
HP: Magic Punk

[Congratulations. you just died !!!] He was just a normal teenager. Trying to make something out of his life. But everything changed when Truck Kun met him. Now there are new magical worlds to explore and a mentor who will teach him. But there is more, much more hiding in the darkness. Let's explore the Wizarding World for fun, shall we? Upload on :- Tuesday to Sunday. Bonus Chapter on Monday and Sunday. ******************************** (P)(A)(T)(R)(E)(O)(N) LINK: patreon.com/Kamidemond ********************************* I'm planning on keeping a stockpile of at least 20 chapters there. DISCORD Discord invite: https://discord.gg/VqU83N2As4 *The Cover is not mine, tell me if you want me to remove it, just don't sue me!!!

kamidemond · 作品衍生
294 Chs

Chapter 77 : Letter From Ministry

Gracefully Orion came back to the ground while holding a shiny golden object in his hand. Everyone was looking at him like Thanos holding the final Infinity Stone in his hand.

"The Golden Snitch has caught, Winner Gryffindor," shouted Madam Hooch with much shock in her voice.

Hermione, Daphne, Ron, Draco and other students were looking at Orion' like they were looking at Merlin himself. Rose might be the only one who anticipated this outcome but even she was not expecting that Orion would catch the Golden Snitch before she and Nick.


She looked at the stoic boy and for the first time saw a look of incredulity on his face, the serene and calm face of the proud snake was not there anymore.

There was a gleam in Madam Hooch's eyes but even more than that McGonagall eyes were practically shining like diamonds, looked at Orion like prey.

What she saw just now almost made her forget about the real reason she was here, after seeing that performance, she wanted Orion in the Gryffindor team. Being a hardcore Quidditch fan she can understand the underlying skills needed to pull off what Orion did just now.

Many might just attribute this performance of Orion to the Broom's speed, which was another shocker for McGonagall by the way, but she knew better. Those extremely tight turns and handling the broom at that speed need almost superhuman reflexes and timing.

And lastly the Golden Snitch, he found it before anyone else. There is no doubt about it, Orion D Ambrosius is a natural Quidditch player and it would be a crime not to put him on the Gryffindor team.

*Cough* Cough

"I mean the Quidditch team," McGonagall said and went toward the middle of the playground where Orion was getting sandwiched by the other students.

"Mr Ambrosius" She called but the cheering from the Gryffindor side was too much.

So she had to use the Sonorus Charm.

(The Sonorus spell is a charm used to amplify the volume of the caster's voice, making it louder)


This got the student's attention.

"Yes, Professor" Orion replied instantly and walked towards her, he was trying to find a way out of this crowd anyway.

"Professor Dumbledore is looking for you in his office," McGonagall said in his usual stern tone, not letting her excitement about what Orion just accomplished get to her.

Orion had no idea why the old goat was looking for him again but the timing just worked out for him. He was almost about to leave but before that, he heard McGonagall say.

"And make sure that you find me after you are done talking with Albus," She said and turned around.

[She sometimes acts like a Tsundere] Merlin said and this drew Orion's curious glance but he didn't ask any question, he long learned not to ask any question whose answers he didn't want.


Walking up to the headmaster's office, Orion told the password, "Lemon Drop," and the stairs started to move on their own. It's the magical version of Elevator.

Entering the familiar office again, Orion couldn't help but sigh, he really didn't want to visit this place if he didn't have to. Although much stronger, he still was no match for Dumbledore.

"Ah Orion come, I was waiting for you," Dumbledore said. He has noticed that Orion always gives strange reactions when he calls him 'my boy', a habit he developed while staying in this school and dealing with his juniors all the time, it's strange why but later when going through Orion's mind he saw him running away from Orphanage because they used to beat him and abuse him. So he just chucked this strange reaction of Orion to his childhood trauma.

Unknown to him, Orion only gets reminded of the evil Dumbledore fanfictions when he says "My Boy" to him.

Orion noticed that there was no mind invasion this time around, 'Maybe the last headache mellowed out the old lord of light,' Orion internally snickered to himself.

"You called for me Professor," Oiron asked nonchalantly. From the very start has shown a not caring for authorities and power and a little money greedy personality to everyone.

Showing that he was wise, more than he has any right to be at his age, to others but usually doesn't care about power or connections much. He also shows his dark side with his greed for money as just more suspicious will be aroused if he is absolutely perfect.

Overall, a kid who is naive for the most part until he puts his mind to something. Genius but not dark or power-hungry. Although capitalists by nature.

This image works for him still now and he didn't plan to change that.

"Yes, I asked Minerva to call you, I got a letter from the Ministry for you," Dumbledore. said.

"Ministry, why those people at Ministry are sending me a letter? ," Orion asked with a confused face like thinking of something.

Honestly, he was kind of expecting something like this to happen after Merlin gave him an impromptu Politics lesson last time around.

What he was really thinking was how Dumbledore got this letter even before him. Is this normal? He doesn't think so.

This leads him to believe that Dumbledore is taking note of all the messages coming and going out of Hogwarts. At least his letters.

"Don't tell me that they are really suing me for that comment on my book," Orion gave a scandalous look to Dumbledore and even Dumbledore after a little pondering on what Orion meant, laughed.

Connecting the dots, he remembers Orion's comment on the book where he said to sue him for not giving them a refund for the book.

"No no, that's not the case. You don't have to worry about that I assure you," Dumbledore said while chuckling and stroking his long beard.

"Oh, okay, that's a relief,"

"You should read it, go ahead," Dumbledore said and Orion went on.


-Diagon Alley-

Emeric Ironforge, the ingenious magical inventor and partner in Orion's broom business, found himself in a moment of exhilarating anticipation.

The Owlery at Ironforge's workshop was filled with the hooting of owls, and a particular owl had just delivered a parchment that bore the emblem of a major broom distributor. Finally, their wait came to an end.

Orion was right on his assumption that most likely, selling his brooms in magical Britain will be a no-go as long as he can't convince those Pureblood bigots to let his product be sold in the British magical market.

Something they will never do, considering that Orion is a Muggle Born.

So Orion never targeted the general market, in fact, he never created this product for the general market. He targeted the rich and professional players.

Not just in Britain but all over the world. It took some time but finally, the reply came back. All the samples they sent off of Pegasus finally started to bear fruit.

Excitement sparkled in Emeric's eyes as he eagerly unrolled the letter. The words leapt off the page, expressing admiration for the groundbreaking Pegasus, the broom they had collaborated on.

Well, Orion was the creator while he was the manufacturer and Distributor for the time being. Orion only accepts his 50-50 offer because the kid has no time to do any business on his own.

It was a good deal he found for himself.

The distributor praised its unparalleled speed, handling, and the innovative enchantments woven into its design.

"Pegasus has caught our attention like no other broom in recent memory," the letter read. "We are immensely impressed with its magical capabilities and believe it has the potential to revolutionize the broom market. We would like to express our keen interest in forming a partnership to distribute the Pegasus on a large scale."

Emeric's heart raced with excitement as he continued reading. The distributor expressed a desire to sign an immediate contract to secure a steady supply of the brooms. To top it off, they proposed an exclusive agreement that would make them the sole distributor of the Pegasus line of brooms, giving the broom unparalleled visibility in the wizarding world.

Orion's plan worked like a charm, first targeting the higher echelon of the entire market and making publicity for his product. What he was doing was similar to what Steve Jobs did.

Establishing a premium brand for his brooms, only those who need the best. He in fact charging a high price too for this.

First, the rich and professionals will boast about their new brooms and later this will give them access to other markets. British market for the time being will be off limits for him but if his plan with Quidditch goes right then even that won't be an issue.

Unable to contain his enthusiasm, Emeric let out a triumphant cheer. The letter held the promise of not just success but a significant leap forward for their broom business. It was an acknowledgement of their craftsmanship and innovation, a validation of the countless hours spent refining the Pegasus.

He urgently took out a pen and paper and started writing the recent revelation to Orion. No doubt excited to tell the news.


As the story continues, it will be branching more and more. Not only focusing on Orion.

Here is the goal for this Week.

500+ Stones for 1 bonus chapter

750+ Stones for 2 bonus chapters

1000+ Stones for 3 bonus chapters

"Thank you Very Much for All Your Support"


If you want to read up to 20+ Chapters in advance, check my Patre on
