
HP: Daphne's Slave Jasmine Potter

Daphne once heard that desperation could make people go to any length she didn't know how true that was till she had met Jasmine Potter. Fem! Harry, BDSM, SMUT, Lemon Fem!Harry/Multi -I don't own Harry Potter. This story does not belong to me. The original can be found by name in the search engine.

0DarkWolf0 · 作品衍生
14 Chs

Chapter 10: Jasmine's First Date

Jasmine let out a yawn as she woke up. Looking around, she was confused for a moment before remembering that she had spent the night in Daphne's room again.

Jasmine slowly sat up to see that Daphne and Tracey were already awake, and Tracey was standing next to the bed obediently as Daphne was drinking.

"Morning, sleepy," Daphne said as she noticed Jasmine sitting up.

"Morning," Jasmine replied as she rubbed her head, feeling all of her hair tangled and knotted up.

"You can use the shower if you want?" Daphne offered, taking another sip of her drink.

"I think the other snakes would have a problem with that," Jasmine replied, assuming that it was the same as the shared showers in Gryffindor.

"We have a shower in our room," Daphne said, pointing to the door on the other side of the room.

Jasmine blinked as she processed that.

"That is super, not fair. We have to share.

You sure it's okay?" Jasmine asked hesitantly.

"Yes, Tracey can prepare you a towel and use charms to clean your clothes," Daphne offered, handing her cup back to Tracey.

"Okay, I will get a shower then. Thank you," Jasmine said before standing up and walking over to the door like a zombie letting out a large yawn.

Jasmine was curious about how there was enough room for a shower and a kitchen and wardrobe. After all, Jasmine had seen another bedroom to the left of Daphne's room, and there was nothing to the right of Daphne's room as it was the last room in the corridor.

Stepping through the door, Jasmine found herself in a large room that had another door which Tracey opened and inside was a large bathroom.

The walls and floor were made from marble or something that looked like marble. To the left of the door was a toilet, and to the right was a large sink made of some polished black glass-like stone.

There were two toothbrushes and toothpaste on the sink as well as many different bottles of what Jasmine guessed were some type of face products.

So many that she was sure that Daphne and Tracey could give Lavender a run for her money, and that was saying something, given how long Lavender took to get ready.

It was the nicest-looking bathroom that Jasmine had ever seen or been in. The one in Gryffindor wasn't bad by any means; it just didn't have the same luxury feel.

"Just place your clothes outside once you are undressed, and I will clean them for you," Tracey said before leaving the room for Jasmine to undress.

Jasmine wasted no time in stripping down and was happy to feel that the floor was also heated, something that the showers in Griffindor didn't have and was very annoying in the morning.

Jasmine didn't bother folding them up and just walked over to the door, placed them outside for Tracey to clean, and closed the door before excitedly walking over to the shower.

Jasmine twisted the hot tap on and let out a sigh as the hot water washed over her one of her favourite things was hot showers. The Dursleys never allowed her to use hot water or to have long showers, so she liked to have both while at Hogwarts.

She would love to have a hot bath or a bath at all. The Dursleys said it was a waste of money to allow her to use all that water. Unfortunately, Hogwarts didn't have baths in any of the dorms.

Jasmine couldn't help but stretch her body out and let out a pleasurable groan. Looking around, Jasmine saw to her left two glass shelves full of bottles.

Jasmine stepped out of the water and shivered from the cold air and walked over to the shelf, and started looking for shampoo and body wash.

There was a bottle full of white body-washed labelled snow fairy that brought Jasmine to a stop for a moment.

If she found a bottle called snow fairy in the none magical world, Jasmine wouldn't ever wonder if it was made from real fairies. But she knew that fairies were actually real in the wizarding world.

Taking the bottle off the shelf, she popped off the top and took a small sniff. Thankfully it didn't smell like dead fairies, or if it did, dead fairies smelled amazing.

Jasmine shook her head, trying to get the thought out of her head. There was no way that the body wash was made from dead fairies.

Instead, it smelled very pleasant. It had a sweet, floral and woody smell, with the only smell she was able to recognise being Jasmine. Then again, Jasmine didn't really know anything about perfume. Maybe that was something that Daphne could help her with.

Grabbing the bottle of Snow Fairy and a bottle of Sleekeazy's Hair Potion, something that she had started using due to Parvati, and she hadn't looked back ever since as it had done wonders for her hair.

Her hair was one of the few things that Jasmine wished was better. No, long ago, her hair was very limp, and the ends were very messy and filled with split ends. Thankfully Parvati knew some very basic hair-cutting charms, and she had done wonders in tidying it up.

She still hoped to get it professionally cut over the summer, but Sleekeazy's Hair Potion had done wonders to bring some life back into her hair and added some shine and lustre to her hair, something it had never had.

After washing her body and hair, Jasmine got out of the shower and grabbed two towels and wrapped one around her body and another around her wet hair.

Opening the door, Jasmine saw that her clothing was gone and would no doubt waiting for her in the bedroom after being cleaned. Another shiver went through her body as the much colder air caressed her body, causing goosebumps on her arms.

Jasmine quickly made her way across the room and opened the door to the bedroom. Jasmine stopped when she was greeted with the half-naked form of Daphne, who was getting changed, with Tracey holding Daphne's clothes as she did so.

"Did you enjoy your shower?" Daphne asked as she continued to get dressed.

"Yes, you have a nice shower... That Snow Fairy isn't made from real fairies, right?" Jasmine asked, just wanting to make sure.

"No, of course not," Daphne said, giggling at the question.

"That's what I thought," Jasmine said, letting out a sigh.

"There are no snow fairies, just fairies that live in woods, and we wouldn't use them as body wash," Daphne said as she finished getting dressed.

Daphne was wearing jeans with ripped sections at her knees and was very tight fitting that showed off her legs and a long-sleeved black shirt with a cardigan over top of that.

It was a shock to Jasmine to see Daphne wearing something so normal.

Every time she had met Daphne, she had always been in robes, so it hadn't occurred to Jasmine that Daphne would wear anything other than robes or maybe a dress if she was going to a party.

Jasmine was glad that it was winter break and that she had gone shopping before School had started. She couldn't imagine having to go on a date wearing Dudley's old clothing.

Jasmine quickly dried herself off before she pulled on her newly cleaned clothes before standing up.

"I need to tell Hermione and Ron that I am going to be busy today," Jasmine told Daphne.

"Okay, you not going to tell them you are going on a date?" Daphne asked, looking at Jasmine, curious.

"No, Ron isn't a big fan of Slytherin's," Jasmine said awkwardly and embarrassed.

"Okay, where do you want to meet, and how are we getting out of the castle?"

"Leave that to me. Meet on the fourth floor next to that big mirror, do you know it?" Jasmine asked.

"Ya, I know it?" Daphne asked, giving Jasmine a confused look.

"Excellent meet there in, let's say, 1 hour?" Jasmine said, pulling out her invisibility cloak.

"Okay," Daphne agreed.

With that, Jasmine left the room, draping her invisibility cloak over her and made her way out of the Slytherin house and fast walked all the way back to the Gryffindor house.

Unsurprisingly the common room was empty, but given that it was holidays, that wasn't that odd. Jasmine walked into the girl's dorm and checked to see if Hermione was awake.

"Jasmine?" Hermione asked, looking at her strangely.

"Hey, got a minute?" Jasmine asked with butterflies in her stomach.

"Sure, what is it?" Hermione asked, closing the book she was reading and sitting up.

"So I have a date..." Jasmine started before Hermione interrupted her.

"Really, who with?" Hermione asked, sounding shocked, and curious.

"Err, well... How about I tell you after the date just in case it doesn't go well," Jasmine said, not sure how Hermione would react to the fact that she was dating another girl and that the girl was a Slytherin.

She doubted that Ron would take it well. He had made it clear from the first moment that she had met him that he didn't like people in the Slytherin house.

Hermione had never actually voiced any dislike or hate towards the Slytherin house, but she was still worried that Hermione may disapprove.

"Okay, where are you going for your date?" Hermione asked.

"Hogsmeade," Jasmine whispered.

"Hogsmeade? How are you going to go there? You need to be in the 3rd year and have permission," Hermione asked.

"The twins know secret passages out of the castle; anyway, I have to go and meet my date soon," Jasmine said, standing up.

"Okay, good luck. You need to tell me all about it when you get back," Hermione insisted.

"Okay, will do," Jasmine replied back before running over to her bed.

Opening the drawers, Jasmine quickly found her bag containing all of her money and slipped it into her pocket.

There wasn't much left, just shy of 3 Galleons, but it should be enough for food, or she hoped it would.

As she was turning around to leave, Jasmine thought about telling Parvati that she was going on a date but decided that she could do that when she got back from the date.

After all, she didn't want to keep Daphne waiting, and Parvati was undoubtedly in the shower if her regular routine was anything to go by. Jasmine grabbed a jacket and put the cloak inside the pocket.

She wasn't sure if she would need the cloak, but given they were not meant to be in Hogsmeade, Jasmine thought it was best to bring it if they needed to hide from older students or staff.

Jasmine left the Gryffindor house and started to make her way down to the 4th floor. Since the Gryffindor house was on the 7th floor, it would take her a while to walk all the way to the 4th floor.

After arriving on the fourth floor, Jasmine walked all the way down the west hallway till she got to the end, where there was a wall made from mirrors.

Jasmine was relieved to see that Daphne wasn't waiting for her, or she would have felt guilty that she had been made to wait for her. Walking over to the mirrors, Jasmine took a closer look to see if there was any way to tell that there was a secret door or passageway.

But as far as Jasmine could see, the mirror was one seamless piece of glass with no visible gaps or defects. It made her wonder how the Twins or the makers of the map found the secret tunnels in and out of Hogwarts in the first place.

"You know people will think you are vain if you stare at yourself in a mirror that closely," Daphne said, making Jasmine jump in fright.

Jasmine quickly turned around and playfully glared at Daphne, who brushed it off, smiling at her as she walked over to her.

"So, has the mirror given up its secrets?" Daphne asked.

"I know its secrets," Jasmine said, pulling out the Marauders Map and showing it to Daphne.

They both watched as a speech bubble appeared next to them on the map with a word in the bubble.

"This map really is an amazing piece of magic," Daphne said, looking at the map.

"Ya right, let's go," Jasmine said, pulling out her wand and tapping the mirror.

"Revelare," Jasmine said, causing the mirror to open like a door and swing inwards.

Stepping inside the secret pathway, the torches on the wall all lit up, illuminating the way.

"Right then, on we go," Jasmine said, turning around and smiling at Daphne.

Daphne stepped inside and closed the door behind her, and they both set off down the passageway.

"How far does the tunnel go?" Daphne asked.

"Not sure it's the first time that I have sneaked out of the school," Jasmine replied.

"Oh, so this is your first time?" Daphne said with mirth in her voice.

"Oh, is this not your first time," Jasmine fired back.

"Of course it is; what type of girl do you take me for," Daphne replied, and Jasmine could hear the laugh in her voice.

"Have you ever been to Hogsmeade?" Jasmine asked.

"Yes, a few times before my first year. What about you?" Daphne asked back.

"Nope, other than Diagon Alley, I have never been to any other magical place in Britain."

"Really, we could go somewhere over the summer then," Daphne offered.

"Err, im not sure where I am going to be over the summer. Hopefully, with my godfather. If so, then im sure we can meet up over the summer," Jasmine replied hopefully.

"Okay. Oh look, I think that is the exit," Daphne said, pointing to a spiral staircase at the end of the passageway.

"I think your right. Is there a Gringotts in Hogsmeade?" Jasmine asked.

"Not as such. There is a withdrawal point."

"Withdrawal point?" Jasmine asked, having never heard of such a thing.

"Oh, right, sorry. A withdrawal point allows you to take money out of your account without visiting the bank for a small fee.

You need to take out a minimum of 10 Galleons with the fee being 2 Sickles," Daphne explained.

Jasmine nodded. It sounded a lot like ATMs that the muggles used, but it was a relief to her as she was worried about the little amount of money that she had on her.

"Do you need to go withdraw some more money?" Daphne asked.

Jasmine let out a nervous laugh. "Ya, I hadn't planned on a date this year when I visited Gringotts," Jasmine said.

"Okay, that can be our first port of call," Daphne said as they walked up the stairs.

At the top of the stairs, there was another mirror that was see-through and on the other side was a changing room. Jasmine made a note to avoid this chaining room in the future.

Seeing that the coast of clear, Jasmine pulled on the handle, and the mirror silently opened, and they both stepped out into the changing room, closing the mirror behind them.

Jasmine peaked out of the changing room before stepping out.

"So it led to a clothes store," Daphne said, looking around.

"Yep, well, that's good. I haven't got any gloves, and neither do you," Jasmine said, looking at Daphne's hands.

"It's not that cold out," Daphne said.

"It could get colder later, come on," Jasmine said as she linked arms with Daphne and pulled her towards the winter selection. A part of her wanted to hold hands, but she wasn't sure how Daphne would feel about her doing that.

"Oh, they all seem to have warming charms on them as well," Jasmine said.

"That is common with magic clothing. Do you own any magic clothing?" Daphne asked after taking a look at Jasmine's clothes.

"Err, no, these are muggle clothes. Aren't yours the same?" Jasmine asked, looking at Daphne's Jeans and shirt.

"No, they have been enchanted with warming charms and softness charms," Daphne explained.

Jasmine looked confused at what Daphne said. She wasn't offered any charms when she brought her clothes, and she doubted the shopkeeper would have left it out if it was an option.

"It's something that the high-end stores offer as each enchantment costs a Galleon for simple charms and way more for complex enchantments," Daphne explained.

"I see. Let's buy some gloves, and then I need to get some money," Jasmine said as she picked up a pair of reddish-brown leather gloves.

Daphne looked through the selection and picked a pair of greenish leather. Jasmine smiled, seeing how they had both picked their house colours.

They both walked up to the counter, and Jasmine pulled out the two Galleons and paid for both of the gloves before Daphne could offer.

As they were leaving the store, Jasmine pulled on her gloves and wriggled her fingers as they warmed up.

"Right this way then," Daphne said, linking arms with Jasmine and leading her towards the withdrawal point.

As they walked through the village, Jasmine looked around, eager to see what was different compared to a none magical village. Jasmine was happy to see that there were some differences other than just the shops selling magical goods.

But they were subtle such as snowmen moving around or the statues wishing you a happy holiday as you walked past them. The most notable was the water display in the centre of the village, which was frozen over, and the statues were ice skating around on it.

"Here we are," Daphne said, bringing Jasmine back into focus.

"Right, let's get some money, and we can go get something to eat," Jasmine said, entering the small marble store.

The store was very empty other than a place to like, and then three booths which each had a Goblin sitting at them. Thankfully the store was pretty much empty, with only one other person inside.

Jasmine walked up to the booth on the far left and pulled the necklace over her head with her bank key attached to it. It now had a total of two keys on it.

A gold key which was for her vault with money inside it, and a silver key which had all the items people had either sent her or left to her.

"Hi, I would like to withdraw 30 Galleon's please," Jasmine asked the Goblin.

"Key," the Goblin asked directly.

Jasmine handed over the gold key to the Goblin, who placed it into some kind of device and then turned it before looking back up at her.

"Due to the holiday, the charge is 2 Sickles per every 5 Galleons for your 30 Galleons; the charge will be 12 Sickles."

"Okay," Jasmine said, knowing that she didn't really have much of an option. The Goblin gave her a toothy smile and counted out the Galleons for her before sliding them other to her and sliding her key over.

Jasmine put the Galleons away and put the key back around her neck before she turned to leave. Daphne had been waiting for at the entrance to the withdrawal point.

"Do you know anywhere good to eat?" Jasmine asked as they both left the withdrawal point.

"Ya, it depends on how much you want to spend, though?" Daphne asked back.

"Err, im not sure how much do people normally spend on meals out?" Jasmine asked, embarrassed.

"Hmm, well, let's just go with good food but still cheap," Daphne said, leading Jasmine to a small cafe down one of the side streets,"

Stepping inside the cafe, Jasmine saw that it was nice and clean and thankfully wasn't like the pink abomination that she saw not far away before they came down this side street.

Daphne walked over to a table with Jasmine following after her, and they both sat down.

"Oh, the rates for withdrawing money has gone up," Jasmine said as she sat down at the table.

"Gone up?"

"Ya, due to the holiday, the rate has doubled," Jasmine clarified.

"You got taken for an easy mark then," Daphne said, pulling out a menu.

"What, no, it's gone up, that's all," Jasmine said back, confused.

"The rate never goes up, Jasmine; the goblin ripped you off."

"What, how could he do that? He works for a bank," Jasmine asked, shocked.

"He's a Goblin," Daphne said simply as if that was an explanation.

"Hi, can I get you both anything?" a waitress asked, walking up to the table.

Jasmine turned to look at the waitress.

"Can I get orange juice and scrambled eggs on toast, please," Jasmine asked.

"Sure thing; what about you?" the waitress asked Daphne.

"Can I get the same but with tea, please."

"Coming right up," the waitress said, smiling and leaving to put their order in.

"The banks in the magical world are run by Goblins, so they have a monopoly on how it works. Take it as a lesson learned, and remember, any time they say there is a fee, you can try and lower it, as they will always try and make it higher."

Jasmine pouted before she decided to take Daphne's advice and take it as a lesson learned.

"So what else is there to do in Hogsmeade?" Jasmine asked.

"Well, there are more shops, but other than that, there isn't much to do. Hogwarts students only get to spend 6h in the village per visit, 9 to 5, so a few shops and places to eat are all the village needs really,"

"I guess we can go shopping?" Jasmine said hesitantly.

She didn't really need anything, and she doubted that Daphne did either.

"We could, or we could go for a trip. I needed to pick something up if you are okay with that?" Daphne asked.

"Err, sure. Is it close?" Jasmine asked as the waitress brought them their food and placed it on the table.

"Nope, we will need to catch the bus."

"The bus?" Jasmine asked, confused.

"Have you never been on the Knight Bus?" Daphne asked Jasmine.

"Nope, never even know there was a magic bus?" Jasmine asked, shocked.

"Well then, I won't ruin the surprise," Daphne said, smirking.

"Let's hurry up and eat then," Jasmine said, taking a large bit of her food.

"We have all day," Daphne replied, not rushing to eat her own food.

The moment that Daphne had finished eating, Jasmine stood up excitedly. "Let's go!"

Jasmine saw Daphne roll her eyes but wasn't bothered by it at all. Daphne took out three Galleons and left them on the table before leaving the store with Jasmine.

"So, is there a bus stop and a time we have to wait too?" Jasmine asked, looking around for a bus stop.

"Nope, come on," Daphne said, leading them to the edge of the town.

"Err, Daphne?" Jasmine asked, looking around, confused.

"To summon the Knight Bus, you just need to hold your wand out next to the road," Daphne said, holding her wand out.

There was a loud bang in the distance that made Jasmine jump, and soon a large blue triple-decker bus was speeding towards them. The bus stopped in front of them with a squeal of the brakes, and a man stepped off the bus.

He looked to be eighteen and had large protruding ears, and his face was covered in pimples. He was wearing a purple uniform and looked quite unkempt with greasy brown hair.

"Welcome to the Knight Bus, emergency transport for the stranded witch or wizard. My name is Stan Shunpike, and I will be your conductor today."

The man said, looking at the two witches.

"Two for Shore Ln, please," Daphne said to Stan.

"That will be 1 Galleon and 5 Sickles, or you can both get a cup of hot chocolate for 1 Galleon and 9 Sickles," Stan said.

"Just the ride, please," Daphne said, handing over the money for the both of them.

"Okay, welcome, abord your stop is the 3rd on the list," Stan said as they all got onto the bus.

Jasmine paused as she finally saw the inside of the bus. There were seats for passengers to use, but they were not bolted down and were free to move around.

Jasmine looked at Daphne, who was just smiling back at her. Daphne seemed to be unbothered by it and took a seat that was next to the windows, and Jasmine took the one next to her hesitantly.

"Right and off we go," Stan said at the front of the bus.

With a bang, the entire bus lurched forward, and Jasmine grabbed her chair to stop her from falling off it. Jasmine shot a glare to her right as she heard Daphne let out a laugh.

"You could have warned me," Jasmine said, a little annoyed.

"I couldn't. It's a right of passage," Daphne said, grinning.

The ride was a bumpy one that nearly had Jasmine falling out of her chair many times. Thankfully the Knight Bus was very fast, and soon it was their stop.

"Let's get off. I think this is almost worse than Floo travel," Jasmine said to Daphne.

"Well, that is why it's emergency travel and not used all the time. We can't use the Floo to my family house as only set fireplaces can go to my house, so the bus was the only option," Daphne said.

"Tell me we are not going back on the bus, are we?" Jasmine asked as they both started to walk down the road.

"We can go back via the floo if you want," Daphne replied.

"Great," Jasmine said, not looking forward to the journey back.

"So which store and what are you picking up?" Jasmine asked as they walked.

"It's called Wicked, and you will see when we get there. It's owned by a family friend called Astolfo, whose family escaped from Germany when Grindelwald was waging war."

"I don't really know anything about it. It's never mentioned in History of Magic," Jasmine said awkwardly.

"Don't get me started on that class. It's nothing more than a waste of time," Daphne said, sounding angry.

"It's just to the left here," Daphne said, turning down a small side street.

"It's quite out of view, isn't it?" Jasmine said, looking around.

"It needs to be so that magicals have a safe place to apparate to and from."

At the end of the alleyway, there was a very none descript store with the name above the door but nothing else. Jasmine was sure she wouldn't have noticed it if she hadn't had Daphne hadn't told her the shop was down here.

Daphne pushed the door open that slid open silently, and they both stepped inside. Jasmine felt her face heat up immediately; she wasn't sure what she was expecting, but this type of store wasn't it.

It turned out that Wicked was an adult store which thankfully was empty, or Jasmine was sure she would have run back out of the door.

There were all kinds of costumes on display, as well as toys on the wall. Jasmine couldn't help but look around at everything that was in the store as Daphne walked up to the counter.

"Astolfo!" Daphne called out.

"Daphne?" the voice called back with a hint of surprise.

Soon the shopkeeper walked into the room look at both her and Daphne.

Jasmine was taken aback by the person that walked into the room. The first thing that Jasmine noticed was their vibrant pink hair, which trailed down their back in a braid.

"Oh my god, you should have sent me a letter that you were coming today!" Astolfo said, pulling Daphne into a hug.

"Im here for the things I ordered," Daphne said before she noticed that Astolfo was looking at Jasmine.

"Oh, this is my friend Jasmine. Jasmine, this is Astolfo," Daphne said, introducing the two of them.

"Nice to meet you," Astolfo said, smiling warmly at Jasmine.

"Nice to meet you as well," Jasmine said quietly.

"Right, let me go get your order," Astolfo said before leaving for the backroom.

Jasmine looked over at Daphne. "Im surprised your friend would run this type of store. Most girls would be too shy to do so," Jasmine said.

"Girl?" Daphne said before laughing.

"Astolfo is a boy," Daphne said after getting her laughter under control.

"What!" Jasmine said, surprised. "There is no way Astolfo is a boy. She is far too cute for that," Jasmine said adamantly.

"He is a boy, I assure you. What do you think about the store?" Daphne asked, gesturing around.

"Err," Jasmine said, blushing. "We have only just started dating," Jasmine said shyly.

Daphne giggled. "There is lingerie in the store as well as stuff to dress up in," Daphne said, walking over to a rack.

Daphne picked up a uniform that Jasmine was very familiar with. It was a Gryffindor uniform with a shirt that was all but see-through. The skirt looked like it would barely cover her and wouldn't hide anything is she had to bend over.

And the last item was a skimpy thong with some writing on it saying, 'Make me Roar!'

Jasmine swallowed nervously. "I don't think that meets the school requirements," Jasmine said as her face reddened.

This was far more embarrassing than when she had been embarrassed by Parvati seeing her naked.

"Maybe the Slytherin one is better?" Daphne said, holding up a very similar uniform, only the tie was in green and black this time.

The biggest difference was what the thing said, which on the Slytherin uniform said, 'Silther in me.'

"I think I will get this for Tracey," Daphne said, placing the sexy Slytherin uniform on the checkout.

Jasmine found herself frowning as she felt jealous towards Tracey but covered it up hopefully before Daphne could see her face and started to look around the store, avoiding the adult toys.

As interested in them as she was, she didn't want to be teased by Daphne anymore, and she was far too shy to buy any of the toys, especially infrount of Daphne.

There were all types of costumes and uniforms in the store, some of which had their origins in the magical world. She was surprised to see that there were uniforms from other magical schools.

The most noticeable were the uniforms from Japan and France, which were actually enchanted as well, according to the tags.

The one from Japan changed colours depending on your mood and became transparent when thinking naughty thoughts. The French one was always transparent but would shimmer and had a charm that drew people's attention to you.

"Here you go." Jasmine heard Astolfo say, making her look over at the checkout.

"Tracey must have been a really good girl to get a new luxury collar," Astolfo said to Daphne.

"Mmm, she has been. Do you have a mannequin that I can use to see what the collar looks like on someone?" Daphne asked, looking around.

"Mannequin? Of course not I thought you would bring Tracey when you came to pick it up. The size is fine though it's not the first collar I have made for Tracey," Astolfo said confidently.

"Is it too small for your neck?" Daphne asked.

"Just because I look cute doesn't make my neck as small as your slaves," Astolfo said, and Jasmine could hear him rolling his eyes.

"Jasmine comes here a moment," Daphne called out.

Jasmine looked over at Daphne and made her way towards the checkout now that Daphne had what she had come for and just had to pay for Tracey's uniform.

"Ya?" Jasmine asked as she got to the checkout.

"I need you to try this on so I can see what it looks like," Daphne said, holding up a dark red collar with the texture of snake scales.

Jasmine felt her face flush and her heart start to beat out of her chest, and she found herself unsure of what to say.

But Daphne didn't seem to care about what she was going to say. Instead, she just moved forward and started to put the collar around Jasmine's neck.

The feeling Jasmine felt as Daphne herself placed a collar around her neck was far better than anything she had felt when it had happened in her dreams.

There was a thrill of excitement and a bust pleasure that slowly turned into a warm feeling of safety as Daphne finished fitting the collar around her neck and took a step back.

"Hmm, it does look very pretty on her, doesn't it," Daphne said to Astolfo.

Hearing Daphne's praise sent a bust of pleasure, excitement and joy through her body.

"Are you only getting the uniform?" Astolfo said, bringing Daphne's attention back to the shopkeeper.

Jasmine felt a little awkward just standing there but said nothing. Jasmine didn't really want Daphne to take the collar off, even if she knew at some point Daphne would.

But at this moment, Jasmine was free to imagine that Daphne had just taken her as a slave and gifted her this very nice and comfy collar. Jasmine shivered in excitement as she daydreamed.

"Jasmine," Daphne's voice called out, bringing her back to reality making her blush as Daphne and the shopkeeper looked at her.

"Sorry," Jasmine said quietly.

"Im just going to take a look over there for a costume. Be back in a moment," Daphne said before she walked across the store.

Jasmine found herself stroking the collar around her neck as Daphne walked away.

Jasmine looked a bit hesitant at Astolfo while Daphne was searching through the store's second room. Feeling a bit curious about what Daphne had told her, she turned to the pink-haired Teenager.

"The collar really does look nice on you. You wouldn't want to buy one, would you?" Astolfo asked Jasmine.

"Err, well umm... no thanks, miss Astolfo," Jasmine said, blushing and dropping her hand away from the collar.

"Miss? Didn't Daphne tell you that I was a male?" Astolfo asked.

"Really?" Jasmine asked, giving Astolfo a doubtful look.

"Im not joking. I am a boy," Astolfo said, smirking.

"Haha. You have amazing skin, shiny hair and eyelashes most girls would kill for," Jasmine replied slightly enviously.

"Do you want me to prove it," Astolfo said, smirking mischievously.

"You are wearing a skirt..." Jasmine pointed out.

"Who said skirts are only for girls? Let me prove it then," Astolfo said, reaching down and grabbing the edge of their skirt and lifting it up.

Jasmine panicked. "No, okay, okay, you're a boy happy," Jasmine said as she looked away. She didn't know how she would explain it to Daphne if she had come back as Astolfo was lifting his skirt to her.

Astolfo broke into laughter as he let go of his skirt that dropped back down and covered his cream-white thighs. A slightly uncomfortable silence formed as Jasmine thought about how to bring up a new topic before Astolfo teased her again.

"Ehm, Mr Astolfo. Daphne said that your family originally came from Germany and left because of Grindelwald. Could you tell me a bit about that?" Jasmine asked, constantly aware of the collar around her neck.

Astolfo raised a brow before smiling.

"Sure. Though it's not all that fun of a story."

Jasmine shrugged. She was still interested, and Astolfo smiled before starting his tale.

"Okay, I suppose, given how History in Hogwarts is taught, I first need to clarify something. Grindelwald was NOTHING like the snakey dude that was running around the British Isles some decade ago.

Admittedly, You-Know-Who was a pretty dangerous Wizard in terms of combat, but no one would really say that he was more "talented" than Grindelwald or Dumbledore, who are once in several Generation geniuses.

What he did have over Grindelwald was the sheer ruthlessness and Evil he was willing to commit and the absolute disregard he had towards the Magical Communities as a whole.

Most of his followers were either Mad Dogs, Cowards or from childhood indoctrinated teenagers who grew up under the brainwashing of his older Death-eaters."

Jasmine blinked in shock at the amused disdain in Astolfo's voice. Astolfo paid no heed as he went on with his explanation.

"Grindelwald was, in a sense, far more dangerous. The man was LOVED in many parts of Europe, and even Wizards from other continents and countries like America, Japan, and Africa rose up and joined him when he went on his recruitment campaign.

A major draw of his recruitment was that he did not discriminate at all on if someone was a Muggleborn, Halfblood, Pureblood or even a Magical Creature like Veela, Werewolves or Vampires. If you were Magical, then he would accept you."

Astolfo smiled sadly at Jasmine, who was shocked.

"When the Muggles World War 2 broke out, and Witches and Wizards started to die in the crossfire... Well, many of his warnings in the famous speech he gave before the war in Paris became true for the Wizards.

In the end, though, most of Magical Germany, Poland and Austria united behind him, and war broke out between Grindelwald's Army and the Forces that the new Head of the ICW, Albus Dumbledore, formed.

The families of Magical Germany who didn't want to follow Grindelwald like my own decided that Britain, where Grindelwald was too hesitant in attacking, would be the perfect place to live. A good decision as the war left Magical Germany, Poland and Austria Devastated."

Astolfo sighed while Jasmine frowned thoughtfully. She really wasn't sure if she would prefer to have Voldemort or Grindelwald after her, given how far more dangerous Grindelwald sounded in Astolfos story. Astolfo looked at her and smiled in an ironic manner.

"In a way, you could say that Grindelwald paved the way for Voldemort. Most Purebloods of Magical Germany, Austria and Poland were dead, so those Governments are now ruled mostly by Muggleborns, which infuriated many of the Pureblood families in other countries.

Then there were the many far harsher restrictions towards Dark Magic which were pushed through after the war, both by Dumbledore in the ICW and in the various individual Governments.

These laws led to a lot of dissatisfied Purebloods, especially here in Britain, where Dumbledore also controlled the Wizengamot and the School.

Meaning the laws were far harsher here, and the man even removed various classes like Noble-etiquette, Dancing, Fencing, Dueling and Theoretical study of the Dark Arts along with the tradition-based holidays like Yule, Beltane and Samhain.

Which allowed You-know-who to gather his first supporters and even made much of the Black Family support him despite them normally keeping out of wars entirely."

"Nope, I didn't find anything else. I will just go with the Slytherin uniform and the collar," Daphne said, walking back to the checkout.

Daphne stopped before she turned to Jasmine. "Turn around so I can take the collar off you."

Jasmine felt the urge to refuse before she complied and turned around for Daphne.

It only took Daphne a few seconds to undo the collar before she removed it from Jasmine's neck completely.

Almost immediately, Jasmine felt her neck was bare and exposed, and the feeling of comfort and safety was gone, which made Jasmine long for that feeling again.

"Sorry, I should have taken it off sooner. We wouldn't want anyone to get the wrong idea that you were my slave after all," Daphne said, placing the collar back into its wooden box.

Jasmine felt envious that wasn't the case. It had felt so much better than she had ever expected, and Jasmine found herself longing for that feeling and the comfort she found when she wore a collar.

"Right, let's get the Floo back. It's gone past mid-day, and im not sure how much longer we can stay out of the castle without anyone noticing," Daphne said as she grabbed Jasmine's hand.

"I really hate the Floo," Jasmine said as she allowed herself to be pulled along by Daphne.

"How come?" Daphne asked as they entered an office-looking room with a large fireplace.

"It always makes me dizzy and feeling sick," Jasmine replied, looking at the fireplace warily.

"Hmm, maybe I can help?" Daphne offered.

Jasmine looked at her excitedly.

"Come on," Daphne said, pulling Jasmine into the fireplace.

"Close your eyes and trust me," Daphne said, taking a handful of Floo powder.

Jasmine took a deep breath before she did as Daphne asked and closed her eyes.

Jasmine jumped as she felt Daphne wrap her arms around her stomach, and Jasmine was surprised at how nice it felt to have someone care for her.

While Mrs Weasley did act like a mother figure, Jasmine never got that warm feeling from her, maybe due to knowing that Mrs Weasley wasn't her mother.

Jasmine felt her body relax against Daphne before Daphne said, "Three Broomsticks Pub." With a whoosh and a roar of flames, Jasmine felt herself falling as Daphne's arms pulled her closer.

A moment later, she felt the feeling of falling vanish before Daphne whispered, "We are here," her hot breath on her neck making her shiver.

"We have to go back to the clothing store. I know there are some other ways into Hogwarts, but since I have never been through them, I don't know where they come out," Jasmine stepping away from Daphne.

Jasmine took a few deep breaths trying to calm her heart down, before she looked back at Daphne.

"Okay, clothing store it is. I guess that it's a good job that we came back now. They close in an hour or so," Daphne said.

They slowly walked through the village back towards the clothing shop. Jasmine was surprised at how empty the streets were compared to a few hours ago.

Jasmine stopped outside the clothing shop, a little reluctant for the date to end so soon.

"You okay?" Daphne asked, seeing that Jasmine had stopped outside the clothing store.

"Ya, sorry, let's go," Jasmine said, opening the door of the shop and both girls slipping into the dressing rooms.

"Does any mirror work?" Daphne asked.

"Err, not sure, but I think so?" Jasmine said as she tapped the mirror with her wand.

"Revelare!" Jasmine said, and a blue light shined in the shape of a door before swinging in.

Both girls stepped through the door, and Daphne closed it behind her, and they both started to walk through the passageway.

"Does anyone else know about this passageway?" Daphne asked as they walked.

"Err, the twins should know about this passage and no doubt every single passage in and out of Hogwarts. They have been sneaking out since the first year," Jasmine said.

"Peter's trial is tomorrow, right? Will you be going?" Daphne asked.

"Yes, it's tomorrow, and no, I won't. I don't want to see that filth," Jasmine said adamantly.

"If he is lucky, he will avoid the death penalty though im not sure spending the rest of my life surrounded by Dementors would be a mercy," Daphne said solemnly.

"Good, he deserves it. Sirius had to suffer for over a decade without trial," Jasmine said, getting angry at the injustice that her godfather had to endure.

She had been told that he would be paid for the miscarriage of justice, but she knew the Black family had more money than they could spend, so she doubted the money would mean anything.

Soon they came to the end of the passageway, and Jasmine paused a moment listening just in case anyone was on the other side before she opened the door and stepped back into Hogwarts.

Jasmine turned around to see Daphne closing the door behind her.

"Thank you for the date. We should do it again," Daphne said, smiling at Jasmine.

"Ya," Jasmine said nervously and was happy that Daphne wanted another date with her. Jasmine wasn't sure when they could have another date, but she knew that she would have to plan it far better than this date, but she had expected more to do in the village.

"Guess I will see you at dinner then," Daphne said before pulling Jasmine against her and kissing her before Jasmine could say anything.

Jasmine was stunned at what Daphne had done, so much so that when Daphne pulled away, Jasmine didn't react. It wasn't till a minute later that Jasmine's brain caught up with her body, and she brought her finger up to her lips, which still seemed to be tingling.

Jasmine felt a smile on her face as she turned around and walked back to the Gryffindor house as she held in the urge to skip all the way there.