
HP: Reincarnated as the Greatest Death Eater

Check how did a teenager boy scramble from the bottom of the world to the world greatest wizard and the strongest deatheater. In Harry Potter's world, Axel who just reincarnated into the Harry Potter world, found out he seems like is a muggle that have some special abilities which are almost useless due to he didn't show any magical ability in 11 years he lived in the forest, he is an orphan. Until in his 11years live in the forest, he found Voldermort--- Babymort to be more excatly, and this started his journey to become the greatest wizard and strongest deatheater of the world. Face slapping --- Check Friendship --- Check Villian --- Check PS: In this book, Axel and Voldermort won't be a master and servatn relationship but friends, and also Harry Potter in this world will show his hidden greedy and desire.

2009006194 · 军事
12 Chs

Chapter 4: The duel

In the forbidden forest, the little wodden house.

"When Snape will come, can't believe it." Said Axel boringly.

"Sleep for a while then." Said Voldermort impatiently almost can't hold his anger toward Snape who didn't come to visit his heir in the correct time. 

With a thump, Axel lay on the floor, crawl up, and sleep.

"Hello, Hello, Heeello, Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeelllllllllloooo?!"Cried someone.

"Aggh."Axel jump up from the floor, his vision is quite blurr and then he saw someone, someone with a jet black hair and an unfimilar face.

"Who are you." Asked Axel curisously.

"Hello, my name is Quinn." Said Quinn shortly.

Hearing the answer, Axel though he was being kidnapped, he need to find something sharp, something tht can protect him quick, and then he found something unsual, his body are not wrapped with pillow case and other vines clothes but ropes, luxury rope, inside his are there are a holster which contain something like a stick.

In that time, Axel is puzzled, he quickly snatch the stick, found out it is purple, great magic burt out from it, it is a wand. 

Now, Axel found something is not correct, he turned his gaze to Quinn to stood sliently in front of him, then a panel appear out of nowhere, and almost jump out from the air. 

"Croucthrh."As soon the panel jump out from the air, Axel and Quinn both take a step back and observe the panel, it looks like a computer reminder, then words appear on it.

"Hello, everyone, this is the destiny warlock, in this polace you can eigther choose you power in the reality or choose the power that is the highest in your destiny, in your future life you will have this power, and this warlock is to allow you to use destiny power to duel with other and different main character in different world, so the war between the main character of the greatest deatheater and the main character of god magic and kill journey, if you refuse to duel with each other then you all are going to be mark fail, if you fail for 20 times, then you will met death, begin in 10 second count from now on." 

In that excatly time, Axel and Quinn look at each other, hold their wand tight.

"So, you are a main character of the world, huh." Sneered Axel didn't think Quinn will be a match for him. 

"And you are a deatheater." Saif Quinn quietly, but the smugness in his eyes also show and mean that he didn't put Axel in his eyes.





In that teact time, Axel and Quinn both shouted "Expaliermas." In this warfare, Axel and Quinn could use their furture self knowledge and furture self skill also furture self ability to duetl and defeat their rivals.

"Crush." Two beam of light hit each other, then Axel yelled.

"Avada Kadavaera." he learned this from Voldermort.

While in the same time, Quinn quickly cired "Crucio."

"Boom."In this time, one green light and one purple light collide and create a explosion.

Knowing that he didn't have much time until the others send curses, Axel quickly move to another place in the mist and yelled "Impero."

"Protego." A shout emit from the other side of the mist, obviously didn't expect Axel is in the different position of the warfare and shot him a bean of curses.

"Lavada Yasolu Mumentaumslifityisomas." Barked Axel in the mist, seems like this spell is created by Axel himself in the furture, then around millions of different color beams of curses shot from Axel's wand, and a huge green light is generated on the tip of Axel's wand and emit and shot forward toward Quinn without mercy.

"Lavada Yaliter Liviosakuciamuskddermisosa." Seems like Quinn also use his self-created spell then a huge barrier created block all the curses to shot from Axel's wand, and even the huge green avada curses.

Now Axel and Quinn all became cauious, the warfare is filled with mist.



Suddently, two huge creatures are summon by their summer, behind Axel a huge snake which is a basalisk is summoned, and on the Quinn's side a huge kraken was summoned along with huge amount of water.

"Hoon." The Kraken use it's tentatecales <the death swipe sharp> kill the basalisk by just one swipe but he also saw the Basalisk's yellow eyes, then the skill <death stare> killed the huge and almost around one thousand feet Kraken. 

"Yamulavisosa." Millions and even trillions of avada crush down toward Quinn who is standing and holding his wand brealessly.

"Mumamunasa." Another huge amount of crucio fly toward beams of avada curses. 

Realize Quinn would be heard to dealt, Axel quikly moved, and try to use his mind magic to broke the occlumency of Quinn. However, be a main character of a novel, Quinn also has a strong occlumency and a strong legimency which is hard for Axel to use mind magic to kill and defeat Quinn to win the match. 

Knowing his mind sheld has been attack Quinn also use legimency to attack Axel and desparate to brak Axel's mind sheild. However, soon he found out he also can't break Axel's mind sheild.

"What am I think about." Knowing this Quinn checkled to himself. 



"Adavara Kadavra."






Different beams of light and curses travel between the two opposite end of the warfare each beam of the light shot quikly from Axel and Quinn's tip of the wand.

"Learn how strong my self-created spell is." Said Quinn almost arrograntly and madly then he quickly cast a protective charm on himself and shot something.

"What." Said Axel a bit puzzled and confused, then he felt a sharp pain from ever part of his body and seems like the attack hit his every limp and jungle.

"How dare you, taste this, this is my own self-created spell." Screemed Axel struggling.


Suddently, a small black jet shot from Axel's tip of the wand.

Knowing no attack and pain, Quinn start to mock Axel's self-created spell.

"How storng it is, it can't even hurt me, it can't even touch me." Mocked Quinn put a face.

After a while, the smile of Quinn's face faded replaced by a horror expression.

In the middle of the warfare, in front of Quinn is a huge hole, no light can penetrate it, it seems to be totally black ans there is no smell of life coming out from the hole, it is a blakc hole and a strong blakc hole that can digest everything, a truly being summoned blakc hole.

"What, you crazy, you create a black hole, you will die too, there will be no winner." Screamed and shouted Quinn hoplessly being draged by the force of gravity into blackhole.

"Actually, as long as I am died a bit later than you, then I win the duel." Smile Axel with a breaking pain of his body. 

"Sensing the death of the main character in the god magic and kill journey, the main charracter of the greatest deatheater win, and you will recieve 20 points, as your points accumulated you could buy things in the war shop. However, it is lock for you now since you didn't have enough and sufficient point to buy it." 

"Argghh." Cried Axel, he open his eyes,a nd found out tat Voldermort is looking at him.

"Ready for Snape's visit." Said Voldermort camly, obviously calm himself already and didn't have much anger in him for now, and will be exploded when Snape come. 

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