling me that you didn't have any fantasies where I bend you down on a desk in the library, or corner you in a dark corridor, and teaching you the meaning of respect."

"What! How do you-" she started before her explanation came to a sudden stop. "I mean, no, of course not," she said, trying to recover her explanation, but it didn't work very well.

"Come on, honey," I said even as I took her nipple between my finger, gently holding it for a moment before suddenly twisting, just hard enough to be painfully erotic. "Didn't I already tell you that you're bad at lying. Now, truth please."

She tried to meet my eyes with a rebellious gaze, but as she was learning it, it was really hard to do against someone that was pumping her insides mercilessly.

"Yes," she murmured in defeat. "I occasionally dream about you."

"See, was that too hard," I said even as I slid my hand between her hair, gently directing her to look into my eyes. "Now, why don't you tell one of these stories to me."

She looked reluctant at first, but when I tightened my grip on her hair warningly, her approach changed significantly.

"It was in the library, and you were the head boy…" she started, telling the fake-dream I had set up for her in great detail. It wasn't a smooth tale, sometimes broken by her shyness, but more often, by her gasps, as I continued to impale her through her explanation.

I picked up the pace as she told the tale of how I used chains to wrap her body in her 'dream'. Interestingly, she didn't try to lie, other than a few details which probably changed in her mind after the weeks that passed between the encounter.

Or it was entirely possible that she had a repeat of the dream. I wouldn't blame her, as it was quite good as far as the fantasies went.

"Damn, that was an excellent dream," I said when she finished the story while continuing to impale her. "It's a miracle that I managed to keep myself from cumming."

"Not inside," she yelped in panic, but her escape route was cut by my desk, so she kept her position.

"Come on, sweetie, I already did it once. What's the harm," I said cheekily.

"Not inside," she repeated, this time firmer, encouraged by the levity of my reply.

I kept my gaze even, and her determination was quick to show the signs of melting. After several seconds, I spoke. "Okay, I'll warn you before the climax," I said.

"Promise me you'll actually pull back," she said, forcing the issue.

"Whatever you want, sweet cheeks. I promise I'll pull out," I said, letting her have a false victory rather than an extended argument. She nodded, satisfied.

Of course, I had no intention of giving even an illusion of victory without a payment. I grabbed her hands and led them towards my shoulders. "Pull tighter," I said.

She looked at me with reticence, but when my smile tightened, she was quick to comply. My reason for doing so was simple. I wanted her to take a more active role in our embrace.

And while I would have preferred for her to ride me in a reverse cowgirl position in a reckless abandon, but there was still some work to be done until we could reach that point.

After another few minutes, and my resistance was about to crumble. "It's time for a creampie," I said with a smirk as I grabbed her hips tight, cutting any chance of her escape.