
I Work at a Brothel??

After hearing the heart wrenching news of her losing the lottery,(of life) they finally came into view of the gate she had seen in the distance. The gate that, from a distance, looked the size of the average isekai city's, became a gigantic wall made from large wooden stakes that were the size of the Titanic... standing upwards. The weirdest part were that the trees around them were still larger than the mountain of a wall that peered over the overwhelmed loli.

Camellia couldn't help but shiver after seeing the gate. A gate is made for a reason, to defend it's people and/or act as a wall to keep things in.

'What the fuck are these people hiding in there...'

Seeing the cute trembling pink blob that stuck closely to him, Zeph couldn't help but laugh slightly only to pick her up and throw her on his back. She was confused and furious, however she decided to accept her current situation and simply stayed quiet.

All along she had been relatively quiet, barely speaking out loud these past few days due to her being able to 'talk' to Mona. She simply sat there in a daze talking to the non-existent goddess, while following her giant scary elf-orc body guard.

"Card? Oh, hey Zeph, out for a while this time huh? We were just bout'a send a search party for ya'"


There was another beast like elf-orc clad in thick knight-like armour that looked like a turtle's shell. He spoke casually towards Zeph, as if they talk often only for him to answer in a noise of agreement.

'Is this guy a celebrity or something? Why's everyone treating a manipulative pervert like him so well anyways?'

***She's still caught up on him 'stealing' her spider-monkey catch even though not only had he made a weapon for her, saved her life, nursed her and is bringing her into his town without even prying into her background or knowing her name...

"Who's this now? What's with you and only bringing back non-elf children anyways? We need warriors, not brothels! hahaha!"

After hearing the idiotic remark of the guard, Camellia couldn't help but be taken aback.


***YOU CAN'T BE SERIOUS?! Are you really that unperturbed?! He's talking about sending children to a brothel!! He's talking about you here!!

'Ain't no way these guys are elves, they must be a cross-breed or something!'


Completely ignoring the guards remark, Zeph simply started walking past him into the town, revealing a large yet beautiful town astounding the (***wrongly)conflicted Camellia that was sat high on her guard's back, the perfect height to see everything clearly.

It had large wooden buildings on every side that looked almost too sturdy! The street was large and wide made with more of that grey-ish dirt and freshly trimmed dark green grass on either side, giving each building a small garden. Each building was similar but all with it's own charm, as if they were all made by different people. Some had two stories with a balcony while others looked like a smaller ramen shop or townhouse.

There were no stalls, but instead open doored houses that lined up and down the sides of the roads with open vendor windows built into the walls themselves. There were beautiful yet insanely buff women with strong burley handsome orc-elf men walking down the roads with their somewhat normal looking children.

The whole town seemed to be on somewhat of a hill, making for what looked like a slightly steep climb if she were the one walking. What surprised her the most was that the further they went into the town, the more residential it seemed.

'I guess the shops are on the outside because they'd rather them get destroyed first in case something attacked? No way the city is this sturdy for no reason.'

Suddenly Zeph had stopped walking and started putting her down only to walk into the building on his right. It was a large one story building with a large burnt looking wooden chimney that came out neatly from the top of this beautiful oriental looking home.

"Come on in."

The large man looked back at the unmoving girl, signing her with his hand playfully to come inside... Admittedly he did look like a weird creepy old man, but I swear it's just parent-like concern! (***Remember not to follow people into their homes! Especially without your parent's permission!)

She reluctantly walked towards him while cursing him out in her mind... You know, just in case.

After opening the door, he silently walked down a very wide and slightly messy short hallway that immediately branched off into multiple open looking rooms. He then tossed down his 'stolen' spider-monkey corpse and ragged bag that he had been dragging this whole time. He then slowly walked towards the staircase that hugged the wall in front of us in a relaxed manner then...


The whole house shook as Camellia grabbed her ears that felt like they'd implode.

'WHAT THE HELL DOOD?! A little warning before you set off a freaking air raid siren?!'


Two smaller young girls then jumped down the stairs and clung to the unreactive elf-orc. He then turned and started walking back towards Camellia without making a sound, with the two girls clung to him like monkeys.

"She'll be joining us from now on."

'Joining? I thought I was going to an orphanage? What-ever, I really just need a place to relax at for a while so I can learn more about the world and my body, etc.'

After saying this, the two girls looked back at the lost-in-thought beautiful pink girl that stood in front of them only to jump down and walk slightly towards her.

"So you're our new big sis? Welcome!"

Waking up from her daze she saw two cute girls in front of her. The one that was talking had light green, almost see-through hair that was cut short to her chin. She had a cute face and was almost as tall as Camellia. While the other girl had semi-long hair, reaching just past her shoulders that was a deep blue. She also had a cute face, but with curious sparkling eyes and a small mouth that looked as if it was stitched in the shape of an X.

"My names Lily, and hers is Junjunkeepiocliotokiopeteckpeco-Killaliaruziatsu. You can just call her Junjun or Mute."

Wtf is that name...

"Is calling her mute really ok? I mean, I'd assume she's mute because of how her mouth is, but calling her mute as a name is kinda..."

"Ah, don't worry, she likes the name Junjun, it's cute."

The blue-haired junjun then excitedly nodded her head in an adorable manner.

'Junjun it is!'

"Are you going to tell us your name now? It might get in the way later if you don't."


'I forgot... Well, considering they didn't say their last name... well Lily didn't at least. I shouldn't have to. Now the real question... do I use Camellia?'

<Of course you do, that's the name your mother gave you after all~>

'R... right...'

"My name's Camellia, nice to meet you all."

Hearing her cute voice Lily slightly froze only to grow a small smile after seeing Junjun jump into Camellia's arms only to hug her tightly.

"Mm, Welcome to the armory then big sis. What job will she be doing Sir?"

'Hehe~ she's so cute. Yes, yes I'm your big sist- Oy, did she just say job?'

"Not sure, I might just show her everything first, then decide."

'Wha... So this is a brothel then?!!'


"Maybe she can do sales, she's smart and her looks should bring in customers."

"Mm! Big sister is very pretty after all!"

She said this clasping her hands together while the smallest girl with blue hair who still stood next to Camellia shook her head with steam puffing from her nose in pride.


"Isn't she a lizard-tribesmen though? Seems like a bit of a waste."

'Why because I'd only lay eggs?! Because people around here are into that?! Waaaahhh, I don't want tooo~'

"Mm, I guess so. Alright then, Junjun teach her to handle a fire."


An excited noise came from the prideful blue haired girl as she grabbed Camellia's hand and walked her into the left room, closely followed by Lily.

'Fire? Oh right, he's a blacksmith...'

<Sometimes I worry dearly for you...>

'Shut it!'

Back to uploading!

Thank you all for the support! I wasn't expecting to have so many people read my stupid rant-like isekai, but it makes me happy none the less.

There's a lot planned for the future!

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Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Pamufcreators' thoughts