
HP: Daphne's Slave Jasmine Potter

Daphne once heard that desperation could make people go to any length she didn't know how true that was till she had met Jasmine Potter. Fem! Harry, BDSM, SMUT, Lemon Fem!Harry/Multi -I don't own Harry Potter. This story does not belong to me. The original can be found by name in the search engine.

0DarkWolf0 · 作品衍生
14 Chs

Chapter 5: The Map and The first Meeting

Timeskip to the day before the duelling club.

Jasmine walked up the stairs into the girl's door room, where the atmosphere was very depressing. Professor Minerva McGonagall had just told all the student's that Colin was attacked and petrified like Filch's cat.

Jasmine looked at the other girls in the room. Hermione looked to be thinking very hard, no doubt about ways someone could be petrified in a way that couldn't be solved with a counter curse.

Parvati and Lavender were huddled together, whispering to each other, and it didn't look like they would be far from each other for a while.

Jasmine walked over to her bed and quickly got under the covers hoping to warm up.

She felt bad that she had done her best to avoid Colin when he asked her for an autograph at the time; it just seemed really annoying to her now. She wished she had signed him one, no matter how much it annoyed her.

Closing the curtains to the bed, Jasmine pulled out the photo album and flipped through the pictures of her parents and their friends before stopping at the last page.

No matter how many times she told herself that this would be the last time she would look at the pictures of Sirius having sex, she always ended up looking the night after.

Jasmine flipped the page over and watched the pictures. She was just glad that they seemed to be more like movies compared to the portraits in Hogwarts that could talk to you.

She wasn't sure what she would do if the picture with her mom could talk. There would be no way she could resist talking to her, even if she was naked and having sex at the same time. Jasmine closed the album and pushed it under her pillow again, and closed her eyes before drifting off to sleep.

Jasmine walked down into the common room expecting everyone to be sad from the news last night but was surprised that most people didn't seem that sad and seemed to be crowding the notice board.

"What is it?" Jasmine asked Seamus as he walked away from the board.

"They are starting a duelling club first meeting will be tomorrow at midday," Seamus said excitedly.

"What, you reckon Slytherin's monster can duel?" said Ron, but

he, too, looked very interested.

"No, but it could be useful anyway," Hermione said, walking up behind Jasmine.

"Do you know anything about duelling, Hermione?" Jasmine asked.

"Nope, they have books about it in the section for 5th years and above," Hermione said.

That piqued Jasmine's interest. She may not be the same as Hermione, who wanted to know everything and every branch of magic, but she did love to learn magic. And the more magic she learned, the more she felt it would spite her Aunt and Uncle.

But she had only sneaked into the library that one time in the first year when she had managed to pick up a screaming book. Jasmine knew she had just got unlucky as Fred and George had told her they had sneaked in many times to read potions books for their inventions.

"Come on, let's get down to breakfast," Hermione said, ushering them both out of the common room that was quickly becoming crowded.

"So, are we going to start making the Poljuice potion?" Ron whispered as they walked down to the great hall.

"It isn't Malfoy," Hermione said, rolling her eyes at Ron's adamance of Malfoy's guilt.

In truth, Jasmine also didn't think it was Malfoy. He just lacked the intelligence to pull this off without anyone noticing what he was doing, and he was at dinner during the first attack.

"And we would have to steal some ingredients from Snape. If you are willing to do so, then we can make the potion," Hermione said.

That was the biggest problem. If Snape caught them, then there was a good chance they would be expelled. After all, she and Ron were on thin ice due to the flying car incident. Or they would be in some legal trouble and have to pay a fine, something that Ron's family couldn't afford.

As they got to the great hall, everyone was talking about the duelling club, but she didn't hear anyone talking about a boy being attacked in the night. Jasmine wondered if it was kept quiet so as to not cause panic.

Thankfully today was the last day of the week, and the only bad part of today was that they had double potions with the Slytherins. Jasmine couldn't think of two houses that shouldn't be mixed together in lessons.

At least they weren't going to steal anything from Snape's private stores, Jasmine thought to herself as she filled her plate up with food.

"Are you looking forward to the duelling club, Jasmine, Ron?" Dean Thomas asked, sitting across from them.

"Ya, hopefully, we will get to duel some Slytherins," Ron said excitedly.

"Err, I guess it depends on who is taking it," Jasmine said.

In truth, she wasn't looking forward to it that much. There were many downsides to being The Girl Who Lived, and one of them was that everyone expected her to be amazing at magic.

She had seen how sometimes the teachers looked disappointed if she didn't live up to some kind of expectation they had of her. Part of Jasmine hoped they were basing it off what her parents were good at and not due to her surviving the killing curse.

The other part of her knew that she didn't try her hardest as the Dursleys hated when she showed up her cousin, and she would always be punished if she did better than him on a test. It was something that she was trying to work on.

"Maybe it will be Flitwick. He was a duelling champion, after all," Hermione added.

"Really?" Dean Thomas said, surprised.

"Ya, in his classroom, there is a shelf full of trophies from his days as a duelist," Hermione said.

"Wow, you wouldn't think it given his size," Dean said, looking up at the staff table.

Jasmine also looked up at the small teacher with some surprise every time she had seen him in class, he always came off as fun and happy. She had a hard time imagining him in a duelling match, all serious.

If there was more than a single day's notice, Jasmine would go ask him for some tips when it comes to duelling, but she wouldn't be surprised if he spent the entire day being pestered by students for tips about duelling.

"Maybe Dumbledore will be teaching us he did duel against Gellert Grindelwald; apparently, it was a once-in-a-century duel," Ron suggested.

"That would be cool," Dean said, looking even more excited before he ran off to tell other people about the possibility.

"What does a duel between powerful wizards even look like?" Jasmine asked.

"No idea you could check the library. There must be some books on Dumbledore and Gellert Grindelwald's duel," Hermione said.

Jasmine decided that she would do that later tonight when the library would be closed, as all the books on duelling would no doubt be checked out during the day.

Learning to duel would no doubt be something that she would need to know, given that Voldemort wasn't dead, and she doubted he would leave her alone.

Jasmine waited till almost everyone one else had fallen asleep before she grabbed her invisibility cloak and walked down into the common room, and headed towards the exit.

"Where you going, Jasmine?" a voice asked behind her, causing her to jump in surprise.

Jasmine turned around to see Fred and George sitting in chairs, looking over some parchment.

Jasmine stared at them, unsure if they were actually talking to her or not. After all, she was hidden under an invisibility cloak.

"Yes, you, the invisible Jasmine," the other twin said, looking at where she was.

With a sigh, Jasmine pulled off the cloak. "How did you know?" she asked.

"Ah, we asked first,"

"The library to read some books," Jasmine replied, looking at them for an answer.

"Ah, are you not worried you will bump into Slytherin's monster?"

"Invisibility cloak. How did you know I was there?"

"Ah well, this," one of the twins said, holding up the parchment that seemed to have a map on it.

"This is the marauder's map. It lets us see a live view of the entirety of Hogwarts, perfect for sneaking around." the other twin said.

"How did you make it?" Jasmine asked. She had never heard anyone talk about being able to make a map like that before.

"We found it in Flitch's office I guess we could let you borrow it for tonight so you know if anyone is sneaking up on you,"


"Of course, hide the map tap it and say 'mischief managed,' and to show the map again, tap it and say 'I solemnly swear that I am up to no good,'" they said before handing her the map.

Jasmine looked down at the map and saw the common room with her name and Fred and George's names. Up in the bedrooms, everyone's names were listed as they slept in their beds and from the girl's dorm, it seemed they were all in the right place.

"Thanks, the first time I snuck out, I was almost caught by Snape," Jasmine said.

She remembered how she almost bumped into Snape, and he had heard her under her cloak and almost pulled it off her.

Jasmine pulled the cloak over her again and vanished before leaving the common room and walking through the halls of Hogwarts. On the map, she could see that there were a total of four teachers walking around the castle and even they were in groups of two.

That showed how seriously they were taking the attacks, at the very least, which was nice to see. Still, four people couldn't cover the entire castle. Soon Jasmine had gotten to the library without seeing any of the teachers.

Checking the map one last time, Jasmine could see that the library was empty and that there wasn't anyone inside. With a small push, the door opened silently, and she slipped inside.

Pulling the good of her invisibility cloak off, Jasmine tapped the map, whispered, "mischief managed," and watched as the ink on the parchment faded.

She carefully folded up the parchment and slipped it into her pocket before she walked over to the NEWT section of the library and started looking through the books on the shelf for anything to do with duelling.

Soon she found a few books on the subject of duelling and grabbed a book called 'Beginners guide to duelling.'

Walking over to the table, Jasmine sat down and opened the book and looked at the first page that went on about how to stand when duelling. The book said that you should be standing side-on to the opponent with your feet spread shoulder with apart to make it harder to lose your balance.

Jasmine recognised that the stance was the same as most muggle martial arts used to lower the area that could be hit as well as to stop people from knocking you over during a fight.

The next page had what Jasmine was looking for, and that was a list of spells that could be used in duelling. A few examples were the Arrow-shooting spell which conjured arrows and then shot them at the target.

Avis the Bird-Conjuring Charm, the Babbling Curse that made the target talk uncontrollably, was a good way to stop most wizards from casting spells, leaving them open to attack.

And the list went on and on with many spells and charms that Jasmine had never even heard of before.

The page after went onto strategy when it comes to duels. Referencing spell chains for beginners that Jasmine thought would be very helpful for her tomorrow and started to make a note of them.

The page went on to say that spell chains were mainly for beginners as more skilled witches and wizards didn't need to use wand movements for spells, so they could chain any spell together, and the truly skilled didn't even need to say an incantation to use a spell.

The need to use wand movements and say spells aloud were what slowed down the number of spells that a wizard could do per minute, which had a massive impact on how well you could duel.

After writing down all of the spell chains that the page suggested for beginners, Jasmine was a little embarrassed to see that she hadn't really used any of them and made a promise to herself that she would learn all the magic she could.

Her first year was full of danger, and so far, this second year, she had to deal with a psychotic house-elf and some kind of monster roaming the halls of Hogwarts, which knowing her luck, she would end up bumping into.

Placing the book back on the shelf, Jasmine looked over at the real restricted section and told herself that a quick look wouldn't hurt and that maybe she could find something that would be a trump card in her moment of danger.

She remembered wishing that she had something like that last year when she was powerless against Voldemort.

Jasmine carefully walked into the restricted section expecting some kind of alarm to go off, but to her surprise, there was nothing. Jasmine started to look through the books on the shelf, with many of them being books about Rune's or rituals.

As she walked down the bookcase, she found that the books had turned into medical books and grabbed one and opened it to a random page before quickly slamming it shut in revulsion.

The page Jasmine had opened to was about treating someone that had been the victim of the Flaying curse, and the picture in the book was very graphic.

Jasmine guessed that some of the books in here were here so that students wouldn't accidentally see sights like the one that Jasmine had just seen.

Next to the healing book, Jasmine saw a book called Magic in the Bedroom. Jasmine pulled the book down and opened the first page, and blushed at the contents.

The book was clearly all about sex magic which she guessed, in hindsight, the title should have given away. Jasmine took another look around, feeling the need to do so for some reason, before she looked at the charms on the first page.

'The Vibrating charm. A must-have for the lonely witch," the book said next to the charm. There were also charms to make parts of her body hot or cold as well as more sensitive.

Flipping over the page, there was a long list of potions with all kinds of effects. Jasmine could feel her face getting hot again, and her pussy started to tingle and throb, just like when she looked at the picture in the photo album.

The page after that was all about body modifications that a witch could perform on themselves or their partner, everything from bigger boobs to making your man longer and thicker.

"My my, I didn't think you would be looking at such stuff," a voice said from behind her that sent fear down her spine.

Jasmine slammed the book shut with a loud snap and looked behind her to see who it was, as she didn't know the voice. The first thing she saw was the long blond hair and then the blue eyes.

It took Jasmine a few minutes before she realised that the girl was Daphne Greengrass, who she had seen in Diagon Alley, and she had a coy and amused smile on her face as she looked down at Jasmine.

"I just found it on the floor and was putting it away," Jasmine said quickly.

"Hmm, that's odd. I watched you read three pages in the book so far... There isn't anything wrong with being curious, you know." Daphne said.

"I err... I mean..." Jasmine stuttered.

"Though I wouldn't use anything from the 2nd or 3rd page till you have some more experience. Start slow like the vibration charm and work your way up," Daphne said with a smile still on her face.

Jasmine quickly put the book back on the bookshelf before trying to think of a way to change the topic.

"What are you doing in the library this late?" Jasmine asked, her heart still racing.

Daphne smiled in a way that told Jasmine that she knew what she was doing.

Daphne held up a book. "Im learning healing magic, unfortunately, it isn't an offered course in our third year, and it's almost impossible to get a note for the spell books till the 6th or 7th year," Daphne said.

"You want to be a nurse?" Jasmine asked, a little surprised.

"They are called Mediwitches or Mediwizard. And you have a problem with me wanting to be a healer?" Daphne asked, her eyes narrowing, looking offended.

"No, no, no, it's just most people wouldn't know what they want to do after school yet," Jasmine said, backpedalling.

Daphne let out a humph before grabbing some more books from the bookshelf.

"You looking forward to the duelling club tomorrow?" Daphne asked.

"I know nothing about duelling," Jasmine replied meekly.

"Surely Dumbledore or someone from the Weasleys must have shown you a few jinxes or hexes?" Daphne asked.

"No, I was looking for some," Jasmine admitted.

"I can teach you a few the most magical family will know," Daphne offered, looking down at her books and checking the titles.

"Nothing too dangerous?" Jasmine asked.

"Depends on what you call dangerous the cutting charm could be dangerous," Daphne said in a way that Jasmine was sure she was rolling her eyes.

"Just one or two. I don't have time to practice more than that," Jasmine agreed after a moment.

"Hmm," Daphne said as she seemed to be thinking about what spells to pick.

"Well, there is Flipendo Maxima which is a very powerful knockback charm which shouldn't be too hard for you to learn as you already know Flipendo. Then I guess the Disarming Charm is another good one to learn." Daphne said.

"How strong is Flipendo Maxima?" Jasmine asked with a little worry.

"Hmm, it could easily throw a man across a large room, but there is also Flipendo Tria and Flipendo Duo, both a bit weaker than the one before," Daphne added.

"Can we really practice them here?" Jasmine was looking around, worried about the damage they would cause.

"No, but there is a duelling area in the dungeons that we could use," Daphne offered.

Jasmine felt a pulse of worry go through her at the offer. No one would know she was going down there, and it would be a very good opportunity for someone to attack her. On the other hand, Daphne didn't have any prior knowledge that she would be here tonight to set up a trap for her.

"I guess we can," Jasmine said, unsure before something popped into her head. "How did you know what is in that book?" Jasmine asked, her eyes narrowing.

Daphne let out a laugh. "I said there was nothing wrong with being curious. Well, let's head to the practice room before it gets too late," Daphne said, placing the books into her bag.

"Wait, you're taking the books?" Jasmine asked, confused.

"Yes, as I said, no one takes the healing books out as it isn't taught at Hogwarts. In fact, it's been three years since this book was last checked out, and that was by a teacher," Daphne said, not scared of taking the book.

"Fine, lead the way," Jasmine said, pulling out the map the twins had given her and tapping it with the passcode to show the ink.

Daphne raised her eye at the map but didn't ask anything about it, which made Jasmine feel far more trusting towards the other girl. Leaving the library, Jasmine kept her invisibility cloak in her robe pocket, not wanting to trust someone else with the knowledge of the cloak.

When she first got the invisibility cloak in her first year, she did use the library to look up invisibility cloaks wanting to know how she should look after it as it was the only thing of her fathers that she had.

Ron had said that they 'they're really rare, and really valuable.' The books in the library confirmed that, but the books also went on to say that most invisibility cloaks wore out over time, eventually becoming visible.

And that they were usually only good for about 5 years at best which is why they are rare as they needed to be custom ordered, but hers must have been at least 12 years old at this point, and it was still okay.

And if her dad had it since he was at Hogwarts, then it was closer to 25 years old, so something told her that her Invisibility Cloak was one of a kind.

They soon descended into the dungeons, and surprisingly they hadn't come anywhere close to any of the teachers. Jasmine wondered if Daphne had a way to know where the teachers would be patrolling.

Daphne opened a door, and Jasmine took another look at the map to make sure they were alone. Thankfully, there was no one near them, teachers or students.

Stepping into the room, Jasmine was surprised at how nice the room was; not only was the room fairly warm, unlike the corridor, but the walls were made out of some kind of polished black stone with targets on them to the far left there were mannequins to practice against.

And in the centre, there was a wooden platform with padding around the edges that Jasmine guessed was there in case someone was thrown off the duelling platform.

It was far nicer than anything the Gryffindors had access to for practising spells which were mostly done in the common room or an empty classroom, and Jasmine felt a bit jealous and found it unfair that every house didn't have a room like this.

"The students are the ones that made the room and pay for its upkeep," Daphne said, looking at Jasmine.

Jasmine guessed that Daphne must have noticed how she was looking in jealousy at the room and wanted to clear any doubt.

"Well, let's get started?" Jasmine asked.

"Sure, let's start with Flipendo Tria, and then we can do Flipendo Maxima," Daphne said, walking over to the mannequins.

"First, let's talk about the spell's intent for Flipendo Tria. You are after wanting to knock the person or object back as far and as fast as possible like this," Daphne said, turning to the mannequins.

"Flipendo Tria," Daphne said, bringing her wand down in a downward slash.

A small miniature tornado flew out of Daphne's wand and crashed into the mannequins, which were then sent flying out very quickly, but with nowhere near as much force as Jasmine had imagined.

A part of her expected them to be shot out like cannon balls crashing into the wall and exploding into splinters. She was sure that if a person was hit with the spell, they would no doubt be bruised and maybe even knocked out, depending on what they hit or how they landed.

"So, as you saw, the other perk of this spell is that it's good for groups of people; however, it's easy to block with a simple shield charm," Daphne said, looking at Jasmine.

"Right, your try," Daphne said, waving her wand, and all the mannequins returned to their original places.

Jasmine stepped up and focused on the tornado that Daphne had made and swished her wand down while chanting, "Flipendo Tria,"

A small whirlwind came out of Jasmine's wand and sorta drifted a bit down the target area before dissipating into nothing. Jasmine blushed before looking at Daphne, who didn't seem to be angry or disappointed at her try.

"Try again and see if you can work out what you did wrong," Daphne encouraged.

Jasmine scrunched her eyebrows at what Daphne had said as it implied that the problem with the spell was something that she had done wrong while casting it, but she couldn't think of anything she had done any differently.

Jasmine tried casting the spell again with the same result, to her further embarrassment.

"You didn't change what you were doing wrong," Daphne said, looking at Jasmine.

"I don't know what im doing wrong," Jasmine said.

"Would the spanking hex help you remember?" Daphne asked with a teasing tone to her voice.

Jasmine gave her an odd look. "Who would want that as encouragement."

"You never heard of BDSM?" Daphne asked, sounding a little shocked.

If Jasmine had to guess, the book that she found in the library no doubt mentioned BDSM, but Jasmine had only read the first few pages, so she really had no clue about what Daphne was talking about.

"What im I doing wrong with my spell," Jasmine asked, feeling that any questions on BDSM, no matter how much she was curious, were a dangerous option for her.

"You should check out chapter 6 in Magic in the Bedroom," Daphne said.

"As for what you're doing wrong with your spell, your wand movement, you need to slash and not swish," Daphne demonstrated with her wand.

Jasmine watched as Daphne's wand movement was far faster and more violent. If Jasmine could call it that, and so Jasmine turned around to try it again. This time a much larger tornado came out of her wand and crashed into the mannequins, sending them skidding back a few feet.

"Not bad with a bit more practice. It should be more than passable," Daphne said, looking at the mannequins.

"Now, let's move on to the spell that will be far more useful. It can be used for either getting rid of people in a violent manner, or it can be used to move large objects like from a cave-in," Daphne explained.

Jasmine had to agree that she had only thought of the banishing charm in the way of duels, but it would no doubt be good for a cave-in as in the other option would be the levitation charm or trying to vanish them.

"Now pay attention to the wand movement as Flipendo Maxima has a different wand movement, unlike all the other variations of Flipendo, which use the same slashing movement.

Now the movement is a V shape with a U shape added to the top left of the V like this," Daphne said as she demonstrated the wand movement three times in a row in a very slow manner for Jasmine to watch.

"Okay, like this," Jasmine asked as she showed the same movement.

"Yep, the speed on the wand movement doesn't matter for this spell, so start slow, and you can build up with time and practice. Let me show you the spell, and then you can try."

Daphne faced the manakin before casting Flipendo Maxima, making a bolt of white light shoot out of her wand as fast as an arrow and hit the manakin. Which was then shot across the room and crashed into the wall with a loud bang.

Jasmine was surprised at the speed, and the force of Flipendo Maxima, as the base spell could only move a person back a few steps at best.

Jasmine stepped up for her try and took a moment to focus her intent before she practised the wand movement a few more times. Jasmine was happy that Daphne didn't try to pressure her into doing the spell without preparing herself.

Once she felt confident in her attempt, Jasmine cast Flipendo Maxima, causing a bolt of white light to shoot out her wand and crash into the mannequin.

Jasmine could tell from the moment that she had cast the spell that it was weaker than Daphne's. Her bolt of white light moved much slower, whereas Daphne's was like an arrow that would be very hard to react to.

Jasmine's spell was like a football being kicked at you. Sure, it was still fast, but it wasn't impossible to react to, and when the spell actually hit, the mannequin was only thrown back 2 feet, far better than the base spell but nothing compared to the 6 feet the Daphne had sent the mannequin flying.

There was also no large crash, so Jasmine knew that Daphne's spell could no doubt have sent it much further than 6 feet if it wasn't for the wall.

"That is a really good first attempt," Daphne said, walking up beside Jasmine.

Jasmine gave Daphne a look that said she didn't believe her.

"Im being honest. It was an excellent first try for most people; they don't get any more power than the base charm," Daphne said truthfully.

"Can I try a few more times?" Jasmine asked, unsure how much time they had left.

"Sure," Daphne said, checking the time with a flick of her wand.

Jasmine turned back to the mannequin and took a breath as she cast Flipendo Maxima, only to get the same result as before though she hoped that maybe it was a bit stronger than before.

Jasmine cast the floating charm and moved the mannequin back into the starting position before casting Flipendo Maxima again.

This time, she was sure that it was much stronger than the first. Not only was the bolt of white much brighter, but it was also much faster in striking the target. Jasmine was a little upset that it wasn't sent flying into the wall, but it still went back a good 4 feet.

"Good. Now, let's move onto the disarming charm," Daphne said, walking over to the duelling platform.

"Well, come on, I need to cast the charm on you in order for you to see it actually working," Daphne said, gesturing to the other side of the duelling platform.

Jasmine felt a small amount of discomfort at the idea of letting someone cast a charm on her without her doing anything to avoid it. Even if it was a teacher, she would still feel a little hesitant.

Jasmine slowly walked over to the duelling platform as she thought about if she was going to trust Daphne enough to let her cast the disarming charm against her.

In the end, she decided that she would take the risk if she was going to attack Jasmine, then she could have done so when she was practising the Flipendo charm as she wasn't paying much attention to Daphne and had her back to her.

"Is there a way I need to hold my wand?" Jasmine asked as she took her place on the duelling platform, which was about 14 feet away from Daphne.

"Ready?" Daphne asked.

"Yep," Jasmine confirmed.

"Expelliarmus!" Daphne called, doing a figure of six movements with her wand, and a scarlet blast shot out of her wand and hit Jasmine, making her hand feel a massive tug that made holding onto her wand impossible, and it was sent flying from her hand.

"Just like that," Daphne said with a smug smile.

Jasmine walked over to pick up her wand and walked back to her original place.

"Remember intent and focus," Daphne said, holding her wand out.

Jasmine took a moment before she performed the disarming charm, and a scarlet blast of magic shot out and hit Daphne ripping her wand out of her hand and was sent flying across the room.

Jasmine saw the shock on Daphne's face and was sure it was mirrored on her face as well. Jasmine was sure she could maybe get it to twitch but to rip the wand out of Daphne's hand, she was sure, would have taken a few tries.

"Again?" Daphne asked.

"Err, ya sure," Jasmine said excitedly.

Daphne walked over and picked her wand up before walking back and holding her wand out as if she was going to cast a spell for Jasmine to take another go.

"Expelliarmus!" Jasmine shouted. There was a dazzling flash of scarlet light, and Daphne was blasted off her feet: She flew backwards and landed on her back as her wand went flying in the air.

"Oh my god, Daphne, are you okay," Jasmine asked, running up to Daphne, who was still lying on the floor.

Daphne took a few deep breaths. "That was your second time casting the charm?" Daphne asked with disbelief in her voice.

"Ya im so sorry I had no idea that it could send you flying back like the Flipendo charm," Jasmine said with some panic in her voice.

"Ya, I didn't mention it as only a very powerful disarming charm is capable of doing that. Even most adults can't perform a disarming charm that powerful," Daphne explained.

"Well, let's call it for today," Jasmine said, still feeling very guilty for sending Daphne flying. No matter how padded the duelling platform was, it would still no doubt hurt to be sent flying.

"Okay, but in the morning before the duelling club, you should practice the Flipendo Maxima charm a few more times. If you were able to do so well with the disarming charm, then you should be able to do a powerful Flipendo Maxima charm as well," Daphne said, getting to her feet and looking around for her wand.

"Err, your wand went over there," Jasmine said, pointing over towards the mannequins.

Daphne walked over and searched around before picking up her wand. Jasmine was just glad that her wand hadn't been broken when it was flying, or she would have felt even more terrible.

Jasmine walked over and looked at the map the twins had given her and was glad to see that all the noise that they had made hadn't attracted any of the teachers or students to the room.

"Im guessing you don't need me to walk you back to your common room?" Daphne teased.

"No, I have a map. I think I can find my way back," Jasmine said with a smile. She had gotten more comfortable with Daphne's teasing as the night went on.

"Well, I hope to see some good performance in the duelling club tomorrow then," Daphne said, opening the door and stepping out into the corridor.

"I shall aim to please then," Jasmine replied.

"Good, you should always aim to please," Daphne said in a suggestive tone before she walked off towards the Slytherin common room.

Jasmine blushed at the way Daphne had phrased that. She hadn't really had anyone tease her like that before. Ron was a boy, so it would have been far too awkward for him to do so, and Hermione probably knew even less about sex than she did.

And most of what she knew about sex came from the magazines that she had found when she moved out of the cupboard and into Dudley's second room.

There were a few magazines that had lots of naked girls in them performing sex that she guessed Dudley had stolen from convenience stores and some pages from The Sun that had semi-naked girls on the third page.

If it wasn't for that, Jasmine wouldn't even know what sex was, and she doubted that she would be getting the birds and the bees talk that Lavender had been giggling about with Parvati.

Looking at the map, Jasmine watched as Daphne got to the Slytherin common room and then vanished off the map. As far as she could tell, the only dorms that were on the map were the Gryffindors dorms, and she guessed that the makers of the map were from the Gryffindors house.

Jasmine was surprised that the common rooms of the other houses were even on the map. Not only that, but the rooms of the teachers were also on the map, and even the headmaster's office room was on the map.

Whoever made the map had explored Hogwarts far more than she had, but unfortunately, the chamber of secrets wasn't on the map. Jasmine would have to see if the twins knew how to add areas to the map, as with her cloak, she would be able to sneak into all of the house's common rooms and dorms.

Jasmine pulled out her invisibility cloak and wrapped it around her, vanishing from view. Walking back to the library, she sneaked back into the restricted section, grabbed the Magic in the Bedroom, and quickly left.

Jasmine was a little interested in what Daphne had mentioned and wanted to look at chapter 6. Jasmine returned to the Gryffindors dorms, walked into the girl's dorm room, crawled into bed and opened the book.

Jasmine looked at the spells listed on the page. There was a blindfolding spell, a bondage spell that would tie someone up in an erotic manner. There were also some spells to make someone sound like a cat or dog as well as temporary grow animal ears.

The next few pages went on to the history of slavery in the magical world, which unlike the none magical world there, seemed to have some actual reason behind it.

But most of it boiled down to the fact that murder caused damage to the magical soul, which left the magical courts with a large problem. If they sentenced people to death, would that cause their souls damage?

So the magical world used slavery as a punishment, even though slavery had, for the most part, been abandoned by Britain and Central Europe due to the establishment of Azkaban and other prisons like that.

Though given what she had been told about Azkaban and the creatures that feasted on people's fears and eventually their souls, it sounded like a worse option than slavery.

The book said that slavery was still a punishment for people with debts that couldn't pay their debts and was enforced via slavery vows that could be set for either a set time or released by the primary caster.

Jasmine was surprised to see that Wizengamot even had provisions in place for how slaves could and couldn't be treated as well as what should be provided for every slave.

Jasmine was surprised to see there was even a reference to Voldemort in the book.

'He Who Must Not Be Named was regarded as a worldwide terror due to the mass murder that he and his Death Eaters performed. Even knowing what killing innocents did to the soul didn't stop them and was the real cause of terror that the magical world had for He Who Must Not Be Named.'

Jasmine was a little surprised at what the real cause of terror was, but after thinking about it, Voldemort didn't seem to bat an eyelid at killing her parents and trying to kill her when she was just 1 year old.

Jasmine closed the book and slipped it under her pillow with the photo album, knowing she needed to sleep soon if she wanted to get up in the morning and have time to practice the charms before the club started.