
How To Be The Empress Of Arrow's?

DaoistsLWnnQ · 奇幻言情
24 Chs

Chapter 22

( My home from a mountain in china )

I walked to a white small house that coud fit one person and knocked on the door. "Who is it?" An old lady asked as she opened the door.

"Oh, it's you Qing Qing" She said with a pleasant and happy tone.

"I am just here to check on my house" I said with a smile.

"Allright then here's the key and a man said to give this to you" She said and handed me a small pearl a size of a peanut.

"Thank you grandma Chu" I said as I bowed slightly and left her house.

I opened the gate and entered my house. My house was really clean, there was no dust on the floor, the flower blosom's petal's was all cleaned up and my the entire place was the same as I left.

"Let's check what's inside the stone" I said and sag on the floor of my house.

I put mana on the pearl and it glowed with white light and spat out a black butterfly on a cage and a mana stone. The mana stone was A-rank and I put a little bit more on the pearl and it spat our an egg that was about to hatch at this second.

'That b*tch gave me a almost hatched egg' I said as I emidiately moved to get some ingredient's for it to grow stronger.

When an egg is about to hatch and when they are still an egg is the most important part of there evolotion. If they do not get proper strengthening mana stone's, crystal's, environment, etc then they will be much much weaker and might even limit there evolotion's.

'What type of egg is this' I thought as I looked at it.

[ Race : Triple Headed Flower

Sex : None ( Need's more info )

Level : None

Grade : A-rank ( Permanent once bloomed )

Element : Healing, Ice, Plant ( Rose type )

Ancient Bloodline : White Rose

Ancient Bloodline Skill's : Syncronisation

Skill's : None

Special Skill's : Bloody Rose, Cloning, Crystal Clear Rose ( Description will be added once learned )

Special Charactiristic's : It is a plant type monster that has 3 element's and all of them has special skill's that is 1 in a million chance

Weakneses : It has zero defense stat ( State : About to bloom ) ]

I was able to com0letely scan it's skill's, because it did not have any defemse type skill that was blocking my skill Researcher.

'It is not even an egg it's a body type cacoon' I thought as I felt joy.

'Suck's for them for giving me an allmost S-rank familiar' I thought as I cut my hand and blood driped from it.

I made the blood contract emidiately after and ran to my laboratory place, it was small as a room, but anyway I emidiately made a Triple Elemented Serum and put the cacoon on a water capsule. The water capsule can only fit a ball at most and was perfect for the small amount of serum and the small cacoon. I pored all the Triple Elemented Syrum that had the Healing, Ice and Plant element. I put the cacoon and waited for it to hatch.

'Next the butterfly' I thought and ran to the butterfly.

'What is it?' I thought and scaned it.

[ Race : Calamity Black Butterfly

Tittle : Ruler of Destruction, Sleeping Ruler

Sex : None

Level : 76

Grade : S-rank ( It gide's it's true rank into B-rank )

Element : Dark

Ancient Bloodline : God of Destroyer, Sin of Sloth

Ancient Skill's : Ruler of Death and desstruction - Once it has marked a living creature or thing it will die or dessintegrate.

Skill's : Dark Control - Level - 5, Sloth - Level - 6

Special Skill's : Immortality - Can never ever die. Eternal Slumber - It can sleep foreever.

Special Charactiristic : It has the strength to desstroy a world

Weakneses : It sleep's foreever ( State : Assleep ) ]

'What?' I thought in confusion.

'How am I supose to fight someone with it?' I thought as I looked at the butterfly.

( I'll send the pic of the butterfly here )

'Shoud I make a soul contract with it?' I thought and I opened the small cage.

A soul contract is when you make a sontract with a familiar that will tangle you'r soul with it. Once the soul contract is done it cannot be reversable and the soul contract connect's you'r soul's. If the other one die's the other will be greately affected by it and the if the other one die's then the other will be affected by it, But you can only make a soul contract with one life form on you'r life time and the both of us will have access to each other's skill's.

'Will I even be able to make a soul contract with it?' I thought as I hesitated a little.

If the soul contract fail's then the one who initiated the soul contract will have a 50% chance of dying.

The Calamity Black Butterfly suddenly moved and went near me. 'Is it going to kill me?' I thought as I was flustered.

White tentacles like thing with a strand of rainbow color sudenly came out of the Calamity Black Butterfly and was getting near me. "Are you making a soul contract?" I asked as I looked at it.

I't did not say anything and just made the soul contract with it's own volition. I agreed to the soul contract and it went to my head and sleept again. It just stayed there and did not move, it felt a little weird.

'W-well, I guess you can stay' I thought as I started to walk to the laboratory.

I walked to the capsule and saw that the prosedure was a success and it was about to hatch. I watched it closely and a beam of white light came out of the water capsule and broke it. The wall's was completely filled with rose made out of ice and the ground was full of roses's.

'So this is the one I have always wanted' I thought and a flash back was playing on my head.

'How many year's have I waited for this momment' I thought as I smiled brightly.

'Let's check out it's stat's' I thought as I looked at the plant.

[ Race : Triple Headed Flower

Sex : Female

Level : 80 ( Permanent )

Grade : A+-rank ( Permanent )

Element : Healing, Ice, Plant ( Rose type )

Ancient Bloodline : White Rose

Ancient Bloodline Skill's : Syncronisation, White Rose Transformation

Skill's : Healing - Level - 3, Ice - level - 1, Plant - Level - 2

Special Skill's : Bloody Rose, Cloning, Crystal Clear Rose ( Description will be added once learned )

Special Charactiristic's : It is a plant type monster that has 3 element's and all of them has special skill's that is 1 in a million chance, But it can never evolve again or change it's rank

Weakneses : It has zero defense stat ( State : A Little Horny ) ]

'What does the state say a little horny? Is that a bug from the system?' I thought as I looked at it more.

A color green chili jumped at my face. "W-what are you doing" I said as I threw her on the ground.

"Hehe" The chili said and jumped at my V*gina.

It started to climb near and near it and I threw it on the grounf again. "Perv" I said and my face was red.

It jumped at my face again and started to open my mouth. It opened my mouth and started to go inside my body. "Waghh arr yaw dawing preb ( What are you doing perv )" I said as I treid to forse her out of my mouth.

A ref and blue rose jumped at my head and hid on my hair. My hair was now a mixture of pink and blue color and the chili keep's on goibg threw my mouth.

"I will eat you alive" I said and chew on her. I ate her in one bite.

'You little * Beeeeeeeeep *' I thought and summoned her back to my soul space then summoning her back to my hand.

I squeshed her on my right hand and it jusst squeeled as if she was enjoying it. "Just stay on my hair and don't go inside my body" I said and put her on my hair.

"Ok" She said and stayed on my head and my hair turned green.

'They can actualy split and I have alot of new skill's' I thought and started to scan my soul space.


I was thingking and shoud I change the name to Tamer God. The book is slowly changing into a beast type book.