
HP: A Country's Dark Legacy

Heavy AU, diferent from the start, and more complex magic! After transmigrating into a very different Harry Potter, Sebastian fights to gain strength in the worldwide struggle for power, glory and domination which started through Dumbledore‘s failed ‘secret’ ritual. Accompany Sebastian on his way to dominate the world! (Sebastian uses Germany to get stronger and to develop it into his future stronghold!) As stated above, magic is more advanced and original! It will even include scientific aspects, making it more diverse and stronger! Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter or its characters, except the original characters I create. The image used is created by AI. PS: English isnt my first language and this is my first try writing a ff. Feel free to leave comments and to correct my writing and grammar.

DaoistDumbles · 作品衍生
58 Chs

3 vs 3 Part II

'Lumina Octavarium'

Lumina Octavarium is a charm, into which a caster can infuse several other spells while casting. Only Sebastian is able to use it so far, though only on a basic level. In the spell, different spell waves interfere, creating a combined spell, which dissolves in preplanned intervals while flying towards a target. This means that while being fifteen meters away, the spell could split of a faster shield breaker, making the spell unpredictable.


Wand Movement: The caster draws a complex pattern in the air with their wand/staff, resembling the shape of a seven-pointed star, while chanting the incantation.


Easiest Octavarium:

Incendio Ray: The first ray bursts into flames upon impact, igniting anything it touches.


Shield-Break Ray: The second ray can break common shields.


3 Impedimenta Ray: The third ray slows down the movement of the target, making it difficult for them to dodge attacks or manoeuvre effectively in combat.


Stupefy Ray: The fourth ray stuns the target, rendering them momentarily incapacitated.


Protego Ray: The fifth ray creates a protective shield, deflecting incoming spells or physical attacks, deployable somewhere along the trajectory of the spell.


Confringo Ray: The sixth ray releases a powerful explosion upon impact, causing severe damage to the target and its surroundings.


Flash Lumos Ray: The seventh ray illuminates the surrounding area with a bright white light, temporarily blinding opponents and revealing hidden objects or creatures.


"Lumina Octavarium", Sebastian rapidly said seven times. Between these chants, he moved the staff seemingly random, implementing seven spells into one.

A multi-coloured spell zoomed in on Theo's teammate, the unknown spell colouring them surprised. They had never seen something like this before.

Five meters away from Sebastian, a shield was deployed, followed by a confrigo shooting out of the spell, getting faster and coming close to the wizard, who was only able to save himself with a quick protego. Unluckily, Sebastian anticipated this development, and seven meters away from the first year, a flash like from a flashbang went off, blinding him.

Directly after that, a ray of flames shot to the left, limiting the wizard's movements. Just in front of him, the multicoloured spell, split into a shield breaker, impedimenta, and stunner, taking Theo's mate by surprise. He was not able to react, before the impedimenta charm exploded close by, slowing him down, while the shield breaker hit the shield, breaking it. In a last struggle, he tried to lean back, but it was too late, and he was hit by a stunner in the face, throwing him onto his back.

To prevent Theo from intervening, Nadine and Alexander threw spells in his direction, occupying him completely.


After Theo was left alone, Sebastian signalled Nadine and Alexander to stop, "I want to fight him alone, ARE YOU IN, THEO?", Sebastian asked, as he wanted to prove to himself that he was strong, even against people like Theo that used spells, preventing most of his own.

Theo nodded, fury on his face, and Nadine and Alexander walked out of the way, not taking the chance of being hit by a stray spell.

Sebastian waved his hand, sending a wandless stunner towards Theo, while everyone else gaped. It was the first time Sebastian presented his ability to cast a spell wandless, breaking several German records by doing this.

Even though Theo was just as surprised, he managed to put up a transfigured wall and block it. Sebastian continued sending several wandless stunners with his left hand, while he summoned two flaming arrows and two incendium barricades with his staff. Fire was stronger than water, but also more difficult to conjure. For water, you just conjure it and create a motion, letting it go on its own with a bit of support with magic, while it was required to always control the flames fully as they would dissipate otherwise. Therefore, this massively drained Sebastian.

"Expulso!", Theo yelled and sent a blue spell at Sebastian, who cancelled it with two stunners, which gave Theo time to put up defences.

The flaming arrows rained down at Theo, obliterating the dirt walls he put up and revealing Theo in a dome of water and surrounded by an additional shield. This was a clear sign that Theo was on the losing side. Putting up strong shields and cowering inside mostly meant that one had no means of changing or turning the situation, though that would be way different if it still were a group fight. But it was not!

The shields closed in on Theo, while Sebastian walked in his direction to make it easier to keep the spell up. The fire turned a shade of blue, indicating their immense heat. Sebastian still was too weak and did not have enough understanding of magic to learn spells of the calibre Harry used to break through strong defences in one fast attack, but it was enough to slowly roast Theo and dissipate the shields while keeping himself safe. If he were able to cast something like 'Tempestas Inferno', the seventh spell of the 'Vulcanus Draconis' spell sequence, he would have been able to obliterate the shields, Theo, and the earth up to twenty meters behind him in one swift attack! That would be the level of a Hit Wizard!

Unfortunately, he wasn't even close to fulfill the requirements for this rank, though he was able to proudly wear a sigil with 'B.Ad.' on it, and by the middle of the next year, he would surely be a Battle Master. That was a rank that formerly qualified as an experienced Auror before the ley line reactivation! This just went on to show how much stronger wizards could become just because there was more magic in the environment and how talented Sebastian is!! But he should never forget that there are still way stronger wizards out there and people like Moody would have been able to whop his as even before the ley line reactivation because of his crazy skills and experience!

But to the fight, Sebastian made the shields close in on Theon from the front at the back, vaporizing the water and making the shield under it ache from the pressure. Concentrating, Sebastian put even more magic into the shields, slowly but surely draining him. A few seconds later, the water and shield disappeared, revealing a knocked-out Theo lying flat on the ground.

Sebastian had won again and without any scratch, while still having enough stamina to fight most of the other students in a one versus one. He walked over to the rest of the first-year students, his teammates and the professor that looked at him with squinted eyes before smiling widely.

"Well done! Both as a team and alone! With your skills there is a bright future awaiting you!", the professor praised them, before muttering bitterly under his breath.

"If you survive that long that is.", which was heard by nearly no other person.




A few months later, the end of the year exams were over which Sebastian aced with ease. He was not the best in every class, but overall, he reigned over all the others, outshining every other talent.

Now, the summer holidays would begin, and Sebastian planned a trip with his friends, Nadine, Alexander, Andreas. They would be hiking in the alps, visit a few castles, Bavaria, and the muggle city Berlin. The only requirement the school placed, was that they were not allowed to use magic while they were close to any civilization or areas where muggles often frequented. Therefore, they had to plan carefully, get muggle currency, maps, and information on the locations they wanted to visit.

They would be dropped off in the Alps, hike around seventy kilometres, where they would be picked up by a student supervisor from school, who would instruct them about a few things and would then drop them off in Munich, a city in Bavaria, while confiscating everything magical except their wands or staffs, in case of an emergency. This ban was not only to keep the magical world a secret as, to be honest, they were children and not as alert as adult magicals, and to protect their identity as students of a second German/Austrian magical school, hidden from the magical world.

The school only permitted this trip, because all the showed amazing results in the exams and because Professor Krieg vouched for them and had to check up on them every day at least twice.


But before they were able to start their amazing youthful journey, Sebastian was called to the combat instructor's office, who apparently had a gift for him before the start of the holidays.



Some time is the future there is going to be a fight Dumbledore vs. another High War Wizards from Dumbledores perspective.

Would you like me to inlcude this fight or not? Or would you rather have the MC just get to know the result?

Please comment of errors or loopholes.

Remember, it is my first ff, so dont expect too much.

There will be chapters on Saturday/Sunday, depending on the powerstones from now on.

50 = 1 Chapter on Saturday

100 = +1 Chapter on Sunday

200 = Additional bonus chapter