
Chapter 4

Weeks had gone by since Tyler triggered his gene and there wasn't much for us to do. My only other goal was to break the curse and that wasn't possible at the moment. With the extra free time on our hands Tyler and I decided to take up sparing with each other.

We weren't exactly masters when it came to the art of combat, but our healing factors made it so we didn't need to hold back. When you heal broken bones in a matter of hours getting hurt isn't too much of a problem. We'd usually fight in the woods for hours upon hours at my request. As werewolves we weren't as strong or as fast as vampires. We needed every advantage possible.

Tyler had also began drinking vervain, this way if any vampire tried to drink his blood they'd get a very nasty surprise.

As for the towns ongoings, the tomb vampires had been released, meaning Damon had discovered the truth about Katherine. She was never in the tomb and the poor idiot had been played like a fiddle. Bonnie's grams, Shiela Bennett, had still died of exhaustion when opening the tomb. Oh, and John Gilbert was in town now, and Isobel. Elena's biological parents.

Pearl, Anna's mother, still tried to keep the tomb vampires under control, but it proved more difficult than she had anticipated. With all that going on and more the two of us kept quiet and kept our heads down. Stefan killed Ben same as canon, so nobody knew of my involvement.

Founders day was coming and I'd told Tyler to make sure he didn't attend the festival. I didn't want him dying like his father would. The Gilbert device was a pain in the ass.

Getting dressed for school I was impressed with my ability to avoid trouble. Trust me, it wasn't easy. There are many people who died that I could've saved. That I wanted to save. Things just weren't that simple.


Tyler blinked in confusion as he ran through the story, "So you're saying the council, including my dad, are gonna set off a magical watch that'll take out every vampire and werewolf in the area...?" He asked, having a hard time believing it. Tyler knew about the council and its members, but this was more than he bargained for.

Jumping on his expensive couch I hummed in agreement. "So we're just gonna stay here and ride it out. No founders day festival for us." My arm reached out for the tv remote.

After the third explanation he seemed to have caught on.

With no more questions we sat down to watch movies until this was all over.


"How'd you get your grandparents to let you stay out this late anyway" Tyler spoke for the first time in a while. Around two hours had passed since the festival began.

Eating more popcorn I absentmindedly answered, "Gramps decided he wanted to see what this towns festival would be like, and grams was asleep when I left. He doesn't know I'm out. I'll be home before him."

Tyler was silent for a while longer, "So your grandpa doesn't carry the werewolf gene?" He asked. He wasn't worried about his dad. If the old man concocted this plan then surely he knew to stay away.

I froze. Did he carry the gene? It didn't even cross my mind. One of my parents had to be werewolves, so there was a 50/50 chance. "I...-I don't know"

Grabbing my phone I called him. No pickup. No pickup. No pickup. My leg was starting to shake after the fifth call.

"Shit" "Crap"

Jumping up I grabbed my things and put my shoes on, "Stay here Tyler," I growled. "I'll be back"

Seeing my panic, he knew something was wrong, "If you're going to a festival crawling vampires and hunters, I'm coming." I wanted to argue, but seeing the look in his eyes I knew it would get me nowhere.

We both hopped in his car and raced to the old Gilbert Office where the vampires would be burnt in the basement. My heart felt like it was beating out of my chest. He may not be my actual Grandfather, but he was a good man. A kind man. Someone I could rely on and trust entirely.

If anything happens to him, I'd visit John Gilbert personally.


Stefan always thought he hated Damon. Despised him. Yet here he was rushing to his brothers rescue along side Elena. The Gilbert Device had caught them completely off guard. Nobody was prepared. Bonnie said she'd disabled the magic powering the device, clearly she lied, unable to overcome her hate for vampires.

Speeding ahead, Stefan slammed through the buildings back entrance, keeping an ear out for his brother. It didn't take long for him to find the basement.

The entrance was blocked with raging a fire stopping him from entering. His mind was rattling incessantly for a solution when one dropped in his lap. The fire visibly started to subside making it possible for him to enter.

Bonnie. It seemed she'd came around eventually.

Without a moments hesitation he turned into blur, rushing to his brothers aid. When Stefan got to the basement he caught sight of someone. He watched as the silhouette of a small, feminine figure slowly approached Damon. She lifted him up with shocking ease and body slammed him into the ground. There was loud crack suggesting broken bones. Having seen enough Stefan was about to interfere when the figure snapped his brothers neck.

Stefan continued to observe as the girl went to check on someone in the basements corner. Observing closely he noticed it was the body of a dead man. She fell to her knees beside him, trembling.

It may have been the fire or the smoke, but Stefan could swear he heard growling.

Ignoring his brothers assailant Stefan sped towards Damon and lifted him up. Just as he was about to escape his eyes shifted and saw a familiar face.

He knew her.

They went to school together. Despite the familiarities her eyes were different. They shined the brightest of golds, adding onto his confusion. A whip of fire broke him out of his trance. With one last look back he fled the scene. His ears caught the stranger following him up, taking a different exit.


He's dead. He's dead because of me. Because I didn't think. If it wasn't for Tyler's common sense would I even know how he died? Even then, if I'd been a little faster. Gotten there before Damo..-


My blood boiled at the thought of him. When Tyler and I entered the basement we'd both witnessed Damon tearing into my dead grandfathers neck. He was probably hoping the blood would help him recover from the large amounts of vervain in his system.

Unfortunately for him Gramps has been ingesting vervain on a daily basis. I'd laced all of his meals with it. The blood only served to weaken him further. He would've survived if that was the end of it, but tonight Damon didn't want his prey to struggle. He'd already snapped Gramps's neck before attempting to feed.

Tyler had left me in the basement when he saw the corpse of his own father.

Tonight's events only served to remind me that this was all too real. That people in this world would kill without a second thought. They wouldn't hesitate. That getting stronger was a must, unless I wanted to share the same fate as my gramps.

After seeing gramps dead, my anger got the best of me. Fortunately Damon was no where near his full strength thanks to founders council. It made dealing with him much easier. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't tempted to kill the Salvator, however that possibility was tossed out the window once Stefan arrived.

My body heat continued to rise as I sprinted through the woods, my speed beyond human. I needed to blow off some steam. The sheriffs department would soon arrive at the fire and pretend like they didn't have a part to play in it. After 'identifying' some of the bodies they'd clean up the mess and move on. Mystic falls had gotten used to freak accidents, people would forget about this in a matter of weeks.

It was the sad truth.

Slowly coming to a stop my thoughts drifted to the younger Salvatore. Stefan had seen me. So had Damon, who'd also seen Richard, Gramps and Tyler in the basement. I groaned at the reminder. It wouldn't be long before they started to ask questions about us.

There was no point in stressing over it. This was bound to happen anyway.

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