
HP: Daphne's Slave Jasmine Potter

Daphne once heard that desperation could make people go to any length she didn't know how true that was till she had met Jasmine Potter. Fem! Harry, BDSM, SMUT, Lemon Fem!Harry/Multi -I don't own Harry Potter. This story does not belong to me. The original can be found by name in the search engine.

0DarkWolf0 · 作品衍生
14 Chs

Chapter 9: Discussions and Dreams

Jasmine twisted out of the way of a purple spell that she recognised as the Hurling hex. Jasmine cast the Dancing Feet Jinx back at Daphne.

She and Daphne had been practising duelling for six weeks, and Jasmine could see that she had made enormous progress in the six weeks, but she still hadn't managed to beat Daphne.

Jasmine's mind went back to the news that Dumbledore had given her about Peter Pettigrew and Sirius Black. She still wasn't sure what she felt. There was a mix of anger and disgust and longing to know her godfather.

Jasmine was broken out of her thoughts as a white spell hit her in the chest and quickly covered her body up as quickly as she could, knowing that Daphne had just cast the clothes disintegrating charm.

Before she could say anything, her vision was engulfed in the scarlet spell that she recognised as the stunning charm before everything went black.

Jasmine let out a groan as she woke up on the cold floor with her clothes still gone and sat up on her knees with her hands at her side.

"What got you distracted?" Daphne asked, walking towards her.

Jasmine felt a shiver down her spine. She had many dreams in the last six weeks, with her serving Daphne as a slave, and they had moved from dreams at night to actual daydreams, something that Parvati teased her about even if she had been tight-lipped about who she was daydreaming of.

"Peter Pettigrew and Sirius Black," Jasmine said as she looked down at the floor.

"Ah, yes, I heard about that from my family," Daphne said, sitting down across from her on the floor.

"Are you not looking forward to meeting your godfather?" Daphne asked.

"Im not going to see him till the summer, and even then, it will only be in the hospital," Jasmine said in an almost whining voice.

"He has been exposed to Dementors for over a decade that will leave many health problems both physically and mentally," Daphne said gently as she pulled Jasmine into a hug.

Jasmine felt a warm feeling spread through her body as she relaxed into the hug.

"Oh right, sorry, your clothes," Daphne said as she waved her wand over Jasmine and her clothes reformed on her body.

Jasmine felt annoyed at the clothes before she shook her head and blushed.

"Err, I should be heading back to my house," Jasmine said, standing up quickly.

Daphne reached out, grabbed her arm, and pulled back down. Jasmine felt her legs collapse under her as her body obeyed instantly, even without Daphne needing to say anything.

"You don't have to go, do you," Daphne whispered into Jasmine's ear, making her blush as she wrapped her arms around Jasmine's waist.

Jasmine felt her body obey the silent order in Daphne's voice and felt herself calm down in Daphne's arms.

"No," Jasmine whispered as she added Mistress to the end in her mind.

"Right, I guess we will have to go back now," Daphne said as she removed her arms from Jasmine's waist.

"I see," Jasmine said, and she could hear the disappointment in her own voice.

Jasmine got to her feet and left the room in a daze. Jasmine walked for a little while before she let out a frustrated moan and rubbed her legs together.

Her body had gotten used to the feeling of pleasure whenever she had kneeled before Daphne and seemed quite annoyed that she hadn't been given the pleasure it normally did.

Jasmine took a deep breath and quickly made her way back to the Griffindor house. She desperately wanted to talk to Parvati.

Jasmine quietly sneaked into her dorm just in case any students were still awake. In the last few weeks, Jasmine learned that Hermione had a habit of reading late into the night.

Thankfully it seemed that everyone was asleep, and Jasmine sneaked over to Parvati's bed and pulled the curtain aside. Jasmine wasn't surprised to see that Parvati was sleeping naked.

In the last six weeks, Pivarti had educated her on lots of things and had even managed to get her to do many things that she would have been far too scared to do as well. One such example was sleeping naked.

Parvati was also wearing her wrist and ankle cuffs, and she peacefully slept. Jasmine gave Parvati a gentle shake hoping to wake the other girl up. Part of her knew that she would wait till the morning when they got a shower together.

Parvati let out a moan as she opened her eyes and looked over at Jasmine. "What?" Parvati asked.

"I need someone to talk to," Jasmine said.

"Is this a shower talk?" Parvati asked.

Jasmine nodded. There was a time that the idea of getting naked infrount of another girl would have caused Jasmine to blush or be embarrassed, but Parvati had done a good job getting rid of that.

Parvati rolled out of bed and walked towards the shower. Jasmine closed the curtain, walked over to her bed, stripped down naked, grabbed her collar from under her pillow, and quickly put it on before running into the showers after Parvati.

Parvati was already under the shower and was sitting down on the floor, waiting for Jasmine.

"We could do with chairs in here or a large bath," Jasmine said.

"The Prefects and Head girls and Boys' bathrooms have baths in them, apparently. It's enormous with lots of bath foam to try out," Parvati said as she patted the floor.

One of the things that Parvati had taught her was none verbal commands that a master or Mistress could use, and patting somewhere if they were sat down was a command for her to sit down as well.

Jasmine walked under the shower reviling as hot water flowed over her, and sat down.

"So what was so urgent that you just had to talk to me at this moment?" Parvati asked.

"How does a relationship start?" Jasmine asked quietly.

Parvati may have gotten Jasmine used to being naked in front of other girls and helped expand her knowledge of sex and BDSM. But Jasmine knew that now she had asked that question Pivati would know that she had ideas of entering a BDSM relationship with someone.

"Oh, has Jasmine got her eye on someone?" Parvati said teasingly.

Jasmine couldn't help but look away as her face heated up.

"Hmm, it depends on if they are even into BDSM?" Parvati asked.

Jasmine nodded as she knew that Daphne already had one slave, her roommate Tracey.

"Oh, they are that good. Hmm, well, you don't start in a master and slave relationship from day one unless you're a debt slave or sold to that person. First, you need to start as a submissive and see how the relationship feels," Parvati said.

"Really?" Jasmine asked.

"Of course, becoming someone's slave isn't something done on a whim. You are placing your entire life in that person's hands," Parvati explained.

"So how do I become a submissive then?" Jasmine asked.

"Hmm, do you know if they like you?" Parvati asked.

Jasmine fell silent as she thought back on her time with Daphne. She found herself puzzled in the last week or two. Daphne had been far more touchy with her and not in a purely plutonic way.

Tonight was a good example. The way that Daphne had been holding her wasn't that sexual in nature, but it was far more than how friends would hold each other, and it wasn't the first time that Daphne had done something like that.

"I think so," Jasmine finally said.

"Think so?" Parvati said.

"Well, she hasn't come out and said it," Jasmine said downcast.

"Hmm, that's tricky. You will need to go off feeling. I guess when you sneak out of the dorm, you are going to visit this girl?" Parvati asked.

"Yes," Jasmine said, nodding.

"Hmm, well, I would try and meet them far more than just the once-a-week that you currently do and, from there, drop hints that you are interested in her," Parvati told Jasmine.

Dumbledore sat at the head of the staff table as he waited for all the staff to arrive. He would normally only have this type of meeting with the heads of houses. He had just gotten back from Azkaban and had been supervising the transfer of Sirius Black.

He was much happier in a medical ward inside St Mungo's Hospital under the guard of two Aurors. Both of them were placed there under Dumbledore's suggestions, so he was sure that no so-called incidents would happen to Sirius Black.

Soon most of the staff members of Hogwarts had arrived in the room and sat down at the table.

"Right, no doubt everyone has heard by now, but Peter Pettigrew was caught in the Griffindor house and was able to hide due to being an Animagus.

Professor Bathsheda, Professor Septima, I am afraid I have to trouble you both with a request for a ward that will be able to detect an Animagus," Dumbledore said, looking at the two teachers.

"It will take some research and modification of some other wards, but we should be able to do it," Professor Bathsheda and Septima said, both looking excited at the challenge.

Dumbledore was well aware that both of them loved challenges, and this was a new one for them. There was a ward that would stop people that were Animagus from crossing it.

But that wouldn't do for Hogwarts as both he and McGonagall were Animagus.

Also, if a 7th-year student wants to learn how to become an Animagus, then Professor McGonagall would teach them how to do so and how to register with the Ministry.

Even if no one had done so for a long time, they still offered it. So they needed a new ward that would just tell the person in charge of the wards that an Animagus had crossed it.

"Now, moving on from that, does anyone else have any more information on the attacks?" Dumbledore asked the staff members.

"None of the students has said anything other than blaming Jasmine Potter," Professor Sprout said after it seemed no one else was going to say anything.

Professor McGonagall scoffed. "How ridiculous she wouldn't hurt a fly."

"Im sure she is loving all the attention," Professor Snape said oily.

"She doesn't even like attention," Professor McGonagall said back to Snape.

"Please, the daughter of James potter doesn't like attention. Who are you kidding," Professor Snape shot back.

"Enough," Dumbledore said, seeing that Professor McGonagall was about to reply back.

"We will need to think of steps to take if there is another attack to protect all the students of Hogwarts," Dumbledore said, stroking his beard, and looking at all the heads of houses.

"Well then, I guess this is the end of the meeting for now," Dumbledore said, standing up and walking over to Professor McGonagall.

"Minvera, can you ask Jasmine if she wishes to live with Sirius Black once he is found innocent and given a clean bill of health?" Dumbledore asked.

"Of course, Headmaster," Professor McGonagall said, standing up.

Jasmine slowly got dressed as she, Hermione and Ron were all going to check on the Polyjuice potion. The three of them walked out of the Gryffindor's dorm while trying to look innocent as they walked to the bathroom where the potion was brewing.

Jasmine wasn't looking forward to drinking the potion that had been brewed on the floor of a bathroom. But the brewing of the Polyjuice potion was restricted due to its use in crime, so they had no option but to brew it here.

Entering the bathroom, Hermione walked over to the first stall and, with a whispered spell, the door opened. Inside the stall, an old cauldron was perched on the toilet, and a crackling fire was visible from under the rim of the toilet.

It had been brewing for a long time, and Hermione said it only needed a bit longer before it was ready. Jasmine frowned at the potion as it frothed and bubbled.

"Any idea when Peter Petigrews's trail is?" Hermione asked as she stirred the potion.

"No, and I won't be going anyway," Jasmine said.

"Don't blame you. I can't look at the man either. 10 years he has been living in my family's house," Ron snarled.

It wasn't the first time that she and Hermione had heard Ron talking like this or any of the Weasleys, to be honest, and they couldn't imagine what it was like to know that a death eater was living in your house under your nose.

"Are you going to be living with Sirius?" Ron asked Harry.

"Ya, but Professor McGonagall didn't say when he would be cleared by the hospital," Jasmine said.

She was upset she didn't know if she would be spending summer with Sirius or if she would be living alone. But she knew that she wouldn't be going back to the Dursleys.

If she did enter a relationship with Daphne, she could also spend some time at her house over the summer.

With the potion taken care of, the three of them returned back to the common room. Jasmine had yet to find time to talk to Daphne on her own. She had only seen her during breakfast, and she knew that she couldn't just go over and talk to her.

Jasmine had done her best to catch Daphne's attention over and over during breakfast, to the point that Hermione and Ron were giving her strange looks.

After breakfast and the potion was taken care of, they went back to the common room. Given that there was only her, Hermione and the Weasleys were in the entire house, they basically had the run of the entire place.

She and the Weasleys were talking about expanding the Marauder's Map that she had gotten back from Dumbledore. She had been worried that she wouldn't get it back, but after taking it for a few days, it was returned to her.

In hindsight, it made sense that she would be given it back. After all, he had given her the invisibility cloak and hadn't punished her when he caught her sneaking around the school.

So far, neither of the Twins had found a way to add anything to the map or even how to change things on the map. It was a shock to Jasmine at how complex the Marauder's Map actually was.

Unfortunately, they didn't know the original makes only their nicknames, so they couldn't send a letter to them asking how to expand the map.

Worse come to worse, she would have to ask the professors about it. She wasn't sure what branch of magic it fell under, but she was sure it must have used a lot of charms.

She also felt like that if she asked the charms professor, he wasn't likely to take the map off her, but if he did, she could tell him that she had been given it by Dumbledore. Jasmine doubted even Snape would take it off her once it was known that Dumbledore had let her have it.

Daphne PoV

Daphne sat in an unused classroom as she waited for one of her slaves to meet her. She had seen the looks that Jasmine was sending her all throughout breakfast, and it had her excited to meet Jasmine tonight.

The door to the classroom opened up, and Parvati walked into the room and closed the door behind her before she fell to her knees and crawled over to Daphne.

"So, my beautiful slave, what do you have to tell me?" Daphne asked as her slave stopped in front of her, taking a glance at Tracey, who Daphne was currently using as a footstool.

"Mistress Jasmine woke me up this morning to talk about how to start a relationship," Parvati said as Daphne gently stroked her hair.

"Oh, very good," Daphne said happily.

"Mistress?" Parvati said hesitantly.

"Oh, has someone grown to care for the soon-to-be sister?" Daphne asked, smiling.

Parvati didn't say anything knowing her Mistress already knew her concern.

"Don't worry, I wouldn't hurt her," Daphne reassured, patting Parvati's head.

"Hmm, this next step needs to be done carefully, or I will just end up scaring her away," Daphne said to herself as her two slaves sat quietly.

"Well, you can go back to your dorm," Daphne said, grabbing Parvati's collar and pulling her in for a kiss.

Daphne smiled at Parvati as she stood up and walked to the door before turning around to look at Daphne.

"Goodbye, Mistress," Parvati said, sending her a kiss.

Daphne rolled her eyes, noting down that she would have to punish Parvati at some point soon. It wouldn't do for a slave to get too cocky. But for the moment, her plan with Jasmine was far more important with the upcoming release of Sirius Black.

She didn't have as much time as she thought she did, but it seemed that Jasmine was far more open-minded than Daphne had first thought.

Jasmine Pov

Jasmine had waited till almost everyone else had left the common room and was thankful that Parvati had got some books from India to show Hermione.

That was more than enough to take up all of her attention. When Jasmine got the book on Parsel-magic written in Parseltongue, the first thing that Hermione did was to learn a translation spell, but it had no effect on Parseltongue.

Jasmine would have to find some way to thank Parvati for distracting Hermione. She wasn't sure how but she would find something to get her or do for her.

Jasmine pulled out the Marauder's Map.

"I solemnly swear I am up to no good."

With the password given, the map was filled with ink, and Jasmine started looking at the map, hoping to see Daphne's name in the library. But there was no one in the library at all.

With that option down, Jasmine looked at the duelling room that the Slytherins had and smiled at seeing Daphne's name in the room. Jasmine folded the map up and pulled out her invisibility cloak, and slipped under it.

Jasmine quickly made her way to the duelling room, checking the map a few times on the way to make sure that Daphne was still there. Opening the door, Daphne was practising against a dummy who seemed to be losing the fight.

The summy was missing an arm and leg and had a large gash across the chest. It was just a stark reminder that when they duelled against each other, Daphne was still holding back and wasn't using dangerous spells.

Daphne turned around, looking at the door with her wand raised before she saw that it was Jasmine.

"Hey," Daphne greeted, smiling.

"Hey," Jasmine said, walking further into the room.

"You ready to practice?" Daphne asked.

"I hope you will be nicer to me than the dummy," Jasmine joked.

"Of course, you are far prettier than the dummy," Daphne said with a wink.

Jasmine blushed as she remembered Parvati asking if she thought the person she liked made any sign of liking her. Jasmine smiled back at Daphne, feeling much more confident about talking to Daphne after they had finished duelling.

Jasmine took her place at one end of the duelling platform as Daphne to her own, and they both started to duel against each other. Flashes of blue and red lit up the room as their spells crashed against each other.

"You want to go again?" Daphne asked.

"Don't you get bored bullying me," Jasmine said, pouting.

"I wouldn't call it bullying," Daphne said teasingly.

"Bully," Jasmine said, sticking her tongue out.

Daphne just smiled back. "Do you want to come to my room tonight?" Daphne asked.

The offer caught Jasmine a little off guard. She had only been to Daphne's room once, and that was when she took the collar. Jasmine also couldn't help but pick up a second hidden meaning in the question.

"Yes, the couch wasn't bad," Jasmine said, standing up, still slightly out of breath.

"Okay, I will have to get a second bed if this becomes a habit," Daphne said, smirking at Jasmine.

"I will steal Tracey's bed," Jasmine said, walking next to Daphne as they headed to the Slytherin house.

"That's mean," Daphne replied.

"Oh please, I bet she sleeps in your bed most of the time anyway," Jasmine said, a little bitter.

"Hmm, only when she has been a good girl."

Jasmine pulled out the invisibility cloak and vanished under it as they got to the entrance. With a whispered word, the entranced opened and Jasmine walked in after Daphne.

Even though Jasmine had seen it before, she still could help but look around at the common room of the Slytherin house. It had a noble feeling to it that she hadn't seen before.

She had done some reading into wizarding families and knew of the so-called sacred 28, which Jasmine thought was the biggest load of crap she had read in a long time.

The 28 were based on being 'truly pure-blood' and having 0 none magical blood. It wasn't based on the families who helped found the Wizengamot, for example. Hell, even the founders didn't make it into the sacred 28, which showed how stupid it was.

But it could be said that almost every family on the sacred 28 were very wealthy, maybe even more wealthy than she was. Though if that was the case, Jasmine would be very shocked, but for families that had been around for many 100s of years and didn't really have to buy much, she guessed it was possible.

All though a part of her wanted to ask Daphne how much money her family had, she knew that would be far too rude to ask someone, and given she wasn't the head of the family, she wouldn't be likely to know either.

Not surprisingly, the common room was empty, which made sense as almost all of the Slytherins had gone home to celebrate Christmas. Or, more likely, Yule, given the bad history with magical people and the church.

Daphne stopped and opened the door to her room and opened it and stepped inside, and walked over to the couch. Jasmine walked into the room and closed the door behind her before taking off her cloak and hanging it up.

Jasmine was glad that Daphne had never asked about her invisibility cloak, as she had no way to explain it. When she had gone shopping, she had kept a lookout for an invisibility cloak but found none in Diagon Alley at all, which really hammered home how rare they were.

Turning around, Jasmine was shocked at what she saw. Daphne was sitting on the couch, which wasn't odd, but Tracey, who Jasmine knew was Daphne's slave, was dressed very noticeably.

Tracey was standing next to the couch wearing a french maid uniform. The green collar around her neck stood out vividly compared to her white skin and black-and-white uniform.

"French?" Jasmine asked as she was a little shocked to see Tracey there.

"Well, we don't really have an English maid uniform, and it's nowhere near as pretty," Daphne said as she patted the couch next to her.

Jasmine walked over and took a seat next to Daphne. She swallowed her nerves and wondered how best to ask Daphne about starting a relationship.

"Would you like something to drink?" Daphne asked.

"Errm, yes, please, hot chocolate if you have any, please," Jasmine said.

"Of course. Tracey make Jasmine and me a cup of hot chocolate, two sugars in mine," Daphne said, looking at Jasmine.

"Oh er, just one sugar, please," Jasmine said.

"Yes, Mistress," Tracey said, looking at Daphne before she walked off to a small table on the other side of the room and started to make Daphne's and Jasmine's drinks.

"So err," Jasmine said, blushing as she worked up her courage.

"What do you think of Tracey's collar?" Daphne asked.

"What, oh err, it's nice," Jasmine said, recognising the collar as the same one that she wore at night.

"Just nice?" Daphne asked, pouting.

"Ya errm, im not sure what else I should say about it?" Jasmine asked, feeling embarrassed.

Jasmine guessed all the condition training that she had done with Parvati wasn't much help when her crush was the one that was teasing he

Tracey walked back to the two girls and placed a cup in front of each of them before taking a step back and looking at Daphne for her next order.

"Tracey, Kneel," Daphne ordered with a commanding tone, making Tracey drop to her knees instantly.

Daphne's commanding voice sent shivers through Jasmine, and she had a feeling that if she was standing, then she would have been copying Tracey, if only a bit slower.

"Well, I have some others. Why don't we see if we can find anything that looks better," Daphne said as she pulled out a suitcase from the side of the couch and opened it up.

The suitcase was full of many types of collars, most of which Jasmine had never seen before.

"What about this one," Daphne said, passing her a snakeskin leather collar in a deep red colour.

Jasmine would have sworn that it was identical to the one that Parvati's owner had given her to wear, but how would Daphne even know someone from India.

"Do you think red is the right fit," Jasmine asked as she stroked the collar.

"What is this one?" Jasmine asked, pulling out a large collar that looked nothing like any of the other collars.

"Hmm, it's a posture collar, and it is used to keep the chin high and the neck extended," Daphne said, holding the collar spread out.

"Oh, right. You wanted to ask me something before this, didn't you?" Daphne said, handing the collar to Jasmine and taking a sip of her hot chocolate.

"It doesn't look very comfy," Jasmine said, feeling the hard and unwinding leather.

"It's not meant to be," Daphne said, smiling.

Jasmine passed the collar back to Daphne, who placed it on her lap before she took off Tracey's collar and placed the posture collar on.

Jasmine saw that Tracey was now forced to look slightly upright at Daphne.

"So?" Daphne asked.

"Are you dating Tracey?" Jasmine asked.

"No, I wouldn't call it dating," Daphne said.

"You wouldn't?" Jasmine asked, confused.

"No, she is my slave. I love and care for her, but she isn't my girlfriend or anything," Daphne said, picking up another collar.


"I have had some boys ask me to date, but they have all left with frozen balls," Daphne said, letting out a quiet laugh.

Jasmine shivered at the fate of those boys. She could only imagine how painful that must have been and was glad she was born a girl.

"So, err, well, you doing anything tomorrow?" Jasmine asked as she mentally slapped her forehead.

"Nothing; there isn't much to do at school on breaks. Why, what are you thinking?" Daphne asked, looking amused.

Jasmine realised that Daphne knew what she was trying to ask. And seemed to be enjoying teasing her.

Jasmine thought about what they could do and then remembered that the Marauder's Map had many ways out of the castle on it.

"Hogsmeade tomorrow?" Jasmine asked more confidently than she felt.

"Oh, are you asking me out on a date, Jasmine?" Daphne asked, smiling.

"Yes, I am," Jasmine said, her mouth and throat feeling incredibly dry.

"Okay, let's go on a date tomorrow then," Daphne agreed, taking another sip of her drink.

"Seriously?" Jasmine asked, a little shocked that she had agreed.

"Yep," Daphne said, looking at Jasmine over the top of her cup, amused at Jasmine.

"Tracey get the bed ready," Daphne ordered as she sipped her drink.

"You not drinking your drink?" Daphne asked, looking at Jasmine.

"Oh, sorry, I got distracted," Jasmine said as she drank the now slightly cold hot chocolate.

"It's ready, Mistress," Tracey said next to Daphne, waiting for her next order.

"Will you go get a throw for Jasmine," Daphne said as she started to put the collars back into the case.

"Are you going to change Tracey's collar? I can't imagine it would be comfortable," Jasmine asked.

"Hmm, oh ya, I will, So are you sleeping on the couch or do you want to join me in the bed?" Daphne proposed smirking at Jasmine.

Jasmine swallowed as she found her voice. "No, the couch was quite comfortable, thank you,"

There was no way that Jasmine would risk sleeping in Daphne's bed. What if she had another sex dream right next to her? Jasmine was 99% sure she didn't talk in sleep, but what if she did.

"Okay, that's a shame," Daphne said, looking slightly disappointed, which nearly broke Jasmine's resolve, but she held on.

"Mistress," Tracey said, coming back, holding a very soft and comfortable-looking brown throw and passing it to Daphne.

"Kneel," Daphne ordered as she took the throw.

Tracey fell down to her knees and leaned forward for her Mistress to get at the collar far more easily. Daphne made quick work of the buckles and removed the posture collar, which had left a few marks on Tracey's neck.

Daphne then picked up a soft-looking leather collar and buckled it around Tracey's neck, and used her fingers to check that the collar wasn't too tight.

"Well, the couch is all yours, and this throw is very warm," Daphne said, throwing it over to Jasmine.

Jasmine caught it and was surprised at how soft it was and couldn't help but stroke the throw over and over.

"Good night Jasmine," Daphne said, standing up and handing Tracey her empty cup.

"Good night," Jasmine said as she looked at her empty cup, which was taken by Tracey.

Jasmine watched as Tracey took the two cups, cleaned them with magic, and placed them back on the table. She was keeping a close eye on Tracey.

After all, her experience as Daphne's slave was done in her dreams which weren't real. But Tracey had been Daphne's slave for at least a year, if not much longer.

It also gave her a real insight into how Daphne treated her slaves. Jasmine wasn't sure if she should be surprised that Daphne had pulled Tracey into her bed and cuddled up against the other girl.

Jasmine did, however, feel a small amount of envy while looking at Tracey's position and wished she had taken Daphne up on her offer. Daphne wouldn't know what Jasmine would be dreaming about, so she shouldn't have been so embarrassed by it.

Jasmine unfolded the throw, laid back on the couch, snuggled under the soft throw, and drifted off to sleep.

Seeing that Jasmine had gone to sleep, Daphne crawled out of bed, walked over to the sleeping girl, and cast the sleep dream hex on her.


Jasmine wasn't shocked that she had fallen into the slavery dream, as she started to call it.

"Slave, come," Daphne's voice called out from inside the room.

Jasmine turned around, walked into the room, and fell to her knees in front of Daphne.


"It's come to my attention that you have been neglecting your sisters," Daphne said in a disapproving voice that made Jasmine want to flinch back.

Thanks to the lessons that Parvati had given her, Jasmine knew that when her Mistress mentioned her sisters, she was no doubt talking about Daphne's other slaves, making them her slave sisters.

"Im sorry, Mistress," Jasmine said, her head staring at the floor.

Jasmine didn't bother trying to make an excuse. Not only did she have very limited freedom in her dreams, but she was a slave, and if she made an excuse, then she would be punished.

"Right, well, let's go see your sisters and see what they think," Daphne said, standing up and clicking her fingers for Jasmine to follow behind her.

Her body instantly followed behind Daphne without her input which gave her time to think about who her sisters would be. Jasmine had been sure for the last week that Parvati and her sister Padma were both Daphne's slaves.

Following behind Daphne, they soon both entered a large room full of beds and couches and a large pool in the centre of the room.

There was a total of four other slaves in the room lying about in the same thin silk garments that Jasmine was wearing. All four of them were wearing vails, making it impossible for Jasmine to tell who was who.

Two of the girls had the same golden caramel skin tone that Parvati had, and she was sure that they were the Patil twins. The other two were clearly white which was a bit of a shock as everyone she had seen had a dark skin colour.

As for the two white girls, she guessed one of them must be Tracey, as, for the seconds, she wasn't sure maybe it was meant to be her?

With their faces covered, it wasn't possible for Jasmine to tell.

"Mistress," the four slave girls said, standing as Daphne walked through the room.

"Oh, someone new?" one of the girls asked.

"It must be our sister hasn't bothered to visit us in such a long time," another girl said.

Jasmine wasn't surprised that they said that, and she wasn't able to argue that she didn't even know them. She was surprised by how her chest hurt at their words and how she felt like ducking her head like a naughty girl that had been caught.

"Sisters," Jasmine said, her voice wobbling a little.

The other girls in the room didn't say anything making Jasmine feel even worse.

"Now, now, Jasmine has been spending most of her time with me," Daphne said as she sat down in a large comfy chair.

The four other girls felt silent at Daphne's command, which made Jasmine feel slightly better.

"But," Daphne said, making Jasmine's heart drop, and she knew some form of punishment was coming her way.

"She should be punished anyone have any ideas?" Daphne asked the other girls.

"Spanking," one of the white girls shouted out immediately, and Jasmine could feel her bum hurting already.

"No, that's too harsh," one of the other girls said, rubbing her own backside.

"Not everyone is like you and likes to be spanked," one of the twins said.

"Hmm, maybe she could be our doggy for the day?" the other twin said.

"Oh, I always wanted a doggy!" one of the girls shouted happily.

Jasmine felt her face flushing at the idea of pretending to be a dog in front of other girls, but she would take that over being spanked.

"Hmm, Jasmine come here," Daphne ordered as Jasmine followed the order, instantly walking over to her Mistress.

"Girls, strip her," Daphne ordered as she picked up a tray of chocolates and popped one into her mouth.

Jasmine licked her lips as she looked at the chocolates. She had never had fancy chocolates before.

Jasmine stiffened as she felt the hands of the other girls on her before she relaxed a moment later. In next to no time, the other slaves had Jasmine stripped down till she was naked.

Not that she was wearing much in the first place, and it was all see-through. But Jasmine couldn't help but blush now that she didn't even have that to cover herself up.

"On the floor. You're meant to be a dog now," Daphne said, seeing that Jasmine was still standing.

Jasmine instantly fell to the floor on her hands and knees.

"Good girl," Daphne said teasingly, making Jasmine's face heat up.

"Would you like a foot rub, Mistress?" one of the Patil twins asked Daphne.

"No, you can play with our new dog," Daphne said, waving the other girls off and leaning back in her chair.

"Yay! Who's a good doggy," one of the white girls said, patting Jasmine on the head.

Jasmine's face soon turned bright red, and she looked at the floor, embarrassed.

"Does anyone have a ball we can play fetch with?" the other white girl asked.

"We have magic," another girl that Jasmine was sure sounded like Padma said.

Jasmine could almost hear her rolling her eyes. With a wave of their wands, a ball was conjured.

"Fetch," one of the girls called out, throwing the ball.

Jasmine glared at the ball and refused to move as the ball bounced across the floor.

Jasmine let out a yelp as she felt a hand spank her butt with a sharp crack, and she turned around and glared at the person who had spanked her.

"Bad doggy, go fetch the ball," one of the white girls said, raising her hand again.

Jasmine was 90% sure that it was Tracey, but it was hard to tell from their voices. She knew that one of the girls with caramel skin was Parvati, as she had seen her naked many times, and the birthmark on the inside of her thigh gave it away.

It was the shape of a small foot, and she had gotten it from her sister while still in the womb. It was one of the few things that weren't identical between the twins.

Seeing Tracey raising her hand again, Jasmine knew that she had no choice but to play fetch, and she crawled over to the ball and tried to pick it up with her hand.

"Dogs don't have hands," one of the girls shouted out, seeing what Jasmine was doing.

Jasmine blushed again and leaned down, and tried to bite the ball, making it roll away from her. As she heard the laughter behind her, Jasmine was sure that she couldn't blush anymore.

She was surprised at the tingling that was slowly building up between her legs. She hadn't expected that she would be excited by being humiliated. It took her a few tries before she managed to pick up the ball with her mouth, and she crawled back over to the girls, who were all sitting together.

Jasmine paid attention to the group of girls as she crawled over to them. She had never seen a group of submissive, or slaves together, and she was curious how they would interact with each other.

As far Jasmine could tell, all of them seemed to get along with each other or were very good at pretending. But it did seem like there was a hierarchy between the four slaves, with the Patil twins seeming to be at the top.

They seemed to get the first pick in what to drink and got their drinks before everyone else. They also got their first pick of treats. Jasmine didn't need to guess that she was at the bottom of the ladder in the group.

"Drop," Tracey said to Jasmine, pointing at the floor.

Jasmine let go of the ball, and Tracey picked it up before throwing it across the room again. Jasmine had to stop herself from glaring at Tracey, knowing it would only bring her more problems.

Jasmine just turned around and crawled to the ball, and picked it up again.

"Here, Jazz," Daphne called out as she was halfway back to the group of slaves, and Jasmine could have let out a sigh of relief.

Jasmine crawled over to Daphne, who was still enjoying her chocolates. Jasmine brushed herself against Daphne's legs.

"Drop," Daphne ordered.

Jasmine followed her order and dropped the ball.

"Good girl," Daphne praised, rubbing Jasmine's head encouragingly.

Daphne picked up one of the chocolates and held it out in front of Jasmine's mouth. Jasmine opened her mouth, and Daphne popped the chocolate into her mouth and patted her head again.

Jasmine was surprised at how the chocolate seemed to melt in her mouth and that it seemed to be chocolate from the muggle world or at least didn't have any magic in it.

"Paw," Daphne said, holding out her hand.

Jasmine pondered if she could get away with biting her hand but didn't want to incur punishment, and she did want more chocolate. Reluctantly Jasmine placed her hand on Daphne's hand.

She wasn't 100% sure if that was what Daphne wanted, but she couldn't think of anything else when it came to a body part that was like a paw.

"Good girl," Daphne praised, grabbing another chocolate and feeding it to Jasmine.

"Oh, a doggy!" a voice that Jasmine never had heard shouted and came running over.

Jasmine looked over to see who else was getting to enjoy her humiliation. Unlike the four slave girls, this girl wasn't wearing a veil over her face, so Jasmine could see their faces.

But she had never seen this girl before in her life. The girl was young looking, which was odd as in her dreams, everyone was always older. But this girl looked to be 15 years old.

She had short dark brown hair that seemed to be almost black when it wasn't under the sunlight. She had quite pale skin that bordered on sickly looking and the same icy blue eyes that Daphne had.

"Sister, where have you been," Daphne asked in a doting tone.

Jasmine thought hard and vaguely remembered that Daphne did actually have a sister, but her name eluded Jasmine as she didn't pay much attention during the welcoming feast.

"I just woke up," Daphne's sister said, taking a piece of chocolate and eating it.

"You should have had a maid wake you up earlier," Daphne said in a very mild, scolding tone.

"Okay. But when did we get a doggy?" Daphne's sister asked, petting Jasmine on her head.

"Oh, this is Jasmine, and Jasmine, this is Astoria," Daphne said, introducing the both of them to each other.

"Can we take her on a walkies!" Astoria asked excitedly.

Jasmine thought she couldn't be more embarrassed, but she found that wasn't the case as her face and body flushed in humiliation.

"Okay, but you will need a leash for her," Daphne said, rubbing Astoria's head lovingly.

Jasmine watched as Astoria ran off to a different room, and Jasmine risked a look up at Daphne, who was smiling at her.

"Are you excited about walkies!" Daphne said before she leaned down and kissed Jasmine on the forehead.

Jasmine didn't bother to turn around as she heard Astoria running back into the room, no doubt with a collar for her to wear.

"Okay, let's get h ready and then go!" Astoria said, and Jasmine could imagine her jumping up and down.

Jasmine stiffened up as she felt Astoria touching her back and let out a yelp as she felt something small being pushed inside her butt and turned around, glaring at Astoria.

Jasmine turned around and looked at her butt to be shocked to see a fluffy tail now coming out from her butt, and she could feel something inside her.

"Now, doggy has a fluffy tail," Astoria said, clapping.

There was a click under her neck as she was looking at her butt and looked down to see a leash disappearing to her neck and going back to Astoria's hand.

"Okay, let's head out for a walk," Daphne said, standing up and walking next to Astoria.

Jasmine didn't move for a moment as she tried to think how she could get out of this situation before she felt her collar being tugged. Looking over at Astoria and Daphne, her collar was given another tug, and Jasmine let out a sigh in her mind and crawled over to them.

Jasmine followed behind the two girls, who seemed to be more interested in chatting with each other, which was a small relief to Jasmine, but it meant that she couldn't ignore all of the maids in the hallways pointing at her and some of them laughing.

Unfortunately, none of them came close enough for her to bite them.

"Hello, girls," a male voice said in front of her.

Jasmine was surprised as she hadn't seen a single male ever before in any of her dreams. The man was rather good-looking, and she could swear that she had seen him somewhere.

Jasmine watched as the man hugged the two girls before leaning down and kissing Daphne and groping Astoria's butt. Jasmine could feel herself getting jealous of the man kissing Daphne.

"Oh, you two got a new pet?" the man asked, seeing Jasmine.

"Hmm ya, she still needs some training."

"Well, I will you tonight," the man said, kissing Daphne again and walking off and patting Jasmine's head as he walked past her.

"Let's take her back," Daphne said, looking at Astoria with a bit of worry in her eyes.

"Okay, I could do with sitting down some," Astoria said, sounding out of breath.

The walk back to the room was much quieter as Daphne and Astoria weren't talking anymore, and as they walked, it seemed to be getting harder for Astoria to walk as time went by.

Jasmine was relieved that they were back in the room again. All this walking on her hands and knees was really starting to hurt her knees the moment that Astoria took off her leash.

Jasmine quickly made her way over to a couch that had a throw over it and lay down, and fell asleep listening to everyone in the room.