
HP: Daphne's Slave Jasmine Potter

Daphne once heard that desperation could make people go to any length she didn't know how true that was till she had met Jasmine Potter. Fem! Harry, BDSM, SMUT, Lemon Fem!Harry/Multi -I don't own Harry Potter. This story does not belong to me. The original can be found by name in the search engine.

0DarkWolf0 · 作品衍生
14 Chs

Chapter 12: Polyjuice and Contracts

"Im surprised at how quickly you learn spells," Daphne said, slightly out of breath.

"I have a good teacher," Jasmine said, panting.

"Let's call the duelling practice here. I want a shower," Daphne said, putting her wand away in its holster on her arm.

"Ya, I could do with a shower as well," Jasmine said, putting her wand away.

"Well, let's go back to my room then," Daphne said, grabbing her jacket.

"Err, okay, will the common room be empty?" Jasmine asked.

"It should be the other three people went to breakfast, and I doubt they have returned. Start with the cloak, and then you can remove it if it's empty," Daphne suggested as she walked to the door.

"Okay, lead the way," Jasmine said as she pulled on the invisibility cloak.

"You must know the way by now," Daphne said, shaking her head.

"I do," Jasmine said, pouting slightly.

"Okay, let's go," Daphne said, rolling her eyes.

Jasmine followed behind Daphne as they made their way to the Slytherin common room.

"Have you ever been to Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff's common room?" Jasmine asked.

"Nope, I know that Hufflepuff's common room is around here somewhere, but not sure where," Daphne said as they got to the section of the wall that was the entrance to the Slytherin common room.

Daphne spoke the password, and the wall opened, and they walked down the stairs into the common room. There was always a grand feeling when walking into the common room of the snake den.

"Empty, you can lose the cloak," Daphne said as Jasmine slipped off her cloak.

Jasmine walked over to the large windows and looked out into the lake.

"Can you ever see the squid?"

"Sometimes, but he or she doesn't really come to the windows,"

"What does?" Jasmine asked.

"Mainly fish and some Merfolk. Some people have claimed to have seen a Hippocampus, but I haven't ever seen one," Daphne said, standing behind her.

Jasmine felt her face getting warm as her mind started drifting to her dreams before she brought her wandering mind back to the present.

"Right shower?" Jasmine said, looking towards Daphne's room.

"Of course," Daphne said, smiling and walking to her room.

Walking into the room, Jasmine saw that Tracey was lying on the bed but quickly jumped to her feet and looked at her feet as Daphne walked into the room.

"Hey," Daphne greeted as she walked into the room.

"Welcome back, Mistress," Tracey greeted Daphne back.

"Can you please prepare some towels for us," Daphne asked Treacy.

"Of course, Mistress," Tracey said before leaving the room.

"Do you want to go first?" Daphne asked Jasmine as Tracey came back with two large towels.

"Err, sure, thank you," Jasmine said, taking a towel from Tracey, who smiled at her and walked over to the shower room.

Just before she entered, Jasmine remembered that Tracey would no doubt come for her clothing to clean it.

Stepping inside the shower room, Jasmine stripped down, placed her clothes outside the door, and walked over to the shower.

Stepping into the shower, Jasmine turned the hot water and cranked the temperature up, rolling her shoulders to ease the strain she had in them under the water.

Jasmine closed her eyes and leaned against the wall with the water flowing over her. She wasn't sure how long she was standing there, but her feet started to hurt, and Jasmine knew that she no doubt had been in the shower for a very long time.

Walking over to the rack on the wall of the shower, Jasmine grabbed the hair potion. Jasmine had to admit that only needing one bottle for her hair was nice.

Pouring out a small amount of the potion, Jasmine rubbed it into her hair and stood waiting for it to do its magic. As she did, she returned the hair potion, grabbed the snow fairy body potion, and started lathering up her body in the potion.

She hadn't really paid attention to the potion when she first used it, but a day later, Jasmine realised how much softer her skin felt to herself and had a lovely scent.

She would have to ask Daphne where she got the body potion. Still, given how well the potion seemed to work compared to the body potion she had bought in Diagon alley, Jasmine was sure it would be expensive.

Not that she couldn't afford it, she couldn't spend all the money she had in her vaults.

After washing the potions out of her hair and off her body, Jasmine stepped out of the shower, wrapped herself in the towel, left the shower room, and walked back into Daphne's bedroom.

"See, I told you she was fine," Daphne said jokingly to Tracey.

"Sorry, I love long showers, and Hogwarts doesn't seem to have baths," Jasmine said, feeling embarrassed.

"That's okay. Not like the water is going to run out," Daphne said, standing up and making her way to the shower. "Promise I won't be as long as you," Daphne called jokingly as she entered the shower room.

Jasmine just rolled her eyes and started to dry her body off.

"I have your clothes right here," Tracey said, walking over with her clothes in her hands.

"Thank you, Tracey," Jasmine said, smiling at the other girl.

"No problem, I will be back in a minute," Tracey said, walking towards the shower room, no doubt, to get Daphne's clothes.

As Jasmine started to get dressed, she noticed some brown hairs on her clothes that she realised must belong to Tracey, and she quickly put them into her pocket.

Hermione had mentioned when making the Polyjuice potion that we would need some hair from the person we wanted to turn into.

Given that Tracey and Daphne were the only girls here, she had no option but to pick one of them.

True to her word Daphne only took about ten minutes to get showered before she got out of the shower and had started to dry herself off and get dressed.

"So, what will you be up to for the rest of the day?" Daphne asked Jasmine as she pulled her jeans on.

"Well, I can't dodge Hermione for the rest of the day, so I should just get the date talk out of the way.

"I shall pray for you then," Daphne teased as Jasmine got up.

"Would you like to practice duelling tomorrow morning?" Jasmine asked, feeling scared that Daphne would turn her down.

"Sure, 8am works for you?" Daphne asked.

"Yep, 8am is perfect," Jasmine said quickly before blushing.

"Are you going to be in the library tonight?" Jasmine asked.

"Ya, Tracey and I will be there till late. What about you?" Daphne asked.

"No, I don't need any more books, so I guess I shall see you in the morning," Jasmine said as she walked over to the door and pulled out her invisibility cloak.

"Cya," Daphne and Tracey said as she slipped out of the room.

Jasmine slipped out of the Slytherin dorm without seeing anyone, and once she got back to the main hall, Jasmine took off her cloak and made her way back up to the 7th floor.

Walking into the common room, Jasmine wasn't surprised to see that Hermione and Ron were in there along with Percy, who was studying. She didn't know where the twins were, and usually, it was best not to ask.

"Hey," Ron and Hermione said as Jasmine walked into the common room.

"Come, let's go talk," Hermione said, getting up and pushing Jasmine towards the girl's dorm.

"Where you going?" Ron asked, confused.

"Girls talk," Hermione called back.

"Save me!" Jasmine called back jokingly.

"Your own, your own I remembered how Neville ended up," Ron called back.

As Hermione pushed Jasmine into their dorm, Jasmine let out a sigh and took a seat on the Hermione bed.

"So?" Hermione asked.

"I went on a date with Daphne," Jasmine said.

"Daphne? Daphne Greengrass?" Hermione asked.


"How did you meet her?" Hermione asked, looking confused.

"Oh right, you got a vial?" Jasmine asked as she remembered the hair in her pocket.

"Err ya here," Hermione said, pulling one out of her trunk.

Jasmine pulled the hair out of her pocket and dropped it into the vial, and corked the top before putting it back in her pocket.

"Sorry, I got one of Tracey's hairs for the Polyjuice potion. I met her when I snuck into the library at night. Daphne was looking at books about healing magic," Jasmine replied to Hermione's first question.

"I didn't know they teach healing magic at Hogwarts?" Hermione said, looking confused.

"They don't, according to Daphne. They used to but then stopped doing so at some point."

"Why would they do that?" Hermione said before shaking her head.

"Never mind your date spill," Hermione said.

"Im not sure what to tell you? We went to Hogsmeade."

"We looked around the village, and we looked around some of the shops and bought some small things. We had breakfast together in a small cosy cafe." Jasmine said.

"Not that pink monstrosity I have heard the older students talk about?" Hermione asked, looking disturbed.

"What, no, of course not, eww. No, it was some side street. It was a really nice place. I will show it to you next year."

"Hmm, sounds like a nice first date," Hermione said, smiling.

"Yep, but Hogsmeade don't really have much to do. Then again, I think that's just the wizarding world. If it was the muggle world, we could have gone to the cinema to watch a movie and then had a meal." Jasmine said with a sigh.

"Will you be going on another one?" Hermione asked, sounding hopeful.

"I think so. Daphne asked if we could do it again," Jasmine said, smiling.

"Well, that's good then. Maybe you could go on a picnic?" Hermione suggested.

"Ya, that is a good idea. I will need to ask the twins where the kitchen is," Jasmine asked as she thought about her next date.

"Well, im glad to help. I am glad you found someone to date. Famous people normally have problems when dating," Hermione said, smiling.

"Well, im sure when it becomes public knowledge, many people with have problems with it," Jasmine said with a strained smile.

"Ignore them. Who are they to tell you who you can and can't date," Hermione said, frowning.

"Is the Polyjuice potion ready?" Jasmine asked.

"I need to do the last step today. I need to add 1 scoop of lacewings and stir the potion 3 times counter-clockwise, and then it's done."

"I can't believe you managed to brew a NEWT-level potion," Jasmine said, shaking her head in disbelief.

"Well, let's go do the last step, and then we can work out how to get a hair for Ron," Hermione said, getting off her bed.

The two girls walked down into the common room to see Ron playing a game of chess against himself. Jasmine saw that Hermione's eyes darted over to Percy.

"We are going to the library, Ron," Hermione said.

"Okay," Ron said, waving them both off as he looked at the board.

Jasmine and Hermione left the common room and made their way to Moning Murtle's bathroom. Entering the bathroom, Hermione went to the last stall in the room and tapped the door with her wand, which swung open.

Hermione had used an advanced locking charm so that only she could open the door and left a sign on the door saying out of order.

Jasmine didn't think it was needed, given no one used this bathroom, but Hermione didn't want to take a chance. Looking inside the stall, the cauldron was floating above the toilet, which had a magical flame inside it.

Jasmine scrunched her nose, looking at the potion that now looked like bubbling mud.

"Did we need so much of the potion?" Jasmine asked.

She had read Moste Potente Potions, and it said a single mouth full was enough for the potion to work.

"No, but I didn't want to risk changing the recipe in case the brewing instructions would also be needed. This isn't a potion you risk brewing wrong," Hermione said, stirring the potion 3 times counter-clockwise.

"I suppose that is fair," Jasmine said, having read what could happen if the potion was brewed wrong.

"You could try selling the leftover it at the potions store in Hogsmeade," Hermione suggested.

"I guess? Can we not keep it in case we need it at a later point?" Jasmine asked.

"We could with the stasis charm, but I think the potion would only last 2 years."

"Okay, well, we can sell half of it and keep half of it," Jasmine said.

"So now we just need to add the hair?" Jasmine asked.

"Yep, add the hair and then wave your wand over it in a clockwise movement, and the potion will be ready to use.

"Right then, all we need to do is get some hair for Ron and then wait for evening. How are we getting hair for Ron?" Jasmine asked.

"Let's brew a sleep potion and dose Crabbe and Goyle, then we can get a hair from them," Hermione said.

"I stand by what Ron said last year... you are brilliant but scary sometimes, Hermione," Jasmine said.

"Hmph, well, I can leave it up to you and Ron if you prefer," Hermione said, giving Jasmine a stern look.

"No, no, let's drug a fellow student..." Jasmine said.

"Let me borrow your cloak so I can get another cauldron, and can I use your potion ingredients? I am waiting for a refill set to come," Hermione asked.

"Sure," Jasmine said, taking the cloak out and handing it over to Hermione.

"Thank you. Be back as quick as possible," Hermione said, disappearing under the cloak and leaving the bathroom.

Jasmine walked over to the Polyjuice potion and gave it a sniff, and found that it didn't really smell of anything, thankfully.

Jasmine took a seat near the sink as she waited for Hermione to come back. Thankfully it wasn't too long before the bathroom door opened and then closed.

A moment later, Hermione appeared carrying a cauldron in one hand and Jasmine's potion satchel over her shoulder.

"I will get the stand and fire ready can you fill the cauldron up with water," Hermione asked, passing her the cauldron.

Jasmine placed the cauldron on the floor, folded up her invisibility cloak carefully to avoid damaging it, and slipped it back into her pocket. With her cloak safely put away, Jasmine filled up the cauldron and placed it on the stand as Hermione turned up the flame.

"Do you remember the ingredients?" Hermione asked.

Jasmine rolled her eyes. "Contrary to what Snape thinks, im not actually bad at potions im just not able to make perfect potions," Jasmine said.

Jasmine started to pull out the ingredients, including sprigs of lavender and whatever standard ingredients were. As far as Jasmine knew, it was just a mix of herbs, but she didn't know exactly what was in the mix.

Not that it mattered, given she wouldn't waste time growing and gathering the herbs when she could just buy them.

Jasmine and Hermione spent the next few hours brewing the sleep potion, and soon, it was time for dinner.

"Let's bottle this up, and we can get the hair before trying to interrogate Draco," Hermione said, pulling out two vials from her pocket.

"We can pour this potion away, right?" Jasmine asked after filling the two vials.

"Ya, it's easy to brew, so I doubt we could get any money for it," Hermione said as she packed Jasmine's potion ingredients away.

After everything was packed away, they went back to the common room to find Ron, who was still playing chess.

"Come on, Ron, dinner," Hermione said, making Ron look up.

Jasmine looked around and was surprised to see that no one else was in the dorm room. She had expected that Percy was going to be in the dorm room all day, and she hadn't seen the shadow of the twins either today.

If Jasmine had to guess, the twins were either looking for secret rooms or passageways. Or they had snuck out to Hogsmeade or the forbidden forest.

The three of them left the common room and went down to the great hall.

"Is the polyjuice potion done?" Ron asked them as they walked down the last flight of stairs.

"Yep, and we have a plan to get you a hair as Jasmine, and I have gotten our hair," Hermione said quietly.

"So we doing this tonight, then?" Ron asked, looking around.

"Yep," Jasmine said as they entered the great hall.

Jasmine found herself looking around the great hall as she entered and found her eyes drawn to the Slytherin table, hoping to see Daphne and Tracey.

Unfortunately, the only people there were Draco and his two trolls, and Jasmine couldn't help but feel disappointed. Then again, she knew that Daphne and Tracey didn't seem to like Draco, so they would no doubt eat on their own.

Walking over to the Gryffindor table, the three of them took a seat. Jasmine noticed that the staff table was lacking people. The deputy headmistress was there, and a few of the other professors.

But the Headmaster wasn't there most notably. Jasmine was sure the trial must have been over by now, so she was surprised that the Headmaster wasn't back yet.

Maybe the sessions overran, or he had gone to meet Sirius to tell him how the trial had gone.

Pushing it out of her mind, Jasmine filled her plate with the delicious food the house elves had cooked for them. Both Jasmine and Hermione kept a close eye on the Slytherin table for different reasons.

As they finished dinner and proceeded to dessert, Hermione grabbed two cupcakes and wrapped them up in some napkins. It wasn't long before Draco stood up and left the hall as the two trolls kept eating.

It was another 20 minutes before Crabbe and Goyle stood up, and even then, they were still filling their hands with food.

"Come on, let's go quickly," Hermione said, getting up from the table with Jasmine and Ron following after and leaving the great hall.

"Cloak," Hermione said as she poured the sleeping potion over the two cupcakes.

With the cupcakes ready and the three of them hidden under the cloak, they quietly made their way over to the entrance to the dungeons, and Hermione pulled out her wand.

It wasn't very long before Crabbe and Goyle walked out of the great hall, their arms stuffed with cakes, and Jasmine felt ill just looking at the both of them.

Jasmine wasn't sure how they were smaller than her cousin, given how much they ate and guessed that magic must have something to do with it.

"wingardium leviosa," Hermione whispered and levitated the cupcakes in front of the two of them.

"They can't be that stupid, could they," Ron said with disbelief.

The two of them seemed to want to prove Ron wrong as they looked excited, seeing the two cupcakes floating in the air and grabbed them both without any hesitation.

With silly grins on their faces, both took a large bite out of the dosed cupcakes grinning at each other.

"How long does the potion take?" Ron asked, looking at Crabbe and Goyle, who had just finished the two cupcakes.

"It should be near instant.." Hermione said as two large thuds interrupted her.

"Well, let's drag them somewhere they won't be noticed," Hermione said.

"We can use the levitation charm," Jasmine said, looking at the size of the two boys.

Jasmine pulled out her wand as Hermione lifted one of them up. Jasmine did the same for the other one, and they quickly made their way down the corridor and stuffed the two boys into the first cupboard they could find.

After pulling out some hair from one of the boys and grabbing one of their robes, the three returned to the bathroom. Hermione portioned out three cups of the Polyjuice potion.

"Right, add the hair and wave your wand over the potion, and it's ready to go," Hermione said, dropping her hair into the potion.

Both Ron and Jasmine did the same a second later, and Jasmine frowned as the potion frothed up.

"Do you both have uniforms?" Ron asked, seeing they didn't have any Slytherin robes on them.

"Tracey doesn't wear robes outside of class," Jasmines said, looking at Hermione.

"I have got a robe," Hermione said, pulling out a Slytherin robe from the bathroom stall.

"Well, to your health then," Jasmine said, putting the cup to her mouth and downing the potion.

As the potion poured into her mouth, she felt the urge to spit it out. The taste wasn't as bad as Jasmine thought it would be.

However, the potion's texture was far worse than she had imagined. It was thick, slimy and lumpy. With great willpower, Jasmine swallowed the potion.

Just after she swallowed the potion, Jasmine felt her insides start writhing, causing her to double over, and she was sure she was going to vomit.

Then a burning sensation spread rapidly from her stomach to the very ends of her fingers and toes. It felt like her body was melting, and she saw her hair getting longer and changing from raven black to chocolate brown.

Then she felt herself shrinking and her chest getting slightly larger. As suddenly as it had started, everything stopped.

Jasmine found herself on her knees, panting on the floor. With some difficulty, Jasmine got to her feet, stumbling with her sense of balance, feeling wrong.

Eventually, she made it over to the sinks and was able to look in the mirror. She knew she shouldn't feel shocked to see someone else face looking back at her in the mirror, but she still did find it strange.

"Jasmine?" a strange voice asked from behind her.

Jasmine looked behind her to see Goyle looking at her.

"Ya Ron, you okay?" Hermione asked.

"Where is Hermione?" Goyle or Ron asked.

"Hermione?" Jasmine asked, walking over to the last toilet stall.

"Something went wrong. I am fine, just go, your wasting time," Hermione shouted, her voice sounding weird.

Ron looked at Jasmine as if asking her what to do.

"Go, don't waste time," Hermione shouted, and Jasmine was sure she didn't want them here.

"Okay, we will be back in an hour," Jasmine said.

Together the two of them left with Jasmine feeling bad about leaving Hermione when she was sure she needed some help.

"Do you know where the Slytherin common room is?" Ron asked as they walked into the dungeons.

"Yes, the twins told me."

"What do we do if Tracey comes back?" Ron asked as he followed Jasmine to the Slytherin common room.

"That shouldn't happen. They have been in the library all-day we should be fine. If that happens, we will deal with it when it happens," Jasmine said, hoping that wouldn't happen.

Jasmine was sure she could stun Draco easily, but she knew that she wouldn't stand a chance against Daphne, let alone Tracey and Daphne.

"Ready?" Jasmine asked.

"Tracey?" a voice that Jasmine recognised as Daphne said from behind them.

Jasmine felt panic in her stomach as she turned around.

"Hey," Jasmine said nervously.

"What you doing with this idiot? I thought you were going to the toilet?"

Jasmine felt her mind race as she thought of what to say. "I was, but this idiot managed to get lost on the way back from the hospital wing," Jasmine said, rolling her eyes.

"God, how stupid are you. Come on," Daphne said as she gave the password to the dorm and stepped through the archway and walked down the stairs.

Ron and Jasmine followed her and shot each other a look, and Jasmine mouthed good luck to Ron.

Jasmine felt the panic building as she followed behind Daphne and entered the common room.

"Goyle, where is Crabbe?" Draco asked from one of the high-backed chairs.

A moment later, Draco noticed Daphne. "Heiress Greengrass care to join me," Draco said with a smirk ignoring what he thought to be Tracey.

"Im busy, Heir Malfoy, another time," Daphne said, walking towards the girl's dorm, and Jasmine followed behind her.

Soon they both entered Daphne's and Tracey's rooms.

Jasmine blushed as she remembered that Tracey was Daphne's slave and wasn't sure how she should act. But she couldn't deny that she felt a thrill of excitement at the thought.

Daphne walked over to the coat racks and picked up a collar, and turned around to Tracey before she frowned.

Daphne coughed as Jasmine saw her looking at the floor, and Jasmine fell to her knees looking at the floor, hoping she was right.

Jasmine felt Daphne walk up to her, brush her hair from her neck, and fit the collar around her neck, and a click of a padlock caused her heart to start beating.

"Go put on your uniform," Daphne said as she walked over to her bed and took a seat.

"Yes, mistress," Jasmine said, her throat feeling dry and very aware of the collar around the neck.

Jasmine walked over to one of the cupboards and opened it up. She was glad that she had been in the room a few times and had seen Tracey getting clothes for Daphne.

So she was sure that the other one was for Tracey. And it seemed that she was right. The cupboard was split into three sections, one with Tracey's school clothes, one with normal clothing and, at the very end, three maid outfits.

Seeing the three outfits, Jasmine pulled one of them out and stipped out of the clothing that she was wearing and started to pull the outfit on.

Unsurprisingly the outfit fitted her perfectly. No doubt Daphne had it tailored to fit Tracey.

"I would like a foot rub," Daphne said, holding her feet out.

"Of course, Mistress," Jasmine said, walking over to Daphne feeling her getting more excited.

It was feeling more and more like her dreams, and Jasmine felt a smile forming on her face and was quite happy to follow Daphne's orders.

Jasmine noticed on the bedside table that there was a jar of some kind of cream, and she picked it up and took a dollop out and kneeled before Daphne and started to rub it into Daphne's foot.

Jasmine found herself humming to herself as she rubbed the cream into Daphne's feet and was happy that Daphne didn't have anything to say about her work.

"Hmm, good work," Daphne said, rolling her feet around.

"Thank you, mistress," Jasmine said, smiling happily.

"Stand up and turn around for me," Daphne said as she pulled some new socks on.

Jasmine was confused by Daphne's order but followed it anyway.

"Incarcerous," Daphne said, and Jasmine was surprised as she felt silk ropes wrap around her body, pinning her arms to her body and her legs together.

Jasmine wobbled before she fell back onto the bed.

"Mistress?" Jasmine asked, shocked at being tied up.

Daphne rolled over and sat on Jasmine's lap, pinning her down on the bed with a sexy devilish smile on her face.

"So, who are you, I wonder?" Daphne asked, sending panic through Jasmine.

"Mistress, I.." Jasmine said before Daphne put a finger over her lips.

"I know I left Tracey in the Libary, so you can't be Tracey. How long left do you have on the Polyjuice potion, I wonder?" Daphne asked with that same sexy devilish smile.

Jasmine gulped as she realised that Daphne could just wait her out if she really wanted to and felt that there was no point in hiding anymore.

"Jasmine mistress," Jasmine said with a dry mouth.

"Tut tut, naughty Jasmine," Daphne said, looking down at the tied-up girl.

"So the other one was Ron, then?" Daphne asked.

"Yes," Jasmine said, making Daphne frown at her.

"Yes, mistress," Jasmine said.

"Good girl," Daphne praised, sending a shiver of happiness through Jasmine.

"Hmm, I guess I have to let you go for the moment. You are to smooth everything over with Ron and whoever else you need to and then return right here afterwards and wait for me to get back. Is that clear?" Daphne asked, standing up and looking at Jasmine.

"Yes, Mistress," Jasmine said, feeling a mix of fear, excitement and giddiness.

With a wave of her wand, the silk ropes that were trying Daphne up vanished, and Daphne tapped the collar around Jasmine's neck, and she heard the lock click open.

Daphne then removed the collar turned around, and placed it back before she left the room without saying anything else to Jasmine.

Jasmine stood up and looked over at the collar that was now hanging on the wall instead of her neck and missed the feeling of it the moment that Daphne had removed it.

It felt so much better than the collar she usually wore at night, and she wondered why that was before she realised that the potion must be close to running out.

Jasmine was about to leave before she remembered that she was wearing a maid uniform and struggled to get out of it and put on her original clothes. She quickly placed it on the bed and smoothed it out before she left Daphne's room.

As she walked into the common room, her heart was pounding in her chest, worried that the potion would end at any moment. Thankfully the common room was empty, and Jasmine wasted no time and ran up the stairs and exited the Slytherin common room.

Jasmine wasted no time and ran all the way back to Moaning Myrtle's bathroom, where Ron was waiting for her.

"Hey, you okay?" Ron asked, seeing Jasmine out of breath.

"Ya, I was worried about the potion running out, so I ran all the way back. Thankfully it didn't run out till I was halfway back." Jasmine said, slightly out of breath.

"Hermione is still in the stall. I can't get her to come out," Ron said, looking at the last stall.

Jasmine walked over to the stall. "Hermione?"

Very slowly, the door of the stall opened, and Jasmine was surprised to see what had happened to Hermione.

"Oh, Hermione," Jasmine said, seeing that she looked like a cross between a person and a cat. Jasmine saw Hermione's lip tremble.

"Come on, let's get you to Madam Pomfrey," Jasmine said as kindly as she could and gave her a supporting hug.

Ron just looked shocked when she saw Hermione, and luckily for him, he didn't laugh or snigger. She was sure that Hermione would have clawed his eyes out if he had done so.

Jasmine led Hermione to the hospital wing, and thankfully, Madam Pomfrey didn't ask any questions about what happened other than the cause.

Once she had ensured that Hermione was okay, she left the hospital wing. A part of Jasmine wanted to stay with her, but she knew that Hermione was very embarrassed being seen as she was.

So Jasmine was sure it was best to leave and return when Hermione looked less like a cat.

Once she got back to the house's common room, Jasmine walked over to sit next to Ron. "Did you get anything from Malfoy?"

"No, he said he didn't know who opened the chamber, which is something Crabbe had asked before, so I doubt he is lying or is at least smart enough not to trust them two," Ron said.

"We could try again?" Jasmine said she was not looking forward to doing so as she would need to be Goyle as there was no other Slytherin student for Jasmine to become.

She wasn't sure what punishment Daphne would come up with, or maybe she would just break off talking to her anymore. The thought of Daphne no longer being her friend caused JAsmien to wince.

"No, I really don't think he has anything to do with it as much as I would love to catch him," Ron said, sighing.

"How is Hermione," Ron asked.

"I think she is okay. It's hard to know she wasn't in a talking mood." Jasmine said awkwardly.

"No doubt she was part cat," Ron said bluntly.

"I noticed, but Madam Pomfrey will have her fixed in no time," Jasmine said, thankful the nurse at Hogwarts was amazing at her job.

"Let's hope none of the teachers learns about her being in the hospital wing. I am sure some of them would be able to work out how she got like that."

"Ya, let's head to bed. I think we have had enough excitement for tonight," Jasmine said, knowing she needed Ron to think she had gone to sleep so she could sneak down to the Slytherin's dorm and wait for Daphne.

"Ya, I guess cya tomorrow," Ron said, getting up and walking to the staircase that led to the boy's dorm.

Jasmine waited for a moment, pulled out her invisibility cloak, vanished under it, sneaked out of the common room, and made her way back down to the dungeons.

Once she got to the entrance, Jasmine spoke the passwords and slipped inside. Thankfully there was a staircase down to the common room, so no one would see the door open and close without anyone walking through it.

Jasmine sneaked through the common room and headed down the girl's corridor. As she did so, she wondered if they had any of the protections that the Gryffindor girl's dorm did.

After all, there were no stairs to turn into a slide. Jasmine opened the door to Daphne's room and peeked inside.

Jasmine was a little surprised to see that the room was empty, having expected to see Daphne and Tracey their waiting for her. Regardless of the room being empty, Jasmine entered and closed the door behind her.

She pulled her cloak off and walked over to hand it on one of the robe hooks when she saw the collar where Daphne had left it. A part of her wanted to pick it up and put it on, but she resisted, not knowing how Daphne would feel if she did so.

Walking over to the bed, Jasmine picked up the maid outfit, grabbed the coat hanger it was on, and put it back in the cupboard. With that done, Jasmine looked around the room, unsure what she should do next.

In the end, Jasmine walked to the side of the bed before taking a seat on the floor and waiting for Daphne to return. She was just glad that Daphne had carpet instead of something like tile.

Not only that, but the carpet was quite soft as well, so sitting down on it wasn't that bad.

Jasmine sat and waited and waited. She wasn't sure how long she was sitting waiting, but it felt like she must have been there the entire night until finally, the door to the room opened, and Daphne walked into the room.

Daphne's eyes paused on Jasmine for a second before she ignored her and started getting undressed as if she wasn't there. For a moment, Jasmine thought about greeting Daphne before she thought better of it.

Obviously, Daphne knew she was there and was ignoring her on purpose.

Jasmine felt her face and body getting hot as she was treated to the show that Daphne was putting on. Jasmine was surprised to see how developed Daphne's body was before she remembered that the new clothes that she had only bought a few months ago were already feeling a light tight on her.

As Daphne finished getting changed into her sleepwear, Jasmine almost let out a little whine but managed to hold it in.

Daphne walked over to the bed and sat down before she started to run her fingers through Jasmine's hair.

"I want you to strip, and Tracey will come into the room in a minute. You will then crawl over to her and kiss her feet while asking for her forgiveness. Do I make myself clear?" Daphne asked in a tone Jasmine knew meant it was more of an order than an actual question.

"Yes, Mistress," Jasmine replied, her face turning bright red.

"Okay, well, get on with it then," Daphne said as she removed her hands and sat back to watch.

Jasmine tentatively removed her shirt and jeans, trying to ignore that Daphne was watching her do so. As she was about to place them down, Daphne spoke up again.

"Fold them, or they will get creases in them," Daphne reprimanded.

"Sorry, mistress," Jasmine said as she folded her shirt and jeans up before placing them on the floor. Taking a breath to build up her courage, she removed her underwear and placed it on top of her folded-up clothes.

Jasmine squirmed as she felt Daphne's gaze on her back and shivered.

"Are you cold?" Daphne asked.

"No, Mistress," Jasmine replied as she tried her best to stop squirming around.

The bedroom door opened again, and Jasmine took another breath as Tracey walked into the room.

"Mistress," Tracey said before she saw Jasmine naked on the floor.

"I got the drinks you requested," Tracey continued as she closed the door, removed her shoes and walked towards the bed.

Jasmine, with shaking arms, crawled forward, hyper-aware that both Daphne's and Tracey's eyes were on her as she did so and followed her every movement.

Slowly she made her way over to Tracey before she started kissing Tracey's feet, something that must have come as a shock to Tracey, given how she stiffened up.

"Please forgive me for taking your body with the polyjuice potion," Jasmine said quietly and embarrassedly.

Tracey didn't reply to Jasmine's request, so she just continued kissing the girl's feet until she was told otherwise.

"Okay, but never take my form again," Tracey said as she tried moving her feet away from Jasmine.

Jasmine quickly stopped kissing Tracey's feet and turned around to look at Daphne, who did a come hither movement with her finger that Jasmine quickly followed and crawled over to Daphne.

Daphne pulled the green throw off her bed and wrapped it around Jasmine as she sat in fount of the edge of the bed. Jasmine was surprised at how soft and silky it felt and wrapped herself up in it tighter, covering her body.

"Now you have apologised to Tracey, we can move on to your punishment," Daphne said as she pulled out a piece of parchment.

Jasmine frowned a little but didn't say anything. She had thought her kissing Tracey's feet was her punishment.

Daphne must have seen her frown as she gave a soft smile.

"Kissing Tracey's feet was to gain her acceptance of your apology," Daphne explained.

After placing the parchment on the bed, Daphne pulled out a strange-looking quill with a blood-red feather.

"Since you wish to pretend to be Tracey, I shall fulfil your wish," Daphne said as she pushed the parchment towards Jasmine.

"This is a month-long slavery contract. It states that you will willingly become my slave for no more than a month. There are clauses stating that I will not be allowed to take any of your possessions.

That I can not cause any permanent harm to your body or mind. I am, however, allowed to punish you if you are being naughty." Daphne explained, pointing out the clauses of the contract.

"Does this mean you can force me to obey you, Mistress?" Jasmine asked, looking over the contract.

"Nope, feel free to look over it. While some slavery contracts do have a clause that says that the slave must obey their Master or Mistress, you can see that this one doesn't," Daphne said as Jasmine looked over the contract.

Jasmine took another look, trying to see if she was missing anything, but the contract was straightforward and very easy to read, and there was no way that something could be hidden in it.

Jasmine looked at the quill before looking back at the contract.

"I.." Jasmine said, falling quiet.

"Let's not pretend you aren't interested in slavery now, Jasmine. You have still been calling my Mistress," Daphne said, picking up the quill.

"This is a blood quill, and it will write in the users' blood. You should only use one of these if you are signing a contract. And even then, it should only be after reading the contract repeatedly. Contracts signed in blood are magically binding," Daphne said as she handed Jasmine the blood quill and just watched Jasmine.

Jasmien gulped at Daphne's words. She was, of course, right. She was interested in slavery, but signing a contract scared her. She didn't really know what a magically binding contract really meant.

Taking a final look at the contract Jasmine with shaky hands, signed on the bottom.

"Good girl," Daphne said, delighted that Jasmine had signed the contract.

She quickly took the contract and the quill, added her signature to the bottom, and then added the date.

"Geminio," Daphne said, tapping the contract and making a second copy appear.

"You should always make sure you got a copy of any contract you sign as well," Daphne said as she rolled her copy up and placed it in a bedside table.

Tracey," Daphne simply said, sending her a look that Jasmine was confused by.

Tracey came over and handed Daphne a large cup of hot chocolate with marshmallows floating on top.

Jasmine wasn't able to see, but now that Tracey wasn't towering above her, she could see a total of three cups of hot chocolate on the tray that Tracey was carrying.

Daphne placed the other two on the bedside table as she watched Tracey walk away.

"some ground rules for the next month you will be sleeping in this room every night unless I give you permission otherwise."

"Yes, Mistress," Jasmine said, not upset about her first rule.

She was the only one left in her dorm at the moment anyway, with Hermione in the hospital wing.

"Next, you are to wear this 24/7 for the next month," Daphne said, taking a collar from Tracey, who had brought it over to Daphne.

Jasmine looked worried at the collar.

"Is there a problem with that?" Daphne asked, sounding displeased.

"How will I explain it to people that see it, Mistress," Jasmine asked, embarrassed.

"There is an enchantment on it to make it look like a necklace to anyone who doesn't know you're wearing a collar which would be Tracey and me," Daphne said as she opened the collar.

Seeing that Jasmine had nothing else to ask, Daphne leaned forward and fastened the collar around her neck before tapping it with her wand.

"There are some more rules, but we can go over them in the morning," Daphne said as she pulled the collar around Jasmine's neck and she kneeled up, placing her hands on the bed.

Daphne leaned down and kissed Jasmine deeply, slipping her tongue into Jasmine's mouth. A pleasant tingle erupted through her body as their lips touched, and Jasmine let out a muffled moan.

Jasmine jumped as she felt hands grab her hips before Jasmine realised it was Tracey, whose hands were stroking up her sides.

A moment later, she felt Tracey press her hips and body into her back and felt her breath on her ear, making her shiver.

"You should be careful how you pose, naughty little slave," Tracey said, a teasing note in her voice.

Jasmine shivered again and then jumped as she felt Tracey playfully slap her butt.

Daphne then broke her kiss with Jasmine, leaned over her, and started kissing Tracey, who pressed her hips against Jasmine, and Jasmine wriggled her hips back playfully.

"Come on, get in bed," Daphne said after she finished kissing Tracey.

Daphne reached down and helped pull Jasmine onto the bed. Jasmine let out another gasp. Everywhere Daphne seemed to touch on her body, she felt a pleasant tingle as she crawled onto the bed.

Daphne guided Jasmine to the far left as she was in the middle and wrapped her arms around Tracey. She turned her head and gave Jasmine another kiss.

"Good night," Daphne whispered before the lights in the room went out, plunging it into darkness.

Jasmine pressed herself against Daphne and closed her eyes to drift of to sleep.