

"Victoria?" Diana called and took a step closer. Her eyes widened at seeing the pure white wolf in front of her. Her fur was immaculate and the curled wisps she used to have as a pup had grown longer and was styled backwards.

Diana's own fur was always ruffled form playing with the pups, she did try to smooth them as best she could for tonight, but it was hard to do on your own. Her pelt was more copper colored, but she did have this odd white cheek fluff on one side of her face.

"Diana, you look beautiful," Victoria whispered as she stopped in front of the other wolf.

"You're beautifuller! Not-not fuller, I don't mean your fuller just more-more beautiful," she stammered and her ears dropped as she lowered her head slightly. The soft giggle from the older wolf made her perk up again and her tail wagged.

"It's been forever since we last saw the one another," Victoria said in her calm and soft voice. She hesitated before giving in and rubbing up against the smaller wolf. Diana's heart was beating really frantically as she enjoyed the attention and rubbed back in their wolf hug. She did however sense this was a little more intimate at how she felt Victoria's tongue lick at the odd misplaced tufts of fur.

"So how has life been?" Diana asked slightly out of breath and Victoria nuzzled her ear.

"You know how it is, Alpha in training duties," Victoria shrugs and Diana tilts her head.

"Busy I'm guessing?" She smiled and now was Victoria's turn to tilt her head.

"Surely you had the same training," she said and Diana plopped her but down on the ground.

"Mmm, nope!" She barked happily and Victoria frowned.

"But, even if you are a Beta you still needed training," she said and Diana shook her head.

"I'm an Omega," she says as the tips of her ears flop forward. Victoria blinked.

"I'm sorry I'm confused," she finally said and Diana lowered her head slightly.

"I'm in a different pack now," she says slowly.

"Why?" Victoria asked and Diana started dropping lower to the ground under her intense gaze. She could feel the Alpha authority over her.

"B-because my parents were killed a-and my new pack took me in as a pup and I got ranked Omega," Diana whimpered softly.

"What?" Victoria barked and Diana immediately dropped onto her back to expose her tummy and chest to the Alpha. Victoria's eyes looked over the display of submission. This was not the Diana she knew as a pup. That Diana would never back down to anyone's orders, sure she was more aloof, but she was always independent.

Before either could continue talking there was a crunch of leaves to the side and both wolves perked up. Diana jumped up as her muscles twitched. The night was eerily silent as their ears twitched to find something, anything to concentrate on.

"Victoria, I think we should run," Diana whispered softly and the white wolf nodded softly. Suddenly it was like the extinction had started all over again. The night air was filled with gun shots, but now with added howling. Their breathing started coming rapidly as they wanted to head back to the others, but a group of humans suddenly appeared from the bushes.

"Run Victoria!" Diana barked and nudged the frozen wolf to the other side. Victoria snapped out of her fear and the two bolted into the forest. Bullets whizzed past them as they zigzagged around trees.

"Keep running Diana!" Victoria panted as she noticed the other wolf starting to slow down. A soft whimper reached her ears and she started to decrease her speed from running to jogging to eventually walking. Victoria turned her head and gasped as she saw the girl lying on the ground.

"Diana!" She panted and rushed to her side. The smell of blood hit her nose hard and she whimpered. Her ears pulled back as she licked at the wound on the girl's flank. It was just a graze, but the running had made it worse. Her head snapped up as she heard twigs snap again.

"Diana come on we need to go," Victoria whined as she nudged the girls shoulder and helped her to get up. They chose to run to the right this time, to try and throw the humans off.

"Victoria," Diana panted and whined and the white wolf tried to support her.

"We have to find a place to hide Diana," Victoria growled softly.

"I know where we can go," Diana panted and started leading Victoria to her secret spot. After what felt like an eternity they came across an abandoned looking cabin of sorts.

"I come here when I need to be alone, I tried fixing the place up a bit," Diana chuckles and struggles up the small porch like stairs.

"Victoria, you can shift right?" Diana pants and the wolf nods. She watches as Diana starts shifting in front of her and she almost forgets to do it herself. It feels weird to her and takes almost three times longer than it takes Diana. By the time Victoria is done, Diana had already struggled into the house and collapsed onto the dusty sofa.

She had pulled out a first aid kit and was trying to patch her thigh up. Victoria blushed at how beautiful the human version of Diana was. Her body was littered with freckles.

Victoria is a bit unsteady on her human legs; she's never really shifted, maybe once or twice a year, but only out of curiosity.

"There's cloths in the room at the end of the hall," Diana says and tries to stand.

"I'll get some Diana, don't worry, you just rest," Victoria says and the girl obeys. Victoria sighs and heads to the room and pulls out shirts and pants for them both. She returns to the living room to see the girl had passed out. The soft snoring was the only indicator that she was asleep.

Victoria sighs and carries the girl to a bed before dressing her carefully; she leaves the pants for now and tucks her into the bed. She lets out her own yawn and curls up on the bed beside her. She whimpers softly and nudges her way into the girls side.

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